Getting started with your device.
NO. 55, Hi-tech Road South, ShenZhen, P.R.China
Postcode: 518057
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Let’s go
Copyright © 2013 ZTE CORPORATION.
All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be excerpted, reproduced, translated or
utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includ-
ing photocopying and microlm, without the prior written permission of
ZTE Corporation.
The manual is published by ZTE Corporation. We reserve the right to
make modications on print errors or update specications without prior
Version No. : R1.0
Edition Time : 2013.04
Do not use the device in an enclosed environment or where heat dis-
sipation is poor. Prolonged work in such space may cause excessive
heat and raise ambient temperature, which may lead to automatic shut-
down of the device for your safety. In the case of such event, cool the
device in a well-ventilated place before turning on for normal use.
Getting to Know Your Device
The following gure is only for your reference. The actual product may
be different.
External Antenna Connector
Micro USB Port
OLED Screen
Power Switch
(U)SIM Card Slot
RESET Button / microSD Card Slot
WPS Button
• microSD logo
• Please use the original external antenna if necessary.
When the device is powered on, the following icons will appear on the
OLED screen, with the corresponding indicates listed in the table be-
Icon Indication
is a trademark of SD Card Association.
Network signal strength.
Network type. 2G, 3G, 4G icon will appear on the OLED
screen according to the network being connected.
Connect to the Internet automatically.
Connect to the Internet manually.
Roaming network indication.
New message received.
Wi-Fi Status and number of the connected users.
Battery power indication.
Connection Scenario
Your device supports two methods to go to Internet and supports multi-
clients for surng on the Internet at the same time. The following gure
is only for your reference.
• 4G Mode: Use your (U)SIM card to access the Internet.
• Internet Wi-Fi Mode: Your device will connect to other WLAN de-
vice (hotspot device, wireless router, etc.) via Wi-Fi to access the
Internet. The WLAN device has already connected to the Internet.
The subnet must be deferent between your device and other WLAN
Installing Your Device
1. Insert the SIM card.
IMPORTANT: Your device does not support Micro/Nano or any other
nonstandard SIM cards. To avoid device damage, please do not use
2. Insert the microSD card.
1) Open the microSD card cover.
Do not pull the cover rudely, as it is connected with the device.
2) Insert the microSD card into the microSD slot. The following picture
shows the correct inserting direction. You will hear a click when the
microSD card locks in place.
3) Close the microSD card cover.
Connecting to Your Device
Via Wi-Fi
1. Power on your device directly. It will take 1~2 minutes to initialize.
2. Use your normal Wi-Fi application on the client to search for the
available wireless networks.
NOTE: Please set the client to obtain an IP address automatically refer-
ring to the chapter “Conguring Your PC”, and then the client will get an
IP address like “”.
3. Select the SSID of your device, and then click Connect. The follow-
ing picture is only for your reference.
4. Input the password, and then click Connect.
• There may require the password for Wi-Fi connection, please check
the label on your device to get the default.
• Double press the WPS button, and then the SSID and Wi-Fi key
will display on the OLED screen.
5. Wait a moment, and then the client will connect to your device suc-
Via USB Cable
1. Connect to the device.
2. Power on your device.
3. The OS detects and recognizes new hardware and nishes the in-
stallation automatically.
NOTE: If the Windows operating system does not launch installation
automatically, you can run the installation program in path of My Com-
puter > ZTEMODEM.
4. Wait a moment, and then the client will connect to your device suc-
Accessing the Internet
4G Mode
After the client connected to your device successfully, you can access
the Internet in the Automatic or Manual mode. The default mode is
Mode Operations
If you want to modify the detailed parameters of your device, please
login the webGUI conguration page by visiting or
http://m.home. The default password is admin.
Your device will connect to the Internet automatically,
and your clients can surf on the Internet directly.
Login the webGUI conguration page, and select Set-
tings > Network Settings > Dial-up Settings > Man-
ual, and then click Home > Connect / Disconnect.
Internet Wi-Fi Mode
1. Login the webGUI conguration page.
2. Select Settings > Internet Wi-Fi.
3. Set the Internet Wi-Fi Switch and Preferred Network, and then
click Apply.
You need to Enable the Internet Wi-Fi Switch and select Wi-Fi.

4. Connect to the WLAN device.
There are two methods for your reference.
Select the listed SSID, and then click Connect.
Click Add, input the WLAN device information in the Add Wi-Fi
Hotspot area, and then click Apply.
5. After your device connected to the WLAN device successfully, you
can access the Internet.
Conguring Your PC
Follow the following steps and figures
for Windows XP to congure the Internet
Protocol for your Wi-Fi connection.
1. Right-click My Network Places, and
then select Properties.
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
2. Right-click Wireless Network Connection, and then select Prop-
3. Select Internet Protocol(TCP/IP), and then click Properties.
4. Select Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS
server address automatically, and then click OK to nish the con-
Warning and Notice
To the Owner
• Some electronic devices are susceptible to electromagnetic inter-
ference sent by your device if inadequately shielded, such as the
electronic system of vehicles. Please consult the manufacturer of
your device before using if necessary.
• Operating your device may interfere with medical devices like hear-
ing aids and pacemakers. Please always keep them more than 20
centimeters away from such medical devices when they are turned
on. Turn your device off if necessary. Consult a physician or the
manufacturer of the medical device before using your device.
• The device complies with RF specications when the device is used
at 1cm from your body.
