ZyXEL AMG1202T10A User Manual



Chapter 18 System Settings






Table 71 Maintenance > System > Time and Date (continued)







Select this radio button to enter the time and date manually. If you configure a




new time and date, Time Zone and Daylight Saving at the same time, the new




time and date you entered has priority and the Time Zone and Daylight Saving




settings do not affect it.







New Time

This field displays the last updated time from the time server or the last time




configured manually.



When you set Time and Date Setup to Manual, enter the new time in this field







and then click Apply.







New Date

This field displays the last updated date from the time server or the last date




configured manually.



When you set Time and Date Setup to Manual, enter the new date in this field







and then click Apply.







Get from Time

Select this radio button to have the ZyXEL Device get the time and date from




the time server you specified below.







Time Server

Enter the IP address or URL (up to 20 extended ASCII characters in length) of




your time server. Check with your ISP/network administrator if you are unsure




of this information.







Time Zone Setup








Time Zone

Choose the time zone of your location. This will set the time difference between




your time zone and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).







Daylight Savings

Daylight saving is a period from late spring to early fall when many countries set




their clocks ahead of normal local time by one hour to give more daytime light in




the evening.




Select this option if you use Daylight Saving Time.







Start Date

Configure the day and time when Daylight Saving Time starts if you selected




Enable Daylight Saving. The o'clock field uses the 24 hour format. Here are a




couple of examples:




Daylight Saving Time starts in most parts of the United States on the second




Sunday of March. Each time zone in the United States starts using Daylight




Saving Time at 2 A.M. local time. So in the United States you would select




Second, Sunday, March and type 2 in the o'clock field.




Daylight Saving Time starts in the European Union on the last Sunday of March.




All of the time zones in the European Union start using Daylight Saving Time at




the same moment (1 A.M. GMT or UTC). So in the European Union you would




select Last, Sunday, March. The time you type in the o'clock field depends on




your time zone. In Germany for instance, you would type 2 because Germany's




time zone is one hour ahead of GMT or UTC (GMT+1).







End Date

Configure the day and time when Daylight Saving Time ends if you selected




Enable Daylight Saving. The o'clock field uses the 24 hour format. Here are a




couple of examples:




Daylight Saving Time ends in the United States on the first Sunday of November.




Each time zone in the United States stops using Daylight Saving Time at 2 A.M.




local time. So in the United States you would select First, Sunday, November




and type 2 in the o'clock field.




Daylight Saving Time ends in the European Union on the last Sunday of October.




All of the time zones in the European Union stop using Daylight Saving Time at




the same moment (1 A.M. GMT or UTC). So in the European Union you would




select Last, Sunday, October. The time you type in the o'clock field depends




on your time zone. In Germany for instance, you would type 2 because




Germany's time zone is one hour ahead of GMT or UTC (GMT+1).






AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


Chapter 18 System Settings

Table 71 Maintenance > System > Time and Date (continued)




Click this to save your changes.




Click this to restore your previously saved settings.




AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide



19.1 Overview

This chapter contains information about viewing the ZyXEL Device’s logs.

The web configurator allows you to choose which types of events and/or alerts to have the ZyXEL Device log and then display the logs.

19.1.1 What You Need To Know About Logs


An alert is a message that is enabled as soon as the event occurs. They include system errors, attacks (access control) and attempted access to blocked web sites. Some categories such as System Errors consist of both logs and alerts. You may differentiate them by their color in the View Log screen. Alerts display in red and logs display in black.


A log is a message about an event that occurred on your ZyXEL Device. For example, when someone logs in to the ZyXEL Device, you can set a schedule for how often logs should be enabled, or sent to a syslog server.

19.2 The System Log Screen

Use the System Log screen to configure and view the logs you wish to display.

To change your ZyXEL Device’s log settings, click Maintenance > Logs > Log Settings. The screen appears as shown.

AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


Chapter 19 Logs

Alerts are e-mailed as soon as they happen. Logs may be e-mailed as soon as the log is full. Selecting many alert and/or log categories (especially Access Control) may result in many e-mails being sent.

Figure 99 Maintenance > System Logs

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 72 Maintenance > Logs > Log Settings



System Log




Log Type

Select the types of logs that you want to display and record. Then click Submit to


display the details.



Clear Log

Click this to delete all the logs.



Save Log

Click this to save the logs in a text file.



19.3 Log Descriptions

This section provides descriptions of example log messages.

Table 73 System Maintenance Logs



Time calibration is

The router has adjusted its time based on information from


the time server.

Time calibration failed

The router failed to get information from the time server.

WAN interface gets IP: %s

A WAN interface got a new IP address from the DHCP,


PPPoE, or dial-up server.


AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide

Chapter 19 Logs

Table 73 System Maintenance Logs (continued)




DHCP client IP expired


A DHCP client's IP address has expired.

DHCP server assigns %s


The DHCP server assigned an IP address to a client.

