Adobe Elements Organizer 12 User Manual

September 2013
Help and tutorials


Getting Started tutorials 1................................................................................................................................
What’s new 3...................................................................................................................................................
What’s new in Photoshop Elements 12 6..................................................................................................................................
What’s new in Adobe Premiere Elements 12 11.......................................................................................................................
Workspace and workflow 14............................................................................................................................
Access your media anywhere using Adobe Revel 15................................................................................................................
About workspaces 20................................................................................................................................................................
Using Elements Organizer and Adobe Premiere Elements together 24....................................................................................
Viewing photos and videos in the Elements Organizer 28........................................................................................................
Keys for viewing photos (Elements Organizer) 34.....................................................................................................................
Keys for finding photos 35.........................................................................................................................................................
Keys for editing photos (Elements Organizer) 36......................................................................................................................
Importing 37.....................................................................................................................................................
Importing media from cameras and card readers 38.................................................................................................................
Importing media from files and folders 43..................................................................................................................................
Importing media by searching 47...............................................................................................................................................
Importing photos from Scanners (Windows only) 52.................................................................................................................
Importing media from iPhoto library (Mac OS only) 55..............................................................................................................
Catalogs, folders, and albums 57....................................................................................................................
Creating albums and album categories 58................................................................................................................................
Creating and editing saved searches 64...................................................................................................................................
Editing albums and album categories 68...................................................................................................................................
Troubleshooting catalog issues 72............................................................................................................................................
Backup or restore catalogs 75...................................................................................................................................................
Creating and editing catalogs 78...............................................................................................................................................
Editing keyword tags, categories, and subcategories 83...........................................................................................................
Viewing and fixing photos 87...........................................................................................................................
Viewing photos and videos in the Elements Organizer 88........................................................................................................
Tag your media 94.....................................................................................................................................................................
View video and full-screen images 105.....................................................................................................................................
Fixing photos in Elements Organizer 112..................................................................................................................................
Fixing photos and videos using other applications 116.............................................................................................................
Grouping photos in version sets 118.........................................................................................................................................
Adding metadata 122.......................................................................................................................................
Marking faces in photos and organizing people stacks 123......................................................................................................
Adding and managing place (location) data 129.......................................................................................................................
Tag your media 137...................................................................................................................................................................
Creating Event stacks using Smart Events 148.........................................................................................................................
Adding and managing event data 150.......................................................................................................................................
Searching 153..................................................................................................................................................
Searching for media files 154....................................................................................................................................................
Using the Find menu 158...........................................................................................................................................................
Search options to find media 163..............................................................................................................................................
Finding media files using Timeline 166......................................................................................................................................
Finding media files by keyword tags 168...................................................................................................................................
Creating and editing saved searches 172.................................................................................................................................
Photo projects 176...........................................................................................................................................
Creating slide shows (Windows only) 177.................................................................................................................................
Elements Organizer projects overview 190...............................................................................................................................
Creating photo calendar 192.....................................................................................................................................................
Printing and Sharing 193.................................................................................................................................
Share photos using online services 194....................................................................................................................................
Share videos 195.......................................................................................................................................................................
Upload photos to Facebook 198................................................................................................................................................
Share albums for online viewing 201.........................................................................................................................................
Set e-mail preferences 202........................................................................................................................................................
Sending photos and media files by email 203...........................................................................................................................
Printing photos 208....................................................................................................................................................................
Order printed photos using online print services 214................................................................................................................
Email photos as PDF file 218....................................................................................................................................................
Video 219.........................................................................................................................................................
View video and full-screen images 220.....................................................................................................................................
Viewing video projects 227........................................................................................................................................................
Fixing photos and videos using other applications 228.............................................................................................................
Create instant movies 230.........................................................................................................................................................
Exporting 231...................................................................................................................................................
Export photos to a folder 232.....................................................................................................................................................
Share videos 233.......................................................................................................................................................................

Getting started tutorials


Elements Organizer getting started tutorials

Elements Organizer is an integral part of Photoshop Elements and Adobe Premiere Elements. It provides various ways of importing, organizing, and sharing your photos and videos.
From your installation of Photoshop Elements and Adobe Premiere Elements, you can launch the Organizer interface and switch to Editor.
To learn how to use Elements Organizer in your photo editing workflow, try Photoshop Elements getting started tutorials. To learn how to use Elements Organizer in your video editing workflow, try Adobe Premiere Elements getting started tutorials.
For video tutorials, see
Photoshop Elements video tutorials Premiere Elements video tutorials
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What's New


What's new in Elements Organizer 12

Access your media anywhere using Adobe Revel Tagging features Other enhancements
Elements Organizer is available with Adobe Photoshop Elements and Adobe Premiere Elements. For information on new features in these products, see:
What’s new in Photoshop Elements 12
What’s new in Adobe Premiere Elements 12
Elements Organizer 12 ships with new features and enhancements that make it easier for you to work with digital media. Read on for a quick introduction to new features and links to resources offering more information.
Access your media anywhere using Adobe Revel
New in Elements Organizer 12
Photoshop Elements lets you upload your media to Adobe® Revel and then access it from any device. Media already present in your Revel libraries is downloaded into Elements Organizer, so that you can work with it.
Adobe Revel is an app that lets you store your media in the cloud and share it privately or publicly.
See this article for more information.
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Upload local albums to Revel
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Tagging features
Enhanced in Elements Organizer 12
Elements 12 features several exciting tagging enhancements:
Place tags in Elements 12 have GPS coordinates associated with them. These coordinates are also associated with any media tagged with these place tags.
You can now create people, place, and event tags from the right panel in the Media view. You can now create and view place stacks in the Places view.
Media stacked by place
See these Help topics for more information:
Work with people, place, or event tags View place stacks in the Places view
Other enhancements
You can now sort media alphabetically by name. See this Help article for details. Improvements in the way you can search for media files. See this Help article for details. Support for sharing photos using Twitter 64-bit support on Mac OS
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What's new in Photoshop Elements 12

