Akai S1000 MIDI, S1000, S900 Reference Manual

S1000 MIDI Exclusive Communication S1000 S900
General Information About the S1000 The S1000 sampler is the successor to the S900 and bears some similarity to it. Program, keygroup and sample header data is stored in blocks all of the same size (about 150 bytes). There are about 480 blocks available.
A sample consists of a header which uses one block and the sample data itself which is stored in separate memory of minimum size 1 MB words and max 4 MB words. (Other samplers in the family may have 16 MB words max) Unlike the S900 the sample header contains information about several loops and the looping point (of each loop) is independent of the end of the sample. Samples data is presented in 16-bit straight binary form. (peak levels are 0 and FFFFh)
The S1000 has two sample inputs and can sample in stereo. At this stage it appears that this has few consequences for an external editor as the stereo concept ceases to exist once the sampling process has finished; the stereo pair of samples can be treated as two separate samples. However, there may be some internal stereo pair editing functions which operate if the sample names have the last two characters of their names as "-L" and "-R"
The S1000 is capable of running several programs simultaneously and this operates on the basis of allowing more than one program to share the same (MIDI) program number. MIDI play commands (note on/off, bend etc.) operate on all resident programs which have the same program number as the S1000's selected program number. The S1000 has 16 real-time allocated internal voices which are assigned by program data to one of 8 physical mono outputs and/or stereo outputs with left/right pan control and a mono echo send.
The S1000 uses custom LSI devices to perform sample playback, envelope control, channel routing etc. Only forward sample playback and looping is possible. Resident samples can be "resampled" at a new equivalent rate for retuning, the appropriate interpolation or decimation being carried out at high speed by special hardware.
The user interface consists of a 240x64 graphic screen, two S900 -like rotary encoders and a similar set of function and numeric keys. In addition, there are 8 "soft" function keys under the screen. Where possible program and sample parameters are presented in logical groups on the same page and graphic images are used to aid programming (e.g. sample plots and ADSR graphs). There are about 35 screen "pages" in all which could perhaps be reduced to about 8 pages on a full CRT. Functions such as sample amplitude normalize, time reverse, cross-fade looping, visual loop point matching and real-time parameter editing are provided.
The Following MIDI Exclusive Functions Will Be Provided:
1) Standard MIDI Sample Dump This conforms to the MIDI 1.0 Addendum Revision 3.3 and includes retransmission of data packets with
checksum errors. Any legal number of sample data bits can be received (but will be truncated or padded to 16 bits). The sample NUMBER is treated as follows: on transmit, the number is simply that of the order in which the sample is stored in the S1000 at the time. On receive, the sample is stored as the next in memory.
It is given a default name of "MIDI nnnnn " where nnnnn is the received number in decimal form. If the name formed this way is the name of an existing sample, that sample will be replaced by the new sample. Note that the S1000 has only two possible sampling rates: 44100 and 22050 KHz. The S1000 sample header created on receipt of a standard sample dump has a tuning offset parameter which is adjusted to compensate for sampling rates other than these. Note also that up to 63 (dummy) sample words may be inserted at the beginning of the sample to conform with S1000 internal requirements.
2) Akai S1000/S1100 Exclusive Messages The first 5 bytes of all S1000 messages have the form:
F0h Exclusive 47h Akai cc Exclusive Channel (0 -127) ff Function Code 48h S1000
Unless stated, groups of bytes in messages represent concatenated 7-bit sections of a data word, LSB first The functions provided are: > denotes from S1000, < denotes to S1000
ff mnem. direction 00h RSTAT < request S1000 status 01h STAT > S1000 status report 02h RPLIST < request list of resident program names 03h PLIST > list of resident program names 04h RSLIST < request list of resident sample names 05h SLIST > list of resident sample names 06h RPDATA < request program common data 07h PDATA <> program common data 08h RKDATA < request keygroup data 09h KDATA <> keygroup data 0Ah RSDATA < request sample header data 0Bh SDATA <> sample header data 0Ch RSPACK < request sample data packet(s) 0Dh ASPACK < accept sample data packet(s) 0Eh RDDATA < request drum input settings 0Fh DDATA <> drum input settings 10h RMDATA < request miscellaneous data 11h MDATA <> miscellaneous data 12h DELP < delete program and its keygroups 13h DELK < delete keygroup 14h DELS < delete sample header and data 15h SETEX < set S1000 exclusive channel 16h REPLY > S1000 command reply (error or ok) 1Dh CASPACK < corrected ASPACK
Request S1000 Status F0, 47, cc, RSTAT, 48, F7 S1000 status report F0, 47, cc, STAT, 48,
vv,VV S1000 software version VV.vv bb,bb maximum number of program, keygroup, sample header blocks
fb,fb number of blocks free ww,ww,ww,ww maximum number of sample words fw,fw,fw,fw number of words free ec current exclusive channel setting F7 eox
Request List of Resident Program Names F0, 47, cc, RPLIST, 48, F7 List of Resident Program Names F0, 47, cc, PLIST, 48,
pp,pp number of resident programs 12 bytes program 1 name (in non-ascii form - see below) 12 bytes program 2 name ... etc. F7 eox
Request List of Resident Sample Names F0, 47, cc, RSLIST, 48, F7 List of Resident Sample Names F0, 47, cc, SLIST, 48,
ss,ss number of resident samples 12 bytes sample 1 name 12 bytes sample 2 name ...etc. F7 eox
Request Program Common Data F0, 47, cc, RPDATA , 48,
pp,pp program number F7 eox If the program number is higher than the highest program in the S1000, an error message will be given instead of data.
Program Common Data F0, 47, cc, PDATA , 48,
pp,pp program number ln,hn first byte of data in low/high nibble form (see below) ln,hn second byte ...etc. F7 eox This a bidirectional message. In the case of transmitting to the S1000, if the program number is above the highest existing program number, a new program will be created (if sufficient blocks are free -one for the program common block and one for each keygroup as specified by the parameter GROUPS). The created program will have dummy keygroups with unspecified data; the appropriate number of keygroup data messages should be given immediately. If the program name in data is the same as that of any existing program, that program will be deleted first. If the program number is of an existing program, the existing data will be replaced but the parameter GROUPS must be correct. This allows complete freedom to change
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