ZYXEL NWD210N User Manual [ru]

Wireless N USB Adapter
Apple Macintosh User’s Guide
Version 1.00 4/2008 Edition 1
Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved


The NWD210N is a USB wireless network adapter for your computer. The NWD210N is compatible with WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup).
Use the NWD210N to connect your computer to a wireless access point (AP). This is known as infrastructure mode.
You can also use the NWD210N to connect wirelessly to another wireless-enabled computer. This is known as ad-hoc mode.
This User’s Guide shows you how to set up and use your NWD210N with your Apple Macintosh running Mac OS X. This is described in the following sections:
Table 1 Getting Started Contents
Install the Software 2
Table 1 Getting Started Contents
Install the Hardware 7 Connect to a Wireless Network 9
This User’s Guide also includes a section detailing the NWD210N utility’s various screens, beginning on page contains the following:
Table 2 The Utility Screens
The Profile Screens 11 The Link Status Screen 20 The Site Survey Screen 23 The Statistics Screen 26 The Advanced Screen 29 The About Screen 32
For more background and technical information, see the Windows User’s Guide on the CD that came with your NWD210N.
11. It
1 Install the Software
Take the following steps to install the NWD210N’s driver and utility on your Mac.
" Install the software from the CD before you
insert the NWD210N. Do not insert the NWD210N yet.
1 Remove the NWD210N if you already inserted it.
Insert the included CD into the CD-ROM drive on your computer.
2 Double-click the NWD210N CD icon that appears.
3 Select Tool > Driver > Mac OS.
4 Double-click the .dmg file icon.
5 The NWD210N_Installer window displays. Select your
operating system version.
" If you are not sure which operating system
version your computer is running, click > About This Mac to check.
6 Double-click Install. The following screen displays. Click
Select the volume on which you want to install the NWD210N software. Click Continue.
" Choose an internal hard drive (identifiable by its
7 Click Upgrade.
The following message displays. Click Continue Installation to proceed.
If a security window displays, enter your computer’s administrator name and password and click OK.
8 You must restart your computer before using the
NWD210N software.
" Make sure you have saved all your work before
you restart!
Click Restart. Your computer shuts down, then restarts automatically.
2 Install the Hardware
" Do not install the hardware until you have
installed the software from the CD.
1 Locate an available USB port on the computer. 2 Remove the protective cap
to expose the USB connector. Insert the NWD210N into an available USB port on the computer.
" Never bend, twist or force the NWD210N into
the port. If there is not enough space to attach the NWD210N, use the included USB cable.
The NWD210N’s LED (light) turns on if it is properly inserted.
V If the NWD210N’s LED is not on after you have
installed the software and the NWD210N, make sure the NWD210N is properly inserted.
The NWD210N automatically connects to an available wireless network without security enabled.
However, this may not be the wireless network to which you want to connect. Run the utility to ensure you are connected to the correct network.
2.1 Run the Utility
The utility is an interface that allows you to see information about and control the NWD210N.
When you insert the NWD210N, an icon appears in the dock.
The utility runs automatically. The Site Survey screen displays (see section 4.3 on page 23).
V If the utility does not run automatically, click the
3 Connect to a Wireless Network
This section describes how to connect your NWD210N to an existing wireless network.
1 If the Site Survey screen is not already open, open the
utility and click the Site Survey tab.
2 The available wireless networks display in the AP List.
SSID means Service Set Identifier and is the name of the
wireless network.
3 Choose the network you want to connect to by clicking on
it and clicking Connect.
4 If a network has no security, go to step 6. 5 If a network has security, a screen displays prompting you
to enter security information.
Get this information from the network administrator. Be sure to enter the information exactly as it was given to you. Click
6 A green icon ( ) displays to the left of the network’s
SSID, indicating that the NWD210N is successfully connected.
To access the Internet, open your Internet browser and enter the URL of a web site in the address bar. The AP should be connected to the Internet.
If the web site displays correctly, you are successfully connected to the Internet.
4 The Utility’s Screens
This section describes each of the NWD210N utility’s interface screens. See the Windows User’s Guide (on the CD) for background information about the NWD210N’s features.
4.1 The Profile Screens
A profile lets you automatically connect to the same wireless network every time you use the ZyXEL utility. You can also configure different profiles for different networks - for example if you use wireless networks both at home and at work.
4.1.1 The Profile List Screen
Click the utility’s Profile tab. The following screen displays.
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 3 The Profile List Screen
This indicates the currently-active profile. Profile This is the name of the pre-configured profile. SSID This is the SSID of the wireless network to
which the selected profile associates. Channel This field displays the channel number used by
the profile.
Table 3 The Profile List Screen
AuthenticationThis field displays the type of authentication
used by the network (Open, Shared, WPA- PSK or WPA2-PSK).
