Alcatel-Lucent 1353
Litespan Management
System (LMS)
Simplifying the Management
of the Access Network

2 Alcatel-Lucent 1353 LMS
The Alcatel-Lucent 1353 Litespan Management
System (LMS) is the management component of
the Litespan family, which offers cost-effective voice,
data, high-speed Internet access (HSIA) and video
services for your residential and business subscribers.
The integrated, centrally-operated Alcatel-Lucent
1353 LMS manages the Alcatel-Lucent 1540 Litespan
multiservice network.
With the Alcatel-Lucent 1540 Litespan and the
Alcatel-Lucent 1353 LMS, you can offer any mix
of revenue-generating services. This multivendor-
compatible solution supports multiple network
topologies and transport options, ensuring a smooth
transition from traditional voice to next-generation
networking (NGN). Moreover, the Alcatel-Lucent
1353 LMS and Alcatel-Lucent 1540 Litespan are
integrated and tested with other products in the
Alcatel-Lucent portfolio to offer complete end-to-end
NGN solutions.
Leading the Industry
The Alcatel-Lucent 1540 Litespan family has taken
a leading position as an access network solution.
A March 2007 study by The Windsor Oaks Group
LLC reported that the Alcatel-Lucent solutions
are leading the MSAP/DLC market (36.5 percent).
As of March 2007, the Alcatel-Lucent 1540 family
is being used by more than 70 service providers in
41 countries worldwide. More than 26 million
equivalent lines have already been delivered —
plain old telephone system (POTS), integrated
services digital network (ISDN), leased lines
and digital subscriber line (xDSL).
UTStarcom 2.4
Zhone 3.1
Siemens 4.4
Calix 5.9
Ericsson 10.2
Alcatel-Lucent Leadership (2007)
36.5% market share worldwide
Other 5.3
Occam 2.2
Tellabs 13.2
Source: broadbandtrends.com, March 2007 (The Windsor Oaks Group LLC)
Alcatel-Lucent 36.5
Huawei 16.8

3Alcatel-Lucent | Partnering for Change
Access is the cornerstone of a tele com network. All end-user services
merge in the access nodes. The types
of services your end users want
continue to expand as technology
evolves at an unprecedented pace.
As a result, your access network
must be able to accept many differ ent services, topologies, technologies
and transport options. Faced with
such challenges, being able to manage the access network efficiently
and effectively is a vital requirement.
Among other things, you need
reliable management solutions —
solutions that will automate net work operation, administration
and maintenance. What’s more,
these solutions must be cost-efficient,
optimize operating expenses
(OPEX), provide quality of service
as well as achieve stringent timeto-market objectives.
The Litespan Family
The Alcatel-Lucent 1353 Litespan Management System (LMS) is
part of the Alcatel-Lucent 1540 Litespan family. Each Alcatel-Lucent
1540 Litespan includes not only the multiservice gateway platform, but
also an integrated management system — the Alcatel-Lucent 1353 LMS.
This system manages narrowband and broadband services, transport links,
as well as subscribers for the Alcatel-Lucent 1540 Litespan Multiservice
Access Gateway.
The flexible, multiservice Alcatel-Lucent 1540 Litespan solution provides
basic narrowband voice and data services (using plain old telephone
system [POTS], integrated services digital network [ISDN] basic access/
primary rate access, voice over IP [VoIP] and digital leased lines), as well
as broad band services. Services include asymmetrical digital subscriber line
(ADSL) and symmetrical high bit rate DSL (SHDSL), giving users highspeed Internet surfing and multimedia downloading (see Figure 1). For all
of these services, the Alcatel-Lucent 1353 LMS provides operation and
maintenance functions.
Managing the Access Network
Figure 1 – The Alcatel-Lucent Access Gateway for the ETSI World
Multiservice Multivendor
1540 Litespan
1353 LMSIP/Internet Mixed

4 Alcatel-Lucent 1353 LMS
With the Alcatel-Lucent 1353 LMS,
you can take advantage of a userfriendly and familiar graphical user
interface (GUI) to present informa tion related to operations, service
configuration, performance, alarms
and security (see Figure 2).
Like the management system for
the Alcatel-Lucent Optinex family
and the Alcatel-Lucent Intelligent
Services Access Manager (ISAM)
family, the Alcatel-Lucent 1353
LMS is based on the AlcatelLucent Management Platform
(ALMAP). This compatibility lets
you easily integrate the AlcatelLucent 1353 LMS with other
Alcatel-Lucent management
systems. That’s important, because
integrated network management
optimizes your capital investment,
reusing existing hardware to mini mize equipment costs, while lower ing operation and maintenance
activities and training costs.
Furthermore, in networks with
Alcatel-Lucent switching or trans port equipment, management
applications can be easily integrated.
For example, alarms for all network
elements appear in a single window
for ease of monitoring and use.
With the goal, moreover, of providing you with a complete solution,
both the Alcatel-Lucent 1353 LMS
and Alcatel-Lucent 1540 Litespan
are integrated and tested with
other Alcatel-Lucent products.
The Alcatel-Lucent 1353 Litespan Management System (LMS)
Figure 2. The Alcatel-Lucent 1353 Litespan Management System GUI