• Be aware of the usage limitation when using your device at places
such as oil warehouses or chemical factories, where there are ex-
plosive gases or explosive products being processed. Turn off your
device if required.
• The use of electronic transmitting devices is forbidden in aircrafts,
at petrol stations and in hospitals. Please observe and obey all
warning signs and switch off your device in these conditions.
• Do not touch the inner antenna area if not necessary. Otherwise it
will affect your device’s performance.
• Store your device out of the reach of little children. Your device may
cause injury if used as a toy.
• Do not touch the metallic parts of your device so as to avoid a burn,
when your device is working.
Using Your Device
• The device is for indoor use only. Do not use the device outside.
The device does not support DFS.
• Please use original accessories or accessories that are authorized.
Using any unauthorized accessories may affect your device’s per-
formance, and violate related national regulations about telecom
• Avoid using your device near or inside metallic structures or estab-
lishments that can emit electromagnetic waves. Otherwise it may
inuence signal reception.
• Your device is not waterproof. Please keep it dry and store in a
shady and cool place.
• Do not use your device immediately after a sudden temperature
change. In such case, it will produce dew inside and outside your
device, so don’t use it until it becomes dry.
• Handle your device carefully. Do not drop, bend or strike it. Other-
wise your device will be damaged.
• No dismantling by non-professionals and only qualied technicians
can undertake repair work.
• Operating temperature range of 0°C ~ +35°C and humidity range of
5% ~ 95% are recommended.
About your Adapter
• Adapter shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily
• Model: ZTE MF93D
• Manufacturer: ZTE Corporation
• The plug considered as disconnect device of adapter.
Using Battery
• Do not short-circuit the battery, as this can cause excessive heat
and re.
• Do not store the device in hot areas or dispose of it in a re to avoid
• Do not disassemble or modify the battery.
• Never use any charger or battery damaged or worn out.
• Return the wear-out battery to the provider or put it in the appointed
recycle place. Do not put it in familial rubbish.
Do not change the built-in rechargeable battery in your device by your-
self. The battery can only be changed by ZTE or ZTE authorized ser-
vice provider.
Limited Warranty
• This warranty does not apply to defects or errors in the Product
caused by:
i. Reasonable abrasion.
ii. End User’s failure to follow ZTE’s installation, operation or main-
tenance instructions or procedures.
iii. End User’s mishandling, misuse, negligence, or improper installa-
tion, disassembly, storage, servicing or operation of the Product.
iv. Modications or repairs not made by ZTE or a ZTE-certied in-
v. Power failures, surges, fire, flood, accidents, actions of third
parties or other events outside ZTE’s reasonable control.
vi. Usage of third-party products, or usage in conjunction with third-
party products provided that such defects are due to the com-
bined usage.
vii. Any other cause beyond the range of normal usage intended for
the Product.
End User shall have no right to reject or return the Product, or receive a
refund for the Product from ZTE under the above-mentioned situations.
• This warranty is End User’s sole remedy and ZTE’s sole liability
for defective or nonconforming items, and is in lieu of all other war-
ranties, expressed, implied or statutory, including but not limited to
the implied warranties of merchantability and tness for a particular
purpose, unless otherwise required under the mandatory provisions
of the law.
Limitation of Liability
ZTE shall not be liable for any loss of prots or indirect, special, inci-
dental or consequential damages resulting from or arising out of or in
connection with using of this product, whether or not ZTE had been ad-
vised, knew or should have known of the possibility of such damages,
including, but not limited to lost prots, interruption of business, cost of
capital, cost of substitute facilities or product, or any downtime cost.
Problem Suggested Solution
• You need to install the software. Run the in-
Can not establish
the USB connection
between your device
and PC
stallation program in path of My Computer >
• If the driver of your device is abnormal,
please reinstall the software. You need unin-
stall the software rst.
Problem Suggested Solution
• Make sure the Wi-Fi function is active. Press
the WPS button to enable
Can not establish
the Wi-Fi connection
between your device
and client
The client connected
to the device can not
access the Internet
When I use Internet
Wi-Fi mode, the
client cannot access
the Internet.
Can not visit the
webGUI congura-
tion page
Wi-Fi function.
• Refresh network list and select the correct SSID.
• Check the IP address to make sure your cli-
ent can obtain an IP address automatically in
the Internet protocol (TCP/IP) properties.
• Type the correct network key (Wi-Fi pass-
word) when you connect to the device.
• Make sure your (U)SIM card is available.
• Change the location to nd a place with good
• Check WAN Connection mode setting.
• Contact with your service provider and con-
rm your APN settings.
• Make sure the other WLAN device has al-
ready connected to the Internet.
• Make sure that the subnet of your device and
the other WLAN device is different
• Enter the correct address. The default ad-
dress is or http://m.home.
• Only use one network adapter in your PC.
• Do not use any proxy server.
or disable
Problem Suggested Solution
• Press the WPS button twice, and then the
SSID and Wi-Fi connection password appear
on the screen.
About the password
About the device
For more assistance, please:
• Send E-mail to mobile@zte.com.cn
• Visit http://www.zte.com.cn
• Call Service Hotline: +86–755–26779999
• The default password of the webGUI congu-
ration page is admin.
• If you changed the password and forgot the
new password, you need to restore the de-
vice to the factory default settings.
• Press the reset button, the device will reset
to the default settings.
• If there is any exception while using the de-
vice, please press and hold the Power But-
ton for about 10 s, and the device will restart.