Content-aware Move Auto Smart Tone Enhanced Quick edit mode (frames, textures, and effects) Greeting card printing | USA, Canada, & Japan New Guided Edits Content-aware fill for edges of straightened photos Pet eye effect removal Printing and sharing photos from Editor Revel Albums in Editor Open in Camera Raw
For information on the new features in Organizer, see What’s new in Elements Organizer 12.
Content-aware Move
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You can now reposition objects in your photograph, and automatically have the background filled in with an intelligent content -aware fill. In addition to removing something with the Healing Brush, you can now select an object in your photo and move it to another position.
For more information and a video, see the article on how you can move and reposition objects.
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Auto Smart Tone
Automatically modify the tonal value of your photograph. Let Photoshop Elements make a recommendation based on its unique algorithm that also learns from your previous actions. Or, you can move the Auto Smart Tone tool (Enhance > Auto Smart Tone) joystick around on the photograph, to view the effect of different tonal values being applied to the photo.
For more information and a video, see the article on the Auto Smart Tone tool.
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Enhanced Quick edit mode (frames, textures, and effects)
Apply frames, effects, and textures without having to be an advanced Photoshop user. Take any photo and convert it into a work of art. All three embellishments - frames, effects, and textures - are accessible in the Quick mode.
For more information and a video tutorial, see the article on the enhanced Quick mode.
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Greeting card printing | USA, Canada, & Japan
In previous versions of Photoshop Elements, foldable card layouts could only be ordered online (using an online service like Shutterfly). From Photoshop Elements 12, you can now print foldable greeting cards with a locally available printer.
The feature to print foldable greeting cards on a local printer is available for users in USA, Canada, and Japan only.
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New Guided Edits
You can consider a Guided Edit a set of step-by-step instructions, to accomplish a complex-looking effect, with just a few selections and mouse
clicks. In Photoshop Elements 12, three new Guided Edits have been added.
Zoom Burst Guided Edit
The Zoom Burst Guided Edit simulates a technique in manual photography, of zooming into an object with the shutter on the camera open.
For more information on how you can apply this effect, see the section on the Zoom Burst Guided Effect.
Puzzle Effect Guided Edit
The Puzzle Effect Guided Edit simulates the effect of a photograph being put together in the form of pieces of a puzzle. You can choose from options that let you determine the size of the individual puzzle pieces. Displace a few pieces of the puzzle to make the effect look even more realistic.
For more information, see the section on the Puzzle Effect Guided Edit.
Restore Old Photo Guided Edit
The Restore Old Photo Guided Edit brings all the tools you need to retouch a photo, into one location. The tools available in this Guided Edit are
the most often-used tools by professional retouchers and gives you considerable, finely-tuned control. Use the Guided Edit's tools to remove blemishes, repair imperfections, and restore your older photos.
For more information, see the section on the Restore Old Photo Guided Edit.
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Content-aware fill for edges of straightened photos
When you perform straightening in photos, gaps are introduces along the edges of the photo when the content of photograph is rotated. This happens when you choose to maintain the original size of the photo, or grow/shrink the photo while keeping the background as transparent pixels.
When you select the new Autofill edges option in the Straighten Tool, content-aware technology automatically fills the empty gaps intelligently, with relevant image data.
For more information, see the section on how you can automatically fill empty edges while straightening an image.
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Pet eye effect removal
Take the dreadful pet eye effect out of pictures of your pets. The flash on your camera is one of the main causes of the pet eye effect. However,
taking pictures of your pet indoors or in low-light conditions without a flash is, often, not an option. Now, use the Pet Eye option available in the
Red Eye Removal Tool, to make the eyes of your pets look more realistic.
For more information and a video, see the article on removing the pet eye effect.
Printing and sharing photos from Editor
From Photoshop Elements 12, you can used Editor to easily and quickly share and print photos online. Social sites that you can share with online are Revel, Flickr, Twitter, Smugmug, or Facebook. Service providers whom you can use to print your photos and creations include Shutterfly, Costco, Photoworld, and more.
The availability of online sharing and printing services, however, depend on the locale you are in. For a description of services and availability, see the article on how to print or share photos online.
Revel Albums in Editor
Integration with the Revel online service has been extended into Photoshop Elements Editor as well. You can now access any Revel photograph in Editor, using the Photo Bin drop down. Log in to to the Revel service only from Organizer, though. Some important features in Editor:
If you are logged in to Revel (through Organizer), then all your Revel folders are displayed in Editor (in the Photo Bin dropdown) Photos from Revel-based albums that have been downloaded in Organizer, are available for use in Editor (in the Photo Bin dropdown) Any dialog that displays the folders (and options to select photos from folders) already available in Organizer, will display your Revel-based
folders and downloaded photos. For example, in the Print dialog in Editor, you can choose to add photos from your Revel albums by clicking the + button.
Any changes that you perform on your Revel photos, or versions of Revel photos that you create, are automatically synced back to your online Revel account. A Revel agent that runs on your computer constantly monitors your Revel-based folders and keeps them in sync at all times.
Any changes to your online Revel photos through other applications are automatically updated on your computer, through Photoshop Elements Organizer.
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Open in Camera Raw
The Open as menu item has been replaced with the Open in Camera Raw option. You can now open your files directly in the Adobe Camera Raw dialog and process them, before opening them for further work in Photoshop Elements Editor. You can use the ACR dialog to open files of type:
Photoshop, Camera Raw, JPEG, and, TIFF.
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What's new in Adobe Premiere Elements 12

