Zte T809 User Manual

Mobile Phone
User Manual
Copyright © 201 3 ZTE CORPORATI O N.
All rights reserved.
No part of this public ation may b e quoted, reproduc ed, translated or used in any form or by any means, electronic or mech an ic al , inc l udi ng p hot oc op yi ng an d mic rof i lm, wit ho ut the prior written permission of ZTE Corporation.
ZTE Corporation re serves the rig ht to mak e modifi cations on pr in t errors or update specifications in this guide without prior notice.
The Bluetooth
trademark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SI G, Inc. and any use of such t ra demarks by Z T E C orporati on is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners.
This product supports expandable memory u p t o 32GB microSD(HC ) car d as an opt ional ac cessory. External memory ca rd is not included in the box.
The microSD logo is a tradema rk of the SD Car d Association.
Ver. 1.4 August 2014
Thi s product is user-upgradeable. Please check for updates at
or call the service hotline on 1300 789 475 for
technical support during office hours, 9am to 5pm AEST.
The worst cas e SAR value for t his devi ce is 0. 807 W/Kg
Device Overview ...................................................... 5
Making Calls using the Phone app ....................... 25
Connect to Networks and Devices ....................... 36
Contacts ................................................................. 48
Messaging .............................................................. 55
Accounts ................................................................ 59
Email ....................................................................... 60
................................................................... 64
Calendar ................................................................. 67
Hangouts ................................................................ 69
Google+ .................................................................. 71
Google Location access ........................................ 71
Camera .................................................................... 74
Gallery ..................................................................... 77
Music....................................................................... 80
Google ‘Play Music’ ............................................... 83
Video Player ........................................................... 85
FM Radio ................................................................. 86
Sound Recorder ..................................................... 87
More Apps ........................................................ 88
Play Store ............................................................... 89
Settings ................................................................... 90
Troubleshooting and Support ............................... 98
For Your Safety - General Safety ........................ 102
Technical Specifications ..................................... 113
Declaration of RoHS Compliance ....................... 114
Disposal of Your Old Device ............................... 115
Device Over view
Key Functions
Power Key
Press to wake up your phone.
Press and hold to select Silent, Vibrate or
Flight mode, or to power on and off.
Press to switch your phone to Sleep mode.
Touch to go to the previous screen.
Touch to return to the Home Screen fr om any
application or screen.
Press for Options. Press and hold to view recent apps.
Volume Keys
Press or hold to turn the volume up or down.
Access the device Applications menu.
Status LED indicator
Less than 10% charge
Between 10 – 70%
More than 70% charge
LED Flashing
Messag e or Miss ed Cal l N otificatio n
Instal ling the SIM Card, microSD C ard*, and Battery
Switch off your phone before installing or replacing the battery, SIM card or microSD card * (op tional a c cessory)
1. Rem ove the back c over by opening fr om t he thumb catch:
2. Hold the SIM card with the cut corner as shown and slide it
into the card holder. This device uses the st andard min i SIM type, also known as 2FF. Do not insert a micro SIM (3FF)
3. If you wish to increase the memory capacity insert a microSD
card (optional) with the metal contacts facing down as s hown
4. Insert the battery by aligning the gold tabs on the battery with
the gold springs in the battery co mp artmen t . Gen tly pu sh down on the battery u ntil i t c lick s into p lace.
5. Press th e c over gentl y back into place u ntil you hear a click.
* The microSD card is not included in the box The SD Card is not hot swappable, so you need to power cycle the dev ice to read a new SD card, and choose Un mount befo re re mo ving the SD
Charging the Battery
When you first get your new phone you’ll need to charge the battery.
1. In sert the char ger lead car efully. Ensure that the plug is
inserted with the correct orientation. Do not force the connector into the charger jack.
2. Connect the charger to a standard AC wall outlet.
3. D isconne c t the charger when the battery is fully charged.
How much charge have you got?
If the battery is low, there will be a pop-up message on the screen. As you charge your phone, the screen will tell you the battery level each time you wake up your phone.
If the phone is on, you’ll see the charging icon / on the status bar.
