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83Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide
About This Guide
This guide provides detailed instructions for using 3Com IPCC Reporter
and 3Com IPCC Real-Time Status Viewer to view and monitor system and
user status. Reporter is used for consolidated historical information and
Real-Time Status Viewer is used for real-time information.
This guide also provides information about administrative applications that
enable 3Com IPCC Reporter administrators to manage the
3Com® IP Contact Center reports.
Who Should Read This Guide
This guide is intended for supervisors, executives, and administrators who
plan for, configure, manage, or administer 3Com IP Contact Center
How This Guide is Organized
The chapters in this guide provide the following information:
Chapter 1, “Introduction,” provides an overview of the
3Com IP Contact Center applications that allow you to monitor system and
user status and to view historical reports. The chapter also explains how to
get help while you work.
Chapter 2, “Working with 3Com IPCC Reporter,” explains how to use 3Com
IPCC Reporter to view, schedule, and print reports.
Chapter 3, “Viewing Historical Reports,” explains how to use 3Com IPCC
Reporter to view reports that help you manage your
3Com IP Contact Center resources. The chapter describes each standard
report provided by 3Com Corporation.
3Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide9
About This Guide
Chapter 4, “Working with 3Com IPCC Real-Time Status Viewer,” explains
how to use 3Com IPCC Real-Time Status Viewer to view and evaluate the
status of your 3Com IP Contact Center system.
Chapter 5, “Monitoring Real-Time Status,” describes the columns in each
3Com IPCC Real-Time Status Viewer view.
Chapter 6, “Administering 3Com IPCC Reporter,” provides an overview of
the 3Com IPCC Reporter administrator tasks involved in managing
3Com IPCC Reporter and explains how to use the Central Management
Console, the Parameter Update Tool, and the Report Upgrade and Import
Administrator to complete the 3Com IPCC Reporter administration tasks.
Appendix, “Event Data,” provides a list of all possible events that can be
reported in event reports, such as the Contact Event Detail, Component
Event Detail, Node Event Detail, and Trunk Event Detail reports.
A glossary and index are included at the back of this guide.
Related Publications
The following lists describe other 3Com IP Contact Center publications.
Books (PDF format)
3Com IP Contact Center
Administrator Guide
3Com IP Contact Center
Desktop User Guide
3Com IP Contact Center
Workflow Builder User’s
3Com IP Contact Center
Desktop Installation
Detailed instructions for using 3Com IPCC Administrator to
configure and maintain the resources in your
3Com IP Contact Center.
Introduction to the features and functions of the 3Com IPCC
Desktop and instructions for accessing applications and
working in the 3Com IPCC environment. Detailed
instructions for handling contacts of all media types and
levels of assistance, using the 3Com IPCC Contact History
Viewer, and performing supervisory tasks.
Detailed instructions for using 3Com IPCC Workflow Builder
to create and edit workflows. A workflow is a set of
instructions for processing and delivering contacts, managing
agents, and controlling system-level behaviors.
Detailed instructions for configuring user computers and
installing the 3Com IPCC Desktop software components. It
also describes how to remove the software that is installed as
part of the 3Com IPCC Desktop installation.
103Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide
Quick Reference Guides (PDF format)
Related Publications
3Com IP Contact Center
Desktop Quick Reference
3Com IP Contact Center
Supervisor Quick
Concise instructions for logging on, accessing 3Com IPCC
applications typically used by agents handling e-mail, voice,
Web, voice message, and callback contacts, and using
3Com IPCC Contact History Viewer.
Concise instructions for performing common supervisor
tasks, including monitoring and coaching agents, sending
bulletins, logging off users, and accessing real-time and
historical reports.
3Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide11
About This Guide
123Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide
This chapter provides an overview of the 3Com IPCC management
applications and the reporting data they provide, describes basic terms and
concepts that will help you use the applications effectively in day-to-day
management tasks, and explains how to access and use online Help.
Topics covered in this chapter:
■ About the 3Com IPCC Management Information Applications
■ About Reporting Data
■ Logging On to the 3Com IPCC Desktop
■ Getting Help
3Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide13
Chapter 1: Introduction
About the 3Com IPCC Management Information
The 3Com IP Contact Center system considers many factors when
determining how to handle a contact. These factors include media type,
business value, time in queue, service level objectives, and availability of
agents. Contact center administrators, supervisors, and executives need this
type of detailed information to help them with day-to-day and long-term
planning, forecasting, and operation.
