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About This Software Version 13
How This Guide is Organized 13
Intended Readership 14
Conventions 14
Related Documentation 15
Logging in Commands 18
Ethernet Port Configuration Commands 43
Ethernet Port Link Aggregation Commands 64
This guide provides all the information you need to use the configuration
commands supported by version 3.0.x software on the 3Com
Switch 4500.
The software in the Switch 4500 is a subset of that used in some other 3Com
products. Depending on the capabilities of your hardware platform, some
commands described in this guide may not be available on your Switch, although
the unavailable commands may still display on the command line interface (CLI). If
you try to use an unavailable command, an error message displays.
CAUTION: Any command that displays on the CLI, but is not described in this
guide, is not supported in version 3.0.x software. 3Com only supports the
commands described in this guide. Other commands may result in the loss of data,
and are entered at the user’s risk.
The Switch 4500 Command Reference Guide consists of the following chapters:
■ Using System Access Commands — Introduces the commands used for
accessing the Switch 4500.
■ Using Port Commands — Introduces the commands used for configuring
Ethernet port and link aggregation.
■ Using VLAN Commands — Introduces the commands used for configuring
■ Using Power over Ethernet (PoE) Commands — Introduces the commands
used for configuring PoE.
■ Using Network Protocol Commands — Introduces the commands used for
configuring network protocols.
■ Using Routing Protocol Commands — Introduces the commands used for
configuring routing protocols.
■ Using Multicast Protocol Commands — Introduces the commands used for
configuring multicast protocols.
■ Using QoS and ACL Commands — Introduces the commands used for
configuring QoS/ACL.
■ Using STP Commands — Introduces the commands used for configuring STP.
■ Using AAA and RADIUS Commands — Introduces the commands used for
configuring 802.1x, AAA and RADIUS.
■ Using Reliability Commands — Introduces the commands used for
configuring VRRP.
■ Using System Management Commands — Introduces the commands used
for system management and maintenance.
Intended ReadershipThe guide is intended for the following readers:
■ Network administrators
■ Network engineers
■ Users who are familiar with the basics of networking
Conventions This guide uses the following conventions:
Ta bl e 1 Icons
IconNotice TypeDescription
Information note Information that describes important features or instructions.
CautionInformation that alerts you to potential loss of data or
potential damage to an application, system, or device.
Warning Information that alerts you to potential personal injury.
Ta bl e 2 Text conventions
Screen displays This typeface represents text as it appears on the screen.
Keyboard key names If you must press two or more keys simultaneously, the key names are
linked with a plus sign (+), for example:
Press Ctrl+Alt+Del
The words “enter”
and “type”
When you see the word “enter” in this guide, you must type
something, and then press Return or Enter. Do not press Return or
Enter when an instruction simply says “type.”
Fixed command
This typeface indicates the fixed part of a command text. You must type
the command, or this part of the command, exactly as shown, and
press Return or Enter when you are ready to enter the command.
Example: The command display history-command must be
entered exactly as shown.
command text
This typeface indicates the variable part of a command text. You must
type a value here, and press Return or Enter when you are ready to
enter the command.
Example: in the command super level , a value in the range 0 to 3
must be entered in the position indicated by level
{ x | y | ... }Alternative items, one of which must be entered, are grouped in braces
and separated by vertical bars. You must select and enter one of the
Example: in the command flow-control {hardware | none | software}, the braces and the vertical bars combined indicate that
you must enter one of the parameters. Enter either hardware, or
none, or software.
Table 2 Text conventions
Related Documentation15
[ ]
Items shown in square brackets [ ] are optional.
Example 1: in the command display users [all], the square
brackets indicate that the parameter
command with or without this parameter.
Example 2: in the command user-interface [type] first-number [last-number] the square brackets indicate that the
parameters [type] and [last-number] are both optional. You can
enter a value in place of one, both or neither of these parameters.
Alternative items, one of which can optionally be entered, are grouped
in square brackets and separated by vertical bars.
Example 3: in the command header [shell | incoming |
login] text, the square brackets indicate that the parameters
shell, incoming and login
indicate that only one of the parameters is allowed.
all is optional. You can enter the
are all optional. The vertical bars
The 3Com Switch 4500 Getting Started Guide provides information about
The 3Com Switch 4500 Configuration Guide provides information about
configuring your network using the commands described in this guide.