View battery information and show charge level From the Home screen press Options >System settings >
Battery to see what has been consuming battery power. Also
you can select the Battery Percen tage che c k box to display the exa c t charge level o n t he Status Bar.
System Reset
You can press the Emerg ency C all button f rom any lock screen,
enter the code *983*987# into the dialler to reset your phone. Battery and Charging Tips
O nly use the A C charger and U SB lead supp lie d. Insert the
charger lead carefully.
Be careful to avoid tripping over or pulling on the lead whilst it
is plugged in.
Physical damage to the charging port is N OT cov ered by
The phone can also be charged by connecting it to a
comput er usi ng the USB lead supplied.
Avoid high temperatures and direct sunlight. The battery will
not charge above 45°C
Do not leave the battery in a discharged state. Charge the
battery promptly when flat.
Keep your handset cool. High temperatures degrade the
battery more quickly.
Norm al char ge time is 3-4 hours. Do not leave on charge for
more than 24hrs.
A f ter 2-3 ch arge/discharge cycles t he battery l ife will impr ove.
From then on use top up charging to recharge frequently and always charge promptly when flat.
When not usin g the phone for long periods charge to approx
40% and rem ove the battery.
With poor network conditions (less than 2 bars) battery life is
reduced, turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi when not in use to extend battery life.
Powering On/Off
Make sur e t he SIM c ard is i nserted and the bat tery is char ged.
Press and hold the Power Key to turn on your phone.
To turn it off, press and hold the Power Key to open the
options menu. Touch Power off and then touch OK.
If your device will not power on, remove and replace the
battery, leave on charge for 20 minutes and try again.
Setting Up for the First Time
When you first power on your phone or after a factory reset (see
Settings – Backup and R eset
), you need to enter some se ttings
before use.
1. The default language is English (Australia) touch to change if
required or touch Start.
2. Select a Wi-Fi network if available or press Skip
3. Select Yes if you have a Google account or No to skip.
4. C onfigure the Google location options and touch Next.
5. Enter your name which the phone uses to personalise some
apps and touch Next.
6. You will be prompted to accept the terms of Google service.
Touch the arrow to continue .
7. Touch Finish to complete the setup.
8. F urther as si stan ce is given in the for m of pop up s describing
how to use va r i o us features. Press O K to clear th ese no tices.
Locking/Unlocking your phone
Your phone allows you to quickly lock the screen and keys when not in use and to turn the screen back on when you need it.
To lock the scre e n: Press the Pow er Key to turn the screen off and lock the device, NOTE: To save battery power, the phone automatically turns the
screen off af ter a p eriod of tim e when you leave it idle. R evie w this setting at Settings – Display – Sleep.
You can still receive messages and calls while the phone screen is off. The device will wake up to alert you of incoming calls and messages.
To unlock the phone :
Press the Pow er Key then press and hold the Unlock button.
NOTE: If you have set an unlock patte r n, PIN, or password you’ll need to ente r the corr es pondi ng pat ter n, PIN or password unlock your screen.
TIP Press t he Emer genc y Call button at any locked screen to open the dialler function for Em ergency Cal ls and system reset (enter *983*987#)
Using th e To uch Screen
Your phone’s touch screen lets you control actions through a variety of touch gestures.
Touch or Tap
When you want to type using the onscreen keyboard, select items, or press onscreen buttons, simply touch them with your finger.
Touch and Hold
To open the available options for an item (for exam ple, a messag e or link in a Web pag e), touch an d hold t he item.
Swipe or Slide
To swipe or slide means to quickly drag your finger vertically or horizontally across the screen .
To drag, press and hold your finger with some pressure before you start to move your finge r. While dragg ing, do not release your finger until you have reached the target position.
Pinch in and out Zoom
In some apps (such as Camera, Maps, Browser , and Gallery), you can zoom in and out by placing two fingers on the screen at once and pinching them together (to zoom out) or spreading them apart (to zoom in).
Rotate the phone to change from portrait to landscape.
Getting to Know the Home Screen
The home screen is the star ting point for applications, functions, and menus. You can customize your home screen by adding application icons, short cut s, folders , widgets, and more. Swipe the screen left or right to display additional screens.
