3M MP8790 Operator Guide

Wireless Network Module EP8790NET
Operator’s Guide
3M Visual Systems Department Printed in U.S.A.
6801 River Place Boulevard © 3M 2003. All Rights Reserved. Austin, Texas 78726-9000 78-6970-9173-0 Rev. A
Thank you for purchasing the EP8790NET wireless network module.
Please read this manual thoroughly to ensure proper and safe use of your new wireless network module. Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.
The EP8790NET wireless network module attaches to 3M Multimedia Projector MP8790 and enables users to make presentations using multiple PCs in a cable-free environment.
(1) Cable-Free Presentations
Wireless presentations made possible by use of a wireless LAN card.
(2) Multiple Screens
Images from up to four PCs can be presented simultaneously via the same projector.
(3) Stand Alone Presentations
Now you can leave your PC behind and run stand alone presentations with just a memory card (sold separately).
(4) Remote Control via Your Web
Now you can use your Web browser to remote control the projector.
Functions ....................................................2
EP8790NET Components ............................4
Attaching the EP8790NET Module to the Projector
Installing the Software ................................9
Network Settings........................................11
Wireless Presentations
(Live Mode)..........15
Presentation Playback
(Playback Mode)..........19
Stand Alone Presentations
(PC-less Presentation Mode)..........19
Using ImageViewer ..................................20
Using FileViewer........................................23
Controlling the Projector via Your Web Browser
Configuration Utility ..................................29
Changing Network Settings Directly from
the EP8790NET Module ............................32
<Additional Items>
Troubleshooting ........................................35
Specifications ............................................37
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3M™ Wireless Network Module EP8790NET
© 3M 2003. All Rights Reserved. 3M™ Multimedia Projector MP8790
Operator's Guide



The EP8790NET wireless network module is equipped with the latest network functions. You can use the EP8790NET module in combination with 3M MP8790 Multimedia Projector to make presentations
that draw on the power of your network. In addition, the wireless LAN card (*1) allows you to connect the EP8790NET module to your network without the need to connect any annoying LAN cables.
(*1): Please use the wireless LAN card that came with your EP8790NET.
<Major Functions>
1. Live Mode
The EP8790NET module gives you the power to present PowerPoint® and other presentations with ease and in a cable-free environment.
Get your computer ready to go! Using the EP8790NET module with PCs that are equipped with the latest wireless LAN functions allow you to project images from your PC in real time (*2) using wireless transmission to project a large screen with the same feel as a live broadcast. No more annoying cables! Not only that, but you can project presentations from multiple computers at the same! In addition, you can now project a presentation from one computer to multiple projectors.
This will depend on the type of images you are attempting to display. Images are refreshed at a rate of every one to four seconds. Therefore, you might not be able to project extremely dynamic images such as animation very smoothly, and, in some cases, you may not be able to project them at all.
3M™ Wireless Network Module EP8790NET
© 3M 2003. All Rights Reserved. 3M™ Multimedia Projector MP8790
Example of a Multiple Screen
Office meetings at a snap of the fingers!
Meetings in a wireless environment! In your showroom or at a convention hall.
Up to four PC screens can be displayed at the same time.
Consult with your network administrator prior to attempting to connect to your company's LAN.
2. Playback Mode
Images transmitted to the projector in Live Mode can be replayed from the projector side (*3). You can also send images to the projector from the PC in advance (*4). Regardless of the method chosen, you can select the image you wish to display or even select multiple images for consecutive playback by viewing the corresponding thumbnail images stored on the projector side (*5).
(*3): Use the key on your PC keyboard to capture images for replay in Playback mode. (*4): Refer to for detailed information on how to use FileViewer. (*5): Refer to for detailed information on how to use ImageViewer.
3. PC-less Presentation Mode (*6)
In order to use PC-less Presentation Mode, you need to store your presentation data (*7) into a memory card (*8). Next, insert the memory card into the projector and you are all ready to make a presentation with just the projector. No need for a PC! The presentation is played just as described in Playback Mode.
Since there is only one card slot, you can't use the wireless LAN card when in this mode. (*7): You can only use still image files of the following extensions: .jpg, .bmp and .png. (*8): You can use any of the following types of memory cards:
PCMCIA compliant memory card CF memory card (dedicated PCMCIA adaptor required) SD card (dedicated PCMCIA adaptor required) Memory Stick (dedicated PCMCIA adaptor required) HDD card (ATA compatible; less than 2GB) (IDE compatible HDD cards can't be used) Microdrive (dedicated PCMCIA adaptor required; ATA compatible; less than 2GB)
(IDE compatible HDD cards can't be used)
Only memory cards under 2GB can be used. Memory cards formatted to 2GB or more can't be used.
Reformat memory cards to under 2GB as necessary. (Refer to your memory card user guide for details.)
4. Remote Control Mode
The EP8790NET incorporates the latest LAN functions, enabling you to not only make presentations, but also control the projector using a control panel that you interface to using your Web browser. Remote control functions available include, turning the projector's power on and off, and selecting between image sources. This feature also provides you with such information as when the projector's lamp needs to be replaced. Even if the projector is located in an office room away from your current location, you can easily operate it via remote control.
If you opt not to use the wireless LAN card, you can still directly connect your computer using a LAN cable. Be sure to use a cross cable when directly connecting to just one PC. Use a straight cable for connecting to the closest hub of your company LAN.
3M™ Wireless Network Module EP8790NET
© 3M 2003. All Rights Reserved. 3M™ Multimedia Projector MP8790
Print Screen
Introduction (continued)

