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Conventions 7
Year 2000 Compliance 8
Upgrade Tools and Process 9
How the Utilities Work 10
Rules and Support Limitations 11
Take Time to Plan 11
Installing the Utilities on a Windows System 13
Installing the Utilities on a UNIX System 14
Preparing for the Installation 14
Procedure 14
Setting up for Auto Startup 16
Setting up for TFTP File Transfers 17
Setting up for FTP File Transfers 17
Automatic Recovery 18
Manual Recovery 19
Checking DRAM 20
Checking Flash Memory 20
Checking the Software Version 21
Planning Tables 21
Primary, Secondary, and Test Boot Sources 10
Automatic or Manual Recovery 10
Status and Settings Pages 27
Settings Page 28
Verifying for Upgrading 29
Installing Software on the NMS 29
Procedure 30
Upgrading Software 31
Preparing for the Upgrade 35
Setting up for TFTP File Transfers 36
Setting up for FTP File Transfers 36
Prediagnosing System Problems 37
Installing the Software on the NMS 37
Software Directories 38
Using the Bcmsysupgrade Utility to Upgrade 39
Filenames 40
NETBuilder II Bridge/Router 40
SuperStack II NETBuilder and OfficeConnect NETBuilder Bridge/Routers 41
PathBuilder S5xx Series Switch 41
Upgrading Software Only 41
Automatic Recovery 41
Manual Recovery 43
If the Bridge/Router or Switch Does Not Boot 44
Upgrading Hardware and Software 44
Automatic Recovery 44
Manual Recovery 47
If the Bridge/Router or Switch Does Not Boot 49
Preparing for the Upgrade 51
Setting up for TFTP File Transfers 52
Setting up for FTP File Transfers 52
Using Upgrade Link 53
Verifying the Bridge/Router for Upgrading 54
Upgrading the Image 54
Using the Command-Line Utilities 57
Installing the NETBuilder Software 57
Prediagnosing System Problems 57
Upgrading Using Automatic Recovery 57
Upgrading Using Manual Recovery 58
Using the Enterprise OS User Interface 59
Setting Up for TFTP File Transfers 62
Setting Up for FTP File Transfers 62
Backing Up the Software 63
Using NETBuilder Upgrade Link 63
Using the Command Line Utilities 63
Verifying the Device for Backing Up 63
Backing Up the Software 64
Using the Command-Line 64
Prediagnosing System Problems 64
Backing Up the Software 65
Directory Paths 65
Restoring Software from a Backup 66
Configuring IP Routing 66
Configuring SNMP 66
Mapping Hostnames Using the etc/snmp.cfg File 67
Restoring the Software Using Upgrade Link 68
Verifying the Device for Restoring 68
Restoring the Software 68
Restoring the Software Using the Command-Line 69
Prediagnosing System Problems 69
Restoring the Software 69
Accessing and Downloading the Utilities 71
Downloading the Utilities 71
Update Log File 72
Utility Descriptions and Syntax 72
Downloading UNIX Files 71
Downloading Windows Files 71
Getting Help 73
Getting Help 85
Man Pages 85
HTML Help 85
General Troubleshooting Error Messages 85
Return Codes from bcmdiagnose 86
Hardware-Related Messages 87
Installation Troubleshooting Messages 87
Installing the Enterprise OS Upgrade Management Utilities 87
Determining Connectivity 88
Validating the SNMP Service Configuration 88
Testing the NMS/ TFTP Configuration 89
Creating an Upgrade File 89
Uploading an Upgrade File 90
Downloading an Upgrade File 91
NETBuilder II Upgrade Migration Path 93
SuperStack II NETBuilder Upgrade Migration Path 96
SuperStack II NETBuilder SI Upgrade Migration Path 98
OfficeConnect NETBuilder Upgrade Migration Path 99
PathBuilder Upgrade Migration Path 101
Mounting the CD-ROM on Solaris 2.5.x 103
Mounting a Local CD-ROM Drive 103
Mounting from a Remote CD-ROM Drive 103
Mounting the CD-ROM on HP-UX 10.x 105
Mounting from a Local CD-ROM Drive 105
Mounting from a Remote CD-ROM Drive 105
Mounting the CD-ROM on IBM AIX 4.1.x Through 4.2.x 106
Mounting from a Local CD-ROM Drive 106
Mounting from a Remote CD-ROM Drive 106
Unmounting the CD-ROM 107
Online Technical Services 109
World Wide Web Site 109
3Com Knowledgebase Web Services 109
3Com FTP Site 109
3Com Bulletin Board Service 110
3Com Facts Automated Fax Service 110
Support from Your Network Supplier 110
Support from 3Com 111
Returning Products for Repair 112
Access by Analog Modem 110
Access by Digital Modem 110
This guide describes how to upgrade your NETBuilder® bridge/router to
Enterprise OS software version 11.3. This guide also describes how to upgrade
your PathBuilder™ S5xx series switch to Enterprise OS software version 11.3.
