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eXchange Call Center Visor Guide
Conventions 5
Related Documentation 5
Documentation Comments 6
Registration, Warr ant y, and Suppor t Information 6
Disclaimers 6
Call Center Overview 7
3Com eXchange Call Center Administration 9
3Com eXchange Call Center Real-Time Monitoring 9
3Com eXchange Call Center Historical Reports 10
3Com eXchange Call Center Wall Board Administration 10
Using Real-Time Monitoring Reports 12
Accessing the 3Com eXchange Call Center Real-Time Monitoring Application 12
Creating New Real-Time Reports 14
Changing the Group in the Current Window 15
Adding and Removing Entities from Report Windows 16
Opening Pre-Defined Real-Time Reports 16
Sorting Entries in the Current Window 17
Saving Real-Time Reports 17
Setting Refresh Rate 18
Available Report Types in the Real-Time Monitoring Application 19
Agent Distribution Graph 19
Brief Agents Status 19
Brief DNIS Status 20
Brief Group Status 20
3Com® eXchange Call Center Visor Guide3
Call Distribution Graph 20
Group Agent Status 21
Detailed Group Status 21
Detailed Super-Group Status 22
Graphical Agent Status 22
Group Queue Calls 22
Groups Service Time Intervals Graph 23
Trunks Status 24
Groups Status 24
Group Hourly Report 24
Daily Brief Group State 25
Daily Summary Brief Group Status Window 25
Daily Summary Detailed Group Status Window 26
Hourly Group Status Window 30
Daily Detailed Group Status 31
Daily Detailed Super-Group Stat us 32
Factory Reports 34
User Definable Reports 35
Using Historical Reports 37
Creating a New Report 37
Scheduling Automatic Reports 39
Viewing and Modifying the Schedule List 42
Data Columns 42
Messages Editor 73
Wall Board Configuration 74
Real-Time Interval 76
Available Fields for the GROUPS in the Wall Board Administration Application 76
eXchange Call Center Visor Guide
This guide describes how to use the 3Com eXchange Visor A p plications. It describ es t he
Real-Time Monitorin g , Hi storical Report, and Wall Board applications and explains how to
use them. The guide is inte nded for Call Center managers and supervisors.
For more information on t he 3Com eXchange Call Cent er solution, see the Help.
For a description of many of the 3Com eXchange Call Center concepts and terms
used in this document, see Chapter 2: Overview of the 3Com eXchange Visor
Table 1 lists conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Table 1Notice Icons
IconNotice TypeDescription
Information noteInformation that describes important features or instructions
WarningInformation that alerts you to potential personal injury or death
Information that alerts you to potential loss of data or potential
damage to an application, device, system, or network
Related Documentation
The following documents are av ai lable on the 3Com Partner Access website for the 3Com
eXchange Call Center system:
§ 3Com eXchange Call Center Releas e Not es
§ 3Com eXchange Ca ll Center Hardware and Software Guidelines
§ 3Com eXchange Ca ll Center Quick Installation Guide
§ 3Com eXchange Ca ll Center Installation and Ge t t ing Started Guide
§ 3Com eXchange Call Center Setup Worksh eets
§ 3Com eXchange Ca ll Center Administration Guide
§ 3Com eXchange Ca ll Center Visor User Guid e (t his guide)
§ 3Com eXchange Call Center Agent User Guide
3Com® eXchange Call Center Visor Guide5
Documentation Comm ent s
Your suggestions are important t o us because we want to make our docu me nt at ion more
useful to you.
Please send e-mail comments about this guide or any of the eXchange Call Center
documentation and Help t opics to:
Please include the following information with your comments:
§ Document title
§ Document part number (usually found on the front page)
§ Page number
§ Your name and organization (opt ional)
3Com eXchange Ca ll Center Visor User Guid e
Part Number 900-0151-01 Rev AA
Page 25
Registration, Warranty, and Support Information
For details on how to register y our product and get support from 3Com, see Appendix E:
“Obtaining Support for Your 3Co m Pr oducts” in the 3Com eXchange C al l C ent er I nst allationand Getting Started Guide.
The illustrations and other v iews, telephone displays, and screen captures appearing in t his
manual are examples used to explain how the applicati on’ s fe at ures and controls are used.
What appears in the illustrations may dif fer fr om what appears on your actual equipment and
may not represent something that is possible in actual operation. The functions that you can
use and the information that you can display may differ d epending on the telephony st at e
and external equipment conne ct ed in your network and eXchan ge system. Therefore, use
the illustrations only as guidelines.