This chapter describes how to use the following commands:
Logging in Commands
■ authentication-mode
■ auto-execute command
■ command-privilege level
■ databits
■ display history-command
■ display user-interface
■ display users
■ flow-control
■ free user-interface
■ header
■ history-command max-size
■ idle-timeout
■ language-mode
■ lock
■ parity
■ protocol inbound
■ quit
■ return
■ screen-length
■ send
■ service-type
■ View
■ set authentication password
■ shell
■ speed
■ stopbits
■ super
■ super password
■ sysname
■ system-view
■ telnet
■ user-interface
■ user privilege level
Logging in CommandsThis section describes the commands that you can use to configure system access
and system security.
authentication-mode { password | scheme | none }
User interface view
password: Requires local authentication of password at log in.
scheme: Requires local or remote authentication of username and password at
log in.
none: Allows users to log in without username or password.
This command configures the authentication method for a user at log in.
Use the command authentication-mode password to prompt a user for local
password authentication at login. To set the password, use
set authentication
Use the command authentication-mode scheme to prompt a user to provide
local or remote user name and password authentication at login. The type of the
authentication depends on your network configuration. For further information,
see “AAA and RADIUS”.
Use the command authentication-mode none to allow a user to log in without
username or password authentication.
By default, users logging in using the console port do not need to pass any
terminal authentication. Users logging in via modem or Telnet are required to
provide password authentication when they log in.
To configure local password authentication, enter the following command:
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[4500]user-interface aux 0
[4500-ui-aux0]authentication-mode password
auto-execute commandSyntax
auto-execute command text
undo auto-execute command
User Interface View
text: Specifies the command to be run automatically.
Enter auto-execute command text to configure the Switch to automatically run a
specified command. When the user logs in, the command will be executed
automatically. This command is usually used to configure the
the terminal, which will connect the user to a designated device automatically.
Enter undo auto-execute command to cancel the auto-execute command so the
command is not run automatically.
Logging in Commands19
telnet command on
By default, auto-execute is disabled.
CAUTION: If you execute this command, the user-interface can no longer be used
to perform routine configurations on the local system. Ensure that you can log in
to the system in some other way to cancel the configuration, before you configure
auto-execute command and save the configuration.
To configure the Switch to automatically Telnet to device after the
user logs in via VTY 0, enter the following command:
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[4500]user-interface vty 0
[4500-ui-vty0]auto-execute command telnet
command-privilege levelSyntax
command-privilege level level view view command
undo command-privilege view view command
System View
level: Enter the command level you want to assign to this command, ranging
from 0 to 3.
view: Enter the name of the view that contains the command. This can be any of
the views supported by the Switch.
command: Enter the command to be configured.
Use the command-privilege level command to configure the priority level
assigned to any command within a selected view.
The command levels are, from lowest to highest:
■ 0 – Visit
■ 1 – Monitoring
■ 2 – System
■ 3 – Management
When the user logs into the Switch, the commands used depends on the user level
settings and the command level settings on the user interface. The two types of
settings may differ as follows:
■ If AAA/RADIUS authentication is used, the commands the user can access are
determined by the user level settings. For example, if a user is set to level 3 and
the command level on the VTY 0 user interface is level 1, the user can only user
the commands of level 3 or lower when logging into the Switch from the VTY
■ If RSA public key authentication is used, the commands the user can access are
determined by the command level settings on the user interface.
By default:
■ ping, tracert, and telnet are at level 0
■ display and debugging are at level 1
■ all configuration commands are at system level 2
■ FTP, XMODEM, TFTP and commands for file system operations are at level 3
Use the undo command-privilege view command to restore the default priority
to a command.
To configure the precedence of the command ‘interface’ as 0, enter the following:
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[4500]command-privilege level 0 view system interface
databits { 7 | 8 }
undo databits
User interface view
7 – Sets the data bits to 7.
Logging in Commands21
8 – Sets the data bits to 8.
Use the databits command to configure the data bits for the AUX (Console) port
to either
7 or 8. By default, the value is 8. Use the undo databits command to
restore the default value (8).
This command can only be performed in the AUX user interface view.
