3Com PathBuilder S600 Reference Manual

WAN Access Switch Reference Guide
Release 2.02
Part No.3C63917 010-11582-3005 Published July 1998
3Com Corporation 5400 Bayfront Plaza Santa Clara, California 95052-8145
3Com Corporation, 1998. All rights reserved. No part of this documentation may be reproduced in any
form or by any means or used to make any derivative work (such as translation, transformation, or adaptation) without permission from 3Com Corporation.
3Com Corporation reserves the right to revise this documentation and to make changes in content from time to time without obligation on the part of 3Com Corporation to provide notification of such revision or change.
3Com Corporation provides this documentation without warranty of any kind, either implied or expressed, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. 3Com may make improvements or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this documentation at any time.
If you are a United States government agency, then this documentation and the software described herein are provided to you subject to the following restricted rights:
For units of the Department of Defense:
Restricted Rights Legend: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set
forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) for Restricted Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at 48 C.F.R. 52.227-7013. 3Com Corporation, 5400 Bayfront Plaza, Santa Clara, California 95052-8145.
For civilian agencies:
Restricted Rights Legend: Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph
(a) through (d) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights Clause at 48 C.F.R. 52.227-19 and the limitations set forth in 3Com Corporation’s standard commercial agreement for the software. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.
If there is any software on removable media described in this documentation, it is furnished under a license agreement included with the product as a separate document, in the hard copy documentation, or on the removable media in a directory file named LICENSE.TXT. If you are unable to locate a copy, please contact 3Com and a copy will be provided to you.
Unless otherwise indicated, 3Com registered trademarks are registered in the United States and may or may not be registered in other countries.
3Com and PathBuilder are trademarks of 3Com Corporation.
Other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.
Servicing ix Rack Mounting ix Power and Power Cords ix EMI x Safety Classification of Ports for Connection to Telecommunications Networks x
Host Chassis/Module Compatibility and Creepage/Clearance Requirements xi FCC Part 68 Statement xii CE Notice xiii
Introduction 15 How to Use This Guide 15 Conventions 16 Related Documentation 17
ATM Overview 19
Virtual Circuits 19
PathBuilder S600 with STX Overview 20
PathBuilder S600 STX Architecture 20
Key Features of the STX Module 21 Specifications 22 Options and Parts List 26
Receiving and Inspecting the PathBuilder S600 29 Installation Overview 29
Step 1: Install the Shelf in the Rack 30 Step 2: Connect AC or DC Power 31 Step 3: (If needed) Install Additional Modules in the Shelf 32 Step 4: Connect I/O Cabling and Wiring 33
Site Requirements 30
Normal Start up Sequence 34
Connecting a DS3 UNI Module 34 Connecting an E3 UNI Module 36 Connecting an OC3/STM-1 UNI Trunk/Port Module 37 Connecting a DS1/E1 UNI with IMA Module 37 Connecting an Ethernet Module 39 Connecting a CBR DSX or CBR E1 Port Module 41 Connecting a QSIM V.35/RS422/EIA530 Port Module 42 Connecting a HSIM Module 53 Connecting a DS1 Frame Access Module 53 Verifying CPU LEDs and Connecting the Office Alarm Connector 54
Connecting the Office Alarm Connector 55
Verifying STX LEDs and Connecting the Optional BITS Clock 56
Connecting the Optional BITS Clock (STX) 56
Step 5: Connect a Management Terminal 58
Logging On 59 Using the Menus 61
Navigating through the Menus 61 Understanding the Menu Hierarchy 61 Using the Menus to Change Settings 62 Alarm Indicator 62
Performing Initial Configuration 63
Setting up Communication Parameters 63
Configuring In-band Management 70
Setting up a Password 72 Setting the Time and Date 73
System Module Overview 75
Management CPU Module 75
STX Module 76
ATM Module Overview 77
DS3 UNI Module Overview 78 E3 UNI Module Overview 78 OC3/STM-1 Module Overview 78 DS1/E1 Module Overview 78
Application Module Overview 78
Ethernet Module Overview 79
Configuring the Local Host IP Address 65 Configuring Trap Clients 68 Configuring the Default Gateway 69
In-band Management via the 10Base-T Port on the Near-end MCPU Card 70 In-band Management via the Near-end Dual Ethernet Module 71
SNMP MIB Standards Support 76
Priority Queuing 77