EP8790NET Components

The EP8790NET wireless network module is composed of its main unit (1) and rear cover (2).
(1) Main unit:
Mounts onto the multimedea projector MP8790.
(2) Rear cover:
Remove this cover when mounting the EP8790NET module to a projector and then reattach once the EP8790NET module is properly mounted onto the projector.
(3) Clasp:
Use this to secure the EP8790NET module in place. Tighten these once the EP8790NET module
is properly mounted onto the projector.
(4) LAN port:
The port used to connect to a network hub or directly to a PC using a LAN cable. This connection can't be accessed when the wireless LAN card is in use. Remove the wireless LAN card if you wish to use a cable-based LAN connection. (Only one LAN connection at a time is allowed.)
(5) PCMCIA card slot:
(6) Card eject button:
This is the slot for inserting the PCMCIA compatible wireless LAN card or memory cards. Insert cards slowly and carefully into this slot. Use this button to remove a card from the card slot. After pressing this button, slowly remove the card.
(7) Power cable:
Use this cable to connect the module to the projector in order to supply power to the module.
(8) Power port:
Firmly plug the power cable into this port after the module is properly mounted onto the projector.
(1) Main unit
(4) LAN port
(5) PCMCIA card slot
(6) Card eject button
(2) Rear cover
(8) Power port
(7) Power cable
(3) Clasp
(9) Locking screws
3M™ Wireless Network Module EP8790NET
© 3M 2003. All Rights Reserved. 3M™ Multimedia Projector MP8790