The 3Com IPCC Reporter and 3Com IPCC Real-Time Status Viewer
applications provide detailed information about the activities and
performance of agents, the contacts that come in for each classification, the
media types through which contacts enter the contact center, and the level
of assistance contacts receive. You can use the real-time status views and
historical reports to determine staffing levels, reallocate resources among
classifications according to customer demand, monitor agent productivity,
and evaluate service-level objectives.
About Reporting Data
The data that appears in real-time status views and in historical reports is
compiled from events that are generated by users, contacts, components,
trunks, and nodes in the 3Com IP Contact Center system. The contact,
trunk, node, and component events are processed at the nodes and at the
The events are used to update the following:
■ Real-time status (user, contact, and trunk)
■ Real-time and historical summary records (user, contact, and trunk)
■ Historical event records (user, contact, trunk, node, and component)
■ Historical detail records (contact detail records and universal contact
A contact detail record (CDR) contains data collected for a contact
segment, which is created whenever a contact is distributed, escalated,
handled, transferred, demoted, or redistributed. Data for all the contact
143Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide
Media Types
About Reporting Data
segments that occur during the course of the entire contact is collected
and written to the database in the universal detail record (UDR).
The following topics describe some of the events and components that are
used to generate data for real-time and historical reports:
■ Media Types
■ Levels of Assistance
■ Contact Types
■ Handle Types
■ Supervisors, Teams, and Agents
Some data is reported by contact media type. The media types available at
your contact center may differ depending on your business needs and your
3Com IP Contact Center system configuration. The following table
describes the possible media types.
Media typeDescription
VoicePhone calls from customers to your 3Com IP Contact Center system.
Phone calls are routed according to your organization’s business
logic and are delivered as immediate-assistance contacts.
E-mailE-mail messages sent by customers to your organization. Typically,
an e-mail message is initially routed as a deferred-assistance contact
to a shared classification folder in Outlook Express.
If an agent hasn’t claimed the e-mail message after a specified
amount of time, it is escalated to immediate assistance.
Like other immediate-assistance contacts, the e-mail message is
represented on the left-most panel on the panel bar.
WebWeb collaboration requests, including:
■ Web chat and page sharing—for example, a customer enters
information in a caller information page on your organization’s
Web site and the request is routed as an immediate-assistance
■ Meet-me requests—a Web collaboration session in which a
caller navigates to a specific Web page and enters a logon name
and a meet-me ID to initiate a session with an agent directly.
3Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide15
Chapter 1: Introduction
Media typeDescription
Voice messageVoice messages left by customers in response to a prompt.
CallbackRequests from customers for a return call from an agent.
Levels of Assistance
For example, while waiting in queue for an agent, a customer may
choose to leave a voice message. The voice message is routed and
delivered as a link in an e-mail message.
For example:
■ While waiting in queue for an agent, a customer can press
touch-tone keys on the telephone keypad to enter a phone
number in response to a voice prompt.
■ A customer can enter a phone number and other requested
information in a form on a Web site that provides a callback link,
and then click a button to route the callback request to an
appropriate agent.
Callback requests are routed and delivered as links in e-mail
When a contact arrives at the 3Com IP Contact Center, it is assigned an
assistance level depending on the media type of the contact. The assistance
level that a contact receives can then change based on the defined business
logic and current conditions in the contact center.
For example, a deferred-assistance e-mail contact can be escalated. After an
e-mail message is escalated, it is placed in a queue to be delivered to an
agent as an immediate-assistance contact.
The 3Com IP Contact Center system classifies and prioritizes contacts based
on the three levels of assistance described in the following table. Each level
has different resource requirements and treatment methods.
163Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide
About Reporting Data
Level of
Self-service Self-service is for customers who want to get information themselves
while maintaining the option of being escalated to deferred or
immediate assistance to complete their transactions. In the
3Com IP Contact Center system, self-service contacts include contacts
handled by informational announcements including 3Com IVR
(Interactive Voice Response) capability, and information posted on a
Web site.
Note: Self-service data is not collected and therefore does not appear in
real-time statistics or historical reports.
Deferred assistance is for customers who need live assistance but are
willing to wait. Because these customers expect a response within a
finite period of time, automatic escalation to immediate assistance
ensures that their expectations are met in an effective and timely
Deferred-assistance contacts typically include callback requests, e-mail
messages, and voice messages (which are delivered to
3Com IPCC Desktop users as links in e-mail messages).
Immediate assistance is for customers who require live assistance as
soon as possible. Immediate-assistance contacts typically include Web
collaboration requests, phone calls, and escalated e-mail messages
(including e-mail messages with links for callback requests and voice
Contact Types
The contact type indicates how a contact is routed through the
3Com IP Contact Center system. The terminology used in reporting is
described in the following table.
3Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide17
Chapter 1: Introduction
Contact typeDescription
Routed A contact that, upon arrival at the contact center, is routed based on your
organization’s business logic. For example, a routed contact can be one
of the following:
■ A contact that is handled by an announcement.
■ An immediate-assistance contact delivered to an agent.
When the contact is delivered to an agent, it appears in the left-most
panel of the 3Com IPCC Desktop contact panel.
RedirectedAn immediate-assistance contact that is transferred from one
3Com IPCC Desktop user to another. For example:
■ An immediate-assistance contact that is delivered to an agent, who
transfers the contact to a supervisor.
■ A voice contact that originates as a conference with three
participants—a caller and two 3Com IPCC Desktop users—from
which the primary agent disconnects.
The contact appears in an available space in panels 2, 3, or 4 on the
panel bar and the panel displays Redirected as the contact type.
ConferenceA voice or Web contact that consists of three participants. For example, a
conference can be one of the following:
■ An immediate-assistance voice contact delivered to an agent, who
conferences in a supervisor.
■ A supervisor who is monitoring an agent’s conversation with a caller,
and then barges in on the call.
■ A Web collaboration session between a customer and two agents.
■ An internal call between two agents and a supervisor.
Inbound An inbound contact from an external party that is routed directly to a
3Com IPCC Desktop user. An example of an inbound contact is a
customer who places a voice call to an agent’s direct extension.
Outbound A contact initiated by a 3Com IPCC Desktop user to an external party.
DebriefA voice conference (a caller and two 3Com IPCC Desktop users), from
which the caller disconnects. The contact converts to a Debrief contact
type during the period of time the two 3Com IPCC Desktop users remain
Callback A contact initiated by a 3Com IPCC Desktop user to a customer who
requested a phone call from an agent.
The agent receives a callback contact in an e-mail message that contains
a link. When the agent clicks the link, the customer’s phone number is
dialed from the agent’s 3Com IPCC Desktop.
The outbound portion of the transaction determines the contact type.
183Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide
Handle Types
About Reporting Data
Contact typeDescription
Internal A contact initiated from one 3Com IPCC Desktop user to another; for
example, a phone call from an agent to a supervisor.
Unrecognized A contact type assigned to a voice contact that is not recognized by the
3Com IP Contact Center system. An unrecognized contact occurs when a
caller dials a number that is provisioned on the system but is not defined
in 3Com IPCC Administrator as either a routed contact target address or
a user phone number.
Each contact segment is assigned a handle type, which identifies how the
contact segment concluded. The handle type is recorded in the CDR for the
contact segment.
Note: A handle type is also assigned to the UDR, which summarizes the entire
contact. Not all handle types are applicable to the UDR, however; the Escalated and
Demoted handle types are only assigned to the CDR, not the UDR.
For example, when an immediate-assistance voice contact arrives at the
contact center, it queues at the node for an agent. An agent becomes
available and accepts the contact, talks to the caller, and then hangs up. This
contact segment is assigned a handle type — User.
The following table describes each handle type and provides the associated
contact types.
Associated contact
Handle typeDescription
AbandonedA call that was disconnected by the caller
before reaching an agent or informational
announcement. If the caller disconnected the
call within the time threshold defined for
short calls, the handle type of the contact
segment was short instead of abandoned.
CompleteAn outbound, callback, or internal contact
that was handled.
DeletedAn e-mail, callback, or voice message contact
that reached an agent, who subsequently
deleted the contact before responding.
DemotedA contact that is moved down from one level
of assistance to the next.
For example, an e-mail, callback, or voice
message contact that is escalated to
immediate assistance, and then moved back
to deferred assistance.
Routed, redirected, and
Outbound, callback, and
Routed and redirected
3Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide19
Chapter 1: Introduction
Handle typeDescription
Associated contact
EscalatedA contact that has moved up from one level
of assistance to the next.
For example, an escalated contact is a
deferred-assistance contact that has ben
moved to immediate assistance. For
example, an e-mail contact may be escalated
from deferred to immediate assistance if it is
not claimed within a defined escalation
timeout period.
IncompleteAn outbound, callback, or internal contact
that was abandoned.
New MediaA contact that is disconnected after leaving a
Short A contact that is disconnected by the caller
Third PartyA contact that is routed to an IVR (Interactive
TrunkA contact that is routed from a
A contact that is handled by a recorded
voice message or callback request.
before being placed in queue within the time
threshold defined for short calls.
Voice Response) component that is
integrated with the 3Com IP Contact Center
3Com IPCC Desktop user to a party outside
the 3Com IP Contact Center system.