Successful WEB login


Someone has logged on to the router's web configurator




WEB login failed


Someone has failed to log on to the router's web



configurator interface.

Successful TELNET login


Someone has logged on to the router via telnet.

TELNET login failed


Someone has failed to log on to the router via telnet.

Successful FTP login


Someone has logged on to the router via ftp.

FTP login failed


Someone has failed to log on to the router via ftp.

NAT Session Table is Full!


The maximum number of NAT session table entries has been



exceeded and the table is full.

Starting Connectivity


Starting Connectivity Monitor.




Time initialized by Daytime

The router got the time and date from the Daytime server.




Time initialized by Time


The router got the time and date from the time server.




Time initialized by NTP


The router got the time and date from the NTP server.




Connect to Daytime server


The router was not able to connect to the Daytime server.




Connect to Time server fail

The router was not able to connect to the Time server.

Connect to NTP server fail


The router was not able to connect to the NTP server.

Too large ICMP packet has


The router dropped an ICMP packet that was too large.

been dropped



Configuration Change: PC =


The router is saving configuration changes.

0x%x, Task ID = 0x%x



Successful SSH login


Someone has logged on to the router’s SSH server.

SSH login failed


Someone has failed to log on to the router’s SSH server.

Successful HTTPS login


Someone has logged on to the router's web configurator



interface using HTTPS protocol.

HTTPS login failed


Someone has failed to log on to the router's web



configurator interface using HTTPS protocol.

Table 74 System Error Logs





%s exceeds the max.

This attempt to create a NAT session exceeds the maximum

number of session per

number of NAT session table entries allowed to be created per





setNetBIOSFilter: calloc

The router failed to allocate memory for the NetBIOS filter





AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


Chapter 19 Logs

Table 74 System Error Logs (continued)



readNetBIOSFilter: calloc

The router failed to allocate memory for the NetBIOS filter







WAN connection is down.

A WAN connection is down. You cannot access the network


through this interface.

Table 75 Access Control Logs








Firewall default policy: [ TCP |


Attempted TCP/UDP/IGMP/ESP/GRE/OSPF access



matched the default policy and was blocked or


forwarded according to the default policy’s setting.

<Packet Direction>






Firewall rule [NOT] match:[ TCP


Attempted TCP/UDP/IGMP/ESP/GRE/OSPF access



matched (or did not match) a configured firewall rule


(denoted by its number) and was blocked or forwarded

] <Packet Direction>, <rule:%d>



according to the rule.







Triangle route packet forwarded:


The firewall allowed a triangle route session to pass

[ TCP | UDP | IGMP | ESP | GRE |







Packet without a NAT table entry


The router blocked a packet that didn't have a

blocked: [ TCP | UDP | IGMP |


corresponding NAT table entry.





Router sent blocked web site


The router sent a message to notify a user that the

message: TCP



router blocked access to a web site that the user





Table 76 TCP Reset Logs






Under SYN flood attack,

The router sent a TCP reset packet when a host was under a SYN

sent TCP RST

flood attack (the TCP incomplete count is per destination host.)

Exceed TCP MAX

The router sent a TCP reset packet when the number of TCP

incomplete, sent TCP RST

incomplete connections exceeded the user configured threshold.


(the TCP incomplete count is per destination host.) Note: Refer


to TCP Maximum Incomplete in the Firewall Attack Alerts






Peer TCP state out of

The router sent a TCP reset packet when a TCP connection state

order, sent TCP RST

was out of order.Note: The firewall refers to RFC793 Figure 6 to

check the TCP state.




Firewall session time

The router sent a TCP reset packet when a dynamic firewall

out, sent TCP RST

session timed out.Default timeout values:ICMP idle timeout (s):


60UDP idle timeout (s): 60TCP connection (three way


handshaking) timeout (s): 30TCP FIN-wait timeout (s): 60TCP


idle (established) timeout (s): 3600






AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide

Chapter 19 Logs

Table 76 TCP Reset Logs (continued)



Exceed MAX incomplete,

The router sent a TCP reset packet when the number of

sent TCP RST

incomplete connections (TCP and UDP) exceeded the user-

configured threshold. (Incomplete count is for all TCP and UDP



connections through the firewall.)Note: When the number of


incomplete connections (TCP + UDP) > “Maximum Incomplete


High”, the router sends TCP RST packets for TCP connections and


destroys TOS (firewall dynamic sessions) until incomplete


connections < “Maximum Incomplete Low”.




Access block, sent TCP

The router sends a TCP RST packet and generates this log if you


turn on the firewall TCP reset mechanism (via CI command: "sys

firewall tcprst").





Table 77 Packet Filter Logs







Attempted access matched a configured filter rule (denoted

Generic ] packet filter


by its set and rule number) and was blocked or forwarded


according to the rule.

matched (set: %d, rule: %d)


For type and code details, see Table 86 on page 200.