Guided view for new users Auto Smart Tone More Film Looks
New Film Looks
Yesteryear Scores and sound effects Motion tracking Video Adjustment Layers
For information on the new features in Organizer, see What’s new in Elements Organizer 12.
The current release of Adobe Premiere Elements has a number of new features that help you transform video footage to impressive movies.
Guided view for new users
In Adobe Premiere Elements 12, Guided view makes movie-making simpler and easier. Guided view helps you edit video clips by guiding you through a series of steps. You can perform tasks like trimming unwanted frames, or adding scores to video clips to slightly more complex tasks like animating the graphics in your video clips, with easy to follow step-by-step guided assistance.
Click the Guided view to view the Guided Edits available to help you transform raw video footage to better movie clips. Add the video clip on the timeline and then select a Guided Edit from Quick or Expert view. There are Guided Edits to help you in your movie-making endeavors. For example, removing footages, adding narration, adding titles, and so on.
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Auto Smart Tone
Auto Smart Tone is a powerful tool for automatically bringing your dull, dim, or washed-out videos to life. This feature uses a smart algorithm to modify the brightness and contrast of your video. The Auto Smart tone feature applies a correction to the scenes in your video. There is a controller that you can move around on the frame to fine-tune the results.
Smart Tone to modify video clips
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More Film Looks
More Film Looks have been added under Effects on the Action bar. You can apply these to your video clips to achieve effects like Animated, Trinity, Cross Process, and Yesteryear. To achieve that perfect effect after applying a film look, enhance the effect, To enhance an effect, adjust the equivalent presets in Adjust/Applied Effects panel.
New Film Looks
Before Yesteryear Film Look
After applying the new Yesteryear Film Look
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Scores and sound effects
You can now add scores to video clips and thus enhance the musical atmosphere of the video. A score here refers to an audio track that you can drag-and-drop to a video in the timeline. A score in terms of duration played includes an intro, a body, and an extro. The music played in a score dynamically fits to the length of the video track. If you reduce the time of the score track, down or stretch it out, it rebuilds itself to match the duration. Despite any truncation in the score, it has the same intro and extro, there was earlier.
Also, there are sound effects that help you to make a creative point or emphasizing a certain portion of the video clip or movie. These effects are added to the video background.
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Motion tracking
Motion Tracking gives you the ability to track the movement of an object in a video clip. You can attach clipart like still images, graphics, or video clips to the object. These objects then move together on the screen. Motion tracking is a new animation-like effect that helps track a certain object easily in a video clip.
Adobe Premiere Elements enables you to put easily resizeable frames on particular objects to track them as per the intent. Therefore, you can create movie compositions to follow the motion when there are many objects in a clip and draw user attention to a particular object. For example, can be used in a car race to draw attention to a particular vehicle.
Tracking movement of an object
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Video Adjustment Layers
Adjustment layers help apply the same effects to multiple clips. Effects applied to an adjustment layer affect all the layers below it. You can use combinations of effects on a single adjustment layer. You can also use multiple adjustment layers to control more effects. Adjustment layers can be applied in both Quick and Expert mode.
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Workspace and workflow