Attaching the EP8790NET Module to the Projector

The EP8790NET module is designed exclusively for use with 3M Multimedia Projector MP8790. Please slowly and carefully follow the below instructions when attempting to mount the EP8790NET module onto the projector.
(1) Turn off the projector by turning off its AC power switch.
(2) Remove the projector's filter cover.
Push both of the filter cover tabs down and then pull them to remove the filter cover.
(3) Remove the rear cover of the EP8790NET module.
Push the rear cover tabs down and then pull the rear cover to remove it.
(4) Fit the EP8790NET module's clasp into the projector's recess and align the module so that
it can connect to the DVI ports on the back of the projector.
Filter cover
Rear cover
Rear cover tabs
DVI port
3M™ Wireless Network Module EP8790NET
© 3M 2003. All Rights Reserved. 3M™ Multimedia Projector MP8790
Introduction (continued)
(5) Slowly slide the module into place (in the direction of the arrow). Make sure that the DVI port
is correctly aligned. (Please take care not to cause damage to the projector by the clasp.) Insert the two module locking screws into the respective DVI port.
[(7) Tighten the screws]
(6) Tighten (turn right) the two DVI port locking screws.
(7) Tighten the clasp to the projector using the accompanying locking screws (M3x8).
(8) Firmly connect the module's power cable to the projector's power port
Power port
(9) Reattach the projector's filter cover.
Filter cover
3M™ Wireless Network Module EP8790NET
© 3M 2003. All Rights Reserved. 3M™ Multimedia Projector MP8790
Confirming the Connection to the Projector
Once you have completed mounting the EP8790NET module onto the projector, follow the below instructions to make sure that the connection to the projector is working okay. During this confirmation, you will check to see:
Whether or not the EP8790NET module is correctly recognized when the projector's menu is displayed
(1) Turn on the projector's power.
(Turn on the projector's AC switch and press the STANDBY button.)
(2) Select DVI using the projector's jog dial button or by pressing the WIRELESS button on the
projector's remote control.
Press the stick for ENTER move up for or down for .
MENU button
RESET button
(3) Use the remote control or the projectors
operation panel to open the WIRELESS menu (refer to the projector's operator's guide as necessary):
Press the MENU button.
Press the button until the cursor is over WIRELESS.
(4) Press the button.
(5) Press the button twice.
After a moment, the network information will be displayed as shown below. Confirm the network information.
If the information is not displayed, check the connection between the EP8790NET module and the projector.
3M™ Wireless Network Module EP8790NET
© 3M 2003. All Rights Reserved. 3M™ Multimedia Projector MP8790
Introduction (continued)
[IP Address:]
A unique numeric address used to identify each network device. The IP's factory default setting is
[Sub Net Mask:]
The network address portion of the IP address. The factory default is
[DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol):]
This setting is used to determine whether to have this device's IP address assigned automatically by the network's DHCP server or to assign the IP address manually (as described above). The factory default is to leave this setting Off and assign the IP address manually.
[Ch (Channel):]
The wireless LAN (IEEE802.11b) device can communicate on channels 1 to 11. The factory default is channel 10.
[Wireless Mode:]
Sets the communication mode to be used for wireless communication. The factory default setting is 802.11 AD-HOC.
[WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy):]
An encryption method used for wireless communication. The factory default is "Off," meaning that encryption is not used.
Operation Mode:Use this to confirm the current operation mode of the EP8790NET module.
Live: The screen appearing on the PC is displayed on the projector. Play Back: The images stored in the EP8790NET module are played. PC-Less: The EP8790NET is ready to execute PC-less Presentation Mode using a memory card.
[PC Card: Displays the type of PC card currently inserted into the EP8790NET.]
The wireless communication speed. The factory default is AUTO.
[SSID (Service Set Identity):]
The network group name (also referred to as ESSID). The same name setting is used for the same network group. This dialog displays the first 16 characters of the SSID. Please note that some symbols cannot be displayed in this dialog.
MAC Ethernet: The fixed MAC address of the wired (cable-based) LAN device installed in this device.
MAC Wireless: The fixed MAC address of the wireless LAN card inserted in this device.
WEP Key: The common encryption key when the WEP (encryption) function is enabled for wireless LAN.
This is the encryption key used in common by the network group when the WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) function is enabled. When WEP is set to 40bit, this will be 10 hexadecimal characters. When WEP is set to 128bit, the first six characters are set as a dummy header (00:00:00) and the remaining 26 characters (except “:”) are the actual WEP key.
Please note that even if DHCP is enabled, the displayed address is the IP address that was
manually set, not the IP address assigned by the DHCP server.
3M™ Wireless Network Module EP8790NET
© 3M 2003. All Rights Reserved. 3M™ Multimedia Projector MP8790

