Before you operate your dishwasher, please read through these operating
instructions carefully. They contain important information for your safety as weii
as operation and maintenance of your machine.
For this smaii troubie, your dishwasher wili reward you w'rth feuitiess performance:
Shouid your dishwasher ever have a fault, please look it up in the section on “if
you think your dishwasher is networking properly", in many cases, you can rectify
minor faults yourself and thus save yourself unnecessary service costs.
Keep thé operating instructions in a safe place for future reference, and give them
to any future owners of your di^washer.
Printed on recycled paper.
AEG - putting words into action.
Safety instructions
Disposing of the packaging
Disposing of your oid machine
important hints to heip you use your dishwasher correctiy
Operating your dishwasher economicalty
and with regard for the environment
Unsuitabie crockery
Crockery that may be suitabie for your dishwasher
Machine description
Machine appearance
Controi panei
Programme chart
Using your dishwasher for the first time
Before using your dishwasher for the first time
Setting the water softening system
Fitiing with speciai dishwasher sait
Fiiiing with rinse aid
Setting the rinse aid quantity to be dosed
Fiiiing with detergent
Loading your dishwasher correctly
Lower basket
Cutiery basket
Upper basket
Switching on/off
Setting the dishwashing programme
Switching off/unloading your dishwasher
Cleaning and care
Caring for your dishwasher
Cleaning the strainers
If you think your dishwasher is not working properly
Customer service
Hints for test centres
Technical data
Installing your dishwasher
Water protection system
Eiectrical connection
Connection technoiogy
The safely of AEG electrical appliances conforms to accepted rules of techno
logy and the Appliance Safety Act. We as manufacturers, however, see ourselves
as being obliged to familiarise you with the following safety instructions.
Using your dishwasher for its intended purpose
P Only use your dishwasher for machine washing of household crockery. If your
machine is misused or used for any purposes other than that for which it is
intended, the manufacturer cannot be held liable for any damage caused.
□ For safety reasons, you should not convert or modify your dishwasher in any
Before using your dishwasher for the first time
□ Check your dishwasher for any transport damage. Never connect a damaged
machine. If your dishwasher is damaged, you should contact your supplier.
□ Your dishwasher must be correctly installed and connected. Please read the
section on “Installation'’ to make sure you know all about this.
P Before using your dishwasher for the first time, do not forget that the nominal
voltage and current type indicated on the rating plate of your machine must be
the same as the nominal voltage and current type at the installation site. The
necessary electrical fusing is âiso given on the rating plate.
Child safety
P Packaging parts (e.g. foils, styrene foam) may be dangerous for children, as it
could lead to suffocationl You should therefore keep all packaging well away
from children.
P Children may not recognise the dangers of improper use of electrical appli
ances. You should therefore ensure proper supervision during operation and
not allow your children to play with your dishwasher.
□ Detergents may have a caustic effect on eyes, mouth, and throat and may even
cause suffocation! Keep all detergents in a safe place out of children’s reach.
□ The water in your dishwasher should not be used for drinking. Detergent
residues may still be present in your machine. Make sure you do not splash
these caustic residues onto your skin or suffocate yourself! Keep children well
away from your dishwasher when its door is open.
Your dishwasher in day-to-day use
□ The water protection system ensures reliable protection against water damage,
though this implies the following conditions being fulfilled:
- The mains connection must be retained even when your dishwasher is switched
- Your dishwasher must be properly installed.
- Always turn off the water t£^ if your dishwasher is left unattended for any length
of time.
□ Never operate your dishwasher if the electrical supply lead, supply or drain
hose, control panel, worktop, or plinth are damaged.
□ In case of a fault, first turn off the water tap. Then sw^ch off your machine and
puli the plug out of the plug socket. If there is a fixed connection, switch off or
unscrew the fuse(s).
a Never pull the plug out of the plug socket by the supply lead, but by the plug
□ Dishwasher repairs should only be performed by trained personnel. Improper
repairs may seriously endanger the user, ff your dishwasher needs to' be
repaired, you should contact our service centre or your retailer.
□I If the connection lead of your dishwasher is damaged, it must be replaced by
the special lead through your AEG-authorised sen/ice centre.
□ Never place any solvents in your dishwasher, or you may cause an explosion!
□ Do not rost or sit on the open door, or you machine could tilt.
□ The heating elements on the floor of the dishwasher remain hot for some time
after machine washing. Take care you do not scald yourself! Do not touch the
heating elements.
□ Before using speciai dishwasher salt, detergent, and rinse aid, make sure that
the manufacturer of these products expressly specifies their use in domestic
n The high temperature in the immediate vicinity of the heating element may
deform or even melt plastic parts. Do not arrange any plastic pads in the lower
basket above the heating element.
