3Com EXCHANGE CALL CENTER Installation Guide

3Com® eXchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide
Version 4.33
3Com Corporation, 350 Campus Drive, Marlborough, MA 01752-3064
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If there is any software on removable media described in this documentation, it is furnished under a license agreement included with the product as a separate document, in the hardcopy documentation, or on the removable media in a directory file named LICENSE.TXT or !LICENSE.TXT. If you are unable to locate a copy, please contact 3Com and a copy will be provided to you.
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eXchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide


Conventions 7
Related Documentation 8
How This Guide Is Organized 8
Documentation Comments 9
Registration, Warranty, and Support Information 9
Disclaimers 9
3Com eXchange Engine Main Features 12
3Com eXchange Visor Main Features 12
3Com eXchange Agent Main Features 13
Typical Call Processing Scenario 13
Installation Prerequisites 15
Hardware and Software Requirements 16
Network Requirements 16
Call Center Computers — Hardware and Software Requirements 16
Voice and Message Recording Workstation 16
Pre-Installation Preparations 17
IP Addresses 17
NBX Definitions 17
IVR Announcements 18
Database Backup Location 18
Fallback Policy 18
Routing Policy 18
Agent Workstations Information 19
3Com® Exchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide 3
Installing the eXchange Call Center Software 19
Overview 19
Installation Summary Checklist 19
Set Up the NBX System 20
Install the CTI Software Package 20
Install the 3Com eXchange Call Center Server 20
Installing the eXchange Visor 23
Installing the eXchange Agent 25
Phones-ONLY Agent Positions 26
Setting Up Phone-ONLY Agent Positions 26
Testing the Installation 26
Predefined Call Flow for Tests 27
Setting Up the Testing Environment 27
Activating the Call Center Server 31
Deactivating the Call Center Server 32
Starting eXchange Visor Applications 33
Closing eXchange Visor Applications 34
Starting the eXchange Agent Application 34
Closing the eXchange Agent Application 34
The Administration Application 35
The Call Control Scripts Application 35
The Real-Time Monitor Application 36
Creating a Call Distribution Graph 37
The Historical Reports Application 37
Creating the Agent Performance Report 38
Creating a Group Activity By Date Report 39
The Wall Board Administration 40
Defining a New Wall Board 41
Creating a New Message 41
Building a Message Scenario 42
The Lock Device (Dongle) Viewer Utility 43
eXchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide
Overview of Installation and Integration 49
Prerequisites 50
Installing and Configuring the NBX System 50
Create Route Points 50
Installing the CTI Software on the eXchange Server 51
Prerequisites 51
Installing Software on the eXchange Server 58
Add 3Com Licenses for Visors and Features 58
Download and Install eXchange Call Center Software 58
Integrating the eXchange Server and the NBX System 58
Add All WAV Phones 58
Create IRNs 58
Testing the Integrated Systems 59
Specific Required Configurations 59
IVR Ports 59
Intelligent Routing Numbers (IRNs) 61
IVR Port Connections and Definitions 61
Definition on Call Center Server 62
Definition on the NBX Systems 62
Defining Music Sources 63
Upgrading Current EPICLite Site to the 3Com eXchange Call Center 65
Purpose 65
Preparations 65
Upgrade Steps 66
How to Downgrade from the 3Com eXchange Call Center to EPICLite Call Center 70
Preparations 70
Downgrade Steps 70
To UNINSTALL eXchange Call Center 70
To Install EPICLite 72
3Com® Exchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide 5
Register Your Product to Gain Service Benefits 73
Solve Problems Online 73
Purchase Extended Warranty and Professional Services 73
Access Software Downloads 74
Contact Us 74
Telephone Technical Support and Repair 74
eXchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide


This guide describes the installation procedures for all components needed to run the
3Com up the system.
The guide also provides “Getting Started” information for Call Center administrators and other users of the system, as well as a basic overview of the applications that comprise the system. For more complete details on each part of the system, see the guides listed in
Related Documentation on page 8
This guide is intended for the eXchange Call Center technician who installs the system at the customer site. The technician must be familiar with the physical hardware setup of the system, the physical connections between the system units, and basic IP Telephony and networking principles and practices.
eXchange Call Center system. It also describes the basic configurations for setting
This guide is not intended as a user guide for the 3Com eXchange Call Center system. It does not describ e how to use the system’s applications in detail.
For information on the 3Com eXchange Call Center after product re lease, see the Release Notes in the
For a description of 3Com eXchange Call Center terms and concept s used in this guide, see the Glossary in App endix A: Glossary.
readme.txt file on t he 3Com Partner Access website.