You can also use this guide to upgrade your NETBuilder bridge/router to previous
software versions (8.0 through 11.2) by specifying the correct options.
You can upgrade your bridge/router from software version 8.0 through 11.2 to
any software version after 8.0 through 11.3 on the following platforms:
■ NETBuilder II
bridge/router with DPE
■ NETBuilder II bridge/router with CEC — The CEC module is not supported after
software version 10.1, but you can use the 11.2 utilities to upgrade a CEC
module to a DPE module, or to upgrade the CEC module to software version
10.1 or earlier.
■ SuperStack
■ SuperStack II NETBuilder Token Ring bridge/router
■ OfficeConnect
II NETBuilder SI bridge/router
NETBuilder bridge/router
You can upgrade your PathBuilder S5xx series switch to Enterprise OS software
version 11.3 from version 11.1.1 and version 11.2.
This guide also describes how to complete an image-only upgrade for patches,
new packages, or software recovery. It also describes how to backup and restore
software on a network management station.
See the Enterprise OS Software Version 11.3 Release Notes for any changes or
additions to the information in this guide.
ConventionsTable 1 and Table 2 list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Table 1 Notice Icons
IconNotice TypeDescription
Information noteImportant features or instructions
CautionInformation to alert you to potential damage to a
WarningInformation to alert you to potential personal injury
program, system, or device
Table 2 Text Conventions
SyntaxThe word “syntax” means you must evaluate the syntax provided and
supply the appropriate values. Placeholders for values you must supply
appear in angle brackets. Example:
Enable RIPIP using:
SETDefault !<port> -RIPIP CONTrol = Listen
In this example, you must supply a port number for <port>.
CommandsThe word “command” means you must enter the command exactly as
shown in text and press the Return or Enter key. Example:
To remove the IP address, enter:
SETDefault !0 -IP NETaddr =
This guide always gives the full form of a command in uppercase and
lowercase letters. However, you can abbreviate commands by entering
only the uppercase letters and the appropriate value. Commands are
not case-sensitive.
Screen displaysThis typeface represents information as it appears on the screen.
The words “enter”
and “type”
When you see the word “enter” in this guide, you must type
something, and then press the Return or Enter key. Do not press the
Return or Enter key when an instruction simply says “type.”
[Key] namesKey names appear in text in one of two ways:
■ Referred to by their labels, such as “the Return key” or “the Escape
■ Written with brackets, such as [Return] or [Esc].
If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the key names are
linked with a plus sign (+). Example:
Press [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Del].
Menu commands
and buttons
Words in italicized
Menu commands or button names appear in italics. Example:
From the Help menu, select Contents.
Italics emphasize a point or denote new terms at the place where they
are defined in the text.
Year 2000 Compliance For information on Year 2000 compliance and 3Com products, visit the
3Com Year 2000 Web page:
This chapter provides an overview of the upgrade tools, process, and support
Upgrade Tools and
Definition of network
management station
The upgrade procedures in this guide use the Enterprise OS Upgrade Management
Utilities on a UNIX or Windows network management station (NMS).
An NMS is a UNIX or Windows system that has a TFTP/FTP server running in
addition to software, such as the Enterprise OS Upgrade Management Utilities, to
manage your network. For Windows, the utilities include the 3Com
If you are upgrading multiple bridge/routers, you can install and use the Network
Admin Tools utilities in the Transcend
Control Services, available separately. See the Transcend user guide for more
You can use the NETBuilder Upgrade Link application that comes with the utilities
provides an easy to use graphical user interface (GUI) to upgrade one or more
bridge/routers. Or you can access the utilities directly using the command-line.