Installing the Software

In order to use the EP8790NET with a PC for wireless presentations (Live Mode), you will first need to install the accompanying software on all the PCs you will be using.
Minimum PC Hardware and Software Requirements
OS: Windows 98, Windows 98SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000 Professional, Windows XP
Graphic Interface: DirectX 6.1a or higher; Video RAM 4MB or higher (8MB recommended)
CPU: Pentium III (600MHz or higher recommended)
Display: VGA 640x480 or higher (XGA 1024x768 recommended) 65,536
simultaneous colors or higher
Memory: 64MB or higher (128MB or higher if using Windows XP)
Available Hard Disk Space:
10MB or higher
Web browser: Internet Explorer® (4.0 or higher) or Netscape Communicator® 4.5X,
4.7X, etc.
CD-ROM drive
Interface PC card slot (PCMCIA Type-II)
IEEE802.11b wireless LAN PC card
Software Installation Procedure
1. Turn on the PC.
2. Shut down all applications.
3. Insert the accompanying CD-ROM into the PC's CD-ROM drive.
4. After a moment, the Welcome to WNM Utilities Setup dialog will appear as shown on the right. Press Next.
Not required for PCs with built-in 802.11b wireless LAN
Depending on the type of wireless LAN card and PC you are using, the EP8790NET module may not be able to communicate properly with your PC, even if the PC you are using is equipped with built-in wireless LAN functionality.
Should communication problems occur, please procure a Wi-Fi certified wireless LAN card.
If your PC is currently set to a resolution higher than XGA, please change it to XGA.
If the Welcome to WNM Utilities Setup dialog doesn't appear, proceed as follows: (1) Click on the Start button on the toolbar and select Run. (2) Enter E:\software\setup.exe and then press OK.
If your CD-ROM drive is not drive E on your PC, you will need to replace E with the correct drive letter assigned to your CD-ROM drive.
3M™ Wireless Network Module EP8790NET
© 3M 2003. All Rights Reserved. 3M™ Multimedia Projector MP8790
Introduction (continued)
5. The Choose Destination Location dialog appears. Press
6. Confirm the program folder name.
If WNM_Utilities is okay, press Next to continue.
If not, enter the desired folder name and then press Next.
7. After a moment, installation will complete and the Setup
Complete dialog will appear as shown on the right. Click Finish.
This completes the software installation.
(1) To confirm that the software as been properly installed, press the Start button on the toolbar,
select All Programs and then select the WNM Utilities folder.
(2) WNM LiveViewer and WNM FileViewer will appear in that folder if the installation was
The C:\Program Files\WNM_Utilities folder will be created and the program will be installed into that folder.
If you wish to install to a different folder, click Browse and select another folder.
3M™ Wireless Network Module EP8790NET
© 3M 2003. All Rights Reserved. 3M™ Multimedia Projector MP8790

Network Settings

This section explains how to do wireless presentations (Live Mode), how to do presentation playback (Playback Mode) and how to use your Web browser to access the remote control panel.
If your PC is not ready for 802.11b wireless LAN communication, purchase an 802.11b wireless LAN card and install the device driver. (Refer to the corresponding PC and/or LAN card user guide for details.)
<Preparations> (set the PC and the module to the same configurations)
Configure the PC and EP8790NET module for wireless communications. Insert the wireless LAN cards into both the PC and EP8790NET module and enable wireless LAN communications.
Next, configure as shown in the following table:
(1) Wireless Settings for the EP8790NET Module
Slowly and carefully insert the accompanying wireless LAN card into the EP8790NET module's PC card slot. Be careful not to insert the card too hard as you may bend the connector pins.
Turn on the power of the projector (that the EP8790NET module is mounted to) and then press the STANDBY button to turn on the lamp.
As explained in the Introduction section of this user guide, bring up the projector's WIRELESS menu and configure the network settings as necessary. Refer to for information on the network configuration method.
(2) Wireless Settings for the PC
Enable the built-in wireless LAN communications of the PC. Refer to your PC user guide for details. Continue on for information on how to configure network settings.
If you are using a new wireless LAN card, follow the instructions in the corresponding wireless LAN card user guide to install the card's dedicated driver into your PC. Insert the wireless LAN card into your PC's card slot. Continue on for information on how to configure network settings.
If the PC is already equipped with a built-in 802.11b wireless LAN card, you don't need to insert a new wireless LAN card.
PCs with a built-in wireless LAN card
PCs using PCMCIA wireless LAN card
Consult with your network administrator if there is already a connection to the network
3M™ Wireless Network Module EP8790NET
© 3M 2003. All Rights Reserved. 3M™ Multimedia Projector MP8790
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