Table 1 lists conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Table 1 Notice Icons
Icon Notice Type Description
Information note Information that describes important features or instructions
Caution Information that alerts you to potential loss of data or
potential damage to an application, device, system, or network
Warning Information that alerts you to potential personal injury or death
3Com® Exchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide 7

Related Documentation

The following documents are available on the 3Com Partner Access website for the 3Com eXchange Call Center system:
§ 3Com eXchange Ca ll Center Hardware and Software Guidelines
§ 3Com eXchange Call Center Setup Worksh eets
§ 3Com eXchange Ca ll Center Quick Installation Guide
§ 3Com eXchange Ca ll Center Installation and Getting Started Guide (this guide)
§ 3Com eXchange Ca ll Center Administration Guide
§ 3Com eXchange Ca ll Center Visor User Guid e
§ 3Com eXchange Call Center Agent User Guide
Additional information can be found in the context-sensitive Help for each screen in the application, and in other technical documents related to the NBX system, as described in
Appendix B: Integrating NBX and eXchange Call Center Systems.

How This Guide Is Organized

Table 2 can help you to find information in this guide.
Table 2 Location of Information
About This Guide Describes the conventions used in this guide.
Chapter 1: eXchange Call Center System Overview
Chapter 2: Installing the eXchange Call Center System
Chapter 3: Getting Started
Chapter 4: The eXchange Visor Applications
Appendix A: Glossary Provides definitions for terms and terminology used by the system
Appendix B: Integrating NBX and eXchange Call Center Systems
Introduces you to the system and describes its main features.
Describes the hardware and software requirements necessary for running the system, and provides step-by-step instructions on how to install the 3Com eXchange Call Center’s components. Use it in conjunction with Appendix B.
Describes how to start the 3Com eXchange Call Center Server and client applications, as well as logging in and shutting down the system.
Provides a basic introduction to the system’s applications:
Administration, Call Control Scripts, Real-Time Supervising, Historical Reports, and Wallboard Administration.
and referred to in this guide.
Provides detailed information on the requirements and setup of the 3Com NBX Networked Telephony System.
Appendix C: Upgrade and Downgrade Procedures
Describes how to change the version of the eXchange Call Center software
eXchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide
Appendix D: Obtaining Support for Your 3Com Products
Describes the many support options available to you after you register your product.

Documentation Comm ent s

Your suggestions are important to us because we want to make our documentation more useful to you.
Please send e-mail comments about this guide or any of the 3Com eXchange Call Center documentation and Help systems to:
Please include the following information with your comments:
§ Document title
§ Document part number and date (from the front page)
§ Page number
§ Your name and organization
3Com eXchange Ca ll Center Installation and Getting Started Guide
Part Number 900-0149-01 Rev AA Page 25

Registration, Warranty, and Support Information

For details on how to register your product and get support from 3Com after the product release, see Appendix D: Obtaining Support for Your 3Com Products.


