3com IP Contact Center Desktop Installation Instructions

3Com® IP Contact Center Desktop Installation Instructions
System Release 7
Part Number: 900-0359-01 Rev AA Published May 2006
3Com Corporation, 350 Campus Drive, Marlborough, MA 01752-3064
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Overview .............................................................................................................4
Getting Started ...................................................................................................4
Installing the Software for 3Com IPCC Desktop ......................................10
Removing 3Com IPCC Desktop Software Components
from the Client Computer .............................................................................. 19
Prerequisites.................................................................................................. 4
Configuration Tasks.....................................................................................5
Logging on to 3Com IPCC Desktop ........................................................10
Installing Java 2 Runtime Environment 1.4.2_09 ................................... 11
Installing Java Web Start 1.2 ..................................................................... 11
Installing 3Com IPCC Desktop ................................................................ 12
Setting Up Outlook Express...................................................................... 12
Installing Microsoft Virtual Machine ...................................................... 13
Configuring Internet Explorer for Microsoft VM ..................................14
Configuring Windows Firewall Exceptions ...........................................15
Verifying Installation, and Logging Off
the 3Com IPCC Desktop............................................................................ 17
Deleting the 3Com Directory.................................................................... 19
Removing Java 2 Runtime Environment 1.4.2_09.................................. 20
Removing Java Web Start.......................................................................... 20
Removing the 3Com IPCC Desktop Icon
from Windows Desktop ............................................................................20
Removing Microsoft Virtual Machine..................................................... 21
3Com IP Contact Center Desktop Installation Instructions 3


This guide provides instructions for configuring a client computer that will be used to access the 3Com IP Contact Center (IPCC) Desktop. It also provides instructions for installing the 3Com IPCC Desktop software components and describes how to remove the software that is installed as part of the 3Com IPCC Desktop installation.
Important: These instructions are written for a client computer installed with Windows XP and Service Pack 2 and with Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0. These instructions apply whether or not the Windows Firewall is enabled.
If your client computers have a different authorized configuration, contact your 3Com IPCC administrator for specific instructions.
Perform the tasks described in the following sections on each of the client computers that will be used to access the 3Com IPCC Desktop:
,” on page Getting Started 4
,” on page Installing the Software for 3Com IPCC Desktop 10
You can find the instructions for removing the 3Com IPCC Desktop and its associated software from a client computer in the following section:
the Client Computer

Getting Started

Before the 3Com IPCC Desktop is accessed from a client computer for the first time, make sure the configuration tasks described in this section are performed on the user’s client system.


Before starting the installation, locate the following information:
Removing 3Com IPCC Desktop Software Components from
,” on page
The access URL for the 3Com IPCC Desktop.
If you do not know the access URL, contact the 3Com Support Center for assistance.
4 3Com IP Contact Center Desktop Installation Instructions
Getting Started
User logon information.
You will need an authorized logon name and password to access the 3Com IPCC Desktop.

Configuration Tasks

To ensure optimal performance of the 3Com IPCC Desktop, configure the client computer as described in the following sections before you begin the installation:
” on page Turning Off System Sounds 5
” on page Configuring the Network Interface Card 6
” on page Configuring Desktop Performance Settings 6
” on page Setting the Screen Resolution 8
” on page Configuring Microsoft Internet Explorer 9
Select No Sounds from the Sound scheme drop­down list.
Note: If the Windows firewall is enabled on the client computer, you must configure exceptions to the firewall at the end of the installation. For more information, see “ ” on page
Configuring Windows Firewall Exceptions

Turning Off System Sounds

Turn off system sounds as follows:
1. From the Control Panel, open Sounds and Audio Devices.
2. Click the Sounds tab.
3. From the Sound scheme drop-down list, select No Sounds.
4. If you are asked if you want to save the previous scheme, click Yes or No, depending on your need.
3Com IP Contact Center Desktop Installation Instructions 5
5. On the Sounds tab, click OK to save the changes and exit.
6. Continue with the next section, .”Configuring the Network
Interface Card

Configuring the Network Interface Card

To configure the Network Interface Card, make sure the desktop NIC settings match the settings of the switch. For example, both the desktop NIC and switch settings can be set to autonegotiate. with the link speed set to at least 100MB/Fulluplex.
Note 1: You can configure the network interface card (NIC) settings from the Microsoft Windows Control Panel or with NIC management software—such as Intel PROSet—if it is installed on the client computer.
Note 2: For information about changing the configuration settings using NIC management software, refer to the manufacturer’s documentation.

Configuring Desktop Performance Settings

Configure the desktop performance settings as follows:
1. From the Control Panel, open System.
2. Click the Advanced tab.
3. In the Performance area, click Settings.
4. In the Performance Options dialog box, click the Visual Effects tab.
6 3Com IP Contact Center Desktop Installation Instructions
Getting Started
5. Select the Adjust for best performance option.
hen you select
best performance
boxes in the Custom area are cleared.
Adjust for
, the check
6. Click Apply.
The monitor might appear dimmed for a few moments. When the screen has adjusted its settings, the screen components are enabled again. You might see a difference in the interface—the change is cosmetic and does not affect the functionality.
7. Click OK to close the Performance Options dialog box.
8. Click OK to close the System Properties dialog box and exit.
9. Continue with the next section,
.” Setting the Screen Resolution
3Com IP Contact Center Desktop Installation Instructions 7
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