S600 M
Ethernet Module Standards Support 79 Ethernet Module Operation 79
CBR DSX/E1 Module Overview 80
CBR DSX Module 80 CBR E1 Module 81
QSIM/HSIM/FAM Module Overview 82 Application Overview 83
Bridging 83
Filtering 84 Addressing 84 Virtual Circuits 84 Learning Bridge 85 Segmentation 86 Reassembly 87
Spanning Tree 87
Spanning Tree Operation 87 Spanning Tree Instances 88
CBR Application 88
Structured DS1 89 Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DS0 Signaling) 90 Unstructured DS1 91
Structured versus Unstructured Summary 93 Ethernet and Voice Application 93 Frame Application 96
DXI Mode 1A 97
Frame Relay Interworking Functions 100
Viewing and Configuring System Information 103
Specifying General System Information 104 Managing the System Clock 105
Alarm Conditions that Cause Clock Source Failure 108 Viewing and Configuring RS-232 Parameters 108 Viewing the Firmware Version 110 Downloading New Firmware 110 Resetting the Interface Card 111 Viewing an Equipment List 111 Backing up and Restoring the Database and Code Image 112
Backing up the Database 112
Restoring the Database 112
Backing up the Code Image 113
Restoring the Code Image 113
PathBuilder S600 Configuration Overview 114 Configuring the PathBuilder S600 Shelf and the Application Modules 115
Setting Application Module Status 116
S600 M
, P
Configuring the Shelf 116 Configuring the Management CPU 117
Viewing MCPU Configuration Information 118
Configuring Virtual Interfaces 118
Adding Virtual Interfaces 118 Viewing and/or Modifying Existing Virtual Interfaces 119 Deleting Virtual Interfaces 120
Configuring Input Shapers 121 Configuring the STX Module 122 Configuring the OC3/STM-1 UNI Module 123 Configuring the DS3 UNI Module 125 Configuring the E3 UNI Module 127 Configuring the DS1 (or E1) UNI with IMA Modules 128
Configuring the DS1/E1 UNI Ports 128
Activation/Deactivation Bit Error Rates 131 Configuring UNI and IMA Groups 132
Adding UNI Groups 132
Adding IMA Groups 134
Viewing and Modifying IMA and UNI Groups 135
Configuring Virtual Interfaces for IMA Groups 137 Deleting IMA and UNI Groups 137 Viewing IMA Link Status 137 Viewing IMA Group Status 140 Configuring the DS1 (or E1) UNI Card 142
Configuring the Ethernet Module 143
Configuring Ethernet Ports, Cards, Shapers and Virtual Interfaces 143 Configuring the Bridge 145
Configuring Source Protocol Filtering 147
Configuring Source Address Filtering 149
Configuring Destination Address Filtering 151
Viewing the List Forwarding Table 152
Constructing the Bridge Static Table 153
Enabling and Disabling the Spanning Tree 154 Configuring IP Over ATM 154
Configuring the CBR DSX (or E1) Modules 158 Configuring the QSIM/HSIM/FAM Modules 163
Configuring the QSIM/HSIM/FAM Ports 163
QSIM/HSIM/FAM Performance at Small Frame Sizes 165 Configuring the QSIM/HSIM/FAM Local Management Interface 167 Configuring the QSIM/HSIM/FAM Card 169
Configuring Virtual Circuits 170
Summary of Supported VPI/VCI Ranges and Number of Connections 171 Adding Virtual Circuits 172 Virtual Circuit Parameters 176
ATM Module Virtual Circuit Parameters 176
Ethernet Card Virtual Circuit Configuration Parameters 177
CBR Card Virtual Circuit Configuration Parameters 177
QSIM/HSIM/FAM Card Virtual Circuit Configuration Parameters 178
Viewing Existing Virtual Circuits 182 Modifying a Virtual Circuit 185 Deleting a Virtual Circuit 186 Viewing Virtual Circuit Statistics 186
Managing System Alarms 187
Using Loopbacks 195
Viewing Statistics 200
Viewing and Clearing Current Alarms 188 PathBuilder S600 Alarm Messages (STX) 189 Working with History Alarms 194
Viewing and Printing History Alarms 194 Clearing History Alarms 195
DS3 Loopbacks 196 E3 Loopbacks 197 OC3/STM-1 Loopbacks 198 CBR DSX Module Loopbacks 198 FAM Loopbacks 199 DS1/E1 UNI with IMA loopback 200
Card Statistics Overview 200
Performance Statistics Overview 200
ATM Statistics Overview 201 Virtual Circuit Statistics Overview 201 Viewing Card Statistics 202
Viewing DS3 Statistics 203
Viewing E3 Statistics 204
Viewing OC3/STM-1 Statistics 205
Viewing DS1 UNI and E1 UNI Statistics 207
Viewing Ethernet Statistics 209
Viewing CBR Statistics 212
Viewing QSIM/HSIM/FAM Statistics 213 Viewing Virtual Circuit Statistics 215
Viewing Virtual Circuit Statistics by Circuit 215
Conforming/Non-Conforming Cell Counters 217 Viewing Virtual Circuit Statistics by Port/Group 218
S600 D
Online Technical Services 221
Support from Your Network Supplier 222 Support from 3Com 223 Returning Products for Repair 224
World Wide Web Site 221 3Com FTP Site 221 3Com Bulletin Board Service 222
Access by Analog Modem 222
Access by Digital Modem 222 3ComFacts Automated Fax Service 222
This section contains warning information for AC powered systems.