§ The illustrations and other views, telephone displays, and screen captures appearing in this manual are examples used to explain how the system’s features and controls are used.
What appears in the illustrations may differ from what appears on your actual equipment and may not represent something that is possible in actual operation.
The functions that you can use and the information that you can display may differ on your system, depending on the telephony state and external equipment connected in your network and eXchange Call Center system.
Therefore, use the illustrations only as guidelines.
§ The names of companies, products, people, characters, and data mentioned in the examples in this manual are fictitious. They are in no way intended to represent any real individual, company, product, or event, unless otherwise noted.
3Com® Exchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide 9
10 3Com® eXchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide


The 3Com eXchange Call Center is a comprehensive call center solution designed to control, manage, monitor, and support the various activities required at a Call Center site.
The system is composed of these parts:
§ The eXchange Engine system includes a sophisticated Intelligent Routing mechanism.
It also employs an integrated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) package that enables the Call Center manager to design a routing plan and accurately assesses Call Center activity trends. On the basis of this information, management can provide the most efficient personnel allocation plan to meet the Call Center’s requirements.
§ The eXchange Visor Management Information System (MIS) monitors Call Center
activities, generates reports that summarize the past performance of the system over a given time period, and provides statistical analysis of the Call Center system behavior within a specified period.
§ The eXchange Agent station provides a fully computerized environment, allowing easy
operation of all telephone and software activities required by agents.
§ The system uses a networked cl i ent/server architecture, comprising server
applications on the Call Center Server and client applications at the supervisors’ and agents’ stations. The modules of the Server software, which run on the Server computer continuously, are responsible for connecting to contact resources (for instance, the NBX system), routing and handling contact channels, and creating and storing performance data and statistics.
§ The client software applications are the user interface of the system. They run on
client computers and enable supervisors and managers to configure the system and display and generate statistical reports. The applications also enable agents to perform their activities.
These elements of the 3Com eXchange Call Center product are more fully described in the rest of this chapter.
3Com® Exchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide 11

3Com eXchange Engine Main Features

The eXchange Engine’s Intelligent Router Package within the Call Center system includes these elements:
§ Enhanced Routing Methods that use Intelligent Routing Numbers (IRN) as entry points
to the routing system. The 3Com eXchange Call Center offers the Call Center administrator several call routing methods from which to choose.
§ Call Control Scripts (CCS), together with the IVR, collect information on a caller (that is,
what service is required), and provide information to the caller using recorded voice files (prompts). A Call Control Script defines a number of actions that can be applied to a call. As soon as a call enters the eXchange Engine, the IRN can send it to a Call Control Script. Announcers can also send callers, waiting in a queue for an available agent, to a Call Control Script.
§ Dynamic Updati ng of a Call Profile , during the call processing. Each call that enters
the system via an IRN is assigned a Call Profile. A Call Profile is a list of fields and attributes associated with the call, whose number and content change dynamically as the call is routed through the system. The information in the Call Profile is used to route the call to the service and to collect information on the caller.

3Com eXchange Visor Main Features

The eXchange Visor station within the Call Center system includes these main features:
§ Allow authorized supervisors to define the parameters of different system entities such as Agents, Agent Groups, Trunk Groups and to modify their attributes.
§ Supports many types of optional third-party Wall Board devices, on which authorized supervisors can display messages. Supervisors can define different scenarios on Wall Boards.
The Real-Time Supervi si ng features include these main elements:
§ An extensive range of predefined templates that enable supervisors to generate a wide selection of reports.
§ The Graphical Agent Status window, which displays the current ACD activity on supervisor screens.
§ The option to save real-time reports as public (available to any supervisor) or private (available only to the supervisor who created it).
12 3Com® eXchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide
The Historical Reports applicatio n includes these main features:
§ Creating historical reports that provide a statistical analysis of system performance, saved in a standard SQL database.
§ Generating reports that summarize past ACD activities. These reports help in detecting and solving problems, thus improving system efficiency. Data is displayed in table or graphical format.
§ Customizing reports based on predefined templates.
§ Scheduling report generation in nonworking hours, thus saving the waiting time for
§ Sorting and filtering reports according to specified criteria.
§ Exporting generated reports to a wide range of file formats, including Microsoft Excel,
HTML, Lotus files, text, and so on.

