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3Com Corporation provides this documentation without warranty of any kind, either implied or expressed,
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48 C.F.R. 52.227-7013.
For civilian agencies:
Restricted Rights Legend: Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraph
(a) through (d) of the Commercial Computer Software – Restricted Rights Clause at 48 C.F.R. 52.227-19
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Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States.
If there is any software on removable media described in this documentation, it is furnished under a license
agreement included with the product as a separate document, in the hardcopy documentation, or on the
removable media in a directory file named LICENSE.TXT. If you are unable to locate a copy, please contact
3Com and a copy will be sent to you.
Federal Communications Commission Notice
This equipment was tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to
Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates,
uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment
in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference, in which case you must correct the interference
at your own expense.
Canadian Emissions Requirements
This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment
Cet appareil numérique de la classe A respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur
du Canada.
EMC Directive Compliance
This equipment was tested and conforms to the Council Directive 89/336/EEC for electromagnetic
compatibility. Conformity with this directive is based upon compliance with the following harmonized
EN 55022 – Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Interference
EN 50082-1 – Electromagnetic Compatibility Generic Immunity Standard: Residential, Commercial, and
Light Industry
Warning: This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment, this product may cause radio interference, in
which case you may be required to take adequate measures.
Compliance with this directive depends on the use of shielded cables.
Low Voltage Directive Compliance
This equipment was tested and conforms to the Council Directive 72/23/EEC for safety of electrical
equipment. Conformity with this directive is based upon compliance with the following harmonized
EN 60950 – Safety of Information Technology Equipment
VCCI Class 1 Compliance
This equipment is in the 1st Class category (information equipment to be used in commercial or industrial
areas) and conforms to the standards set by the Voluntary Control Council for Interference by Information
Technology Equipment aimed at preventing radio interference in commercial or industrial areas.
Consequently, when the equipment is used in a residential area or in an adjacent area, radio interference
may be caused to radio and TV receivers, and so on.
Read the instructions for correct handling.
Fiber Cable Classification Notice
Use this equipment only with fiber cable classified by Underwriters Laboratories as to fire and smoke
characteristics in accordance with Section 770-2(b) and Section 725-2(b) of the National Electrical Code.
UK General Approval Statement
The CoreBuilder 5000 Integrated System Hub and ONline System Concentrator are manufactured to the
International Safety Standard EN 60950 and are approved in the U.K. under the General Approval Number
NS/G/12345/J/100003 for indirect connection to the public telecommunication network.
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3TECH, CELLplex, CoreBuilder, EtherDisk, EtherLink II, FDDILink, MultiProbe, NetProbe, and ONline are
trademarks of 3Com Corporation.
3ComFacts is a service mark of 3Com Corporation.
The 3Com Multichannel Architecture Communications System is registered under U.S. Patent
Number 5,301,303.
AT&T is a registered trademark of American Telephone and Telegraph Company.
Banyan and VINES are registered trademarks of Banyan Systems Inc.
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Hayes is a registered trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products.
OpenView is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company.
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AIX, IBM, and NetView are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation.
Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows 95, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of
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NetWare and Novell are registered trademarks of Novell, Incorporated.
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ONC, OpenWindows, Solaris, Solstice, Sun, Sun Microsystems, SunNet Manager, and SunOS are trademarks
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OPEN LOOK is a registered trademark of Unix System Laboratories, Inc.
UNIX is a registered trademark of X/Open Company, Ltd. in the United States and other countries.
Other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.