When upgrading multiple bridge/routers simultaneously using command line
utilities, the topology of the network should be considered and the bridge/routers
should be upgraded in a sequence that will not disrupt the network.
If you are performing an image-only upgrade, you can use the utilities or
applications, or you can copy the software manually using the Enterprise OS user
Enterprise Manager or Transcend Network
The utilities are shipped with your software package on a CD-ROM and must be
installed on an NMS on the same network as the bridge/router. You can also
download the utilities from the 3Com web, FTP, or BBS sites.
The utilities run on the following operating systems:
■ Solaris 2.x
■ HP-UX 10.x
■ IBM AIX 4.x or later
■ Windows NT 4.x
■ Windows 95/98
Figure 1 shows the typical upgrade process.
Figure 1 Upgrade Process
Restore old
If hardware
upgrade, reinstall
old hardware
Do final cleanup
Back up config
Install software
and utilities
on NMS*
*NMS = network management station
and boot files
from bridge/router
to NMS
Reboot bridge/router,
test software images
config files
and config files
Copy config
and boot files
to bridge/router
Is hardware
Reset IP
config and
How the Utilities WorkThe software on your bridge/router or switch consists of a bootable image file and
configuration files that store all your settings. The Enterprise OS Upgrade
Management Utilities update all your software files after copying them to a UNIX
or Windows NMS. Because the upgrade occurs on a copy of the files on the NMS,
the bridge/router remains operational during the upgrade. The utilities then copy
the new image and updated files back to the bridge/router.
Primary, Secondary, and Test Boot Sources
The NETBuilder bridge/router or PathBuilder switch boots from a default directory,
called the primary boot source, which can be set using the SysconF command in
the Enterprise OS user interface. If you have more than one set of boot images,
you can specify a backup directory, called the secondary boot source. There is also
a test boot source, which the utilities use to test a new upgrade before making it
the primary boot source. Because the boot sources are only pointers to particular
directories, the utilities can dynamically change the boot sources without having
to move any files.
Automatic or Manual Recovery
If your switch or bridge/router has enough flash memory, you can have both sets
of software: the old version and the new version. After a successful test boot with
the new software, the primary boot source is changed to the new version. If the
test boot is not successful, the system automatically reboots with the old version.
Dual-image support is described in the procedures for automatic recovery.
If you have only enough flash memory for the new version, you can still recover
the old version from the NMS using the utilities. Single-image support is described
in the procedures for manual recovery.
For memory requirements for automatic or manual recovery, see Chapter 3.
Rules and Support Limitations11
Rules and Support
Before planning your upgrade, refer to the following rules and support limitations:
■ The utilities do not support Remote Boot and Configuration Services (RBCS) or
network booting.
■ Upgrades from NETBuilder bridge/routers running version 7.x, or earlier, are not
■ You cannot upgrade to a different platform. For example, you can only
upgrade an OfficeConnect
You cannot upgrade a SuperStack
bridge/router to an OfficeConnect bridge/router.
II NETBuilder bridge/router to a
SuperStack II NETBuilder SI bridge/router. The only exception is an upgrade
from a NETBuilder II
CEC module to a DPE module.
Take Time to PlanBecause networks today have become increasingly complex, upgrading your
network requires a systematic approach. 3Com recommends that you plan your
upgrade carefully before implementing it. See Chapter 3 to plan your upgrade.
Before you start the upgrade process, you must install the Enterprise OS Upgrade
Management Utilities on a network management station (NMS). If you are using
Transcend Enterprise Manager or Transcend Network Control Services, which has
the utilities bundled, you should install the latest utilities to take advantage of new
features and version support.
This chapter describes how to install the Enterprise OS Upgrade Management
Utilities on the following platforms:
■ Solaris 2.x
■ HP-UX 10.x
■ IBM AIX 4.x or later
■ Windows NT 4.x
■ Windows 95/98
Installing the Utilities
on a Windows System
You can install the utilities from a CD-ROM or from utilities that you have
downloaded to your hard disk. To install the utilities on a Windows system, follow
these steps:
1 If you have installed utilities before or have Transcend, check the version by
If the version is earlier than 11.3, continue to the next step. If you already have
11.3, you do not need to reinstall the utilities.