Rack Mounting
Service of this unit is to be performed by qualified service personnel only.
Service of certain components and subassemblies in this equipment is accomplished by the replacement of Field Replaceable Units (FRUs). However, safety agency approval requires that the servicing of other subassemblies within this product be referred to 3Com’s service personnel.
The trim enclosure and other mechanically secured plates serve as protection barriers from potential hazardous internal areas. No attempt should be made to troubleshoot internal components with these protective barriers removed without first disconnecting the equipment from main power.
This equipment is for use only in complete equipment where the acceptability of the combination is determined by the applicable safety agency in the country in which it is installed. This includes UL in the U.S.A., CSA in Canada, and TUV in Europe.
Conditions of Acceptability: When installed in the end-use equipment, the following are among the considerations to be made.
The units shall be installed in compliance with enclosure, mounting, spacing, casualty, and segregation requirements of the ultimate application.
These units have been judged on the basis of the required spacings of UL 1950 D3 deviations edition, CSA 22.2 No. 950-M89, and EN 60950 1988 through TUV Rheinland, which would cover these components if submitted for unrestricted listing or certification.
Complete testing should be performed in the end-use product. Rack configurations with certain combinations of 3Com equipment installed in
racks with a height greater than 50” (127 cm) may require a counter-balance weight, a stabilizer bar, or anti-tip legs to ensure rack stability in accordance with safety agency regulations. See specific rack installation guidelines for 3Com recommendations.
Power and Power Cords
This equipment is not intended for use with IT power distribution systems whose line to line voltage exceeds 250 VAC RMS defined by EN 60950 as having no direct connection to earth. The PathBuilder S600 WAN Access Switch will autoconfigure for 115 VAC or 220-240 VAC.
: W
NORTH AMERICAN APPLICATIONS: Use a UL Listed and CSA Certified Cord Set rated 6 amps, consisting of a minimum 18 AWG, Type SVT or SJT three conductor cord maximum of 15 feet in length, with a NEMA 5-15P plug.
INTERNATIONAL APPLICATIONS: The power supply cords used with this equipment should be harmonized with all local standards applicable in the country in which it is installed.
Safety agency compliance requires this unit to be connected to branch circuits with overcurrent protection
£ 20A for North American applications and £ 10A
for international applications.
The power supply cord must be disconnected when servicing all components or subsystems.
Safety Classification of Ports for Connection to Telecommunications Networks
FCC - This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy,
and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant with Part 15 of the FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user at his own expense will be required to take whatever measures may be required to correct the interference. These tests were conducted with shielded communications cables with metal connector hoods; the use of unshielded cables may void this compliance.
Canada - This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio
noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Europe - This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this product may
cause radio interference, in which case, the user may be required to take adequate measures.
The following port types in the product range are classified according to the Harmonized Europeans Standard EN41003, subclause 4.1.3, as follows:
E1/E3 - TNV normally operating within SELV limits (TNV-1)
Telecommunications Network Voltage (EN60950, subclause
Safety Extra-Low Voltage (EN60950, subclause
This section provides information about host chassis/module compatibility and creepage/clearance requirements. It also describes the compliance of the PathBuilder
S600 with FCC and CE regulations.
Host Chassis/Module Compatibility and Creepage/Clearance Requirements
The installer of the E1 CBR and E3 UNI Module must ensure that the host chassis and module are compatible and that the host chassis is capable of providing adequate power to the module and any other auxiliary host apparatus.
The E1 CBR Module has the following input power requirements:
+5 vdc @ 3.6 Amps
The E3 UNI Module has the following input power requirements:
+5 vdc @ 3.0 Amps
Please contact 3Com for an up-to-date list of compatible host chassis.
In order to maintain the independent approval of this card, it must be installed in such a way that with the exception of the connections to the host, when other option cards are introduced which use or generate a hazardous voltage, the minimum creepages and clearances specified in the table below are maintained. A hazardous voltage is one which exceeds 42.2V peak AC or 60V DC.
Voltage Used or Generated by Host
Clearance (mm)
2.0 2.4 (3.8) Up to 59 V
2.6 3.0 (4.8) Up to 125 V
4.0 5.0 (8.0) Up to 250 V
4.0 6.4 (10.0) Up to 300 V For a host or other expansion card fitted in the
host, using or generating voltages greater than 300V (rms or dc), advice from a competent telecommunications safety engineer must be obtained before installation of this card.
Creepage (mm)
or Other Cards
Above 300 V
or V
or V or V or V
or V
If you have any doubt, seek advice from a component engineer before installing other adapters into the best equipment.
The larger distance shown in brackets applies where the local environment within the host is subject to conductive pollution or dry non-conductive pollution which could become conductive due to condensation. Failure to maintain these minimum distances would invalidate the approval.
Clearance (distance X in the figure below) is defined as the shortest distance between two conductive parts, or between the conductive part and the bonding surface of the equipment, measured through air.