Structure of This Guide2
Document Conventions3
Related Documents3
3Com Documents4
Reference Documents4
CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Module Features1-1
Port Switching1-1
Module Switching1-2
Automatic Ring Speed Detection1-2
Active Port Retiming and Jitter Reduction1-2
Active Per-Port Switching Media Module (6218M-ATPP)1-5
Active Per-Module Switching Media Module (6218M-ATP)1-7
Ring Mapping on the APM When Trunks Are Configured1-8
Passive Media Module (6220M-TP)1-10
Dual Fiber Repeater Module (6210M-DFR)1-12
Jitter Attenuator Card (6200D-JA)1-14
Where to Go From Here1-14
Building a CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Network2-2
Additional Configuration Information2-3
Determining the Maximum Number of Stations on a Ring2-4
Selecting Appropriate Cable Lengths2-4
Calculating Cable Lengths (Copper Wiring)2-4
Additional Cable and Lobe Length Recommendations2-5
Maximum Attenuation2-5
Signal to NEXT Ratio2-5
Transmitter Variation2-5
Using Network Monitor Cards3-4
Setting the DIP Switches3-5
Setting the Lobe/Trunk Jumper (6218M-ATPP and 6218M-ATP)3-9
Installing Optional Daughter Cards3-10
Installing a Token Ring Network Monitor Card3-10
Installing a Token Ring Jitter Attenuator Card3-12
Setting Network Ring Speed4-3
Selecting a Network4-4
Assigning Modules4-4
Assigning Ports4-4
Enabling Ports4-5
Enabling Beacon Recovery4-5
Setting Beacon Threshold4-6
Enabling Static Ring Switching4-6
Enabling Mismatch Resolution (Passive and Active Per-Module Media
Modules Only)4-7
Moving Rings from Module-Level to Hub-Level4-8
Setting Port Alert Filters4-9
Enabling Speed Detect (Passive Module Only)4-10
Setting Module Speed Threshold (Passive Module Only)4-11
Configuring Trunks4-11
Trunk Enable4-12
Trunk Network Selection4-12
Trunk Compatibility Mode4-12
Saving the Configuration4-13
Showing Module Configurations4-13
Using the Show Module Command4-14
Using the Show Port Command4-15
Monitoring the Front Panel4-16
LED and Network Verification4-17
Using the CoreBuilder 5000 Controller Module to Verify LED
Using the DMM to Verify Network Connections4-18
Where to Go From Here4-18
General Troubleshooting Tips5-2
Troubleshooting Using the Status LEDs5-3
Troubleshooting Using the Module Status LED5-3
Troubleshooting Using the Port Status LEDs5-4
Troubleshooting Ring Problems5-5
Problems Adding a New Station to an Operating Ring5-5
Intermittent Errors on an Operating Ring5-6
Ring Failures5-6
Trunk Interoperability Problems5-7
Technical Assistance5-8
Where to Go From Here5-8
Token Ring Active Per-Port Switching Media Module SpecificationsA-1
Token Ring Active Per-Module Switching Media Module
Token Ring Dual Fiber Repeater Module SpecificationsA-2
Token Ring Passive Media Module SpecificationsA-3
Token Ring Jitter Attenuator Card SpecificationsA-3
Twisted Pair (Copper) Connector PinoutsA-4
Active Per-Port and Active Per-Module Media Module Ring-In Port Adapter
Online Technical ServicesB-1
World Wide Web SiteB-2
3Com Bulletin Board ServiceB-2
Access by Analog ModemB-2
Access by Digital ModemB-2
3ComFacts Automated Fax ServiceB-3
3ComForum on CompuServe Online ServiceB-3
Support From Your Network SupplierB-4
Support From 3Com CorporationB-5
Returning Products for RepairB-6
Accessing the 3Com MIBB-6
Contacting 3Com Technical PublicationsB-7
1-1 CoreBuilder 5000 Active Per-Port Switching Media Module1-6
1-2 CoreBuilder 5000 Active Per-Module Switching Media Module1-9
1-3 CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Passive Media Module1-11
1-4 CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Dual Fiber Repeater Module1-13
2-1 Traditional Backbone Configuration2-13
2-2 Collapsed Backbone Configuration2-15
2-3 Single Extended Ring Configuration2-18
3-1 CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Module DIP Switch Locations3-6
3-2 Active Per-Port Module and Active Per-Module Switching
Module Jumper Setting3-9
3-3 Location of CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Network Monitor Cards3-11
3-4 Installing a CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Jitter Attenuator Card3-13
3-5 Installing a Media Module3-15
3-6 Opened and Closed Module Ejectors3-16
4-1 CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Network Mode4-9
5-1 Troubleshooting Using the Module Status LED5-3
5-2 Troubleshooting Using the Port Status LEDs5-4
This guide explains how to install and operate the 3Com
information on managing the module using a CoreBuilder 5000
Distributed Management Module (DMM). It also describes the Jitter
Attenuator Card, which helps stabilize trunk (Ring-In/Ring-Out)
connections to non-CoreBuilder 5000 rings.