2 Change to the utilities directory.
■ If you are using the CD-ROM:
a Insert the CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.
b Open a command window.
c Change to the CD-ROM directory.
For example, if E is the drive letter for the CD-ROM, enter:
3 If you download the utilities to your hard disk (see Chapter 8 for information
about downloading the utilities):
a Decompress the utilities.
b Open a command window.
c Change to the utilities directory using:
4 Run the setup program for Windows:
■ To install all packages, including the utilities and package definitions for use
with Transcend if required, use:
bcmsetup <drive>: all
Where <drive> is the drive you want to install the utilities on.
The packages install in the default directory \usr\3Com\bcm\, and the following
paths are added to the autoexec.bat file:
5 Reboot your system to use the path, which is required for all utility commands. Or,
if you do not want to reboot, you can enter the path manually at the command
6 Use the bcmdiagnose utility to ensure that your installation is correct by entering:
Installing the Utilities
on a UNIX System
Preparing for the
ProcedureTo install the utilities on a UNIX system, follow these steps:
You can install the utilities from a CD-ROM or from utilities that you have
downloaded to your hard disk.
Before installing the utilities, verify the following items:
■ Your NMS is running one of the supported operating systems.
Check the operating system you are running by entering:
uname -a
The version message may refer to Solaris 2.5 as SunOS 5.5.
■ You need to upgrade utilities you have already installed. The utilities come
bundled with Transcend. To check the version, enter:
■ Your root password on the NMS (UNIX only).
■ Your NMS is running a TFTP/FTP server.
1 Log on as root.
2 Change to the utilities directory.
■ If you are using the CD-ROM:
a Mount the CD-ROM.
For more information on mounting instructions for each supported UNIX
operating system, see Appendix C.
b Change to the appropriate directory on the CD-ROM for your operating system
cd /<cd-rom path>/<os>
Where <os> is the directory for your operating system:
Installing the Utilities on a UNIX System15
Table 1 UNIX Directories
Operating SystemDirectory Name
Solaris 2.5.xsunos5
IBM AIX 4.1.x, 4.2xaix
■ If you download the utilities to your hard disk (see Chapter 8 for information
about downloading the utilities):
a Decompress the utilities.
b Change to the utilities directory on your hard disk using:
cd /<path>/
3 Run the setup program.
■ To install all packages from the CD-ROM, including the utilities and package
definitions for use with Transcend, enter:
./bcmsetup all
■ To install only the upgrade utilities, enter:
./bcmsetup bcm
The utilities are installed in the default directory /usr/3Com/bcm/.
If you are working in an HP-UX operating system, the bcmsetup command must
be uppercase, that is, BCMSETUP. The options that follow remain lowercase.
4 Complete the following step for your UNIX shell:
■ For a C-shell installation, add the contents of the following file to the .cshrc file
for each user you want to have access to the utilities, including root:
Or you can enter the path after every logon:
source /usr/3Com/common/data/.login-bcm
■ For a Bourne shell installation, add the contents of the following file to the
.profile file for each user you want to have access to the utilities, including root:
Or you can enter the path after every logon:
. /usr/3Com/common/data/.profile-bcm
5 Return to normal privilege by entering:
6 Use the bcmdiagnose utility to ensure that your installation is correct by entering:
Setting up for Auto
On a UNIX NMS, after you have completed the previous setup procedures you
need to set up the BootP server.
To set up the BootP server, enter:
bcmsteup -bootp
This command does not need to be used when you are operating on a
Windows 95/98/NT-based NMS.
Setting Up a File
Transfer Method
This chapter describes setting up a file transfer method, choosing automatic or
manual recovery, checking the required memory for each package, including
instructions for checking the memory , and pr ovides planning tables to copy and fill
out for each bridge/router.
If you are upgrading multiple bridge/routers using Transcend Enterprise Manager
or Transcend Network Control Services, or are using the command-line utilities,
you should make sure each bridge/router has enough flash memory and DRAM for
the software package you have chosen. The Upgrade Link application
automatically checks the memory of the bridge/router.
For a list of all software packages and the recommended upgrade path for your
version, see Appendix B.
You can choose to transfer files using FTP or TFTP.
Setting up for TFTP File
Setting up for FTP File
To use TFTP, you need to set up your NMS in preparation for TFTP file transfers.