3Com eXchange Agent Main Features

This comprehensive Microsoft Windows software package provides the Agent with a unified, easy-to-activate environment for performing basic as well as sophisticated tasks with a simple mouse click.
The eXchange Agent includes these main features:
§ Performs all activities based on a unified task bar
§ Performs full telephony and window actions
§ Monitors incoming calls directed to relevant groups
§ Views related queues and selectively answers calls
§ Small task bar allows the concurrent use of applications
§ Supports basic Windows attributes (always on top, small icons, and so on)
§ Personal agent board

Typical Call Processing Scenario

Here is a typical scenario for processing a call:
§ The system receives a message from the NBX SYSTEM about a new call, and is given optional ANI information to decide on a target IRN for the call.
§ The server uses the IRN definitions to:
§ Assign the Call Profile initial values, such as Call Priority, ANI, and so on
3Com® Exchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide 13
§ Define the next destination for the call, such as a Target Service or Call Control
Script, based on shifts and the default destination.
§ The call enters the required service, where it may receive a mandatory announcer. If a mandatory announcer is not defined for that service, the server starts the procedure of matching an agent with the call, as follows:
§ If one agent is available in the group that provides the required service, the call is
immediately routed to this agent.
§ If more than one agent is available in the group that provides the required service,
the system uses the service’s Agent Search Criteria to select the appropriate agent
for the call.
§ If no agent in the group is available, the call is queued to wait for an agent to become
available. While in the queue, the call may be transferred to the service’s music source, the First or Second Announcer, or the Call Control Script.
When an agent becomes available, the server uses the agent’s Call Answer Strategy to decide which call to route to the agent.
The Call Control Script can modify the behavior of the routing and call flow, as shown here:
Voice Mail
Voice Mail
1-800- -Lite
On Queue
On Queue
nnouncement Plan
nnouncement Plan
Mandatory Announce r
Mandatory Announce r
First Announcer
First Announcer
Second Ann. #1
Second Ann. #1
Second Ann. #2
Second Ann. #2
+ VM Option
+ VM Option
No Agents
No Agents
Overf low 90 sec.
Overf low 90 sec.
Interflow 180 sec .
Interflow 180 sec .
Sales Personnel
Sales Personnel
Voice Mail
Voice Mail
Route Policy:Longest IDLE Agent
Route Policy:Longest IDLE Agent Wrap Up: 5 sec.
Wrap Up: 5 sec.
Front Desk
Voice Mail
Voice Mail
Front Desk
14 3Com® eXchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide
This chapter describes the step-by-step procedures for planning and installing the 3Com eXchange Call Center, including basic tests to ensure a successful installation.
The 3Com eXchange Call Center environment includes these components:
§ A 3Com NBX with IVR Ports. See Appendix B: Integrating NBX and eXchange Call
Center Systems for specific information on your NBX version.
§ The Call Center Server computer
§ An optional Client IVR, although, in most cases, the Client IVR runs off the Call Center
Server computer
§ One or more Supervisor workstations
§ Agent workstations
§ The network environment, which provides connectivity services to the system
The remaining sections in this chapter describe how to plan, perform, and test the installed system.

Installation Prerequisites

§ The installer must be familiar with the Windows NT or Windows 2000 environment, installation, and administration for installing the Call Center Server and Client IVR machines, which must be dedicated PCs.
§ The Call Center Server, Client IVR, and NBX SYSTEM IVR Port must be assigned static
IP addresses.
§ All servers must be members of the same network domain.
§ Virus Protection Software
CAUTION: Before inst alling the NBX applications and the 3Com eXchange C a l l Center, you must have virus protect i on sof t ware turned OFF. After you complete the installation of all Call Center-related software, you must configure the virus protection software to scan during off-peak hours and to NOT sc an C:\Program Files\3COM\NBX TSP\Logs.
3Com® Exchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide 15

Hardware and Software Requirements

This section describes the minimum hardware requirements necessary to install and run the
3Com eXchange Call Center system.
The Sybase SQL Anywhere Studio software that is installed by the Call Center installation program may be used f or Call Center purposes only. Other uses violate your end-user license agreem ent .

Network Requirements

All server/client computers must be connected on a LAN that supports TCP/IP. You must assign static IP addresses to the Call Center Server and optional Client IVR. All other workstations (Supervisors or Agents) may use DHCP if available at the site.