Creepage (distance Y in the figure below) is defined as the shortest path between two conductive parts, or between the conductive part and the bonding surface of the equipment, measured along the surface of the insulation.
Interface Module Adjacent Card
Host Chassis
FCC Part 68 Statement This equipment complies with Part 68 of the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) rules. On the product is a label that contains the FCC registration number for this device. If requested, you must provide this information to the telephone company.
This equipment is designed to be connected to the telephone network or premises wiring using a compatible modular jack which is Part 68 compliant. See installation instructions for details.
If this device causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that temporary discontinuance of service may be required. The telephone company may request that you disconnect the equipment until the problem is resolved.
The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that could affect the operation of this equipment. If this happens, the telephone company will provide advance notice in order for you to make necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service.
If you experience trouble with this equipment or for repair or warranty information, please follow the applicable procedures explained in the Technical Support section of this manual (Appendix A).
CE Notice Marking by the symbol CE indicates compliance of the equipment with the
EMC, Telecom and Low Voltage dIrectives of the European Community. Such marking is indicative that this equipment meets or exceeds the following technical standards.
EN55022—Limits and methods of measurement of radio interference characteristics of information technology equipment.
EN50082-1—Electromagnetic compatibility - generic immunity standard part 1: residential, commercial, and light industrial.
CTR 12—Connection of 2 Mbit/s Unstructured Leased Lines. CTR13—Connection to 2 Mbit/s Structured Leased Lines. EN 60950—Safety of Information Technology Equipment including Electrical
Business Equipment. EN 41003—Particular safety requirements for electrical equipment to be
connected to Telecom networks.
WARNING: This customer equipment is to be installed and maintained by service personnel as defined by AS/NZS 3260 clause (Service Personnel). Incorrect connection of connected equipment to the General Purpose Outlet could result in a hazardous situation.
WARNING Safety requirements are not fulfilled unless the equipment is connected to a wall socket outlet with protective earth contact.
About This Guide provides an overview of this guide, describes guide conventions, tells you where to look for specific information and lists other publications that may be useful.
Introduction This guide describes how to install and configure the PathBuilder S600 WAN
Access Switch (PathBuilder S600). It also provides an overview of the unit’s modules and supported applications.
Audience Description This guide is intended for network administrators, system engineers, field
engineers, and other personnel responsible for installing, configuring, and managing PathBuilder products.
If the information in the Release Notes shipped with your product differs from the
information in this guide, follow the Release Notes.
How to Use This Guide Table 1 shows where to find specific information in this guide.
Table 1 Where to Find Specific Information
If you are looking for... Turn to...
Descriptions of the features and benefits of the PathBuilder S600 Chapter 1 System specifications Chapter 1 Installation instructions Chapter 2 Information on how to get started using the PathBuilder S600 Chapter 3 Instructions for using the PathBuilder S600 menus Chapter 3 Information about the specific modules and applications you can use with
the PathBuilder S600 Instructions for configuring PathBuilder S600 modules, ports, and cards Chapter 5 Instructions for configuring virtual interfaces Chapter 5 Instructions for configuring shapers Chapter 5 Instructions for configuring virtual circuits Chapter 5 Instructions for configuring bridging applications Chapter 5 Information about managing system alarms and lists of the alarms
supported by each of the PathBuilder S600 modules Information about setting up loopbacks and what loopbacks specific
modules support Information on displaying statistics and lists of the types of statistics
available for specific modules Technical support information Appendix A
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Chapter 6
Conventions Table 2 and Table 3 list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Table 2 Notice Icons
Icon Notice Type Alerts you to...
Information note Important features or instructions
Caution Risk of personal safety, system damage, or loss of data
Warning Risk of severe personal injury
Table 3 Text Conventions
Convention Description
Syntax The word “syntax” means you must evaluate the syntax provided and
Commands The word “command” means you must enter the command exactly as
Screen displays This typeface represents information as it appears on the screen. The words “enter”
and “type”
[Key] names Key names appear in text in one of two ways:
Menu commands and buttons
Words in italicized type
Words in bold-face type
supply the appropriate values. Placeholders for values you must supply appear in angle brackets. Example:
Enable RIPIP by using the following syntax:
SETDefault !<port> -RIPIP CONTrol = Listen
In this example, you must supply a port number for <port>.
shown in text and press the Return or Enter key. Example:
To remove the IP address, enter the following command:
SETDefault !0 -IP NETaddr =
This guide always gives the full form of a command in uppercase and lowercase letters. However, you can abbreviate commands by entering only the uppercase letters and the appropriate value. Commands are not case-sensitive.
When you see the word “enter” in this guide, you must type something, and then press the Return or Enter key. Do not press the Return or Enter key when an instruction simply says “type.”
n Referred to by their labels, such as “the Return key” or “the Escape
n Written with brackets, such as [Return] or [Esc].
If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the key names are linked with a plus sign (+). Example:
Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del].
Menu commands or button names appear in italics. Example:
From the Help menu, select Contents.