Make sure your TFTP server is running. On a Windows workstation, 3Com’s
3CServer is shipped along with the utilities. Upgrade Link launches 3CServer
during start up.
Specify the -tftp flag in all command line utilities which use file transfers
(bcmsysupgrade, bcmbackup, bcmrestore) if you want to use TFTP file transfer. For
example, to specify TFTP file transfer use:
bcmsysupgrade -s:from_nb -tftp <device>
If neither flag is used, TFTP is used by default for software release 11.0 and lower,
but FTP is used by default for software release 11.1 and higher. If the -ftp flag is
specified on a bridge/router running software version 11.0 or lower, the FTP
password is overwritten with the following text string:
To use FTP, you need to set up your NMS in preparation for FTP file transfers.
For Upgrade Link, the user name and password is specified in the Setting Page, as
shown on page 23.
On a UNIX NMS, follow these steps:
1 Create a user on your system with /tftpboot as the home directory.
2 When using the upgrade utilities via the command line or the Transcend Upgrade
Manager, specify this user name and password in the BCMFTPUSER and
BCMFTPPASS environment variables.
Specify the -ftp flag in all command line utilities that use file transfers
(bcmsysupgrade, bcmbackup, bcmrestore) if you want to use FTP file transfer. For
example, to specify FTP file transfer use:
bcmsysupgrade -s:from_nb -ftp <device>
If no flag is used, TFTP is used by default for software release 11.0 and lower, but
FTP is used by default for software release 11.1 and higher. If the -ftp flag is
specified on a bridge/router running software version 11.0 or lower, the FTP
password is overwritten with the following text string:
On a Windows NMS, follow these steps:
1 Create a user in 3Com’s 3CServer FTP settings.
2 When using the upgrade utilities via command line or the Transcend Upgrade
Manager, specify the ftp user name and password in the BCMFTPUSER and
BCMFTPPASS environment variables.
You can specify the -ftp flag in the utilities (bcmsysupgrade, bcmbackup,
bcmrestore) if you want to use FTP file transfer.
If no flag is used, TFTP is used by default for software release 11.0 and lower, but
FTP is used by default for software release 11.1 and higher. If the -ftp flag is
specified on a bridge/router running software version 11.0 or lower, the FTP
password is overwritten with the following text string:
Choosing Automatic
Recovery or Manual
If you have enough flash memory for dual-image support, complete your upgrade
using automatic recovery. If you have only enough memory for single-image
support, complete the upgrade using manual recovery. The following sections
describe the difference between automatic and manual recovery and the memory
requirements for each platform.
Automatic RecoveryThe default upgrade procedure uses automatic recovery. After backing up the
current software to the network management station (NMS), the new software is
copied into a test directory while the current software remains in the primary
directory. If you accept the upgrade after booting from the test directory, the new
software becomes the primary boot source, and the old software becomes the
secondary boot source.
If you are upgrading your hardware as well as the software, the procedure for
automatic recovery saves the software package that was originally on the new
hardware as the secondary boot source.
Manual RecoveryAn upgrade with manual recovery (using the -m option with the bcmsysupgrade
utility) formats the flash memory after backing up the current software, then
copies the upgraded files to the bridge/router. If the upgrade is not successful, you
must restore the software from the NMS.
If you are upgrading your hardware as well as the softwar e, you can easily r ecover
your old hardware if the upgrade is not successful. However, because you erased
the flash memory on the new hardware, you will need to restore the original
software from the NMS if you want to return the new hardware to its original
Table 2 lists the memory requirements for each software package on the platform
you are upgrading to. If you are upgrading to an earlier version of software, see
the guides that came with that version for the memory requirements.
Table 2 Version 11.2 Software Packages
Flash Memory Required for:
Software PackageModelDRAM Required Automatic Recovery Manual Recovery
NETBuilder II with DPE:(The standard flash memory card from 3Com
(OE) - Multiprotocol Router with
56-bit Encryption
(OS) - Multiprotocol Router with
128-bit Encryption
(VW)- Multiprotocol Rou;r14712 MB8 MB 4MB
PathBuilder S5xx Switch
(PW) - Multiprotocol RouterS500, S580, S593,
(PE) - Multiprotocol Router with
56-bit Encryption
(PS) - Multiprotocol Router with
128-bit Encryption
112, 122, 132, 142 8 MB4 MB4 MB for 132
2 MB for all others
112, 122, 132, 142 8 MB4 MB4 MB for 132
2 MB for all others
115, 125, 135, 145 8 MB8 MB4 MB
117, 127, 137, 147 12 MB8 MB4 MB
117, 127, 137, 147 12 MB8 MB4 MB
S500, S580, S593,
S500, S580, S593,
160 MB16 MB4 MB
160 MB16 MB4 MB
160 MB16 MB4 MB
Checking DRAMTo check how much DRAM you have installed on the switch or bridge/router, on
the NMS use:
bcmuname -M <device>
Where <device> is the IP address or hostname of the switch or bridge/router.