Call Center Comput ers — H ardware and Software Requirements

For details about hardware and software requirements for the 3Com eXchange Call Center
computers, see the 3Com eXchange Hardware and Soft ware G uidelines manual.
The Call Center Server hard disk must be partitioned the following way:
§ Disk C: – A minimum of 4 GB. This is the Boot disk, including the Windows Operating
System and basic software such as the CTC package,
PcAnywhere, and so on
§ Disk D: – Contains the remainder of the software. This is the Application disk, containing
the eXchange Call Center Server installation and data

Voice and Message Re cording Workstation

Set up a workstation configured to record voice announcements, including the following hardware and software:
§ Sound card
§ Microphone
§ Speakers
§ An audio application that produces WAV files
16 3Com® eXchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide

Pre-Installation Preparations

Before you install the various components of the system, you must collect certain information related to the 3Com eXchange Call Center site, as described in this section:
§ Static IP addresses for the Call Center Server, the Client IVR, and the NBX SYSTEM IVR Ports
§ The name of the domain that all servers will be members of
§ Local site definitions related to Call Center and the IVR Port
§ IVR announcements, recorded as 16 Bit 8Khz PCM WAV files
§ The backup location for the Call Center database
§ Fallback policy
§ Routing policy required
§ Agent workstations information
The 3Com eXchange Call Center Setup Worksheets doc ument may help you to organize the information that you collect.

IP Addresses

Ask the network administrator at your site to provide static IP addresses for the Call Center Server, the Client IVR server, and the IVR Port.

NBX Definitions

Follow the instructions in Appendix B to set up the NBX system at the site. Verify this information to integrate with the Call Center:
§ System resources and parameters
§ Two Intelligent Routing Numbers (IRNs) — for test purposes
§ IVR Ports
The following information must also be checked and saved:
§ Music sources
§ Other Dial Numbers to which the Call Center might refer
See Appendix B: Integrat ing NBX and eXchange Ca ll Center System s for how to set up these entities and param et ers at your sit e.
3Com® Exchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide 17

IVR Announcem ent s

Call processes on the eXchange Call Center may need to use some announcements, which you create as WAV files.
§ These files must be placed in the Call Center IVR folder before the Call Center installation.
§ Record the WAV files using a recording tool such as MS Sound Recorder and save them as 16Bit 8Khz PCM WAV files.

Database Backup Lo cati on

The eXchange Call Center uses a Sybase Database to save all information related to the system and site activities.
§ You or the customer must back this database regularly. Take the time now to define a
reasonable backup policy before you install the Call Center.
§ 3Com strongly recommends that the customer regularly back up the database to a
secured network location such as the company’s File Server, as supported by the backup policy and company processes. Ask the site system administrator to provide the appropriate backup destination.

Fallback Policy

Although the Call Center Server and optional Client IVR make use of highly redundant hardware and software components, the server may occasionally not function (maintenance, power failures, and so on). In preparation for such occasions, you or the client company must define a Fallback policy to support the Call Center’s basic activities. In most cases, the Fallback solution is based on the NBX route points and phone extensions as members.
Work with the Call Center manager to define the best possible Fallback policy, which will be activated, automatically or manually, in cases of Call Center inactivity. See Appendix B:
Integrating NBX and eXchange Call Center Systems for details on the NBX Fallback policy.

Routing Policy

The routing policy is specific to each site and should conform to the Call Center manager’s requirements. Use the Call Center flexibility and its features and abilities to fit the requirements.
For detailed information on setting up and defining the routing policy and other system
parameters, see the 3Com eXchange Administrator’ s G uide.
18 3Com® eXchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide

Agent Workstations Information

Before installation, collect certain information related to each workstation on which the eXchange Agent application is to be installed. 3Com recommends that you make a list of the workstations and gather this information for each workstation:
§ Computer network name
§ Phone Extension
§ Network Drive ID — Mapped to Agents on the Call Center Server