Encryption This field displays the encryption protocol used
by the network.
When WEP security is used, WEP displays.
When WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK security is used,
TKIP or AES displays.
Network Type
This field displays Infrastructure when the profile is configured to connect to an access point, or Ad Hoc when the network is
configured to connect to another computer. Add Click this to create a new profile. Edit Click this to alter the settings of an existing
profile. Delete Click this to remove a profile from the list. Activate Click this to select the profile to use.
Alternatively, double-click the profile’s name in
the list.
4.1.2 The Add Profile: System Configuration Screen
Use this screen to configure a profile’s basic settings. Click Add in the Profile List screen. The following screen displays.
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 4 The Add Profile: System Configuration Screen
Profile Name Enter a descriptive name in this field, or
alternatively keep the name assigned by the utility.
SSID Select an available wireless device from the
list, or enter the SSID of the wireless device to which you want to associate.
Table 4 The Add Profile: System Configuration Screen
CAM (Constantly Awake Mode)
Power Saving Mode
Network Type
Tx Power This field controls the transmission power of
Channel In ad-hoc mode, choose the radio channel to
RTS Threshold
Select this to have the NWD210N never go into
sleep mode.
Select this to have the NWD210N go into sleep
mode when it is not transmitting data.
Select Infrastructure to connect to a wireless
access point, or select 802.11 Ad Hoc to
connect to another wireless-enabled computer.
the NWD210N. When using the NWD210N with
a notebook computer, select a lower
transmission power level when you are close to
the AP in order to conserve battery power.
use for the wireless network. If there are other
networks in the area, choose a channel as far
away as possible, in order to minimize the risk
of interference.
In Infrastructure mode, this field is not
configurable; the NWD210N uses whichever
channel the access point uses.
Select the packet size above which the
NWD210N transmits an RTS (Request To
Send) message.
Table 4 The Add Profile: System Configuration Screen
Fragment Threshold
OK Click this to save your changes and return to
Cancel Click this to return to the Profile List screen
Select the packet size above which the NWD210N fragments (breaks up) the packet into smaller pieces.
the Profile List screen.
without saving your changes.
4.1.3 The Add Profile: Authentication & Security Screen
Use this screen to configure a profile’s security settings. Click
Authentication & Security in the Add Profile: System Configuration screen. The following screen displays.
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 5 The Add Profile: Authentication & Security Screen
Authenticatio n Type
Select the security standard you want to use. All the other wireless devices on your network must be able to use the same standard you select.
Open mode is used when security is not an
issue. No authentication is required, and any wireless device can join the network.
Shared mode security is used with WEP (Wired
Equivalent Privacy).
WPA-PSK security uses a pre-shared key. All the
wireless devices on the network use the same key to access the network. This option is not available in ad-hoc mode.
WPA2-PSK is an improved version of WPA-PSK
security. This option is not available in ad-hoc mode.
Encryption Type
When you select Open or Shared in the Authentication Type field, either select None to use no security, or select WEP to use Wired Equivalent Privacy security.
When you select WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK in the Authentication Type field, select TKIP to use the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol. Alternatively, select AES to use the Advanced Encryption Standard.
Table 5 The Add Profile: Authentication & Security Screen
WPA Pre­Shared Key
Key #1~4 When you select WEP in the Encryption Type
OK Click this to save your settings and return to the
Cancel Click this to return to the previous screen
When you select WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK in the Authentication Type field, enter the network’s pre-shared key (8~64 uppercase or lowercase letters and numbers).
field, you must enter the network’s WEP key. Check with your network’s administrator for the correct settings.
Select the key number (1~4), select the key type (Hexadecimal or ASCII), and enter the WEP key in the field to the right.
Hexadecimal keys use numerals and the letters a~f only, whereas ASCII keys use numerals and all letters.
previous screen.
without saving your settings.
4.1.4 The Edit Profile: System Configuration Screen
Use this screen to change a profile’s basic settings. Click Edit in the Profile List screen. The screen that displays is identical to that described in section 4.1.2 on page 14.
4.1.5 The Edit Profile: Authentication and Security Screen
Use this screen to change a profile’s security settings. Click
Authentication and Security in the Edit Profile: System Configuration screen. The screen that displays is identical to
that described in section 4.1.3 on page 17.
4.2 The Link Status Screen
Use this screen to see your current connection status, configuration and data rate statistics. Click the utility’s Link Status tab. The following screen displays.
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 6 The Link Status Screen
Status This displays the SSID (Service Set IDentifier)
and MAC (Media Access Control) address of the access point or peer device to which the NWD210N is connected.