The names of companies, product s, people, characters, and data ment ioned in the examples
herein are fictitious and are in no w ay intended to represent any real in dividual, company,
product, or event, unless otherwi se not ed.
eXchange Call Center Visor Guide
The figures in this guide may not represent exactly what you see on yo ur monitor
in all details. Use t hem only as guidelines.
The 3Com eXchange Call Cent er is a comprehensive routing and management system
designed to control and monitor t he activities of the Call Center.
Call Center Overview
The 3Com eXchange Call C ent er i ncl udes the Engine, Admin, Visor and Agent modules.
§ The Engine module, together with the I nt eractive Voice Response package (IVR),
provides the Call Center administrator with a number of so phisticated mechanis ms for
routing incoming calls t o agents, including routing incoming calls by DNIS (the number
In addition, the 3Com eXchang e Call Center provides the admin istrat or w it h a
sophisticated, yet easy t o use script i ng mechanism. Incoming calls are routed to agents
according to the service required by t he D NIS (number dialed).
§ The Adm i n m odule enables authorized supervisors to define the para met ers of different
system entities (for exampl e, Agents, Agent Groups, and Trunk Groups) and easily
modify their profiles. There are sev eral administration levels with di f fere nt access rights.
§ The Visor module is a Management Information Syst em. This application mo nit o rs Call
Center activities and provid es real-time information as well as generating reports that
summarize the system's performance over a given time period. The Visor module also
provides statistical analysis of the Call Center system behavior within a specified period.
§ The Agent module provides the agent with all the necessary in formation regarding any
incoming call type and the caller, before a call is even answered. This Windows-bas ed
application provide s agents with an extensive toolbar so that they can perform a ll
telephony functions fro m their de sktops. The toolbar is so compact that most of the
agent's screen-space can be used t o run ot her applications.
These modules combined form the 3Com eXch ange Call Center syst em. They enable Call
Center managers to design a rout ing plan and accurately asses s C all Center activity trends.
Based on this information, management can prov ide t he most efficient personnel allocation
plan to meet the Call Center's requirements.
3Com® eXchange Call Center Visor Guide7
eXchange Call Center Visor Guide
The eXchange Visor suite o f app lications is designed to mon itor ACD activities, generate
reports that summarize the past performance of the system over a given time period, and
provide statistical an alysis of the Call Center system behavior within a specified period.
The figures in this guide may not represent exactly what you see on yo ur monitor
in all details. Use them only as guidelines. See the Help files for feature det ails.
The eXchange Visor consist s of four a pplications: The Ad ministration, The Real Time
Monitoring, The Histor ical Reports, and the Wall Board Administration. Each application is a
separate entity that acts inde pendently of the others.
This Management Informat ion System enables authorized supervisors to define t h e
parameters of system entities (for example, Agents, Agent Groups, and Trunk Groups) and
modify their attributes. Mult iple eXchange Visor workstations may be activated, al low i ng a
number of supervisors and managers to work simultaneously. Each one of the Visor stations
requires an appropriate license.
3Com eXchange Call Center Administrati on
The 3Com eXchange Cal l Center Administration enab les authorized
managers and supervisors to define the parameters of the system entities:
Agents, Agent Groups, Trunk Gro ups, Super-Groups, Supervisors, and
System Definitions. Configuring these parameters is generally performed
once, when the system is set up. However, certain parameters may also n eed
to be updated during the course of work using the Administ rat io n application.
For a detailed explanation of the Administration application, see the 3Com
eXchange Call Center Administrator's Guide.
3Com eXchange Call Center Real-Time Moni toring
The Real-Time Monitoring a pplication allows manage rs and supervisors to
obtain online statisti cal and graphical infor m at ion concerning Call Cent er
activities. The information can be displayed in table s, forms, and graphic
formats, providing a cle ar and current picture of what is hap pening in the Call
3Com® eXchange Call Center Visor Guide9
3Com eXchange Call Center Hi storical Reports
The Historical Report s application enables man agers and supervisors to
generate historical statistical reports for evaluating past activities and plann ing
future actions. The applicat ion contains a variety of predefined report templates
that can be filled out and gener at ed. In addition, it enables free creation of
reports based on an opened report generator using simple drag-and-drop
3Com eXchange Call Center Wall Board Administration
The optional Wall Board Admi ni st rat ion enables the supervisor to control t he
messages displayed on Wall Boards and agent boards. Message s may contain
free text and statistical para meters and can be projected on different Wall
Boards. Free sequences may be def ined as a scenario and pop-up mes sages
can be sent automatically.
eXchange Call Center Visor Guide
The figures in this guide may not represent exactly what you see on yo ur monitor
in all details. Use t hem only as guidelines.