Table 78 ICMP Logs




Firewall default policy: ICMP


ICMP access matched the default policy and was

<Packet Direction>, <type:%d>,


blocked or forwarded according to the user's setting.




Firewall rule [NOT] match: ICMP

ICMP access matched (or didn’t match) a firewall rule

<Packet Direction>, <rule:%d>,


(denoted by its number) and was blocked or forwarded


according to the rule.

<type:%d>, <code:%d>




Triangle route packet forwarded:

The firewall allowed a triangle route session to pass




Packet without a NAT table entry

The router blocked a packet that didn’t have a

blocked: ICMP


corresponding NAT table entry.

Unsupported/out-of-order ICMP:


The firewall does not support this kind of ICMP packets



or the ICMP packets are out of order.

Router reply ICMP packet: ICMP


The router sent an ICMP reply packet to the sender.

Table 79 CDR Logs






board %d line %d channel %d,


The router received the setup requirements for a call. “call”

call %d, %s C01 Outgoing Call


is the reference (count) number of the call. “dev” is the


device type (3 is for dial-up, 6 is for PPPoE, 10 is for PPTP)

dev=%x ch=%x %s



"channel" or “ch” is the call channel ID. For example,"board





0 line 0 channel 0, call 3, C01 Outgoing Call dev=6 ch=0



"Means the router has dialed to the PPPoE server 3 times.





AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


Chapter 19 Logs

Table 79 CDR Logs (continued)






board %d line %d channel %d,


The PPPoE, PPTP or dial-up call is connected.

call %d, %s C02 OutCall




Connected %d %s






board %d line %d channel %d,


The PPPoE, PPTP or dial-up call was disconnected.

call %d, %s C02 Call










Table 80 PPP Logs










ppp:LCP Starting

The PPP connection’s Link Control Protocol stage has started.

ppp:LCP Opening

The PPP connection’s Link Control Protocol stage is opening.

ppp:CHAP Opening

The PPP connection’s Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol stage is






The PPP connection’s Internet Protocol Control Protocol stage is starting.







ppp:IPCP Opening

The PPP connection’s Internet Protocol Control Protocol stage is opening.

ppp:LCP Closing

The PPP connection’s Link Control Protocol stage is closing.

ppp:IPCP Closing

The PPP connection’s Internet Protocol Control Protocol stage is closing.

Table 81 UPnP Logs












UPnP pass through Firewall


UPnP packets can pass through the firewall.

Table 82 Content Filtering Logs






%s: block keyword


The content of a requested web page matched a user defined






The system forwarded web content.

For type and code details, see Table 86 on page 200.

Table 83 Attack Logs



attack [ TCP | UDP | IGMP

The firewall detected a TCP/UDP/IGMP/ESP/GRE/OSPF attack.

| ESP | GRE | OSPF ]


attack ICMP (type:%d,

The firewall detected an ICMP attack.



land [ TCP | UDP | IGMP |

The firewall detected a TCP/UDP/IGMP/ESP/GRE/OSPF land




land ICMP (type:%d,

The firewall detected an ICMP land attack.




AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide

Chapter 19 Logs

Table 83 Attack Logs (continued)



ip spoofing - WAN [ TCP |

The firewall detected an IP spoofing attack on the WAN port.







ip spoofing - WAN ICMP

The firewall detected an ICMP IP spoofing attack on the WAN

(type:%d, code:%d)





icmp echo : ICMP

The firewall detected an ICMP echo attack.

(type:%d, code:%d)



syn flood TCP

The firewall detected a TCP syn flood attack.

ports scan TCP

The firewall detected a TCP port scan attack.

teardrop TCP

The firewall detected a TCP teardrop attack.

teardrop UDP

The firewall detected an UDP teardrop attack.

teardrop ICMP (type:%d,

The firewall detected an ICMP teardrop attack.




illegal command TCP

The firewall detected a TCP illegal command attack.


The firewall detected a TCP NetBIOS attack.

ip spoofing - no routing

The firewall classified a packet with no source routing entry as an

entry [ TCP | UDP | IGMP

IP spoofing attack.

| ESP | GRE | OSPF ]



ip spoofing - no routing

The firewall classified an ICMP packet with no source routing

entry ICMP (type:%d,

entry as an IP spoofing attack.




vulnerability ICMP

The firewall detected an ICMP vulnerability attack.

(type:%d, code:%d)



traceroute ICMP (type:%d,

The firewall detected an ICMP traceroute attack.




Table 84 802.1X Logs






RADIUS accepts user.


A user was authenticated by the RADIUS Server.

RADIUS rejects user. Pls check

A user was not authenticated by the RADIUS Server.

RADIUS Server.


Please check the RADIUS Server.

User logout because of session

The router logged out a user whose session expired.

timeout expired.



User logout because of user

The router logged out a user who ended the session.




User logout because of no


The router logged out a user from which there was no

authentication response from

authentication response.




User logout because of idle

The router logged out a user whose idle timeout period

timeout expired.