Checking Flash MemoryTo check how much flash memory you have installed on the switch or
bridge/router, on the NMS use:
bcmdf <device>[:<drive:>]
Where <device> is the hostname or the IP address of the switch or bridge/router.
Specify drive A for NETBuilder II bridge/routers or PathBuilder switches.
Do not specify a drive for SuperStack II or OfficeConnect bridge/routers.
Checking the Software Version21
Checking the
Software Version
To display the current software version and package you are running, use the
bcmuname utility on the NMS:
bcmuname -R <device>
Where <device> is the IP address or hostname of the bridge/router.
To display the current software version and package using the Enterprise OS user
interface, enter:
Planning TablesPhotocopy the following planning tables, and fill out background information
about your bridge/routers before starting the upgrade process. The NETBuilder II
table is on page 22. The SuperStack II NETBuilder, SuperStack II NETBuilder SI,
OfficeConnect NETBuilder, and PathBuilder switch table is on page 23.
If you are upgrading both software and hardwar e, write down the information for
the new hardware. For example, if you are r eplacing a CEC 20 with a DPE module,
write down the information for the DPE module.
IP Address or Name
NETBuilder II Planning Table
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
XXn/a11.0 CF11.1 CF
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
Automatic Recovery?
Enough Flash Memory for
Manual Recovery?
Manual Recovery?
Enough Flash Memory for
(pre-10.3 upgrade only)
CEC Only: Firmware Version
and Two-Letter Code
Current Software Version
and Two-Letter Code
New Software Version
Check each appropriate option to use with the command-line utilities:
Hardware Upgrade?
are upgrading to>
are upgrading to>
-V:<version you
are upgrading to>
-V:<version you
-k:<package you
are upgrading to>
-k:<package you
-V:<version you
are upgrading to>
-k:<package you
are upgrading to>
are upgrading to>
are upgrading to>
are upgrading to>
-V:<version you
are upgrading to>
-k:<package you
-V:<version you
are upgrading to>
-V:<version you
-k:<package you
are upgrading to>
-k:<package you
are upgrading to>
are upgrading to>
are upgrading to>
-V:<version you
are upgrading to>
-k:<package you
-V:<version you
are upgrading to>
-V:<version you
-k:<package you
are upgrading to>
-k:<package you
Upgrading to a Software
Version Other than 11.0?
-V:<version you
are upgrading to>
Upgrading Unlike
-k:<package you
are upgrading to>
Planning Tables22
IP Address or Name MBXX8
SuperStack II NETBuilder, SuperStack II NETBuilder SI, and OfficeConnect NETBuilder Planning Table
Automatic Recovery?
Enough Flash Memory for
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
9.3 BF11.0 BF
❑ -m ❑ -new_hw
Manual Recovery?
Manual Recovery?
Enough Flash Memory for
and Two-Letter Code
Current Software Version
and Two-Letter Code
New Software Version
Check each appropriate option to use with the command-line utilities:
Hardware Upgrade?
-V:<version you
are upgrading to>
-k:<package you
are upgrading to>
are upgrading to>
are upgrading to>
-V:<version you
are upgrading to>
-V:<version you
-k:<package you
are upgrading to>
-k:<package you
are upgrading to>
are upgrading to>
are upgrading to>
-V:<version you
are upgrading to>
-k:<package you
-V:<version you
are upgrading to>
-V:<version you
-k:<package you
are upgrading to>
-k:<package you
are upgrading to>
are upgrading to>
are upgrading to>
-V:<version you
are upgrading to>
-k:<package you
-V:<version you
are upgrading to>
-V:<version you
-k:<package you
are upgrading to>
-k:<package you
Upgrading to a Software
Version Other than 11.0?