In Real-Time Monitoring, the su pervisor observes statistical data on t he screen that reflects
the actual Call Cent er activity as it occurs.
Real-Time data is presente d in report windows. Real-Time mo nit oring is implemented us ing
dynamic reports that reflect actual Cal l Cent er act ivity between two configurable t hreshold
levels. The system continually updates the gra phi cal data , so that the latest in formation for
the current time interval is always on t he screen.
If the Real-Time Interval defined is one hour, and the time is currently 10:42, the data
presented is for the time period 09: 42 - 10: 42. At 09:35, the data presente d is for the time
period 08:35 - 09:35. By default, the real-time monitors are updated once a second. To
eliminate network impact and allow remote supervis ing ov er t he WAN or Internet, the RealTime Monitoring application uses a sophisticated refresh-rate algorithm that is designed to
monitor the transfer abilit ies of the network and update the refresh rat e accordingly.
Supervisor can personalize their own workspaces to use any of the various reports on
required entities (agents, groups, supergroups, trunks, and s o on), according to defined
privileges. The default w orkspace is displayed when the supervisor logs on.
Three basic types of report templates are defined automatically:
§Tabular Reports, with flexibl e col umn widths and scrolling bars, dis play current,
cumulative and statistical information with tw o levels of colored indicators for thresholds.
§Scalable Forms, which report numerical information on designed fields with two levels of
colored indicators for threshold s.
§Graphical Reports, which d isplay performance and act ivities on configurable 2D or 3D
graphs, Supervisors can custom ize the coloring, location of legends, and so on.
3Com® eXchange Call Center Visor Guide11
Using Real-Time Monitoring Reports
This section contains step-by-st ep i nst ruct ions on how to use the Real-Time Reports. These
sub-sections include how to:
§ Access the 3Com eXchange Call Center Real-Time application
§ Create a new report
§ Change the group in the current window
§ Add a group in the current window
§ Remove a group from the current window
§ Open a report
§ Reorder the entries in a report
§ Save a report
§ View a report
§ Filter the report's results
§ Sort the report's columns
§ Set the refresh rate
Accessing the 3Com eXchange Call Center Real-Tim e Monitoring Applicati on
1 Double-click the Real-Time monitoring icon in the 3Com eXchange Call Center folder
group. The Login window appears.
2 Enter the Login Name,Password and Set Language in the Login window.
Using the Set Language option allows the user to operate in either English or
Spanish. To revert back to the previous language (Eng lish or Spanish), log off
and then log back on using the preferred language
eXchange Call Center Visor Guide
3 Click the OK button. The Real-Time Monitoring w in dow appears.
If the workspace settings are define d, the following splash wi ndow appears.
3Com® eXchange Call Center Visor Guide13
Creating New Real-Time Reports
1 In the Real-Time Monitoring wi ndow, select the New option in the File menu. The New
dialog box appears.
2 Select the report type from the Report Type drop-down list.
3 Select the template fro m the Template Name list and click OK.
The New Group, New Trun k Group or New Agent dialog box appears, depending on t he
selected template.
4 Select the required new grou p, t r unk group or agent and click OK. The selected R eport
window appears. The new w indow i s named "Untitled" along with the item name and ID
number. For example: Untitled, [ G roup: Project1, 3421]. Any current act iv ity in the ACD
is immediately reflected in the report .
eXchange Call Center Visor Guide
Changing the Gro up i n t he Current Window
This action applies only t o report s relat ed to one entity such as:
§ Calls Distribution Graph
§ Group Agent Status
§ Detailed Group Status
§ Detailed Super Group Stat us
§ Agent Distribution Graph
§ Trunk Group Trunk Status
1 Select the Change option from the Contents me nu, or use t he t oolbar icon.
The Change Group dialog box appears, showing the list of groups not yet included in the
2 Select the group to be monitored in the current Real-Time Report. Click OK.
3Com® eXchange Call Center Visor Guide15
Adding and Remov ing Entities from Report Windows
Groups, Trunk Groups and stati ons can be added to or removed from report windows. This
action applies only to reports that allow you to see more tha n one entity at a time.
To add or remove Groups to or from the Brief Group Status, Group Queue calls and STI
Graph reports, or Trunk Groups to or from the Trunk Group Status Report, use the following
1 Select Add or Remove from the Contents menu, or use the toolbar icons.
Add icon Remove icon
The Add Group dialog box a ppears with the list of groups that are not alre ady in the report.
