3B Scientific Pascal’s Pressure Sphere User Manual

U14325 Pressure propagation device for liquids
Operating instructions
1/03 ALF
The pressure propagation device for liquids is used to demonstrate the equal distribution of pressure in all directions in a liquid.
1. Safety instructions
Handle the glass vessel carefully to avoid breakage and resulting injury.
Exercise particular caution when taking out the pis­ton in order to avoid breakage.
Be careful when using coloured water not to let it splash on your clothes, for example.
2. Description, technical data
The pressure propagation device consists of a piston in a long glass cylinder which merges at one end into a glass sphere to which 7 spray nozzles have been fused.
Total length: Approximately 450 mm Glass sphere: Approximately 80 mm Ø Glass cylinder: Approximately 35 mm Ø
3. Procedure
Immerse the pressure propagation device fully in a
bucket of water. Push the piston forward to expel any air bubbles from the glass sphere. If necessary, turn the device to get rid of the air.
Pull the piston back slowly to fill the glass sphere with water.
Hold the pressure propagation device about 1 m above a large surface (for instance, the floor)
Ensure that the nozzles are in a horizontal position.
Push the piston forward to exert pressure on the
Mark the points at which the water impinges on the surface.
These points form a semicircle whose center is lo­cated beneath the middle of the glass sphere, pro­viding evidence that the pressure inside a liquid is propagated equally in all directions.
For a more precise demonstration:
Fill the glass sphere with coloured water (see above).
Cover the experimentation table with paper or cel-
Clamp the pressure propagation device carefully on a tripod.
Exert a light and uniform pressure on the piston.
Measure the coloured straight lines drawn by the
emitted water.
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