Italics emphasize a point or denote new terms at the place where they are defined in the text.
Bold text denotes key features.
Related Documentation 17
Related Documentation
In addition to this guide, the following documentation may help you use the PathBuilder S600.
PathBuilder S600 Release Notes—Provides configuration help and information about new features and any known limitations and issues found in the release.
PathBuilder Switch Manager User Guide—Describes how to use PathBuilder Switch Manager to configure and manage PathBuilder WAN access switches. Using PathBuilder Switch Manager, you can configure shelf, device, and circuit information; use a loopback panel to diagnose port cards; view line and interface statistics; and perform administrative functions such as configuring trap destinations and setting SNMP community strings.
This chapter provides a brief overview of ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) technology, describes the PathBuilder S600), and lists PathBuilder S600 system specifications. It includes the following sections:
n ATM Overview n PathBuilder S600 with STX Overview n Specifications n Options and Parts List
S600 WAN Access Switch (PathBuilder
ATM Overview ATM provides the means of simultaneously transferring a wide variety of services
with different protocols and bandwidth requirements such as voice, packet data, and video between end users or user networks. It does so by segmenting the input data streams into 53 byte cells, assigning the cells to virtual circuits set up in the ATM network, multiplexing the cells for transmission according to the bandwidth requirements of the individual data streams, and reassembling the cells into the original data streams at the receiving end.
For more detail about how to apply the PathBuilder S600 to provide ATM WAN access, see “Application Overview” in Chapter 4.
Virtual Circuits ATM networks are organized into virtual circuits or logical duplex paths between
two ATM unit ports, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Virtual Circuit Scheme
Virtual Circuit
Virtual Circuit
VCI 1 (Transmit)
VCI 1 (Receive)
VCI 1 (Transmit) VCI 1
Each transmission direction in a virtual circuit is referred to as a virtual channel. Virtual channels are then grouped into virtual paths between two ports. The channels and paths are assigned numbers: VPIs (Virtual Path Indicators) and VCIs (Virtual Channel Indicators). Each ATM cell (a fixed-length unit of data over ATM) is assigned to a virtual circuit by including the circuit's VPI/VCI in the cell's header. This is then used to steer the cell through an ATM unit and the ATM network.
PathBuilder S600 with STX Overview
PathBuilder S600 STX
The PathBuilder S600 WAN access switch with Super Transport eXchange (STX) provides enhanced switching and traffic management capabilities. It is designed to concentrate, aggregate, and switch local ATM and legacy traffic over ATM wide-area services for affordable ATM services access.
The PathBuilder S600 with STX requires software Release 2.0 or higher.
The modular architecture of the PathBuilder S600 with STX is designed to accommodate a wide range of interfaces and support a comprehensive set of applications. The core component of the unit is a 1.6 Gbps cell bus backplane where all traffic is carried in the form of ATM cells. The PathBuilder S600 with STX accommodates up to two power supplies (AC110/220 VAC and DC-48 VDC) in a redundant configuration.
The overall design philosophy of the PathBuilder S600 with STX is to facilitate the transfer of cells on and off the bus backplane with enhanced traffic management and switching capabilities. All packet to cell segmentation and reassembly (SAR) functions are performed on each of the application modules (Ethernet, Frame Relay, and CBR), thereby ensuring efficient cell transfer through the system, (See Figure 2.) Additional SAR power is added each time a non-ATM interface module is added.
Figure 2 PathBuilder S600 with STX Cell Bus Architecture
Because the STX module allows any-to-any port switching, there is no distinction between port and trunk modules for the PathBuilder S600 with STX. Thus, the slot assignments are as follows:
V.35(4), HSSI(1), T1(8)
T1/E1, IMA(8), OC3/STM-1,
10bt, RS232, SLIP
PathBuilder S600 with STX Overview 21
n Slot 1 contains the Management CPU (MCPU). This slot is permanently
allocated. The MCPU manages the configuration database, network management (via Text User Interface and SNMP) and software download capabilities.
n Slot 2 contains the STX Module. This slot is permanently allocated. n Slots 3-6 contain the application modules.
All modules are front-loading with a direct cable attachment on the front of each card, and each module incorporates an RISC based processor (30 MIPs each) for processing packets/cells, communication information, and statistics. The unit accommodates up to 2 power supplies (AC 110/220 VAC & DC -48 VDC) in a redundant configuration.