Access your media anywhere using Adobe Revel

Set up Elements Organizer to work with Revel Edit media downloaded from Revel Share albums Add collaborators to a library Sign out of Revel Sign in as a different user FAQ
Adobe® Revel is an app that lets you store your media in the cloud and share it privately or publicly. See this FAQ for more information. Photoshop Elements lets you upload your media to Adobe Revel and access it from any device. Media already present in your Revel libraries is
downloaded into Elements Organizer, so that you can work with it.
Set up Elements Organizer to work with Revel
Sign in to Revel
1. In the Elements Organizer left pane, click the icon next to Mobile Albums.
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You can also sign in by selecting File > Sign In To Adobe Revel.
2. Enter your Adobe ID and password, and then click Sign In.
3. On the screen that follows, choose one of the following options and click Next:
All My Photos And Videos
Specific Photos And Videos That I Select
local albums onto a mobile library to upload them to Revel.
Upload local albums to Revel
Uploads all media in your Elements catalog to Revel. Local albums are not automatically uploaded.
Uploads only the media you select in your Elements catalog to Revel. You can drag and drop
Revel supports JPEG images. If your Elements catalog contains files in the RAW image format, JPEG versions of these images are automatically created and uploaded.
4. Review the instructions on the next screen and click Done.
You can drag and drop a mobile album onto a local category. Media in the mobile album is downloaded as it exists in Revel and stored locally. Subsequentally, the downloaded media is deleted from Revel.
Specify Revel account settings
1. In the left pane, expand the menu next to Mobile Albums.
2. Select Settings. Photoshop Elements displays the Adobe Revel tab in the Preferences dialog box.
3. If you have a large Elements catalog, you may want to deselect Automatically Access All My Catalog Media In Adobe Revel. You can still manually upload photos to Revel by dragging and dropping them onto an album.
4. If necessary, change the following preferences:
Download Location
Default Library
upload your media to any available library.
Account Status
Revel Agent
Upload Videos Only On System Idle
5. Click OK.
Download media from Revel in a folder on your computer different from the default folder
The library to which you want to upload media when Sync All My Photos And Videos is selected. You can choose to
Complimentary or Premium
Turns on the Revel agent, which keeps your Revel account and Elements Organizer catalog updated in real time
Upload videos to Revel only when your computer is idle
Revel preferences
Manage the Revel agent from the system tray
Once you've turned on the Revel agent from the Preferences dialog, you can manage the agent from the system tray.
1. Right-click the Revel agent icon (
2. Select one of the following options:
Revel status
) in the system tray.
View Revel Agent Status: Displays Revel status, including the name of the current catalog and whether your Revel account is up to date
Update Revel Only When Idle: Uploads your photos to Revel only when your computer has idle computing bandwidth Stop Revel Agent: Stops the Revel agent
Once you stop the Revel agent, you can turn it on again from the Preferences dialog box (Edit > Preferences > Adobe Revel ).
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Edit media downloaded from Revel
Elements Organizer initially downloads lighter preview versions of photos (upto 1440 x 960 px in resolution) from your Revel library. When you modify a downloaded photo, the high-resolution original version of the photo is downloaded and presented for editing.
1. Right-click the photo in Elements Organizer and select Edit With Photoshop Elements Editor.
2. If prompted that you need to log in with your Adobe ID, click Sign In.
Photoshop Elements downloads the original, high-resolution photo and opens it in the Editor workspace.
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Share albums
1. In the left pane, click the icon next to the album.
2. Click Start Sharing.
3. Note down the URL displayed on the next screen. You can email this URL to friends with whom you want to share the album.
Note down the URL that you can share with friends
Deselect Allow Downloads if you want these friends to only view the photos rather than download them.
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Add collaborators to a library
You can add collaborators to a library. A typical use case for collaborating on a library is when multiple users contribute photos of the same event.
1. In the left pane, click the
2. Enter the email address of a collaborator and click Add. Elements adds the collaborators and prompts you that the collaboration invite is pending acceptance.
The collaboration invite has been sent and is pending acceptance
3. Add more collaborators if necessary.
4. Click Done.
icon next to the library name.
Access permissions for collaborators
Collaborators can add photos to the library. However, they cannot delete your photos or add more collaborators to the library.
Accept an invitation to collaborate on a library
When somebody invites you to collaborate on a library, you receive an email notification as well as a notification in Elements Organizer. The icon appears next to Mobile Albums when you have pending collaboration notifications.
Do the following to accept an invitation in Elements Organizer:
1. Click the
Collaboration invitation in Elements Organizer
icon. Elements displays a notification dialog.
2. Click Accept Invite. You are now a collaborator on the library. The collaborative library is displayed with the icon next to it under Mobile
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Sign out of Revel
1. Select Edit > Preferences > Adobe Revel.
2. Click Sign Out.
3. Click OK.
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Sign in as a different user
If you have multiple Revel accounts, follow these steps to log in to the Elements catalog as a different user:
1. Select File > Sign In To Adobe Revel.
2. On the next screen, click Sign In As Another User.
3. You are prompted that the catalog is being prepared for you. Any mobile albums belonging to the previous user become local to your computer. Click OK to proceed.
4. Enter your Revel credentials and then click Sign In.
The catalog is prepared for the new user
5. Follow any further onscreen instructions.
What if I use Revel to edit an image previously downloaded to the Elements catalog?
When does Elements Organizer create a version set?
How does Elements Organizer back up my Revel photos?
How are my photos migrated into Revel?
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About workspaces