Status & Notifications
Drag the notifications bar down to review
Back Home Options
Google Search
Apps Contacts
Access the Quick Settings Panel
Swipe dow n from the top of the screen and touc h the Quick Setting icon. Tap to enable or disable the features. Some
icons can be configured with a long press (press and hold):
Changing the System Language
1. Touch Home > Apps > Settings > Language & input >
2. Select your chosen language.
Setting the Date and Time
1. Touch Home > Apps > Settings > Date & time.
2. Clear the Automatic date & time and Automatic time zone
check boxes if you want to set the date, time and time zone yourself.
3. Set t he dat e, tim e, tim e zo ne, a nd dat e/t ime format.
Changing Ringtone and Notifi cat ion Sounds
You can customise the ringtone for incomi ng calls and def aul t notification sound quickly.
1. Touch Home > Apps > Set ti ngs > Sound
2. Touch Phone ri ngt one or Default notification sound.
3. Touch the tone to hear, select the tone you want to use.
4. Touch OK.
NOTE: To adjust the rington e for an individual caller, go to the Contacts app, select the Contact > Options > Set ringtone for
that card. The Contact must
be stored on the phone.
Adjusting Volumes
The side volume keys work in three different ways:
1. When you are on a call use the volume keys to adjust the call volume.
2. When you are listening to a media file, such as music, video or games, the volume keys adj ust the media volume.
3. At other times when you are not in either of the above states, the volume keys set the ringtone vol ume or enable vibr ate mode at minimum volume.
1. Touch Home > Apps > Settings > Sound > Volumes.
2. Adjust the volume for music, video, games, and other media,
the ringtone and notification volu me .
3. Touch OK to save.
Enable Silent or Vibrate mode in the followi ng ways:
Press and hold the Power Key and then touch to
enable silent mode, touch to enable vibrate mode, or touch to disable silent mode .
W it h no media application running pressing the volume keys
will control the Ring volume. When the icon appears in the status bar, the phone is set to the vibrate mode. When the icon appears in the status bar, the phone is in the silent mode.
Touch Home > Apps > Settings > Sound > Vibrat e whe n
Applying New Wallpapers
Set the home screen wallpaper:
1. Touch Home to return to your home screen
2. Press and hold on the home screen (l ong press) t o bring up
the Choose wallpaper menu:
3. Select a wallpaper from Download Wallpapers, Gallery,
Live Wallpapers, Video Wallpaper or Wallpapers and choose the image or animation yo u wan t to use. S ome cropping may be needed for Gallery images.
4. Touch OK at the top of the screen (for Gallery images) or
Set wallpaper for other images.
Changing Screen Bright ness
1. Touch Home > Apps > Settings > Display > Brightness
2. Tick Automatic brightness to adjust brightness
automatically, or clear the box to set manually.
3. Tou ch OK.
Other Di splay Settings
Scenes – change wallpaper theme Theme – change menu colours Daydream – enable a screen saver when charging or docked Font Size – change the font size for easier reading Sleep – set the desired sleep time for your device.
Protect Your Phone With Screen Locks
You can protect your phone by creating a screen lock with a pattern, PIN or password to unlock the screen and keys.
1. Touch Home > Apps > Settings > Security.
2. Touch Screen lock.
3. Select from None, Long Press, Pat t ern, PIN or Passwor d.
If you touch Pattern, you’re guided to create a pattern you
must dra w to unlock the screen. The first time you do this, a short tutorial about creating an unlock pattern appears. Then you’re prompted to draw and redraw your own pattern.
If you touch PIN or Password, you’re prompted to set a
numeric PIN or a password you must enter to unlock your screen.
The next ti me y ou turn on your ph one or w ake up the screen, you must draw your unlock pattern or enter your PIN or password to unlock it.
IMPORTANT: Screen lock options are listed in the approximate order of the strength of their security , starting with None and Long Press, which provide no security. Pattern provides minimal security, although it can be more co nvenient than the stronger options.
IMPORTANT TIP If you forget your unlock pattern, PIN or password you have to
reset yo ur dev ice. F rom the lock ed screen, touch Emergency c all, enter the code *983*987# and follow the instructions. All data on the handset (not the SD card) is erased.