-V:<version you
are upgrading to>
Upgrading Unlike
-k:<package you
are upgrading to>
Planning Tables23
Preparing for the
This chapter describes how to upgrade the software on a NETBuilder bridge/router
or a PathBuilder switch using the Upgrade Link application. Upgrade Link is an
easy to use GUI for the upgrade utilities that runs in a web server. Access to the
server is available via a web browser. If you are upgrading multiple bridge/routers,
you should use Transcend Enterprise Manager or Transcend Network Control
Services instead. Contact your network supplier for more information about
Transcend. Or if you want to write scripts, you can use the command-line utilities
as described in Chapter 5. Use the command-line utilities if you do not have a web
browser on your network management station (NMS).
An NMS is a UNIX or Windows system that has a FTP/TFTP server running in
addition to software, such as the Upgrade Management Utilities, to manage your
network. For Windows, the utilities include the 3Com FTP/TFTP server called
Before upgrading your system, confirm the following items:
■ You have installed the utilities according to Chapter 2.
■ You have set the path for the utilities (UNIX only). If you have not set the path,
complete the following step for your UNIX shell:
■For a C-shell installation, add the contents of the following file to the .cshr c
file for each user you want to have access to the utilities, including root:
Or you can enter the path after every logon:
source /usr/3Com/common/data/.login-bcm
■For a Bourne shell installation, add the contents of the following file to the
.profile file for each user you want to have access to the utilities, including
Or you can enter the path after every logon:
. /usr/3Com/common/data/.profile-bcm
■ All configuration files are in the same directory as the boot image.
■ You have booted your bridge/router from the primary boot source.
■ You have a web browser installed with Java support, such as Netscape
Navigator 4.5 or Internet Explorer 4.x, and you have it in your path (UNIX).
CAUTION: Only one client at a time should access the Upgrade Link Server.
■ There is sufficient disk space on the NMS for the amount of software you are
Minimal disk storage requirements depend on the number of different
software versions that are stored on the disk drive. Calculate:
■6 MB for each version of the NETBuilder II bridge/router or PathBuilder
switch image
■4 MB for each version of the SuperStack II, SuperStack II SI, or
OfficeConnect NETBuilder bridge/router image
While you must purchase one copy of software for each device, you only need
to install one copy of a version of software on the NMS.
Running Upgrade Link
Upgrade Link contains its own web server. Client access to the web server is
available locally or remotely via a web browser. Running the Upgrade Link
application locally means that the web browser and the web server are running on
the same NMS.
To run Upgrade Link locally on a UNIX NMS, use:
UpgradeLink [-NoAuthentication] [-NoSecurity]
This command starts the NETBuilder Upgrade Server and the default browser. Two
command options are available.
■ When NoAuthentication is specified, Upgrade Link will allow a remote client to
access the server without user authentication, see “Settings Page” for a
description of the available settings.
■ When you specify NoSecurity, Upgrade Link starts and will accept connections
from all IP addresses. Otherwise, only those client IP addresses listed in the
/usr/3Com/common/data/allow file will be accepted by Upgrade Link.
For security, an administrator can enter the IP addresses of only those clients who
will be allowed to upgrade devices. An allow file is an ASCII text file containing the
IP addresses of clients to upgrade devices. The allow file looks like the following:
Running Upgrade Link
To run Upgrade Link locally on a Windows NMS, click the Start menu, then choose
Remote Upgrade Utilities⇒Upgrade Link.
Your default browser is launched. On Windows, the 3Com FTP/TFTP server is also
When you exit Upgrade Link, you will also exit the browser and, for Windows, the
FTP/TFTP server.
You can access the NETBuilder Upgrade Server remotely using a browser.
■ Start the NETBuilder Upgrade Server on the NMS using:
bcmnbrus <port> [-NoSecurity | -NoAuthentication]
Status and Settings Pages27
where port is the TCP socket on which the client can communicate with the
server. On UNIX systems, you can add this command to cron. On Windows
95/98/NT systems, this command can be run as a console application.
When NoSecurity is specified, the bcmnbrus command allows connections from all
IP addresses. Otherwise, only those client IP addresses listed in
the/usr/3Com/common/data/allow file will be accepted by Upgrade Link.