User logout because of user

A user logged out.




No response from RADIUS. Pls

There is no response message from the RADIUS server,

check RADIUS Server.


please check the RADIUS server.



AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


Chapter 19 Logs

Table 84 802.1X Logs (continued)





Use RADIUS to authenticate user. The RADIUS server is operating as the authentication server.

No Server to authenticate user. There is no authentication server to authenticate a user.

Table 85 ACL Setting Notes




(L to W)


ACL set for packets traveling from the LAN to the WAN.




(W to L)


ACL set for packets traveling from the WAN to the LAN.




(L to L/ZyXEL Device)


ACL set for packets traveling from the LAN to the LAN or


ZyXEL Device

the ZyXEL Device.




(W to W/ZyXEL


ACL set for packets traveling from the WAN to the WAN


ZyXEL Device

or the ZyXEL Device.





Table 86

ICMP Notes






Echo Reply



Echo reply message



Destination Unreachable



Net unreachable



Host unreachable



Protocol unreachable



Port unreachable



A packet that needed fragmentation was dropped because it was set to Don't



Fragment (DF)



Source route failed



Source Quench



A gateway may discard internet datagrams if it does not have the buffer space



needed to queue the datagrams for output to the next network on the route to



the destination network.









Redirect datagrams for the Network



Redirect datagrams for the Host



Redirect datagrams for the Type of Service and Network



Redirect datagrams for the Type of Service and Host






Echo message



Time Exceeded



Time to live exceeded in transit



Fragment reassembly time exceeded



Parameter Problem

AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide

Chapter 19 Logs

Table 86 ICMP Notes (continued)






Pointer indicates the error






Timestamp request message



Timestamp Reply



Timestamp reply message



Information Request



Information request message



Information Reply



Information reply message

Table 87 Syslog Logs



<Facility*8 + Severity>Mon dd

"This message is sent by the system ("RAS" displays as

hr:mm:ss hostname

the system name if you haven’t configured one) when the

router generates a syslog. The facility is defined in the


web MAIN MENU->LOGS->Log Settings page. The


severity is the log’s syslog class. The definition of

msg="<msg>" note="<note>"

messages and notes are defined in the various log charts

devID="<mac address last three

throughout this appendix. The “devID” is the last three

numbers>" cat="<category>

characters of the MAC address of the router’s LAN port.


The “cat” is the same as the category in the router’s logs.



The following table shows RFC-2408 ISAKMP payload types that the log displays. Please refer to RFC 2408 for detailed information on each type.

Table 88 RFC-2408 ISAKMP Payload Types




Security Association






Key Exchange






Certificate Request












Vendor ID

AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


Chapter 19 Logs


AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide



20.1 Overview

This chapter explains how to upload new firmware, manage configuration files and restart your ZyXEL Device.

Use the instructions in this chapter to change the device’s configuration file or upgrade its firmware. After you configure your device, you can backup the configuration file to a computer. That way if you later misconfigure the device, you can upload the backed up configuration file to return to your previous settings. You can alternately upload the factory default configuration file if you want to return the device to the original default settings. The firmware determines the device’s available features and functionality. You can download new firmware releases from your nearest ZyXEL FTP site (or www.zyxel.com) to use to upgrade your device’s performance.

Only use firmware for your device’s specific model. Refer to the label on the bottom of your ZyXEL Device.

20.1.1What You Can Do in the Tool Screens

Use the Firmware Upgrade screen (Section 20.2 on page 203) to upload firmware to your device.

Use the Configuration screen (Section 20.3 on page 206) to backup and restore device configurations. You can also reset your device settings back to the factory default.

Use the Restart screen (Section 20.4 on page 208) to restart your ZyXEL device.

20.2 The Firmware Screen

Click Maintenance > Tools to open the Firmware screen. Follow the instructions in this screen to upload firmware to your ZyXEL Device. The upload process uses HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and may take up to two minutes. After a successful upload, the system will reboot.

AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


Chapter 20 Tools

Do NOT turn off the ZyXEL Device while firmware upload is in progress!

Figure 100 Maintenance > Tools > Firmware

The following table describes the labels in this screen.

Table 89 Maintenance > Tools > Firmware




This is the present Firmware version and the date created.







File Path

Type in the location of the file you want to upload in this field or click Browse ...


to find it.




Click this to find the .bin file you want to upload. Remember that you must


decompress compressed (.zip) files before you can upload them.




Click this to begin the upload process. This process may take up to two minutes.



After you see the Firmware Upload in Progress screen, wait two minutes before logging into the ZyXEL Device again.

Figure 101 Firmware Upload In Progress


AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide

Chapter 20 Tools

The ZyXEL Device automatically restarts in this time causing a temporary network disconnect. In some operating systems, you may see the following icon on your desktop.

Figure 102 Network Temporarily Disconnected

After two minutes, log in again and check your new firmware version in the Status screen.