The S600 supports the following ATM and application modules:
n DS3 UNI module n E3 UNI module n OC3/STM-1 UNI module n DS1 UNI with Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA)
Key Features of the STX
n E1 UNI with Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA) n Dual Ethernet module n CBR (Constant Bit Rate) DSX module (4 port or 8 port) n CBR (Constant Bit Rate) E1 module (4 port or 8 port) n QSIM (Quad Serial Interface Module) (QSIM) - V.35/RS422/EIA530/X.21 n HSIM (HSSI Serial Interface Module) n FAM (Frame Access Module) - DS1
The STX module includes a switching matrix that provides sophisticated traffic management, priority queuing, and multicasting. Once an application module SARs its traffic into ATM cells, the STX receives the cells and performs address lookup for switching, queuing, traffic shaping, traffic policing, early packet discard, and multicasting. The STX module provides the following functions to the PathBuilder S600:
n Provides any-to-any port switching. n Supports Deep buffers (192,000 cell buffers per module) for queuing. n Introduces virtual interfaces (VIs)—logical UNI ports—and supports up to 24 VIs
per application module and up to 2 VIs for the MCPU module. The VIs provide traffic shaping profiles.
n Provides priority queuing in which each VI can be assigned to specific VCs
n Supports per VC and/or per VP traffic shaping. n Supports per VC traffic policing. n Supports multicasting (up to 256 connections with 32 leaves). n Includes a Bits timing clock. n Supports per VC statistics. n Allows a total of 8,000 connections per unit.
which then can be allocated to one of 4 queues.
Specifications Table 4 lists complete specifications for the Pathbuilder S600. these specifications
are subject to change without notice.
Table 4 PathBuilder S600 Specifications
PLATFORM Configuration 6 slots per shelf Power Supplies 2 redundant and load sharing (1 required) Power Input
Consumption 175 watts Environmental Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Humidity Altitude Regulatory Compliance Emissions
Safety UL listed (UL 1950 and 1459)
Physical Shelf Dimensions
Rack Mount Width
Rack Mount Spacing Unit Weight (fully loaded) Shipping Weight (continued)
90 to 135 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz 180 to 265 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz
-44 to -52 VDC
0 to 45ºC
-40 to 70ºC 95% @ 40ºC (noncondensing) 14,000 ft. or 4,300 meters
FCC Part 15 rules for a Class A computing device FCC Part 68 EN55022 EN50082-1 CTR 12 CTR 13 Austel TS-001 Austel AS 3260
VDE/TUV (EN 60950) EN41003 CSA 22.2 Austel AS/NZS35-48
8.75” x 17” x 11” (H x W x D) (22.3 cm x 43.2 cm x 27.9 cm) 19” (42.6 cm) or 23” (58.42 cm) optional 5 RMU 33 lbs (15 kg) 42 lbs (19 kg)
Specifications 23
Table 4 PathBuilder S600 Specifications (continued)
MANAGEMENT Management Functions On-board SNMP
In-band SNMP (See “Configuring In-band Management” in Chapter 3 for details.)
Dual flash memory (image and configuration) TCP/IP stack (TFTP, ping, Telnet)
RFC 1213 (MIB II) RFC 1406 (DS1/E1) RFC 1407 (DS3/E3) RFC 1493 (Bridge MIB) RFC 1643 (Ethernet MIB) RFC 1595 (SONET MIB) ATM Forum CES MIB Enterprise Specific MIB
Statistics Cells received, transmitted, and discarded (per port
and per VC) Frames received, transmitted, and discarded (per port
and per VC)
Standards Compliance ATM Forum UNI 3.0, UNI 3.1
ATM Forum Circuit Emulation Service Interoperability Specification V 2.0
ATM FORUM Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA) Specification Version 1.0
ANSI T1.107, 1988 ANSI T1.403 ANSI T1.107a, 1989 RFC 1483, 1490 RFC 826 RFC 1042 RFC 1577 IEEE 802.1 IEEE 802.3 AT&T PUB 54016 AT&T PUB 62411 ITU-T G.821 ITU-T G.703 ITU-T G.704 Frame Relay Forum Specifications 5 and 8
Table 4 PathBuilder S600 Specifications (continued)
Line Coding T3 UNI E3 UNI OC-3 UNI STM-1 UNI Line Framing T3 UNI E3 UNI OC-3 UNI STM-1 UNI Class of Service CBR, VBR, UBR-rt, VBR-nrt, UBR Virtual Circuits Up to 8000 total per PathBuilder S600 (continued)
Single Mode
0-250, 250-450 0-250, 250-450
1300 Laser (SDX1155) wavelength: 1261 nm-1360nm TX (min) = -15 dBm TX (max) = -8 dBm RX (min = -30 dBm RX (max) = -8 dBm Reach: -15 km 1300 LED (HFBR-5205) TX (min) = -19 dBm TX (max) = -14 dBm RX (min = -30 dBm RX (max) = -14 dBm Reach: -2 km