Before installing or using the Token Ring Media Modules, read Chapters
1, 2, and 3 of this guide for basic installation and operating
5000 Token Ring Media Modules. This guide includes
AudienceThis guide is intended for the following people at your site:
■ Network manager or administrator
■ Hardware installer
Structure of This
This guide contains the following chapters:
Chapter 1, Introduction
– Introduces the functions and features of
CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Modules.
Chapter 2, Designing and Expanding the Network
– Shows
possible network configurations using the CoreBuilder 5000 Integrated
System Hub and the CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Modules.
Chapter 3, Installing the Module
– Provides illustrated procedures
for installing CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Media Modules into the
CoreBuilder 5000 Integrated System Hub.
Chapter 4, Configuring the Module
– Describes the network
management commands used to configure the modules. Also shows
front panel LEDs and dip switches on the module.
Chapter 5, Troubleshooting
– Provides help in isolating and
correcting problems that may arise when installing or operating
CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Media Modules.
Appendix A, Specifications
– Provides electrical, environmental, and
mechanical specifications for the module. In addition, this appendix
provides information on 50-pin Telco-type connectors, RJ-45
connectors, and twisted pair cables.
Appendix B, Technical Support
contacting the 3Com
technical support organization and for accessing
other product support services.
– Lists the various methods for
Document Conventions3
The following document conventions are used in this manual
Courier textUser inputIn the Agent Information Form,
enter MIS in the New Contact field.
System outputAfter pressing the Apply button, the
system displays the message
Transmitti ng data.
Bold command stringPath namesBefore you begin, read the
readme.txt file located in
/usr/s nm /age nts .
Text in angled
brackets Italic text in
Capitalized text in plain
ItalicsText emphasis,
Keyboard entry by
the user
document titles
In the command above, substitute
<rem_name> with the name of
the remote machine.Use the
following command to show port
Type your password and press
Ensure that you press the Apply
button after you add the new
search parameters.
IconNotice TypeAlerts you to...
Information noteImportant features or instructions
CautionRisk of personal safety, system damage, or loss
WarningRisk of severe personal injury
of data
Related DocumentsThis section provides information on supporting documentation,
■ 3Com Documents
■ Reference Documents
3Com DocumentsThe following documents provide additional information on 3Com
CoreBuilder 5000 Integrated System Hub Installation and Operation
Guide – Provides information on the installation, operation, and
configuration of the CoreBuilder 5000 Integrated System Hub. This
guide also describes the principal features of the CoreBuilder 5000
Fault-Tolerant Controller Module.
Distributed Management Module User Guide – Provides information
on the CoreBuilder 5000 Distributed Management Module’s operation,
installation, and configuration. This guide also describes the software
commands associated with the Distributed Management Module.
Distributed Management Module Commands Guide – Describes each
management command by providing detailed information on the
command’s format, use, and description.
Token Ring Media Module Quick Reference Cards – Provide basic
configuration and monitoring information for individual CoreBuilder
5000 Token Ring module types.
For a complete list of 3Com documents, contact your 3Com
Reference DocumentsThe following documents supply related background information:
Case, J., Fedor, M., Scoffstall, M., and J. Davin, The Simple Network
Management Protocol, RFC 1157, University of Tennessee at Knoxville,
Performance Systems International and the MIT Laboratory for
Computer Science, May 1990.