The Welcome screen Workspace Views in Elements Organizer Use context menus Using keyboard commands and modifier keys Undo, redo, or cancel operations Exit Photoshop Elements or Adobe Premiere Elements
The Welcome screen
When you start Photoshop Elements or Adobe Premiere Elements, the Welcome screen opens by default. The Welcome screen is a convenient starting place, or hub, for major tasks.
If you want to skip the welcome screen and launch either Elements Organizer or the editor directly, click the Settings Select any of the following from the On Start Always Launch drop- down list:
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Welcome Screen
Photo Editor
Click a button to open the workspace you need. For example, click Organize to open Elements Organizer and import, tag, or organize your photos and media files. Or, click Photo Editor to open the Editor and enhance your media files or add special effects.
You can open the Welcome screen at any time from Help > Welcome Screen. It’s not necessary to return to the Welcome screen to open other workspaces.
Select this option to start the Welcome screen when you launch Elements.
Select this option to skip the welcome screen and start the Elements Organizer directly.
Select this option to skip the welcome screen and start the Photoshop Elements Editor.
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Use Elements Organizer to find, organize, and share your photos and media files. In the Media view, you can view thumbnails of the media files you’ve imported. You can view a large thumbnail of a single media file or smaller thumbnails of many media files. You specify the thumbnail size by using the Zoom slider.
The Media view lists all the photos, as well as videos and PDF files that you’ve imported. Imported items appear in one comprehensive view that you can easily browse and filter. It can even show thumbnails of files stored remotely, such as those files that you want to keep on CDs.
You can fix the most common problems in the media files by using the tools in the Instant Fix tab of the Task pane. You can create projects, from printed photo books to computer slide shows, from the Create tab. Finally, you can share your photos, videos, and projects with others, by using any of the tools in the Share tab of the Task pane.
the Editor button. See Workspacefor more information.
Elements Organizer buttons and menu bar A. Menu bar B. Search bar C. Create and Share tabs D. Import button E. Albums and Folders panel F. Star ratings filter G. Task pane H. Zoom bar I. Instant Fix and Tags/Info
The Elements Organizer workspace has the following components:
Menu bar
Search bar
Create and Share
Contains menus for performing tasks. Elements Organizer organizes the menus by topic: File, Edit, Find, View, and Help.
Enter a criteria or select a particular search from the drop-down list to search for photos or media files.
Click Create to explore ways on how to create, creative projects using your media files. Click Share to see various ways in
which you can share media files with friends and family.
Import button
Albums and Folders panel
Click Import to start importing media into Elements Organizer.
The Albums created or imported from previous version’s catalogs are displayed in the Albums panel. You can create
albums and manage media inside the albums panel to organize media in Elements Organizer. The Folders panel lists all the physical folders from which you have imported media to Elements Organizer. You can hide/show by clicking the
respective buttons in the task pane.
Star ratings filter
You can give a star rating to your media files. This helps you sort and organize media. For example, you can give five stars to
a photograph for various reasons such as it has your favorite subject or is an excellent photograph. You can later then sort all such photos with a five star rating.
Sort media
You can sort media in Elements Organizer by the following parameters:
Newest: Orders the media by date from the most recent to the oldest Oldest: Orders the media by date from the oldest to the most recent Name: (Elements 12) Orders the media alphabetically by name (A-Z) Import Batch: Orders the media by the batches in which they were imported Album Order: Orders the media by user's choice. You can manually drag and reorder the media.
Task pane
Contains buttons to add places, people, events, and create slide shows. You can also launch editors for fixing photos and videos from
Status bar
displays the number of media not displayed.
In the Media view, the status bar displays the number of items selected and the number of items contained in the Media view. It also
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Views in Elements Organizer
There are four views in Elements Organizer. The Views tab helps you organize and view your media based on the people present in the photos, places they were taken, and the events that are associated with the photos.
Initially, when you import media, the files are displayed in the Media view. You can then mark faces in the photos, identify places the photograph was taken at, and create event stacks. The four views are listed here:
Views in Elements Organizer
A. Media
about specific files using Tags/info option, and perform other operations.
B. People
C. Places
D. Events
of that event.
The various media files are displayed in this view. You can view the files in this view, fix photos using Instant fix option, view information
The people appearing on your photos can be marked. People’s view helps you arrange stacks based on the people identified in the
Photographs have special association with the places they are taken at, you can tag locations to your photos in the Places view.
You can create stacks of events containing pictures of that event. For example, you can create an event Dan’s birthday and tag photos
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Use context menus
You can use context menus in both the Editor and Elements Organizer workspaces. Context-sensitive menus display commands that are relevant to the active tool, selection, or panel.
1. Position the pointer over an image or panel item.
Not all panels offer context menus.
2. Right-click/Ctrl-click and choose a command from the menu.
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Using keyboard commands and modifier keys
You can use keyboard shortcuts in both the Editor and Elements Organizer workspaces. Keyboard commands let you quickly execute commands without using a menu; modifier keys let you alter how a tool operates. When available, the keyboard command appears to the right of the command name in the menu.
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Undo, redo, or cancel operations
Many operations can be undone or redone. Available memory limits your ability to use these options.
1. To undo or redo an operation, Choose Undo or Redo from the task pane.
2. To cancel an operation, hold down the Esc key until the operation in progress has stopped.
Exit Photoshop Elements or Adobe Premiere Elements
To exit Photoshop Elements or Adobe Premiere Elements, close each workspace—closing one does not automatically close another.
1. In Windows®, select File > Exit. In Mac® OS, select Adobe Elements 11 Organizer > Quit Adobe Elements 11 Organizer.
2. When closing the Editors, confirm whether you want to save any of the opened files.
Adobe also recommends
Adding and managing event data Marking faces in photos and organizingpeople stacks Adding and managing place (location)data
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Using Elements Organizer and Adobe Premiere Elements together