Installing the eXchange Call Center So ftware


The installation procedure identifies the type of workstation that is required by reading the information found on the computer’s lock device (also called the “dongle”).
To install the system, you need:
§ 3Com eXchange Call Center Installation software. Place it in the Call Center directory on the Server computer’s D drive.
§ One 3Com eXchange Call Center Server Lock Device (USB). Install it on the USB port
on the Server computer.
§ One 3Com eXchange Call Center Supervisor Lock Device (serial) for each exchange
Visor workstation. Install the device on the Visor computer’s serial port.
Verify that you have attache d t he appropriate lock devices to t he Server and Visor computers. Without t hem, you cannot install the system software.
Remove all other devices attached to the USB and serial ports before you install the lock devices. You can re-install the other devices later.

Installation Summary Checkl i st Use this summarized checklist of the operations to verify that you perform each step in this

order. The next sections in this chapter explain many of these steps in greater detail.
§ Set up the NBX system, and then define the IVR Port and related configuration.
§ Set up and check the basic software (for example, the Windows operating system, your
antivirus software, and a remote PC monitoring software such as the PcAnywhere application) on the server, supervisor, and agent computers.
§ Set up the network and test it using the assigned network TCP/IP addresses.
§ Test the connectivity of the computers to the server using the PING utility.
3Com® Exchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide 19
§ Install the CTI software as required by the NBX system. See Appendix B: Integrating
NBX and eXchange Call Center Systems.
§ Install the eXchange Call Center Server software and check that it runs correctly. See the instructions that come with your Server dongle from 3Com.
§ Install the eXchange Call Center Visor workstations. See the instructions that come with your Visor dongle from 3Com.
§ Install the eXchange Agent workstations.
§ Configure the system for basic tests.
§ Perform the basic system tests and check that the Call Center runs correctly.
§ Complete the site definitions and activate the Call Center.

Set Up the NBX System

Set up the NBX system according to the instructions in Appendix B: Integrating NBX and
eXchange Call Center Systems.

Install the CTI Software Package

Install and set up the CTI Software package according to the instructions in Appendix B:
Integrating NBX and eXchange Call Center Systems.

