Instruction sheet
01/11 ALF
Leslie's Cube U8442835
1. Description
The Leslie's cube is used for investigating heat
radiation from a hot body as a function of its temperature, colour and surface characteristics.
Leslie's cube is a hollow aluminium cube with a
removable lid for pouring in hot water and 2 openings for inserting a thermometer or thermal sensor
and a stirrer. One side each is polished, matt, white
and black.
2. Scope of delivery
1 Leslie's Cube
1 Stirrer
2 Rubber stoppers with 6 mm aperture
3. Technical data
Dimensions: 100x100x100 mm³ approx.
Weight: 360 g approx.
4. Operation
To conduct the experiment, the following articles
are additionally recommended:
1 Thermopile U8441301
1 Multimeter ESCOLA 10 U8531161
1 Thermometer U14295
1 Digital thermometer U11853
1 Immersion sensor NiCr-Ni U11854
1 Stand base U8611210
2 Experiment leads

Take off the lid and fill the cube with water or
oil (not exceeding approx. 130° C).
• Insert a thermometer for monitoring the tem-
perature and the stirrer into the appropriate
apertures. Close the lid again.
• The liquid used to warm the cube from within
must be well stirred to achieve an even heat
• Set up the thermopile approx. 3 to 5 cm away
from Leslie's cube.
• Connect the multimeter to the thermopile and
set the mode switch to the smallest DC current
range. (The current measuring range will produce
a larger needle deflection in the comparison to the
voltage measuring range).
• After setting up the experiment, wait for a few
minutes before taking readings.
Readings may be made incorrect due to the influence of body heat or other external influences.
• Do not touch the thermopile while taking read-
• Avoid direct sunlight and do not set up the
appa-ratus in the vicinity of a heater/radiator.
The black and white lacquered faces emit approximately equal amounts of infrared radiation.
The reason for this is that white and black only
appear as such within the visible light spectrum. If
only the emitted thermal radiation is observed,
which has longer wavelengths than visible light,
both the white and black faces appear as so-called
grey bodies; in other words, both radiate all wavelengths within this range with equal intensity. By
contrast, the thermal emission of the metallic faces
is much weaker.
Fig 1 Experimental set-up
Elwe Didactic GmbH ▪ Steinfelsstr. 5 ▪ 08248 Klingenthal ▪ Germany ▪ www.elwedidactic.com
3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Rudorffweg 8 ▪ 21031 Hamburg ▪ Germany ▪ www.3bscientific.com
Subject to technical amendments
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