Rose, M., and K. McCloghrie, Structure and Identification of
Management Information for TCP/IP-based Internets, RFC 1155,
Performance Systems International and Hughes LAN Systems, May
CoreBuilder 5000
Token Ring
Module Features
This chapter describes the 3Com CoreBuilder
Modules. For more information on the 3Com
Integrated System Hub, refer to the CoreBuilder 5000 Integrated System Hub Installation and Operation Guide.
The chapter contains the following sections:
■ CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Module Features
■ CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Modules
This section describes the following CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Media
Module features:
■ Port Switching
■ Module Switching
■ Automatic Ring Speed Detection
■ Active Port Retiming and Jitter Reduction
■ Automatic Beacon Recovery
■ Address-to-Port Mapping
5000 Token Ring Media
CoreBuilder 5000
Port SwitchingCoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring port switching modules support per-port
switching to any combination of:
■ 10 backplane (hub-wide) Token Rings
■ 11 isolated (module-level) rings
Ports on the same module can be part of as many as 11 different rings.
Using per-port switching, you can move ports (and therefore users)
from ring to ring using a console attached to the hub management
module or SNMP-based network management system.
Internal management features such as automatic ring speed detection
ensure that newly-inserted ports do not disrupt ring operation.
Module SwitchingCoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring per-module switching modules can be
switched on a per-module basis to any of 10 CoreBuilder 5000
backplane rings or to one isolated ring.
Internal management features such as automatic ring speed detection
ensure that newly-inserted modules do not disrupt ring operation.
Automatic Ring
Speed Detection
Active Port Retiming
and Jitter Reduction
CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Media Modules provide automatic ring
speed detection. Automatic Ring Speed Detection is a feature that
prevents a station from entering an active ring if the station is
configured for a speed other than the active ring’s speed. This
wrong-speed detection is implemented per port, and works
automatically with speed sensing Token Ring Adapter cards.
For example, if you try to attach a station configured at 4 Mbps to an
active ring configured at 16 Mbps, the CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring
circuitry prevents the station from entering the ring before the station’s
wrong speed causes a beaconing interruption.
CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring ports and modules actively retime and
regenerate incoming signals, effectively increasing achievable link
■ Active retiming – Allows greater cable lengths over lower-grade
cabling, and helps ensure reliable connections. For example,
CoreBuilder 5000 Active Port Retiming Token Ring supports a
16 Mbps Token Ring over Level 3 UTP cable at distances of up to
100 meters.
■ Jitter attenuation – Is a feature that increases both the achievable
link distances and maximum number of stations.
CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Module Features1-3
Jitter is the tendency of signalling on Token Ring networks to grow
increasingly out-of-phase as the network size increases. CoreBuilder
5000 Token Ring Media Modules remedy jitter problems by:
■ Reducing Internal (CoreBuilder 5000) Jitter
■ Reducing External (Non-CoreBuilder 5000) Jitter
Reducing Internal (CoreBuilder 5000) Jitter
To minimize jitter and increase the number of stations allowed on each
ring, each CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring active port incorporates Dual
Phase-Locked Loop (DPLL) circuitry.
Dual PLL minimizes accumulated jitter and phase slope on the ring, and
increases the number of attached stations to 250 (190 at 4 Mbps) on
each ring. To reduce jitter, DPLL uses a two-pronged approach:
■ An optimized, wide-band PLL tracks the incoming signal even in the
presence of jitter, thus allowing more margin for jitter sources.
■ A narrow-band PLL removes all fluctuations in the recovered clock
and provides a stable source to retime and retransmit the signal.
Reducing External (Non-CoreBuilder 5000) Jitter
In addition to port-level DPLLs, CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Media
Modules support optional Jitter Attenuator daughter cards. Daughter
cards reduce jitter accumulated in external, non-CoreBuilder 5000 rings,
even if the rings are built from other vendor’s products.