a project in Adobe Premiere Elements.
About Elements Organizer and Adobe Premiere Elements Arrange your work area Supported media file types
About Elements Organizer and Adobe Premiere Elements
Here are a few ways you can share files between Elements Organizer and Adobe® Premiere® Elements:
Organize your photos, video files, and audio clips in Elements Organizer, and drag them onto the Adobe Premiere Elements Project panel. Right-click/Control-click the media file, and select Edit With Premiere Elements. Create a slide show in Elements Organizer with captions, transitions, effects, music, narration, graphics, and titles. After creating the slide
show, bring the slide show into Adobe Premiere Elements for further editing. Or, bring individual photos or video files into Adobe Premiere Elements, and create the slide show there.
You can open Adobe Premiere Elements for editing video files using the Editor > Video Editor option in Elements Organizer. Customize DVD menu templates in Elements Organizer, and use the templates in your Adobe Premiere Elements project. (DVD templates
are PSD files stored in the Adobe Premiere Elements application folder.) Create an Elements Organizer file with your video project’s settings, enhance it in Elements Organizer, and use it in Adobe Premiere
Elements. You can also use the Create tab in Elements Organizer to create instant movies.
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Arrange your work area
To share files between Elements Organizer and Adobe Premiere Elements, it’s useful to have both programs open and accessible on your computer monitor.
1. Start Elements Organizer and Adobe Premiere Elements.
2. If your screen is maximized, click the Restore button
3. Position the application windows side by side or overlap them slightly.
However, trying to access the following options in the Share tab launches Adobe Premiere Elements:
Burn Video/DVD BluRay Online Video Sharing Mobile Phones
in the upper- right corner of each application window.
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Supported media file types
Elements Organizer and Adobe Premiere Elements support many of the same file types, which makes the transfer of most files between the two programs easy and efficient. For example, you can catalog Photoshop (PSD) files in the Elements Organizer and then add them as still images to
All file types that are supported in Photoshop Elements and Adobe Premiere Elements can be imported into Elements Organizer. The file support
is irrespective of the application installed (Photoshop Elements and Adobe Premiere Elements). The following table gives a list of the supported file types:
Images Video Audio
vst 264 aac
arw 3g2 ac3
bmp 3gp aif
cr2 asf (Windows only) aiff
crw avc m2a
dcr avi m4a
dib dv mp2
dng m1v mp3
erf m2p mpa
mfw mpg
wma (Windows only)
wmv (Windows only)
Photoshop Elements Editor, Adobe Premiere Elements, and Elements Organizer do not recognize the following file types:
Elements Organizer Photoshop Elements Editor Adobe Premiere Elements
TIFF with LZW compression (.tif) TIFF with LZW compression (.tif) MOD (.mod; JVC Everio)
EPS (.eps) Illustrator (.ai) Illustrator (.ai)
Windows Media (.wmv, .wma) - not
AIFF (.aiff)
supported on Mac OS
Adobe Illustrator (.ai) Dolby audio (.ac3)
JPEG 2000 Flash video (.flv)
Filmstrip (FLM) Windows Media (.wmv, .wma) - not
supported on Mac OS
Wireless BMP (WBM, WBMP)
Targa (TGA, VDA, ICB, VST)
Photoshop RAW (RAW)
Scitex CT (SCT)
Photoshop EPS (EPS)
EPS TIFF Preview (EPS)
Generic EPS (AI3, AI4, AI5, AI6, AI7, AI8, PS, EPS, AI, EPSF, EPSP)
Mac OS only - IFF, Photoshop 2.0, Alias PIX, PICT Resource
Flash video (.flv)
Elements Organizer catalogs video AVI files properly and they play correctly. However, audio AVI files appear as broken video thumbnail
icons. Also, Colors created in a file’s spot channels in Photoshop are not displayed when the file is imported into Elements Organizer.
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