The Remove Group dia log box appears, listing groups currently presented in the report.
2 Select the group to be added to or re mov ed fr om the current real-time report. Click OK.
To add or remove stations to or from the G r aphical Agent Status report
3 Select the Add or Remove option, or use the icons. The Add or Remov e St at i on dialog
box appears.
4Enter the number of the station to be added or removed and then click OK.
Opening Pre-Def i ned Real-Time Re por t s
1 Select Open from the File menu. The Open dialog box appears.
2 Click the Public or Private check boxes (or both) to display the desired report s.
3 Select the report type from the Report Type drop-down list and click OK.
eXchange Call Center Visor Guide
Sorting Entries in the Current Window
Report tables can be custo mized by changing the order of the ent ries. Entries may be sorted
by agent name, by agent number or by ext ension number.
1 Select Reorder fr om the Contents menu, or use the toolbar icon.
The Reorder dialog box app ears.
The By Extension check box does not appear for trunk and group report s.
2 Select the desired option.
3 Click OK. The report entries are reordered according t o your selection.
After a sort is completed, all entries that are not logged in will be placed at the
bottom of the list.
Saving Real-Time Repor t s
A report can be saved in two lists: t he public reports list, and the private report list. All
authorized supervisors can view public reports and only t he supervisor who created them
can view private reports.
Select Save, Save as, or Workspace from the File menu (or use the toolbar icons):
IconFile Menu OptionFunction
Save As
To save the real-time report in the currently active window under its
current name
To save the real-time report in the currently active window under a
new name
To save the current workspace area as the default option or to
restore the default layout. Reports and layouts open in this
workspace are saved in the database
1 Click the Public or Private check box (or bot h) t o save the report in the selected list(s).
3Com® eXchange Call Center Visor Guide17
2 Type in a name for the report.
3 Click OK.
An asterisk (*) in the report title bar indicates that the report structure has
changed since the last save. The report must be saved again for the changes to
be written to the database.
Setting Refresh Rate
The refresh rate is the update time int erval. For example, if the refresh rate is set t o 5
seconds, informatio n is updated every five seconds.
1 Select Refresh Rate from the Tools menu.
2 Choose a mode:
§Automode - allows the system to automatical ly set the refresh rate depending on the
load of the network.
§Manual Mo d e - allows the user to set the refresh rate at a constant rat e. The dialog
box shown in Figure 5-10 appears when Manual Mode is selected.
If the manually set refresh rate is inappropriate for the current network load, the
system increases the rate to a m ore efficient rate (that is, 5 seconds to 7
3 Click OK.
If an activity begins and ends bef ore t he next update of inform at ion, t his act ivity
is not reported in the report. For example, if the refresh rate is 5 second s and an
agent speaks on a call for 3 seconds, this call will no t appear in the real-time
eXchange Call Center Visor Guide
Available Report Types in the Real-Time Monitoring Application
Agent Distribution Graph
The pie chart displayed in the A gent Distribution Graph window shows the distribution of
current agent activity as it occurs. You can quickly see the percentage of agents of a group
in various states. For detail ed i nf ormation related to a specifi c sl ice, simply double-click it and
the details balloon appears. G r aph t ypes, colors, legends location and 2 or 3D are all user
Brief Agents Status
The Brief Agents Status is a tabular report that allows the follow-up of activities performed by
a team of agents, regardless of which ACD group they are l ogged-in. The supervisor is able
to add agents and see what ty pe of activ it y the agent is engaged in and how long for (for
example: IDLE state, ACD, WRAP, and so forth.). Different co lors are used to differentiate
between various states and are defined in the Colors option of the Administration appl ication.
This report shows additional information related to the curre nt cal l: D NIS and Caller ID (ANI)
numbers if available, the group t he agent is serving right now an d ACD calls dealt with in the
current Real-Time Interv al.
3Com® eXchange Call Center Visor Guide19
Brief DNIS Status
The Brief DNIS Status tabu lar report is designed to show perfo rmance information relat ed t o
calls received at a DNIS. The report di splays counters related to the current st at us of calls
received at a DNIS number, plus cumulative and stat ist ical information over t he current RealTime Interval.
Brief Group Status
The Brief Group Status tabular report is designed to sh ow brief information on the
performance of one or more agent groups. C urrent st at us of the group is displayed along
with cumulative and statistical informat i on. The fields: ACD Calls, TSF, Calls Abnd, C alls
Ovfl. and Transferred out are counter s or calculations related to the Real-Time Interval
defined for the group. Note that t he colors in some fields indicat e that the thresholds for
those fields have been exceeded. Threshold values are speci fied in the Thresholds tab of the
Groups in the Administration application. Thresh old colors are specified in the Co l ors opt ion
of the Administration app lication.