If the upload was not successful, the following screen will appear. Click Return to go back to the

Firmware screen.

Figure 103 Error Message

AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


Chapter 20 Tools

20.3 The Configuration Screen

Click Maintenance > Tools > Configuration. Information related to factory defaults, backup configuration, and restoring configuration appears in this screen, as shown next.

Figure 104 Maintenance > Tools > Configuration

Backup Configuration

Backup Configuration allows you to back up (save) the ZyXEL Device’s current configuration to a file on your computer. Once your ZyXEL Device is configured and functioning properly, it is highly recommended that you back up your configuration file before making configuration changes. The backup configuration file will be useful in case you need to return to your previous settings.

Click Backup to save the ZyXEL Device’s current configuration to your computer.

Restore Configuration

Restore Configuration allows you to upload a new or previously saved configuration file from your computer to your ZyXEL Device.

Table 90

Restore Configuration




File Path


Type in the location of the file you want to upload in this field or click Browse ... to



find it.





AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide




Chapter 20 Tools







Table 90

Restore Configuration









Click this to find the file you want to upload. Remember that you must decompress





compressed (.ZIP) files before you can upload them.










Click this to begin the upload process.







Do not turn off the ZyXEL Device while configuration file upload is in progress.

After you see a “restore configuration successful” screen, you must then wait one minute before logging into the ZyXEL Device again.

Figure 105 Configuration Upload Successful

The ZyXEL Device automatically restarts in this time causing a temporary network disconnect. In some operating systems, you may see the following icon on your desktop.

Figure 106 Network Temporarily Disconnected

If you uploaded the default configuration file you may need to change the IP address of your computer to be in the same subnet as that of the default device IP address ( See Appendix A on page 225 for details on how to set up your computer’s IP address.

If the upload was not successful, the following screen will appear. Click Return to go back to the

Configuration screen.

Figure 107 Configuration Upload Error

AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


ZyXEL AMG1202T10A User Manual

Chapter 20 Tools

Reset to Factory Defaults

Click the Reset button to clear all user-entered configuration information and return the ZyXEL Device to its factory defaults. The following warning screen appears.

Figure 108 Reset Warning Message

Figure 109 Reset In Process Message

You can also press the RESET button on the rear panel to reset the factory defaults of your ZyXEL Device. Refer to Section 1.7 on page 25 for more information on the RESET button.

20.4 The Restart Screen

System restart allows you to reboot the ZyXEL Device remotely without turning the power off. You may need to do this if the ZyXEL Device hangs, for example.

Click Maintenance > Tools > Restart. Click Restart to have the ZyXEL Device reboot. This does not affect the ZyXEL Device's configuration.

Figure 110 Maintenance > Tools >Restart


AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide



21.1 Overview

These read-only screens display information to help you identify problems with the ZyXEL Device.

21.1.1What You Can Do in the Diagnostic Screens

Use the General screen (Section 21.2 on page 209) to ping an IP address.

Use the DSL Line screen (Section 21.3 on page 210) to view the DSL line statistics and reset the ADSL line.

21.2 The General Screen

Use this screen to ping an IP address. Click Maintenance > Diagnostic to open the screen shown next.

Figure 111 Maintenance > Diagnostic > General

AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


Chapter 21 Diagnostic

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 91 Maintenance > Diagnostic > General




Type the IP address of a computer that you want to ping in order to test a






Click this to ping the IP address that you entered.



21.3 The DSL Line Screen

Use this screen to view the DSL line statistics and reset the ADSL line. Click Maintenance > Diagnostic > DSL Line to open the screen shown next.

Figure 112 Maintenance > Diagnostic > DSL Line


AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide

Chapter 21 Diagnostic

The following table describes the fields in this screen.

Table 92 Maintenance > Diagnostic > DSL Line



ATM Status

Click this to view your DSL connection’s Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)


statistics. ATM is a networking technology that provides high-speed data transfer.


ATM uses fixed-size packets of information called cells. With ATM, a high QoS


(Quality of Service) can be guaranteed.


The (Segmentation and Reassembly) SAR driver translates packets into ATM cells.


It also receives ATM cells and reassembles them into packets.


These counters are set back to zero whenever the device starts up.


inPkts is the number of good ATM cells that have been received.


inDiscards is the number of received ATM cells that were rejected.


outPkts is the number of ATM cells that have been sent.


outDiscards is the number of ATM cells sent that were rejected.


inF4Pkts is the number of ATM Operations, Administration, and Management


(OAM) F4 cells that have been received. See ITU recommendation I.610 for more


on OAM for ATM.


outF4Pkts is the number of ATM OAM F4 cells that have been sent.


inF5Pkts is the number of ATM OAM F5 cells that have been received.


outF5Pkts is the number of ATM OAM F5 cells that have been sent.


openChan is the number of times that the ZyXEL Device has opened a logical DSL




closeChan is the number of times that the ZyXEL Device has closed a logical DSL




txRate is the number of bytes transmitted per second.


rxRate is the number of bytes received per second.



