Release Notes
for the 3Com® eXchange Call Center, Release 4.33 on NBX R4.2.9
NOTE: The 3Com eXchange Call Center has been qualified on IBM Server Z Pro Series
(Pentium 4) machines.
CAUTION: BEFORE YOU INSTALL the Call Center hardware and software, be sure to
read and understand all of:
These Release Notes for 3Com eXchange Call Center Release 4.33
The Release Notes for NBX System Release 4.2.9
CAUTION: If your Call Center server has virus protection software:
1. Before you install the NBX applications and the Call Center software, turn off the virus protection
2. Configure the virus protection software to:
Scan during off-peak hours
Not to scan C:\Program Files\3COM\NBX\NBX TSP\Logs
3. After you install all of the Call Center-related software on the Server, turn back on the virus
protection software.
(ID 4454)
Route Points Require Passwords
• CAUTION: When you add TAPI Route Point to the NBXTSP on the NBX system, you must add a
password for each Route Point. The Call Center will not redirect calls to a Route Point that has no
password. Instead, the caller hears “ring no answer” and is never connected. (ID 4539)
Upgrade and Downgrade Procedures
See the Appendix in the 3Com eXchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide for
upgrade and downgrade procedures. Note that you should install the NBXTSP Release 4.28.
Caution: You must back up your database and move it to a secure location before beginning
any upgrade or downgrade procedure.
Features of the 3Com eXchange Call Center at Release 4.33
The 3Com eXchange Call Center is a comprehensive call center solution designed to control,
manage, monitor, and support the activities at a Call Center site. It has these parts:
The eXchange Engine system includes a sophisticated Intelligent Routing mechanism. It
also employs an integrated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) package that enables the Call
Center manager to design a routing plan and accurately assesses Call Center activity trends.
On the basis of this information, management can provide the most efficient personnel
allocation plan to meet the Call Center’s requirements.

3Com eXchange Call Center Release Notes for 4.33 Page 2
The eXchange Visor Management Information System (MIS) monitors Call Center activities,
generates reports that summarize system performance over a given time period, and
provides statistical analysis of the Call Center system behavior within a specified period.
The eXchange Agent station provides a fully computerized environment, allowing easy
operation of all telephone and software activities required by agents.
The system uses a networked client/server architecture, comprising server applications
on the Call Center Server and client applications at the supervisors’ and agents’ stations.
The modules of the Server software, which run on the Server computer continuously, are
responsible for connecting to contact resources (for instance, the NBX system), routing and
handling contact channels, and creating and storing performance data and statistics.
The client software applications are the user interface of the system. They run on client
computers and enable supervisors and managers to configure the system and display and
generate statistical reports. The applications also enable agents to perform their activities.
Known Anomalies and Considerations in eXchange Call Center 4.33
ID numbers in parentheses are for internal 3Com use only.
“Announce Wait Time in Queue” Not Available
• This feature is not part of 3Com eXchange Call Center. Do not choose the WAV file as part of your
control script, even though the file is in the directory. (ID 4943)
Conference Calls Restriction
• You can only conference three 3Com Telephones using the Start Conference icon. You should be
able to conference four telephones. (ID 4364)
Workaround for ID 4364: Use an agent’s physical phone for the fourth party in the conference.
Help File Inaccessible from F1 Key in Real-Time Monitoring
• Pressing F1 in Real-Time Monitoring doesn’t display the Help file. (ID 4866)
How to Select Columns for Sorting in Historical Report for Groups (Visor)
• To select a column, click and drag the column that you want to sort. (ID 4815)
Redirected Call
• If a call is redirected from an IVR port, the transfer timer is used. Instead, the TAPI Redirect timer
should be used. The Transfer Timeout value takes precedence over the Redirect Timeout value.
The Transfer Timeout of the eXchange Call Center Server should be set to 3 times the eXchange
Force Release Timeout value.
(ID 4665)