Call Distribution Graph
The pie chart displayed in the Call Distribution Graph wi ndow shows the distribution of ca lls
received by the group in the current t ime interval. You can quickly see how many calls are
being answered and how many are ov erf lowed out of the agent group. The superv is or may
double click a graph slice for more d et ai led information.
eXchange Call Center Visor Guide
Group Agent Status
The Group Agent Status tab ul ar report is designed to show the status o f a group of a gent s.
For all logged-on agents, of that particular group, we can see what type of activity the agent
is engaged in and how long for (for example, IDLE state, ACD, WRAP, and so forth).
Different colors are used to di fferent i at e bet ween various states. (State c ol ors are defined in
the Colors option of the Administration application). This report also shows add itional
information related to the current cal l: DNIS and Caller ID (ANI) numbers if avail able.
Detailed Group St atus
The Detailed Group St at us is a form report designed to show det ailed information concerning
one particular group. The form is d iv ide d int o t hree different areas, each of them cont aining
information related to the performance of the group. The left area displays on-lin e information
about current events and activities: calls in queue, agents servicing the group and current
calls. The middle area includes cumulative an d st at ist ical information evaluating group
performance over the current Real-T i m e I nt erval. The right area displays performance of the
group on the last interval. Co lors presented in fields indicate that the thresholds for thos e
fields have been exceed ed. Threshold values are specif ied in the Administration application.
3Com® eXchange Call Center Visor Guide21
Detailed Super-G roup Status
The Detailed Super-Group St at us window is designed to show information that pertains t o
one particular Super-Group. The i nf ormation is displayed in a form similar to that of the
Detailed Group Stat us.
Graphical Agent Status
The Graphical Agent St atus window is actually a Map and was designed to show t he st at us
of supervised agent's activity from the supervisor's physica l point of view. Dynamic icons that
indicate the actual state of the agent's activity, describe the st at us. Next to the state icon a
pie chart shows a breakdown of the agent activity over the working period (that is starting at
log-on time to the group). A legend of the pie chart colors is present ed at the bottom of the
screen. The supervisor can double-c l ick a pie chart for more detailed infor mati on on t he
actual amount of time taken by an agent to perform a specif ic action.
Group Queue Calls
The bar chart displayed in the Gr oup Queue Calls window show s the number of calls waiti ng
in queues for the groups at the present moment. This chart can show one or more groups
distinguished by colors. G r oups can be added or removed from the chart using the Contents
menu or the Add or Remove speed buttons on the toolbar. The supervisor is free to define
eXchange Call Center Visor Guide
chart attributes (that are colors, legend, type of graph, 2 or 3D, and so forth) and can double
click a specific graph bar for more detail ed information.
Groups Service Time Intervals Graph
The Group STI Graph wind ow is designed to show the distribution of calls waiting in queues,
to be served, over the six (ST1-ST6) Serv ice Time Intervals defined for each grou p.
Each STI shows the number of calls waiting and their queuing time. The longer calls w ait , the
further they move to the right of the graph. The STI is determined by the t ime intervals
specified in the Admini stration application. The supervisor is free to define chart attributes
(colors, legends, type of graph, 2 or 3D, and so forth) and may double click to get more
detailed information on a graph portion.
The example diagram depicts t he graphical Service Time Interval breakdown for several
groups. Each color in the graph represents a different group. The values in t he l eft column
indicate the number of calls wait i ng i n t he queue for each time interval.
3Com® eXchange Call Center Visor Guide23
Trunks Status
The Trunks Status tabular report is designed to show the current activity status of all the
trunks in the specified t r unk group. The state of each trun k is depicted by defined colors and
next to it a timer shows the amount of ti me for that st at e.
Groups Status
The Trunk Group Status tab ular report is designed to show the current activity status of one
or more trunk groups. For each trunk group, the amount of defined t r unks and utilization is
Group Hourly Report
The Group Hourly tabular report is designed to show brief in formation on the activity held by
a group according to time periods starti ng fr om midnight. Each supervisor may define his or
her personal Hourly Report I nt erval with a row, on the report, for each interval. The Totals
row at the bottom of the report summarizes al l act iv ity held by the group (counters that are
accumulated while average displays the averages over whole periods).
eXchange Call Center Visor Guide
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