A combination of port-level DPLLs and Jitter Attenuator daughter cards
allows you to use Level 3 UTP lobe cabling to configure the following
ring (using active ports):
■ 250 stations
■ 16 Mbps ring speed
■ 100 meter lobes
A major feature of reduced jitter is reliability. A network that can
support 250 stations, under worst case conditions, is assured to be
extremely robust and reliable when configured with 50, 75, or 125
Automatic Beacon
CoreBuilder 5000
Token Ring
CoreBuilder 5000 Token Rings Media Modules are equipped with:
■ Automatic, hardware-based beacon recovery on each module.
Beacon Recovery allows the modules to remove beaconing stations
from both backplane (hub-wide) and isolated (module-level) rings.
■ Beacon recovery software and the CoreBuilder 5000 Beacon
Recovery ASIC, which aids in the removal of beaconing stations.
Beacon recovery functions even in the absence of a management
module in the hub.
CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Media Modules provide accurate,
hardware-based address-to-port mapping, capable of mapping multiple
stations per port, even for networks that incorporate fan-out devices
and MAC-less stations (for example, network analyzers).
This section describes the following modules:
■ Active Per-Port Switching Media Module (6218M-ATPP)
■ Active Per-Module Switching Media Module (6218M-ATP)
■ Passive Media Module (6220M-TP)
■ Dual Fiber Repeater Module (6210M-DFR)
■ Jitter Attenuator Card (6200D-JA)
CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Modules1-5
Active Per-Port
Switching Media
The CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Active Per-Port Switching (ATPP)
Media Module is a single-slot module that supports 18 active retiming
lobe ports, all with port-switching capability. The module offers the
following features:
■ Switchable ports 17 and 18 provide fully-repeated Ring-In/Ring-Out
ports for connection to external rings
When configuring ports 17 and 18 as trunks, cable adapter 6200ADT-RI
must be connected on the port #18.
■ Active retiming on all media ports
■ Simultaneous shielded and unshielded twisted-pair cabling support
■ Simultaneous 4 and 16 Mbps Token Ring networks, when switched
to the appropriate ring speed
■ Can be switched on a per-port basis to any of 10 CoreBuilder 5000
backplane rings or 11 isolated rings
■ Accepts one optional Jitter Attenuation Card, for use with the
Ring-In/Ring-Out ports when connecting to a non-CoreBuilder 5000
■ Accepts a Token Ring Network Monitor Card (TR-NMC)
■ Address-to-port mapping, including multi-station ports (fan outs)
and MAC-less stations
■ Module-level, hardware-based beacon recovery
■ IEEE 802.5 compliant
■ IEEE 802.5c trunk support
■ Per-port jitter attenuation
■ Fan-out support for up to eight devices per port
■ Automatic ring speed detection
Figure 1-1 illustrates the CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Active Per-Port
Switching Media Module.
lobe ports
LED panel
Ports 17 and 18
configurable as
Ring-In/Ring-Out ports
Figure 1-1 CoreBuilder 5000 Active Per-Port Switching Media Module
CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Modules1-7
Active Per-Module
Switching Media
Module (6218M-ATP)
The CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Active Per-Module Switching Media
Module is a single-slot module that supports 18 active retiming lobe
ports. The module offers the following features:
■ Switchable ports 17 and 18 provide fully-repeated Ring-In/Ring-Out
ports for connection to external rings
When configuring ports 17 and 18 as trunks, cable adapter 6200ADT-RI
must be connected on the port #18.
■ Active retiming on all media ports
■ Simultaneous shielded and unshielded twisted-pair cabling support
■ Support for either 4 or 16 Mbps Token Ring networks
■ Can be switched on a per-module basis to any of ten
CoreBuilder 5000 backplane rings or to the one isolated ring
■ Accepts one optional Jitter Attenuation Card, for use with the
optional Ring-In/Ring-Out ports when connecting to
non-CoreBuilder 5000 RI/RO
■ Accepts a Token Ring Network Monitor Card (TR-NMC)
■ Address-to-port mapping, including multi-station ports (fan-outs)
and MAC-less stations
When an Active Per-Module Media Module (APM), in trunk mode only,
has fan-out devices attached in the network, the address map
information is not accurate for ports below the fan-out device. The
address map information for the other modules is accurate.