□ Always turn off the water tap when your dishwasher is left unattended for any
length of time, e.g. when you are away on holiday.
□ The dishwasher should only be transported upright. Any tilting during trans
port may lead to salt water flowing into the dishwasher, which could reajit in
Disposing of the packaging
Our dishwashers require effective protective packaging in transit, though we
aiways confine ourseives here to what is absoiutely necessary.
Ali used packaging materiais are environmentaiiy friendiy and reusable.
The cardboard parts are produced from recycied paper, and the wood parts are
The piastics are marked as follows:
>PE< for polyethyiene, e.g. packaging fbiis
>PS< for polystyrene, ’ e.g. padding {basicaiiy CFC-free)
>POM< for poiyoxymethyiene, e.g. piastic ciamps
By recycling and reuse of the packaging, raw materiais can be saved and the
volume of refuse reduced.
Give the packaging for reuse to your iocai recyciing centre. Your municipai or iocal
authority wiil give you its address.
Disposing of your old machine
When your machine needs replacing and you withdraw it from service, you should
render it unserviceable before having it disposed of.
Marking of plastic parts for graded recycling:
All plastic parts in your machine are marked with internationally standardised
abbreviations {e.g. >PS< for polystyrene). When your machine is disposed of, this
enables plastic waste to be sorted into individual types for environmentally
conscious recycling.
Take your decommissioned machine to your local recycling centre or dealer, who
will take it back from you for a small handling charge.
operating your dishwasher economically and with regard
for the environment
Connect your dishwasher to the hot water supply if you have a modern hot water
system. For electrically heated installations, you are recommended to connect
your dishwasher to the cold water supply.
Do not pre-rinse your dishes under running water.
Collect your dirty dishes, stack them in the dishwasher, and only wash them when
both baskets are full, rriaking sure that the latter are never overloaded. Only then
can you be sure that you are machine-washing economically and with regard for
the environment.
Always select the programme corresponding to the type of crockery and degree
of soiling (see “Programme chart").
Never overdose detergent, special salt, and rinse aid. Follow the dosage recom
mendations in these operating instructions as well as the instructions given by
manufacturers of these products.
Make sure that the water softener is correctly set.
Unsuitable crockery
The following are unsuitable for machine washing:
- wooden boards or platters
- non-heat-resistant plastic parts
- lead crystal glass
- tin or copper items
- glued crockery or cutlery
- older types of cutlery with temperature-sensitive adhesive
- steel knives that are liable to rust
- cutlery with wood, horn, porcelain, and mother-of-pearl handles.
Crockery that may be suitable for your dishwasher
The following items have certain machine washing limitations:
- Only wash earthenware crockery in your dishwasher if the manufacturer has
expressly indicated it as being suitable for that purpose.
- Some types of decoration which have been painted over the glaze may fade
after frequent machine washing.
- Silver and aluminium parts tend to discolour during machine washing.
- Many food residues, suoh as egg white, egg yolk, mustard, often cause
discolourations or staining on silver. Silver crockery and cutlery should there
fore always be cleaned free from food residues if they are not washed imme
diately after a nrieal.
-Some types of glass may becomecloudy after many washing cycles. You should
therefore continue to hand-wash especially valuable glassware.
When buying new crockery and cutlery, confirm that they are dishwasher-safe.
Machine appearance
^ ,is%. "' I
Inside view
1 Dishwasher salt container
2 Rinse aid dispenser
3 Detergent dispensa'
4 Rating plate
5 Strainers
6 Spray arms
7 Ceiling spray
8 Rubber sea) for connection of water supply to upper spray arm
9 Hardness range switch
10 Heating element
Rear view
1 Supply hose
2 Drain hose
3 Electrical supply lead
Control panel
1 Programme selector
o Switched off
The machine is simuitaneousiy switched on when the programme seiector is
turned to one of the dishwashing programmes.
§65* 65 “C Normai
(^65- 65 “C Economy
Extra pre-rinse
-. - ■ .'i i;.-,... - i I ■ v; t-'i
Fig. 3
2 Door release handle with flap
3 Programme switch and programme cycle indicator
Pragramme switch: For setting programme starting point A, B or C
(see also "Programme chart").
Programme cycle indicator: While the programme is running, the programme
switch cycles forward, indicating the status of the programme in each step.
Washing with detergent
Intermediate rinse
Rinsing with rinse aid
Suitable for:
Setting the programme:
TUm 111111
programme programme
switch to selector to
65 °C Normal BIONormally soiled Wilewane and cookware
65 "C Economy BIO
Extra pre-wash
with fragile parts (e.g. glass, plastic).
Normaily to slightly soiled table, coffee, or
dessert crockery and fragile glassware. .
Used crockery collected in the dishwasher
tor washing at a later time.
B @65°
C f^65°
A #
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