Installation manual
General information
With zelsius® C5-ISF you have acquired one of
the most up-to-date, modern heat meters cur-
rently available on the market.
Expressive symbols in the display and easy
menu navigation make readout simple. Can be
operated with one single button. It is equipped
with a long-life battery made for operation dur-
ing the initial verication validity period (5 years)
including a reserve of at least another year. The
meter can be equipped optionally with a battery
lifetime of 11 years.
MID - Initial verification
zelsius® C5-ISF is produced and tested in
compliance with the new European Measur-
ing Instruments Directive (MID). According to
this directive, devices are no longer carrying an
initial verication stamp, but rather the year of
the device’s declaration of conformity (recog-
nizable on the front of the device, for example:
M12). The MID controls the use of heat meters
up to the moment they are placed on the market
resp. their rst putting into use. After this, the
national regulations for devices subject to com-
pulsory verication apply within the EU.
The duration of initial verication validity in Ger-
many remains 5 years for heat meters. After
this period has expired the measuring device
may no longer be used for billing in commercial
The regulations resp. validity period may vary in
other countries of the EU.
* Standard: Ratio 25; optionally R50 but not for qp=0,6 and non-symmetrical temperature sensors installation
Technical data flow sensor ISF
Nominal flow qp m³/h 0,6 1,5 2,5
Maximum flow qs m³/h 1,2 3,0 5,0
Minimum flow qi horizontally* l / h 12 / 24 30 / 60 50 / 100
Minimum flow qi vertically* l / h 12 / 24 30 / 60 50 / 100
Starting flow horizontally ca. l/h 4 4 5
Pressure loss at qp bar <= 0,25 bar
Temperature range °C 10°C <= θ
<= 90°C
Minimum pressure
(to avoid cavitation)
bar 0,3
Measurement accuracy class 3
Nominal pressure PS/PN 16
Nominal diameter DN 15 15 20
Installation position horizontally or vertically, no upside down installation
Installation return flow optionally forward flow
Cable length up to calculator
(in version combi)
m 1,2
Installation place temperature sensors M10 x 1
Heat carrier (Medium) water