ATM Loopback

Click this to start the ATM loopback test. Make sure you have configured at least


one PVC with proper VPIs/VCIs before you begin this test. The ZyXEL Device sends


an OAM F5 packet to the DSLAM/ATM switch and then returns it (loops it back) to


the ZyXEL Device. The ATM loopback test is useful for troubleshooting problems


with the DSLAM and ATM network.



AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


Chapter 21 Diagnostic

Table 92 Maintenance > Diagnostic > DSL Line (continued)



DSL Line Status

Click this to view statistics about the DSL connections.


noise margin downstream is the signal to noise ratio for the downstream part


of the connection (coming into the ZyXEL Device from the ISP). It is measured in


decibels. The higher the number the more signal and less noise there is.


output power upstream is the amount of power (in decibels) that the ZyXEL


Device is using to transmit to the ISP.


attenuation downstream is the reduction in amplitude (in decibels) of the DSL


signal coming into the ZyXEL Device from the ISP.


Discrete Multi-Tone (DMT) modulation divides up a line’s bandwidth into sub-


carriers (sub-channels) of 4.3125 KHz each called tones. The rest of the display is


the line’s bit allocation. This is displayed as the number (in hexadecimal format) of


bits transmitted for each tone. This can be used to determine the quality of the


connection, whether a given sub-carrier loop has sufficient margins to support


certain ADSL transmission rates, and possibly to determine whether particular


specific types of interference or line attenuation exist. Refer to the ITU-T G.992.1


recommendation for more information on DMT.


The better (or shorter) the line, the higher the number of bits transmitted for a


DMT tone. The maximum number of bits that can be transmitted per DMT tone is


15. There will be some tones without any bits as there has to be space between


the upstream and downstream channels.



Reset ADSL Line

Click this to reinitialize the ADSL line. The large text box above then displays the


progress and results of this operation, for example:


"Start to reset ADSL


Loading ADSL modem F/W...


Reset ADSL Line Successfully!"

Capture All Logs

Click this to display information and statistics about your ZyXEL Device’s ATM


statistics, DSL connection statistics, DHCP settings, firmware version, WAN and


gateway IP address, VPI/VCI and LAN IP address.




AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide



This chapter offers some suggestions to solve problems you might encounter. The potential problems are divided into the following categories.

Power, Hardware Connections, and LEDs

ZyXEL Device Access and Login

Internet Access

22.1Power, Hardware Connections, and LEDs

The ZyXEL Device does not turn on. None of the LEDs turn on.

1Make sure the ZyXEL Device is turned on.

2Make sure you are using the power adaptor or cord included with the ZyXEL Device.

3Make sure the power adaptor or cord is connected to the ZyXEL Device and plugged in to an appropriate power source. Make sure the power source is turned on.

4Turn the ZyXEL Device off and on.

5If the problem continues, contact the vendor.

One of the LEDs does not behave as expected.

1Make sure you understand the normal behavior of the LED. See Section 1.6 on page 24.

2Check the hardware connections.

3Inspect your cables for damage. Contact the vendor to replace any damaged cables.

4Turn the ZyXEL Device off and on.

5If the problem continues, contact the vendor.

AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


Chapter 22 Troubleshooting

22.2 ZyXEL Device Access and Login

I forgot the IP address for the ZyXEL Device.

1The default IP address is

2If you changed the IP address and have forgotten it, you might get the IP address of the ZyXEL Device by looking up the IP address of the default gateway for your computer. To do this in most Windows computers, click Start > Run, enter cmd, and then enter ipconfig. The IP address of the Default Gateway might be the IP address of the ZyXEL Device (it depends on the network), so enter this IP address in your Internet browser.

3If this does not work, you have to reset the device to its factory defaults. See Section 1.7 on page 25.

I forgot the password.

1The default admin password is 1234.

2If this does not work, you have to reset the device to its factory defaults. See Section 1.7 on page 25.

I cannot see or access the Login screen in the web configurator.

1Make sure you are using the correct IP address.

The default IP address is

If you changed the IP address (Section 7.2 on page 86), use the new IP address.

If you changed the IP address and have forgotten it, see the troubleshooting suggestions for I forgot the IP address for the ZyXEL Device.

2Check the hardware connections, and make sure the LEDs are behaving as expected. See the Quick Start Guide.

3Make sure your Internet browser does not block pop-up windows and has JavaScripts and Java enabled. See Appendix C on page 255.

4Reset the device to its factory defaults, and try to access the ZyXEL Device with the default IP address. See Section 1.7 on page 25.

5If the problem continues, contact the network administrator or vendor, or try one of the advanced suggestions.

Advanced Suggestions


AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide

Chapter 22 Troubleshooting

Try to access the ZyXEL Device using another service, such as Telnet. If you can access the ZyXEL Device, check the remote management settings and firewall rules to find out why the ZyXEL Device does not respond to HTTP.