Monitoring the Phone Status
The status bar at the top of the home screen provides phone and service status information on the right side. You can monitor the phone status by checking the following status icons.
GPRS network
No Signal
EDGE network
Signal strength (no data)
3G 3G network
Signal str en gth (d ata read y)
HSDPA network
Mobile dat a in use
Flight mode
Ringer off
Emergency calls only
Microphone off (muted)
Battery flat
Vibrate on
Battery low
Speaker on
Battery par ti ally drained
Connect ed to a Wi-Fi
Battery full
Wi-Fi data in use
Battery charging
Headset co nne c te d
Bluetooth on
Managing Notifications
Notification Icons
The status bar at the top of the home screen provides notification alerts on the left. You can view the following notification icons.
microSD card not mounted
microSD card removed
New Email
Upcoming event
New Gmail message
Call on hold
New Hangouts
New Wi-Fi network detected
Problem with
SMS/MMS delivery
Downloading data
Missed call
Uploading data
Call in progress
USB tethering is on
USB connected
Portable Wi-Fi hotspot or Wi-Fi direct is on
Song is playing
GPS is on
Updates av ai lable
Bluetooth is on
Open/Close the Notification Panel
Notifications report the arrival of new messages, calendar eve nts , and ala rms , as well as o ngoi n g ev ents , suc h as when you've configured your phone as a Wi-Fi hotspot. You can open the notification panel to view the det ails of notifications.
To open the notification panel, swipe your finger down from
the top of the screen.
To close the notification panel, swipe your finger up from the
bottom of the screen or touch the Back Key.
Respond to or Remove a Notification
In the notification pa nel, y ou can re s pond to a notificati on or remove the notifications.
To respond to a notification, just touch it.
To r emove a notifica tion, swipe it sideways .
To dis miss all notifications touch in the top right corner
Most apps that send notifications, suc h as Gmail and
Hangouts, have notification settings that you can adjust.
Opening apps
1. Touch Home Key > Apps to open the Apps menu
2. Slide left or right on the screen and touch an app to open it.
Switch Between Recently Opened Apps
When you run an application, if you press the Home key and start another app, the original app is still open in the background.
1. Touch and hold the Options key to view recently used apps.
2. Scro ll up and down and touch the required app to return to it.
Managing Shortcuts and Widgets
Add Shortcuts and Widgets
1. Touch Home Key > Apps > Select the Widgets tab at the
top of the screen.
2. Swipe right to view all available widgets
3. Touch and hold a widget or shortcut and drag it to your
ch osen Home Screen.
Move Shortcuts or Widgets
1. Touch and ho ld a widget or shortcut on the screen.
2. Drag it to your chosen location.
Remove Shor tcuts or Widgets
1. Touch and hold a widget or shortcut on the Home Screen.
2. Dra g it to to remove it.
Rearranging the Favourites Tray
The Home Screen includes a customisable favourites tray visible from all extended Home Screens. You can drag apps, shortcuts, folders, and other priori ty it ems in or out of the favourites tray f or instant access from any Home Screen.
To remove items from the favourites tray:
Touch and hold an item to drag in or out of the tray.
To add items to the favourites tray:
Touch a nd hold an item and d rag it on to the favourites tray. If the favourites tray is full, you can stack icons on top o f each
other. When you tap them they will expand to show all the stacked icon s .
Making Calls using the Phone app
1. Touch Home Key > > select the dialer tab
2. Enter the phone number using the keypad. Touch to
delete wrong digits.
3. Press Options to add a Paus e or Wait if req uired
4. Press and hold the 0 key to enter the plus (+) symbol for
international dialling.
5. Touch the Phone icon below the keypad to dial. TIPS: In other applications, wherever y ou see a phone number or
handset icon , t ouch i t to make a call. DTMF tones are sent to the othe r party when you enter numbers.
End a Call
During a call, touch on the screen.
Answering or Rejecting Calls
When you receive a phone call , the Inco ming Ca ll s creen opens, displaying the caller ID and any additional information about the caller saved in Contacts. You can answer or reject the call, or reject it with a text message.
