A9 – A/AE75 , EK110 – EK1000, AL9 – AL26
AC & DC operated, UL rated, 4 pole
A9-40-00 A75-40-00 EK175C4P-PL
Across the line
4 Pole – 4 NO power poles
UL general purpose current AC operated DC operated
AC operated DC operated Catalog number List price Catalog number List price
21 21 A9-40-00-84 $ 120 AL9-40-00-81 $ 141
30 30 A16-40-00-84 165 AL16-40-00-81 192
40 40 A26-40-00-84 228 AL26-40-00-81 246
65 65 A45-40-00-84 360 AE45-40-00-86 420
80 80 A50-40-00-84 413 AE50-40-00-86 473
105 105 A75-40-00-84 525 AE75-40-00-86 570
150 150 EK110C4P-1L 743 EK110C4P-PL 953
200 200 EK150C4P-1L 1,013 EK150C4P-PL 1,238
250 250 EK175C4P-1L 1,763 EK175C4P-PL 1,988
300 300 EK210C4P-1L 2,025 EK210C4P-PL 2,280
400 400 EK370C4P-1L 4,650 EK370C4P-PL 5,010
600 600 EK550C4P-1L 6,510 EK550C4P-PL 7,005
1 1000 1 EK1000C4P-1L 9,000 EK1000C4P-PL 9,700
4 Pole – 4 NC power poles
UL general purpose current AC operated
AC Catalog List
operated number price
30 A16-04-00-84 $ 165
4 Pole – 2 NO & 2 NC power poles
UL general purpose current AC operated DC operated
AC operated DC operated Catalog number List price Catalog number List price
21 21 A9-22-00-84 $ 120 AL9-22-00-81 $ 141
30 21 A16-22-00-84 165 AL16-22-00-81 215
40 30 A26-22-00-84 228 AL26-22-00-81 278
65 65 A45-22-00-84 360 AE45-22-00-86 420
105 105 A75-22-00-84 525 AE75-22-00-86 570
Coil voltage selection
All AC operated catalog numbers include a 120VAC coil. All DC operated catalog
numbers include a 110VDC coil. To select other coil voltages, substitute the code
from the Coil Voltage Selection Chart for the two digits after the last dash in the
catalog number.
Ex.: A 240V coil is required for an A75 contactor: A75-30-00-80
Auxiliary contact blocks
For additional auxiliary contact blocks, see catalog number explanation on page
1.2. Add $ 20 to list price for each additional auxiliary, and see page 1.32 for
available combinations.
Accessories for EK
Please consult factory.
Coil voltage selection – A contactors
Hz Cntr Volts
type 12 24 48 110 120 125 208 220 240 277 380 415 440 480 500 600
60 A 81 83 84 84 34 36 80 42 86 86 51 53 55
50 A 81 83 84 80 85 86 55
For other voltages, see page 1.24.
Coil voltage selection – EK contactors
Hz Contr. Volts
type 24 48 110 120 125 208 220 240 277 380 415 440 480 500 600
60 EK F G 1 B 2 C Z 3 4 6
50 EK N 1 J 3 M 5
• For other voltages, consult factory.
• 24 & 48VAC coils are not available for sizes EK550. For these applications, use an
interposing control relay.
Coil voltage selection – AE & AL contactors
Hz Contr. Volts
type 12 24 48 110 125 220 240
DC AE, AL – 81 83 86 87 88 89
For other voltages, see page 1.24.
1 Not UL Listed. IEC value AC1 for 40°C.
Low Voltage Products & Systems 1.13
ABB Inc. • 888-385-1221 • www.abb.us/lowvoltage 1SXU000023C0202
Discount schedule AA [OA] - A9 - A75
Discount schedule AEA [OC] - EK110 - EK550