Install the 3Com eXchange Cal l Center Server

This section describes how to install the Call Center Server lock devices and software.
On the Server computer, install the USB lock device (dongle):
1 Before you plug the USB lock device into the SERVER computer for the first time, install
the USB driver software:
NOTE: HINSTALL.EXE is located in the “USB LOCK DEVICE” folder.
a) Unzip the driver file into a folder of your choice. b) Open a DOS command window. c) Use the cd command to change to the directory where you unzipped the driver
d) Run this command: hinstall –i.
A message window appears and displays status messages during the installation of the driver software. After about 20 seconds, the message window displays the message “The operation was completed successfully.”
2 Insert the USB lock device into the USB connector on the Server computer and wait for
the computer to accept it. This process may take some time depending on the computer.
20 3Com® eXchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide
On each Visor comput er:
1 Remove any device that was connected to the parallel port (such as a printer). You will
be able to reattach it later.
2 Attach the eXchange Visor lock device (dongle) to the parallel port on the Visor
3 Repeat for a second Visor computer, if needed.
To install the eXchange Call C enter Server system:
1 Download the prerequisite software for the server from the 3Com website. Save and
unzip it to this directory on the server:
Connect the Call Center Server to the network with a LAN adapter.
2 3 Connect the IVR Port to the Server’s second network LAN adapter as required by the
NBX system. See Appendix B: Integrating NBX and eXchange Call Center Systems.
4 Connect the optional Wall Board device to the COM1 port on the Server computer. 5 Turn on the Server computer and log in as Local Administrator. 6 Navigate to Setup.exe and double-click the filename. The Setup program starts to run,
installs the software, and creates these directories:
§ 3COM exchange Call Center
§ Agents
§ Bin
§ Cfg
§ Db
§ DbProvider
§ Log
The Installation process begins by installing the Server lock device driver. A small window tracks this process and then closes when the driver has been installed.
If the device driver is installed but the Server computer finds no lock device, the system displays an appropriate message. Install the correct lock device and restart the installation.
When no device is connect ed, an eXchange Agent Station is installed.
3Com® Exchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide 21
To complete the Installation wizard:
1 When a valid Server lock device is found, the installation program identifies the type of
installation to be performed from the lock device. Click Next to continue.
2 In case your system loses power, you can enable the Server computer to run
automatically after power is restored. In order for the computer to run automatically, it must bypass the Windows NT or Windows 2000 login procedure. Therefore, 3Com
recommends that you select Enable Autologin in the Autologin window. Click Next.
3 The Administrator Login properties window opens. Enter the User ID. 3Com
recommends Administrator; it is case-sensitive. Enter the appropriate password. Click
Next to continue.
4 The Destination location window displays the default destination folder where the Call
Center Server is to be installed. Use the suggested default, or browse to select a
different destination folder. Then click Next to continue.
5 The Network Confi guration window shows the PC LAN adapter IP addresses. When
more than one LAN adapter is available, select the one that is connected to the local LAN (that is, the one to which the eXchange Visors and eXchange Agents are
connected). Click Next to continue.
If an unknown or incorrect IP address is displayed, consult your system administrator. When your network uses a DHCP server, verify that your administrator has allocated a fixed (static) IP address for the Call Center Server.
6 The Server Name window prompts you for the server name (database and IP), which
should be used by exchange Visors and exchange Agents to connect to the Call Center Server. Do not change the default name unless this name is in use on the network. Click
Next to continue.
7 Obtain the IP address for your 3Com NBX from your system administrator and enter it. 8 Click the radio button that specifies the version of your 3Com NBX system. 9 At this point, the Call Center Server Installation setting is complete. This is the last stage
at which you can change settings.
a) To change previous settings, click Back. b) To begin copying files click Next.
As the Installation wizard finishes the process, the system displays a progress bar while it copies files into the appropriate directories.
10 In the Setup Complete window, leave the first choice enabled and click Finish. The
program reboots the Call Center Server computer.
11 After the computer is rebooted, the Cal l C enter Server Shortcuts Folder opens,
displaying the Call Center Application’s icons. This folder has been created in two places: under the Windows Start Menu and on the Application Desktop.
22 3Com® eXchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide

Installing the eXchange Visor

The system installs only authorized eXchange Visor app lications, that is, those fo r which you have instal led license keys that the lock device detects.
To install the eXchang e Visor software:
1 Turn on the eXchange Visor computer. 2 Verify that the prerequisite software and license keys required for the eXchange Visor
have been installed.
3 Use PING to check TCP/IP connectivity from the Visor to the Call Center Server. 4 Browse to the file Setup.exe in the Call Center Install folder. The Setup program starts
to run.
5 The Install process begins by installing the lock device driver, as shown on a small
process-indicator window, which closes when the driver has been installed.
6 If the device driver is installed but no lock device is found, the system displays an
appropriate message. Install the correct lock device and restart the installation.
If you perform the installat ion when no lock device is connected, the system installs an eXchange Agent Station.
Once a valid Visor lock device is found, the installation program identifies the authorized Visor features to install.
7 When you see this welcome message: “Welcome to eXchange Visor installation…” click
Next to continue or <Cancel> to stop the installation.
The Cancel option is available at any time th roughout t he inst allation procedure should you decide to exit .
8 The eXchange Visor destination location window displays the default destination folder
where the eXchange Visor should be installed. Accept the default
Files\eXchange Visor
click Next to continue.
To complete the Visor Installation Wizard:
1 In the Call Center Server Information window, enter the Call Center Server name and
IP address to be used by eXchange Visor clients to connect to the Call Center Server. Set the Default name to the name selected during the Call Center Server installation
process. Click Next to continue.
CAUTION: Enter the Call Center Server Name and IP address correct ly or t he eXchange Visor applicat ions cannot connect to Server.
, or browse to select a different destination folder, and then
3Com® Exchange Call Center Installation and Getting Started Guide 23
+ 53 hidden pages