M23 and C-BIT G.751-PLCP / G.804 / G.832 for HEC T1.105 G.709
Specifications 25
Table 4 PathBuilder S600 Specifications (continued)
Traffic Shaping Bulk shaping
Per VC/VP shaping
Per VC shaping (Ethernet, FAM, QSIM, HSIM) Traffic Policing Per VC DS1/E1 UNI WITH INTEGRATED INVERSE MULTIPLEXING FOR ATM (IMA) MODULES Number of Interfaces nx8,n = 1 to 8; software selectable for individual T1/E1
UNIs or as logical IMA group (>1 link) Connector Type RJ-48 connectors Integrated CSU Yes (for DS1) Line Coding B8ZS for T1
HDB3 for E1 Line Framing ESF, SF (D4), or No Framing for T1
G. 703/704 for E1 ATM Framing HEC (ITU-T G.804), I.432
Payload Scrambling for E1 DS1/E1 INTERFACE CBR MODULE Interface ATM Forum CES structured and unstructured (2.0) Number of Interfaces 4 or 8 Connector Type RJ-48, 120 ohms balanced or 75 ohms unbalanced ATM Encapsulation AAL1 Timing SRTS, adaptive, loop, internal Cell Delay Variation Tolerance 24 msec (T1), 32 msec (E1) Class of Service CBR VPI/VCI Up to 192 per octal module
Up to 96 per quad module Front Panel LEDs Power, in-service, fail, test, active
Port in-service, port alarm ETHERNET LAN INTERFACE MODULE Interfaces 2 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 Packet Forwarding 14,800 pps simultaneously on each interface Packet Protocols Learning bridge, 802.1d spanning tree, RFC 1577
forwarding, RFC 1483 Filtering MAC address, SAP, PID, user data field Address Table Size 8192 entries (4096 per port) ATM Protocols AAL5, RFC 1483 Class of Service VBR, UBR VPI/VCI Up to 512 per module Traffic Shaping Multiple levels with PCR, SCR, and MBS settings (continued)
Table 4 PathBuilder S600 Specifications (continued)
FRAME DATA MODULES Interface Up to 8 T1 120 ohm (FAM)
4 V.35, RS-449, EIA530, X.21(QSIM) 1 HSSI (HSIM)
Speeds (line rate) T1/E1 56/64 Kbps to 1.5 Mbps
V.35, RS-422/449 up to 8 Mbps each, HSSI @ 20 Mbps
Packet Protocols Frame Relay (service and network interworking), ATM
Clocking DTE or DCE DTE SDU Up to 9232 octets Class of Service VBR, UBR (AAL5) VPI/VCI Up to 256 per module Traffic Shaping Multiple levels per VC, with PCR, SCR, MBS setting
DXI, HDLC/SDLC pass through
Options and Parts List Table 5 lists available PathBuilder S600 options including spare/redundant shelves,
port modules, trunk modules, system modules, and interface cables Contact 3Com or your VAR with the appropriate part number for ordering and pricing information.
Table 5 Part Numbers and Description
Part Number Description
3C63119-AC-C PathBuilder S600 Base System STX (Chassis, MCPU, STX, One AC
3C63120-DC-C PathBuilder S600 Base System STX (Chassis, MCPU, STX, One DC
3C63101 Dual-Port Ethernet Modules (10BaseT) with bridging and RFC 1577 3C63103 Quad Serial Interface Module (4 Port V.35/RS449/RS530; DXI, Frame
3C63104 HSSI Serial Interface Module (Single HSSI; DXI, Frame Relay,
3C63105-4DSX 4-Port DSX CBR Module 3C63105-8DSX 8-Port DSX CBR Module 3C63105-4E1 4-Port E1 CBR Module 3C63105-8E1 8-Port E1 CBR Module 3C63106A-DS3 DS3 UNI Single Port or Trunk Module 3C63106A-E3 E3 UNI Single Port or Trunk Module 3C63107A-MMF OC3/STM-1 UNI Multi-Mode Port or Trunk Module 3C63114-8DS1 DS1 UNI - IMA (8 ports) 3C63114-8E1 E1 UNI - IMA (8 Ports) 3C63115-8DS1 DS1 FAM 3C63121-AC-C PathBuilder S600 (STX) System with one AC Power Supply 3C63122-DC-C PathBuilder S600 (STX) System with one DC Power Supply 3C63917 Additional PathBuilder S600 User Documentation (continued)
Power Supply, Cover Panels, Rack Mount)
Power Supply, Cover Panels, Rack Mount)
Options and Parts List 27
Table 5 Part Numbers and Description (continued)
Part Number Description
3C63108A MCPU System Controller Module 3C63116-STX STX Concentrator/Switching Module 3C63111A-AC Optional 110/220 AC Power Supply 3C63111A-DC Optional -48V DC Power Supply 3C63901-19RK Optional 19” Rack Mount Kit 3C63901-23RK Optional 23” Rack Mount Kit 3C63112 Spare Fan Assembly 3C63113-BPM Blank Panel For Module Slot(s) CABLES 3C63911 Coax Cable; BNC to BNC - 8M/25Ft 3C63912 HSSI Cable; 50-Pin Male, Straight, to Male 50-Pin - 8M/25Ft 3C63915 RS232 Cable; RS232 DB9 Male, Crossover, to RS232 DB9 Female -