Answer a Call
When you receive a phone call, drag over t o answer th e c all.
TIP: To silence the ringer before answering the ca ll, pr es s the Volume Keys up or do wn.
Reject a Call
When you receive a phone call, drag over to rej ect th e c all.
You can also drag over to reject the call and send a preset text message to the caller.
TIP: To edit the default te xt response mess a ge op en t he Dialler > touch Options > Settings > Other Setti ngs > Quick
Working With Call Logs
The C all log is a li s t of all t he cal ls y ou've placed, received, or missed. It provides a convenient way to redial a number, return a call, or ad d a numbe r to your Contacts .
Touch Home > then select the tab.
Make a Call from Call Logs
1. Touch Home > then select the tab.
2. Touch the number for more details about the call , or touch
to call back.
Add a Call Log Number as a Contact
1. Touch Home > then select the tab.
2. Touch the number for more details, touch to add to
your Cont act s
3. Touch an existing contact to modify or Create New Contact
to save to a new entry.
Other Actions in Call Logs
1. Touch Home > then select the tab.
2. Touch the number for mor e details:
Touch the number to call it.
Touch > Edit number before cal l to edit the
number in the dialer before calling it.
Touch to send a messag e.
Touch to view contact details.
Touch to add the number as a contact.
Delete the Call Log
1. Touch Home > then select the tab.
2. Touch Options > Delete
3. Select individual record s or use the drop down Selected box
to Select All.
Calling Your Contacts f rom Phone app
1. Touch Home > then select t he Contacts tab .
2. Flick the screen up or down to view your contacts
TIPS: Search for a contact by touching on the bottom of the screen or use the scroll bar to flick through A-Z.
3. Touch a contact or number to call it.
Call a Favourite Contact
1. Touch Home Key > and then touch Contacts .
2. Your favourite and frequently called num ber s are listed on
the top of the screen. Touch a contact or number to call it.
Options During a Call
During a call, you will see a number of onscreen options. Touch an option to select it.
Touch to open the keypad, eg to send key tone s .
Touch to turn on or off the speaker for handsfree.
Touch to mute or unmute your microphone.
Touch to place the call on Hold
Touch to make a new call, the first call is pu t on hol d.
Touch to merge separate calls into a confere nc e call.
Touch to end the current call.
Managing Multi-party Calls
When call waiting and three-way call features are available, you can switch betw een two calls or set up a conference call.
Switch Between Current Calls
W hen you’ re on a ca ll, your phone sc reen informs you t hat another call is coming in and display s the call er ID .
To respond to an inc omi ng call whi le you’re on a call:
Drag over to answer the call. (This puts the first caller on hold and answers the second call.)
To switch betw een two c all s : Touch > Swap or touch the switch calls icon
Set Up a Conference Call
With this feature, you can talk to two people at the same time.
1. On the dialer screen, enter a numbe r and tou ch .
2. Once you have established the connection, touch and
dial the second number. (The first call is put on hold)
3. When you’re connected to the second party, touch . If the other party hangs up, you and the remaining caller stay
connected. If you initiated the call and hang up, all callers are disconnected.
To end the conference call, touch .
Other Call Settings
Use Fixed Dialling Numbers
Fixed Dialling Numbers is not normally available and depends on carrier support and the PIN2 code. FDN allows you to restrict outgoing calls to a limited set of phone numbers.
Touch Home > Dialler > Options > Setti ngs > Other
settings > Fixed Dialling Number s
Enable FDN: Input the PIN2 code to enable.
Change P IN2: Change the PIN2 code for FDN access.
FDN lis t : Manage the FDN list.
Edit Quick Response to Rejected Callers
1. Touch Home > Dialler > Options > Settings >
Other sett ings > Q uic k res pons es.
2. Tou ch the t ext me s sage to edit it.
3. The quick response SMS is sent by rejecting an incoming
call and selecting the message icon.
Set Voicemail
1. Touch Home > Dialler > Options > Settings >
Voice Call >.
2. Touch Voicemail. The default Voicemail num ber is
configured for your carrier.
3. Touch Voicemail > Setup > Voicemail num ber to edit the
vo icemail num ber if necessary .
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