Outbound, callback, and
Routed, redirected, and
Routed, redirected, and
Routed, redirected, and
Routed, redirected, and
Routed, redirected, and
UserA contact that is handled by an agent.Routed, redirected, and
Supervisors, Teams, and Agents
In addition to report data about the contacts that move through the
3Com IP Contact Center system, report data about users (the people who are
logged on to the 3Com IPCC Desktop) is also captured. Report data is
available to supervisors—users whose role includes the Management feature
set—in the form of real-time status views and historical reports.
A team is a group of users whose role includes the Contact Handling feature
set (agents) managed by a supervisor. All users who handle contacts must be
assigned to a team. A team can have up to five supervisors.
A supervisor can manage one or more teams, but users can be contacthandling members of only one team. For a supervisor, this could mean that
he or she supervises teams A and B and handles contacts for team C.
203Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide
Logging On to the 3Com IPCC Desktop
A supervisor can supervise and handle contacts for the same team
(therefore “supervising” himself or herself), or can supervise a team and not
belong to any team as a contact-handling member.
A team can have members who reside on multiple nodes. However,
supervisors can view status views only for one node at a time.
Logging On to the 3Com IPCC Desktop
Though you can start 3Com IPCC Reporter directly from your browser, you
must be logged on to the 3Com IPCC Desktop to start 3Com IPCC
Real-Time Status Viewer.
Before you log on to the 3Com IPCC Desktop for the first time, make sure
your computer is configured correctly and the 3Com IPCC Desktop is
installed as described in the 3Com IPCC Desktop Installation Instructions.
Getting Help
To log on to the 3Com IPCC Desktop, follow the instructions in the
3Com IPCC Desktop User’s Guide.
For details about logging on to the 3Com IPCC Management Information
applications see “Logging On to 3Com IPCC Reporter” on page 32 and
“Starting Real-Time Status Viewer” on page 178.
When you are working with the 3Com IPCC management applications and
the 3Com IPCC Desktop Manager, you can get help by accessing the online
Help at any time.
Topics included in this section:
■ Displaying Online Help
■ Using the Controls in the Help Window
■ Finding a Help Topic
■ Resizing the Help Navigation Frame
■ Printing a Help Topic
■ Troubleshooting Online Help Access Problems
3Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide21
Chapter 1: Introduction
Displaying Online Help
You can display the online Help by clicking on the Help button on the
3Com IPCC Desktop toolbar.
Topics included in this section:
■ Displaying a Help Topic for 3Com IPCC Reporter
■ Displaying Online Help for 3Com IPCC Real-Time Status Viewer
■ Displaying Online Help for the 3Com IPCC Desktop
Note: If the online Help does not appear after you have followed the instructions in
this section, see “Troubleshooting Online Help Access Problems” on page 29.
Displaying a Help Topic for 3Com IPCC Reporter
You can access online Help for each report or for 3Com IPCC Reporter as a
To display Help for a report:
1. In a report folder window, click a report link in the report list.
A menu is displayed.
Click here to display help for
2. Click Report Help.
Help for the report you clicked is displayed.
223Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide
To display Help for 3Com IPCC Reporter:
Click here on any 3Com IPCC
Reporter page to view Help
for 3Com IPCC Reporter as a
Displaying Online Help for 3Com IPCC Real-Time Status
Getting Help
➤ In the right corner of the title bar, click Help.
Help for 3Com IPCC Reporter is displayed.
When you work with 3Com IPCC Real-Time Status Viewer, you can access
online Help for each status view.
To access Help for a status view:
➤ Click the Help button in the upper-right corner of the tab.
➤ Press the F1 key on your keyboard.
A Help button is available on
3Com IP Contact Center
Real-Time Status Viewer tab
3Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide23
Chapter 1: Introduction
Displaying Online Help for the 3Com IPCC Desktop
You can access online Help by clicking on the Help button on the
3Com IPCC Desktop toolbar.
Using the Controls in the Help Window
The online Help systems open as follows:
■ In 3Com IPCC Reporter, online Help opens in the frameset view.
Click this button to display Help for the
3Com IP Contact Center.
■ In Real-Time Status Viewer, online Help opens in the topic-only view.
■ In 3Com IPCC Desktop Manager, online Help opens in the frameset
Topics covered in this section:
■ Topic-Only View
■ Frameset View
243Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide
Getting Help
Topic-Only View
Context-sensitive Help is displayed in the topic-only view, as shown in the
following illustration. Click the Show Navigation button to switch to
the frameset view.
Related TopicsNextPrevious
The following table describes the components of the topic-only view.
Show Navigation button. Displays the navigation frame. This frame
provides access to the Contents, Index, and Search tabs.