2M/6Ft 3C63902 DS1/E1 Cable; RJ48, Shielded Straight, to RJ48 - 8M/25Ft 3C63903 DS1/E1 Cable; RJ48, Shielded Crossover, to RJ48 - 8M/25Ft 3C63904 E1 Balun Adapter; RJ48 120 ohm to Coax 75 ohm - 2M/6Ft 3C63905 Fiber Cable; SC, Multimode, to SC 8M/25Ft 3C63906 Fiber Cable; SC, Multimode, to FC 8M/25Ft 3C63907 Fiber Cable; SC, Multimode, to ST 8M/25Ft 3C63908 Fiber Cable; SC, Singlemode, to SC 8M/25Ft 3C63909 Fiber Cable; SC, Singlemode, to FC 8M/25Ft 3C63910 Fiber Cable; SC, Singlemode, to ST 8M/25Ft 3C63913 V.35 Cable; HD 60-Pin Male to V.35 34-Pin Male, 2M/6Ft (Crossover
DTE) 3C63914 V.35 Cable; HD 60-Pin Male, Straight, to V.35 34-Pin Female, 2M/6Ft 3C63921 RS449 Cable; HD 60-Pin Male to RS449 Female (DCE), 2M/6Ft 3C63920 RS449 Cable; HD 60-Pin Male to RS449 Male (DTE), 2M/6Ft 3C63923 EIA530 Cable; HD 60-Pin Male to EIA530 Male (DTE), 2M/6Ft 3C63922 EIA530 Cable; HD 60-Pin Male to EIA530 Female (DCE), 2M/6Ft 3C63924 X.21 DTE Cable (HD 60-pin male straight to X.21 15-pin male) 3C63925 X.21 DCE Cable (HD 60-pin male straight to X.21 15-pin female) 3C63100-AC-C PathBuilder S600 Base System (Chassis, MCPU, CTX, One AC Power
Supply, Cover Panels, Rack Mount) 3C63100-DC-C PathBuilder S600 Base System (Chassis, MCPU, CTX, One DC Power
Supply, Cover Panels, Tabletop Mount) 3C63109-CTX CTX Concentrator Module 3C63110-AC PathBuilder S600 System (CTX) with one AC Power Supply 3C63110-DC PathBuilder S600 System (CTX) with One DC Power Supply
This chapter tells you how to mechanically and electrically install the PathBuilder® S600 WAN Access Switch (PathBuilder S600) in your network. It contains the following sections:
n Receiving and Inspecting the PathBuilder S600 n Installation Overview n Step 1: Install the Shelf in the Rack n Step 2: Connect AC or DC Power n Step 3: (If needed) Install Additional Modules in the Shelf n Step 4: Connect I/O Cabling and Wiring n Step 5: Connect a Management Terminal
Before using the chapter for an actual installation, read through it at least once to familiarize yourself with the overall process.
Receiving and Inspecting the PathBuilder S600
When you receive the PathBuilder S600, unpack it and inspect the unit for any damage that might have occurred during shipment. Inventory the equipment against the shipping notice.
Save the boxes and packing materials in the event there is damage or anything needs to be reshipped at a future date. If anything is damaged or missing, contact the shipper and 3Com immediately.
CAUTION: Many of the integrated circuits on the modules are sensitive to static electricity. Do not remove the plug-in modules from their shelves without wearing a properly grounded, antistatic, wrist strap.
Installation Overview Figure 3 summarizes the overall installation procedure for the PathBuilder S600.
For details about each step in the overall procedure, see the following sections.
Figure 3 General Installation Procedure
Prepare the Site:
Verify Clearances Around the Shelf Site
Fabricate and Run Cabling and Wiring Prepare AC or DC Power Run (Install Fuse and Alarm Panel)
Step 1
Install the Shelf in the Rack
Step 2
Step 3
Connect AC or DC Power
(If needed) Install Additional Modules in the Shelf and Monitor Front-Panel LEDs
Connect I/O Cabling and Wiring:
Step 4
Network Ports Trunk Ports Local Terminal Office Alarms BITS clock
Step 5
Connect a VT100 Terminal for
Local Management Access
Site Requirements n Be within the maximum distances to the port and trunk connections, as well as
the NMS terminal
n Have interconnect cabling and wiring ready and labeled n Have a dedicated source of switched and fused AC power.
Step 1: Install the Shelf in the Rack
n Provide clearance for making all connections and performing maintenance.
In a normal rack mount configuration the PathBuilder S600 shelf is 8.75" x 17.25" x 11" including cables. Since the equipment is cooled with two internal fans, clearance at the top is not needed. Convection cooled equipment should not be mounted directly under the shelf but a least one rack unit below it. See Figure 4 for details. If the PathBuilder S600 is mounted in an enclosure, plan on enough clearance at the front for cable and wiring service loops.
CAUTION: Many of the integrated circuits on the modules are sensitive to static electricity. Do not handle the plug-in modules without wearing a properly grounded, antistatic, wrist strap. When removing the modules from the shelf, place them printed-circuit side down on a nonconducting, static-free, flat surface.
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