Current Channel
Link Speed (Mbps)
Throughput (Kbps)
Link Quality This shows the quality of the wireless
This displays the channel number of the current wireless connection, as well as the radio frequency of the channel in megahertz.
This displays the maximum possible data transmission (tx) and reception (rx) speeds of the current connection in megabits per second.
This displays the actual data transmission (tx) and reception (rx) speeds of the current connection in kilobits per second.
connection. This refers to the percentage of packets transmitted successfully. If there are too many wireless stations in a wireless network, collisions may occur which could result in a loss of messages even though you have high signal strength.
Table 6 The Link Status Screen (Continued)
Signal Strength 1~2
dBm format Click this to display the Signal Strength 1 and
Noise Level This displays the amount of interference on the
HT Info This section displays advanced information
These show the strength of the signal. The NWD210N has two internal antennas, each of which has a separate display bar.
The signal strength depends mainly on the antenna output power and the distance between your NWD210N and the AP or peer computer.
2 values in dBm (decibels below 1 milliwatt).
wireless connection.
about the 802.11n wireless connection (if you are using 802.11b or 802.11g, nothing displays here).
HT stands for “high throughput”. BW: this displays the bandwidth (20 or 40 Mhz)
of the wireless connection. GI: this displays the guard interval length. The
guard interval is used to prevent wireless transmissions from interfering with one another.
MCS: this displays the modulation and coding scheme, which dictates how the data is transmitted over the wireless link.
4.3 The Site Survey Screen
Use this screen to see information about the wireless networks in your area, and to connect to a wireless network. Click the utility’s Site Survey tab. The following screen displays.
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 7 The Site Survey Screen
SSID This displays the network’s Service Set
IDentifier. The SSID is the name of the network.
BSSID This displays the Basic Service Set IDentifier.
The BSSID is the MAC (Media Access Control) address of the access point or peer wireless device.
Every networking device has a unique MAC address, which identifies it on the network.
Signal This displays the received radio signal strength
of the network. The higher the value, the better the connection.
Channel This displays the wireless channel on which the
network is operating.
AuthenticationThis displays whether WPA, WPA2, WPA-PSK
or WPA2-PSK is used on the network. If the network uses no security or WEP,
Unknown displays. At the time of writing, the NWD210N does not
support WPA or WPA2.
Table 7 The Site Survey Screen (Continued)
Encryption When WPA, WPA2, WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK is
used, this displays the encryption protocol used (TKIP or AES).
When WEP is used, WEP displays. When no security is used, Not Used displays.
Network Type
RESCAN Click this to update the list. CONNECT Click this to connect to the highlighted wireless
This field displays the network type (Infrastructure or Ad Hoc) of the wireless device.
network. Click this to go to the Add Profile: System
Configuration screen (see <Links>Section
4.1.2 on page 14).
4.4 The Statistics Screen
Use this screen to view details of your NWD210N’s transmission and reception performance. Click the utility’s Statistics tab. The following screen displays.
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Table 8 The Statistics Screen
Transmit Statistics This section displays statistics about
the data frames sent by the NWD210N.
Frames Transmitted Successfully
Frames Transmitted Successfully Without Retry
Frames Transmitted Successfully After Retry(s)
Frames Failed to Receive ACK After All Retries
RTS Frames Successfully Received CTS
This displays the total number of frames transmitted by the NWD210N.
This displays the number of frames successfully transmitted by the NWD210N on the first attempt.
This displays the number of frames transmitted by the NWD210N after a second or subsequent attempt.
This displays the number of frames transmitted by the NWD210N that did not receive an acknowledgement response from the other wireless device.
This displays the number of frames, large enough to require the sending of a “Request to Send” message, that then received a “Clear to Send” message from the other wireless device.
Table 8 The Statistics Screen
RTS Frames Failed to Receive CTS
Receive Statistics This section displays statistics about
Frames Received Successfully
Frames Received with CRC Error
Frames Dropped Due To Out-of-Resource
This displays the number of frames, large enough to require the sending of a “Request to Send” message, that did not receive a “Clear to Send” message from the other wireless device.
the data frames received by the NWD210N.
This displays the number of frames received by the NWD210N without error.
This displays the number of frames received by the NWD210N that contained a Cyclic Redundancy Check error. Cyclic Redundancy Checks are used to determine whether received data has been altered in transit (by radio interference, for example).
This displays the number of frames that were not processed because the NWD210N did not have the necessary memory.
Table 8 The Statistics Screen
Duplicate Frames Received
RESET COUNTERS Click this to turn all the counters back
This shows the number of received frames that were identical to other received frames.
to zero.
4.5 The Advanced Screen
Use this screen to configure the wireless standard used by the NWD210N, its transmission rate, and to enable or disable burst transmission. Click the utility’s Advanced tab. The following screen displays.
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