If your computer is connected to the WAN port or is connected wirelessly, use a computer that is connected to a ETHERNET port.

I can see the Login screen, but I cannot log in to the ZyXEL Device.

1Make sure you have entered the password correctly. The default admin password is 1234. The field is case-sensitive, so make sure [Caps Lock] is not on.

2You cannot log in to the web configurator while someone is using Telnet to access the ZyXEL Device. Log out of the ZyXEL Device in the other session, or ask the person who is logged in to log out.

3Turn the ZyXEL Device off and on.

4If this does not work, you have to reset the device to its factory defaults. See Section 22.1 on page 213.

I cannot Telnet to the ZyXEL Device.

See the troubleshooting suggestions for I cannot see or access the Login screen in the web configurator. Ignore the suggestions about your browser.

I cannot use FTP to upload / download the configuration file. / I cannot use FTP to upload new firmware.

See the troubleshooting suggestions for I cannot see or access the Login screen in the web configurator. Ignore the suggestions about your browser.

22.3 Internet Access

I cannot access the Internet.

1Check the hardware connections, and make sure the LEDs are behaving as expected. See the Quick Start Guide and Section 1.6 on page 24.

2Make sure you entered your ISP account information correctly in the wizard. These fields are casesensitive, so make sure [Caps Lock] is not on.

AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


Chapter 22 Troubleshooting

3If you are trying to access the Internet wirelessly, make sure the wireless settings in the wireless client are the same as the settings in the AP.

4If you are trying to access the Internet wirelessly, make sure you enabled the wireless LAN and have selected the correct channel in the Wireless LAN > AP screen.

5Disconnect all the cables from your device, and follow the directions in the Quick Start Guide again.

6If the problem continues, contact your ISP.

I cannot access the Internet anymore. I had access to the Internet (with the ZyXEL Device), but my Internet connection is not available anymore.

1Check the hardware connections, and make sure the LEDs are behaving as expected. See the Quick Start Guide and Section 1.6 on page 24.

2Turn the ZyXEL Device off and on.

3If the problem continues, contact your ISP.

The Internet connection is slow or intermittent.

1There might be a lot of traffic on the network. Look at the LEDs, and check Section 1.6 on page 24. If the ZyXEL Device is sending or receiving a lot of information, try closing some programs that use the Internet, especially peer-to-peer applications.

2Check the signal strength. If the signal strength is low, try moving your computer closer to the ZyXEL Device if possible, and look around to see if there are any devices that might be interfering with the wireless network (for example, microwaves, other wireless networks, and so on).

3Turn the ZyXEL Device off and on.

4If the problem continues, contact the network administrator or vendor, or try one of the advanced suggestions.

Advanced Suggestions

Check the settings for QoS. If it is disabled, you might consider activating it. If it is enabled, you might consider raising or lowering the priority for some applications.


AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


Product Specifications

The following tables summarize the ZyXEL Device’s hardware and firmware features.

23.1 Hardware Specifications

Table 93 Hardware Specifications


133 x 61 x 163 mm







Power Specification

12VDC 1A



Built-in Switch

Four auto-negotiating, auto MDI/MDI-X 10/100 Mbps RJ-45 Ethernet ports




1 RJ-11 FXS POTS port



RESET Button

Restores factory defaults




1 internal antenna, 3dBi



WPS Button

1 second: turn on or off WLAN


5 seconds: enable WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup)



Operation Temperature

0º C ~ 40º C



Storage Temperature

-20º ~ 60º C



Operation Humidity

20% ~ 90% RH



Storage Humidity

20% ~ 90% RH



23.2 Firmware Specifications

Table 94 Firmware Specifications

Default IP Address



Default Subnet Mask (24 bits)



Default Admin Password




DHCP Server IP Pool to



Static DHCP Addresses




URL Filtering

URL web page blocking



Static Routes




Device Management

Use the web configurator to easily configure the rich range of features on


the ZyXEL Device.



AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


Chapter 23 Product Specifications

Table 94 Firmware Specifications (continued)

Wireless Functionality

Allow the IEEE 802.11b/g/n wireless clients to connect to the ZyXEL

(wireless devices only)

Device wirelessly. Enable wireless security (WEP, WPA(2), WPA(2)-PSK)

and/or MAC filtering to protect your wireless network.




Firmware Upgrade

Download new firmware (when available) from the ZyXEL web site and use


the web configurator to put it on the ZyXEL Device.


Note: Only upload firmware for your specific model!



Configuration Backup &

Make a copy of the ZyXEL Device’s configuration. You can put it back on


the ZyXEL Device later if you decide to revert back to an earlier





Network Address

Each computer on your network must have its own unique IP address. Use

Translation (NAT)

NAT to convert your public IP address(es) to multiple private IP addresses


for the computers on your network.



Port Forwarding

If you have a server (mail or web server for example) on your network,


you can use this feature to let people access it from the Internet.