To configure the data bits of the AUX (Console) port to 7 bits, enter the following:
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[4500]user-interface aux 0
[4500-ui-aux0]databits 7
display history-command
All views
Use the display history-command command to view the commands previously
entered during this login session, up to a specified maximum.
To set the maximum number of commands to display, see history-command
To display previously entered commands, enter the following.
<4500>display history-command
The commands display on screen.
display user-interfaceSyntax
display user-interface [ type number | number ] [summary]
All views
type number: Enter the type and number of the user interface you want to
display details on, for example VTY 3.
number: Enter the index number of the user interface you want to display details
summary: Display the summary of a user interface.
Use the display user-interface command to view information on a user
interface. You can choose to access this information by user interface type and
type number, or by user interface index number. The information displayed is the
same whichever access method you use.
This command without the summary parameter displays user interface type,
absolute/relative index, transmission speed, priority, authentication methods, and
physical location. This command with the
interface in use with user interface name and other user interface information.
To display information on a user interface with an index number of 0, enter the
<4500>display user-interface aux 0
The information is displayed in the following format:
Idx Type Tx/Rx Modem Privi Auth Int
0 AUX 0 19200 - 3 P -
summary parameter displays one user
+ : Current user-interface is active.
F : Current user-interface is active and work in async mode.
Idx : Absolute index of user-interface.
Type : Type and relative index of user-interface.
Privi: The privilege of user-interface.
Auth : The authentication mode of user-interface.
Int : The physical location of UIs.
A : Authentication use AAA.
N : Current UI need not authentication.
P : Authentication use current UI's password.
Ta bl e 3 Output description of the display user-interface command
+Indicates that the user interface is in use
FCurrent user interface is in use and working in asynchronous
IdxDisplays the index number of the user interface
TypeDisplays the type and type number of the user interface
Tx/RxDisplays the user interface speed
ModemDisplays the modem operation mode
PriviIndicates the command level that can be accessed from this
user interface
AuthIndicates the user interface authentication method
IntIndicates the physical location of the user interface
Display the summary information of user interface 0.
<4500>display user-interface 0 summary
0: U
1 character mode users. (U)
1 total UIs in use.
UI's name: aux0
Ta bl e 4 Output Description of the display user-interface summary Command
0: UUser interface type
1 character mode usersOne type of user interface
1 total UIs in useThe total number of user interfaces in use
UI’s nameUser interface name
display usersSyntax
display users [ all ]
All views
all: Enter to display information on all user interfaces.
Logging in Commands23
Use the display users command to view information on the current user
interface. Use the
display users all command to view the information on all
user interfaces.
To display information on the current user interface, enter the following
[4500]display users
The information displays in the following format:
UIDelayTypeIPaddress UsernameUserlevel
F 0 AUX 000:00:003
The categories of information displayed are as follows:
Ta bl e 5 Output description of the display users command
FIndicates that the user interface is in use and is working in asynchronous mode
UINumber of the first list is the absolute number of user interface.
Number of the second list is the relative number of user interface
DelayIndicates the interval from the latest input until now, in seconds.
TypeIndicates the user interface type.
IPaddressDisplays initial connection location, namely the host IP address of the incoming
UsernameDisplay the login name of the user who is using this interface
UserlevelDisplay the level of the user using this user interface
flow-control { hardware | none | software }
undo flow-control
User interface view
hardware: Enter to set hardware flow control.
none: Enter to set no flow control.
software: Enter to set software flow control.
Use the flow-control command to configure the flow control mode on the AUX
(Console) port to hardware, software or none. Use the
command to restore the default flow control mode (no flow control).
undo flow-control
This command can only be performed in the AUX user interface view.
To configure software flow control on the AUX (Console) port, enter the following:
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[4500]user-interface aux 0
[4500-ui-aux0]flow-control software
free user-interfaceSyntax
free user-interface { type | number }
User view
type: Enter the type and type number of the user interface to be reset.
number: Enter the index number of the user interface to be reset.
Use this command to reset a specified user interface to its default settings. The
user interface will be disconnected after the reset.
Use free user-interface type to reset the interface with the specified type
and type number to its default settings. Use
free user-interface numberto
reset the interface with the specified index number to its default settings.
You cannot use this command on the current user interface.
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