If a fan-out device is attached to an APM and the trunks on the APM
are enabled, 3Com recommends that you insert the fan-out device at
the highest numbered active port.
■ Module-level, hardware-based beacon recovery
■ IEEE 802.5 compliant
■ IEEE 802.5c trunk support
■ Per-port jitter attenuation
■ Fan-out support for up to eight devices per port
■ Automatic ring speed detection
Ring Mapping on the APM When Trunks Are Configured
Mismatch Resolution does not run when APM trunks are enabled,
which may result in an incorrect ring map. When trunks are enabled,
the number of entries reported on the APM is the number of ports that
have phantom. Although only the active ports are listed, there may be
a mismatch in the port to station mapping when fan-out or MAC-less
devices are present.
When a fanout or MAC-less device is attached to an APM with trunks
enabled, the address map information may be inaccurate for ports
below the fanout or MAC-less device. The address map information for
the other modules on the same network is accurate. If you use fanout
or MAC-less devices on an APM with trunks enabled, 3Com
recommends that you insert the fanout and MAC-less device at the
highest numbered active port.
CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Modules1-9
Figure 1-2 illustrates the CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Active
Per-Module Switching Media Module.
lobe ports
LED panel
Port s 17 an d 18
configurable as
Ring-In/Ring-Out ports
Figure 1-2 CoreBuilder 5000 Active Per-Module Switching Media Module
Passive Media
Module (6220M-TP)
The CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Passive Media Module is a single-slot
module that provides 20 lobe ports per module, or up to 320 users per
hub, with as many as 250 users on the same network ring.
The module has the following features:
■ Delivers a high-density passive media solution for connecting devices
to Token Ring networks.
■ Provides connections using shielded or unshielded twisted-pair
cabling (using RJ-45 connectors) on any individual module. You
cannot, however, mix both wiring types on the same module.
■ Supports a variety of twisted pair cabling, UTP categories 4 or 5.
■ Supports either 4 or 16 Mbps Token Ring networks on a per-module
■ Supports fan-out devices so that you can perform address to port
mapping of up to eight end stations per port.
■ Can be switched on a per-module basis to any of ten
CoreBuilder 5000 backplane rings or to the one isolated ring.
■ Accepts a Token Ring Network Monitor Card (TR-NMC).
■ Has built-in jitter-attenuation circuitry for module level retiming.
■ Automatic ring speed detection.
■ Address-to-port mapping, including multi-station ports (fan outs)
and MAC-less stations.
■ Module-level, hardware-based beacon recovery.
CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Modules1-11
Figure 1-3 illustrates the CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Passive Media
Passive media ports
LED panel
Figure 1-3 CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Passive Media Module
Dual Fiber Repeater
Module (6210M-DFR)
The CoreBuilder 5000 Token Ring Dual Fiber Repeater (DFR) Module is a
10-port, single-slot module that supports two sets of fully repeated
fiber Ring-In/Ring-Out ports. Using the CoreBuilder 5000 hub in a
collapsed backbone, each DFR Module can collapse two rings from
remote locations into the central hub. The module’s features are:
■ Simultaneous 4 and 16 Mbps Token Ring networks, when switched
to the appropriate ring speed
■ 10 RJ-45 actively-retimed port-switching ports for connecting devices
to Token Ring networks using shielded or unshielded twisted-pair
cabling (or both types simultaneously)
■ Industry-standard ST fiber connectors, which support multimode
62.5/125 µm fiber at distances up to 2 km
■ Up to 11 individual rings per module, and can switch ports among
any of the 11 isolated or 10 backplane rings
■ Accepts two Jitter Attenuation Cards and a Token Ring Network
Monitor Card (TR-NMC)
■ Address-to-port mapping, including multi-station ports (fan-outs)
and MAC-less stations
■ Module-level, hardware-based beacon recovery
■ IEEE 802.5 compliant
■ IEEE 802.5c trunk support
■ Fan-out support for up to eight devices per port
■ Automatic ring speed detection
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