DHCP (Dynamic Host

Use this feature to have the ZyXEL Device assign IP addresses, an IP

Configuration Protocol)

default gateway and DNS servers to computers on your network. Your


device can also act as a surrogate DHCP server (DHCP Relay) where it


relays IP address assignment from the actual real DHCP server to the





Dynamic DNS Support

With Dynamic DNS (Domain Name System) support, you can use a fixed


URL, www.zyxel.com for example, with a dynamic IP address. You must


register for this service with a Dynamic DNS service provider.



IP Multicast

IP multicast is used to send traffic to a specific group of computers. The


ZyXEL Device supports versions 1 and 2 of IGMP (Internet Group


Management Protocol) used to join multicast groups (see RFC 2236).



Time and Date

Get the current time and date from an external server when you turn on


your ZyXEL Device. You can also set the time manually. These dates and


times are then used in logs.




Use logs for troubleshooting. You can send logs from the ZyXEL Device to


an external syslog server.



Universal Plug and Play

A UPnP-enabled device can dynamically join a network, obtain an IP


address and convey its capabilities to other devices on the network.




Your device has a stateful inspection firewall with DoS (Denial of Service)


protection. By default, when the firewall is activated, all incoming traffic


from the WAN to the LAN is blocked unless it is initiated from the LAN. The


firewall supports TCP/UDP inspection, DoS detection and prevention, real


time alerts, reports and logs.



URL Filtering

URL filtering allows you to block access to Internet web sites of certain


URL that you specify.



QoS (Quality of Service)

You can efficiently manage traffic on your network by reserving bandwidth


and giving priority to certain types of traffic and/or to particular





Remote Management

This allows you to decide whether a service (HTTP or FTP traffic for


example) from a computer on a network (LAN or WAN for example) can


access the ZyXEL Device.



PPPoE Support

PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) emulates a dial-up


connection. It allows your ISP to use their existing network configuration


with newer broadband technologies such as ADSL. The PPPoE driver on


your device is transparent to the computers on the LAN, which see only


Ethernet and are not aware of PPPoE thus saving you from having to


manage PPPoE clients on individual computers.



Other PPPoE Features

PPPoE idle time out


PPPoE dial on demand


AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide



Chapter 23 Product Specifications






Table 94 Firmware Specifications (continued)


Multiple PVC

Your device supports up to 8 Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs).



(Permanent Virtual




Circuits) Support








IP Alias

IP alias allows you to partition a physical network into logical networks




over the same Ethernet interface. Your device supports three logical LAN




interfaces via its single physical Ethernet interface with the your device




itself as the gateway for each LAN network.







Packet Filters

Your device’s packet filtering function allows added network security and











ADSL Standards

Support Multi-Mode standard (ANSI T1.413, Issue 2; G.dmt (G.992.1);




G.lite (G992.2))




EOC specified in ITU-T G.992.1




ADSL2 G.dmt.bis (G.992.3)




ADSL2 G.lite.bis (G.992.4)




ADSL2+ (G.992.5)




Reach Extended ADSL (RE ADSL)




SRA (Seamless Rate Adaptation)




Auto-negotiating rate adaptation




ADSL physical connection ATM AAL5 (ATM Adaptation Layer type 5)




Support multi-protocol over AAL5 (RFC2684/1483)




Support PPP over ATM AAL5 (RFC2364)




PPP over Ethernet support for DSL connection (RFC 2516)




Support VC-based and LLC-based multiplexing




Support up to 8 PVCs




I.610 F4/F5 OAM




TR-067/TR-100 supported






AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide


Chapter 23 Product Specifications

Table 94 Firmware Specifications (continued)

Other Protocol Support

SIP pass-through


DNS Proxy


Dynamic DNS (www.dyndns.org)


IP Alias


DHCP client/server/relay


RIP I/ RIP II supported


Support 16 IP Static routes by Gateway


IGMP v1 and v2


IP Policy Routing


UPnP support


Transparent bridging, VLAN-tagging pass-through bridge mode


Static DHCP




Embedded Web Configurator(remove webhelp)


SNMP v1 & v2c with MIB II


Remote Management Control: Telnet, FTP, and Web.




MTU adjustable on WebGUI





23.3 Wireless Features

Table 95 Wireless Features

Internal Antenna

The ZyXEL Device is equipped with one internal antenna to provide a


clear radio signal between the wireless stations and the access





Wireless LAN MAC Address

Your device can check the MAC addresses of wireless stations


against a list of allowed or denied MAC addresses.



WEP Encryption

WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) encrypts data frames before


transmitting over the wireless network to help keep network


communications private.



Wi-Fi Protected Access

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) is a subset of the IEEE 802.11i


security standard. Key differences between WPA and WEP are user


authentication and improved data encryption.




WPA 2 is a wireless security standard that defines stronger


encryption, authentication and key management than WPA.




AMG1202-T10A User’s Guide

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