Previous button. Displays the previous sequential topic in the Help system.
Note: Use your browser’s Back button, not the Previous button, to display a
topic that you previously viewed.
Next button. Displays the next sequential topic in the Help system.
Related Topics button. Displays a list of related topics. Click a topic name
on the list to display it in the Help window.
Print button. Prints the current topic.
Navigation path. Shows you the context of the current topic relative to its
parent topic. Click the underlined topic name to display it.
Frameset View
3Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide25
Chapter 1: Introduction
In the 3Com IPCC Reporter and the
Manager3Com IPCC Desktop Manager, the online Help is displayed in the
frameset view, as shown in the following illustration.
Note: In the Real-Time Status Viewer, online Help opens in topic-only view. To
switch to the frameset view, Click the Show Navigation button in the topic-only
Show in Contents button
Navigation frameTopic frame
In the frameset view, the navigation frame appears on the left side of the
window and the Help topic frame appears on the right side of the window.
When you first display the Help window, the Contents tab appears; this is
analogous to the table of contents in a printed book.
The following table describes the components of the frameset view.
Navigation tabsClick a tab to display one of three navigation aids in the Help
window’s navigation frame: the Contents, Index, or Search tab.
Show in Contents button. Highlights the entry on the Contents tab
that corresponds to the currently displayed topic.
Previous button. Displays the previous sequential topic in the Help
Note: Use your browser’s Back button, not the Previous button, to
display a topic that you previously viewed.
Next button. Displays the next sequential topic in the Help system.
Navigation frameDisplays the contents of the Contents, Index, or Search tab.
Topic frameDisplays the current topic.
263Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide
Finding a Help Topic
You can find online Help topics by using the tabs on the navigation frame:
1. If the navigation frame is not already displayed, click the
Show Navigation button.
Click here to display
the navigation frame.
Getting Help
Navigation tabs
Click a closed book to
open it and view a list
of subtopics.
Click an open book
to close it and hide
the subtopics.
2. Use the controls on the Contents, Index, and Search tabs to find a topic.
When you select a subtopic from the navigation frame on the left,
the topic is displayed in the topic pane on the right.
3Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide27
Chapter 1: Introduction
The following table describes the navigation tabs.
ContentsClick a closed book to display a list of subtopics. Click an open book to
hide the list of subtopics. Click the title next to a book or page icon to
display the corresponding topic.
IndexScroll the list to find an index entry or click a link at the top of the Index
tab to display a different set of index entries. For example, click B to
display the index entries that begin with the letter b. Then click an index
entry to display the corresponding topic.
If more than one topic corresponds to the index entry, a list of topics is
displayed. Click the one you want to view.
SearchType a word or phrase in the text box, and then press ENTER or click Go.
The Search tab displays a list of all topics that contain the word or phrase
you entered, along with a relevancy ranking (a number between 1 and
100). Click the name of the topic you want to view.
When you enter more than one word, the search finds topics that
contain all the words you entered.
Resizing the Help Navigation Frame
To resize the navigation frame:
➤ Drag the vertical line that separates the navigation frame from the topic
When the cursor changes to a double-headed arrow, press and hold the mouse
button, then drag the vertical line to the right or left to resize the frames.
283Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide
Printing a Help Topic
To print the current online Help topic:
1. Click the Print button.
2. In the Print dialog box, select the appropriate settings, and then click
Getting Help
Click here to print the active Help topic.
Troubleshooting Online Help Access Problems
A Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 security feature and the Google Popup
Blocker might prevent the 3Com IP Contact Center online Help from being
When one or both of these security features are enabled, the online Help for
the 3Com IP Contact Center applications might not appear when you click a
Help icon or button. One of the following situations might occur:
■ A security message, as shown in the following illustration, is displayed
in the Internet Explorer Information Bar.
If this occurs, click the message, and then follow the prompts to display
the active content (the online Help).
If the online Help is still not displayed, press and hold the CTRL key
while you click the message and the subsequent prompts. Release the
CTRL key when the online Help is displayed.
3Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide29
Chapter 1: Introduction
■ The Help window does not display at all or flashes briefly on the screen
and then disappears. This typically occurs when the Google Popup
Blocker is enabled.
To display the online Help, press and hold the CTRL key while you
click the Help icon or button. Release the CTRL key when the online
Help is displayed.
If the online Help does not appear after you have followed the instructions
in this section, do the following:
1. From the Microsoft Internet Explorer Tools menu, select Internet
2. Select the Advanced tab.
3. In the Browsing directory, make sure the Reuse windows for
launching shortcuts check box is cleared.
303Com IP Contact Center Management Information Guide
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