For security, an administrator can enter the IP addresses of only those clients who
will be allowed to upgrade devices. An allow file is an ASCII text file containing the
IP addresses of clients to upgrade devices. The allowed file looks like the following:
When NoAuthentication is specified, the bcmnbrus command allows the remote
client to access the server without user authentication, see “Settings Page” on
page 28 for a description of the available settings.
■ Then, to access Upgrade Link from a web browser, enter the following URL:
Status and Settings
Do not resize the browser window while the Upgrade Link application is running.
CAUTION: Only one client at a time should access the Upgrade Link Server.
After each procedure described in this section, the Status or Settings page
appears. Table 3 describes the buttons on the bottom of the Status page.
Table 3 Status page Buttons
HistoryShows the last 20 successful operations performed on the
HomeReturns to the Console page.
bridge/router or switch.
Table 3 Status page Buttons (continued)
AbortExits Upgrade Link and aborts the process. Some processes may need
to be completed even after clicking Abort. Upgrade Link displays a
message about any ongoing processes.
View LogsOpens a page listing the logs available for viewing.
Settings PageThe Setting Page lets you establish basic settings.
■ You can choose the method of file transfers. TFTP is used by default for
NETBuilder bridge/router software release 11.0 and lower while FTP is used by
default for NETBuilder bridge/router software release 11.1 and higher and
Enterprise OS version 11.3.
■ Enter an SNMP read/write string and the NETBuilder bridge/router or
PathBuilder switch user name and password.
■ If -noAuthentication was not specified in Upgrade Link or on the bcmnbrus
command line, authentication will be used and you must enter the NETBuilder
or PathBuilder username and password.
■ If -noAuthentication was specified in Upgrade Link or on the bcmnbrus
command line, no authentication is required and any user name and password
entries are ignored.
■ If using FTP, enter the FTP client user name and password.
Verifying for Upgrading29
Verifying for
Before upgrading, run the diagnostic utility in Upgrade Link to verify connectivity
to the switch or bridge/router by following these steps:
1 Choose a switch or bridge/router from the pop-up list in the Console page, or click
New to enter the IP address or hostname. The pop-up list contains devices that
you have upgraded or backed-up before.
2 Select Verify Upgrade Services (Diagnose) and click Apply.
The Settings Page appears. Select the appropriate settings as described in on
“Settings Page” on page 28 and click OK to close that window.
Installing Software on
the NMS
The Status page appears showing the results of the diagnostic tests.
3 If the Status page shows a failure, check the SNMP read/write community string
and FTP/TFTP server settings.
If the Status page shows a success, click Home to continue with the upgrade and
return to the Console page.
Upgrade Link installs the software on the NMS in the following directory:
For UNIX, if there is not enough space on the disk, you can link /tftpboot to
another disk. For example, to link /tftpboot to the usr directory, enter:
ln -s /usr/tftpboot /tftpboot/
Theutilities work only with the default directory names and structures.
tftpbootFor UNIX: Directory specified in inetd or tftpd for tftpd files.
%tftpboot%For Windows (using the default 3Com TFTP server): Directory
specified in the 3Server configuration.
<platform>NETBuilder II with CEC Module:NBII
NETBuilder II with DPE Module:NBDPE
SuperStack II NETBuilder SI bridge/router:NBSI
SuperStack II NETBuilder Ethernet
SuperStack II NETBuilder Token Ring
SuperStack II NETBuilder Ethernet/ISDN
SuperStack II NETBuilder Token Ring/ISDN
PathBuilder S5xx switch:NBPB500
<package>Two letter designator shown on the CD-ROM label.
[SW | FW]The software or firmware directory.
<version>Software version 9.0 through 11.3.
ProcedureTo install the new software on the NMS, follow these steps:
You must be logged in as root for this procedure (UNIX).
1 You can install the software from a CD-ROM, a tar archive, or a boot image
(image-only upgrade). If you are installing from a CD-ROM, mount the CD-ROM
on the NMS.
See Appendix C for information on how to mount the CD-ROM on a UNIX system.
2 For UNIX, log in as root.
3 Run Upgrade Link if you have not already done so.
4 Select Install a SW Package on NMS from the Console page.
+ 90 hidden pages
You need points to download manuals.
1 point = 1 manual.
You can buy points or you can get point for every manual you upload.