3B Scientific Laser Reflection Sensor User Manual

Laser Reflection Sensor U8533380
Instruction sheet
1 Connecting cable, miniDIN
2 Push-button for distant zone
3 Light transmitter and light
4 Push-button for near zone
1. Safety instructions
The laser reflection sensor meets the safety regula­tions for Class 2 lasers. It emits light in the visible region of the spectrum (400 – 700 nm). The radia­tion power is less than 1 mW.
Provided that the instrument is used in accordance with the instructions, safe operation is ensured.
In schools and other places of education or train­ing, the instrument must only be used under the supervision of a trained and responsible person.
Do not look into the light beam - that is not necessary when using the sensor.
If the housing of the instrument shows visible
signs of damage, it must be taken out of use immediately.
Do not use any optical equipment that narrows
the light beam.
Do not open the instrument housing.
2. Description
The instrument emits a laser beam at 630 nm wavelength and measures the reflected light. Two sensitivity ranges (near zone and distant zone) are provided, to adjust the instrument parameters for different operating conditions.
The near-zone setting (4) adjusts the instrument parameters for operating distances of 5 to 50 mm.
The experiment should be chosen so that there are widely different reflectivities (e.g. matt black mark­ings on a white or diffusely reflecting background). With reflecting foils or microprism mirrors, a larger fraction of the light is reflected in the incident direction, and one can then work with a beam box up to 5 m long without special adjustments to the mirror. In such cases one should use the distant­zone setting (2).
By connecting the instrument to other external technical aids, one can measure physical quantities related to the motions of bodies, such as rate of
rotation, angle of rotation, angular acceleration, distance travelled, velocity and linear acceleration.
The sensor is compatible with the 3B Netlog
sys­tem (U11300) and the digital counter (U8533341). Through the connection box (U8533381) it is possi­ble to link the sensor to any of the other instru­ment technologies via 4 mm sockets.
A magnet in the base of the sensor provides a con­venient means of locating it firmly.
3. Scope of delivery
1 Laser reflection sensor
1 MiniDIN connecting cable
1 Piece of reflecting foil
4. Technical data
Light source: Laser module, 630 nm
Beam divergence: approx. 1 mrad
Max. light power: 500 µW
Laser class: II
Dimensions: 40 x 25 x 90 mm
Mass: approx. 0.05 kg
5. Maintenance
No special maintenance procedures are necessary.
Elwe Didactic GmbH • Steinfelsstr. 6 • 08248 Klingenthal • Germany • www.elwedidactic.com
3B Scientific GmbH • Rudorffweg 8 • 21031 Hamburg • Germany • www.3bscientific.com
Subject to technical amendments
© Copyright 2007 3B Scientific GmbH