Carl Zeiss
Compact Prime CP.2
Mount Change Instructions

E | Appendix
Table for shims to adjust Compact Prime CP.2 lenses
when used on digital cameras
Shim color Thickness [mm]
silver 0.013
gold 0.019
purple 0.025
light blue 0.032
red 0.038
blue 0.051
white 0.064
green 0.076
orange 0.102
light purple 0.127
clear 0.152
• Using a Compact Prime CP.2 35mm/T2.1 lens with an EF mount, scaled in feet and
a test chart at a test distance of 4 ft, an actual distance of 4 ft 1’ is measured. Due
to the table on page 14, a silver shim 0.013 mm must therefore be added to the total
thickness of the shims.
• Any combination of shims is possible to achieve the required thickness and
therefore the desired flange focal distance.
• Always use the closest possible combination of shims.

Tables for adjusting the flange focal distance
of Compact Prime CP.2 lenses
All Compact Prime CP.2 lenses cover the full-frame image format (24 x 36 mm),
ANSI Super 35 and Normal 35 image format, except the CP.2 18mm/T3.6. This lens
covers the ANSI Super 35 and Normal 35 image format.
• Minus sign: Shims must be removed
• Plus sign: Shims must be added
Compact Prime CP.2 18/T3.6
Meter distance scale Feet distance scale
Distance to test chart [mm]: 1000 Distance to test chart [ft]: 4
Object distance
at best focus [mm]:
900 -0.04 3ft 8’ -0.03
925 -0.03 3ft 9' -0.02
950 -0.02 3ft 10' -0.01
975 -0.01 3ft 11' -0.01
1000 0.00 4ft 0' 0.00
1025 +0.01 4ft 1' +0.01
1050 +0.02 4ft 2' +0.01
1075 +0.03 4ft 3' +0.02
1100 +0.04 4ft 4' +0.03
Change of total
shim thickness [mm]:
Object distance
at best focus [ft]:
Change of total
shim thickness [mm]: