Zebra ZQ300 User Manual

ZQ300 Series
Mobile Printers
User Guide
Unpacking and Inspection .................................................................8
Reporting Damage ............................................................................8
PowerPrecision+Battery ................................................................................ 9
Direct Thermal Printing ..............................................................................10
Thermal Shutdown .....................................................................................10
Near Field Communications (NFC) ............................................................10
QR Code .....................................................................................................11
Made for iPhone (MFi) ................................................................................11
Features Overview .....................................................................12
Getting Ready to Print...............................................................13
Battery .............................................................................................13
Installing/Removing Battery & Battery Tape Insulator ................................. 13
Battery Tape Insulator......................................................................14
Battery Safety .................................................................................. 16
Charger Safety ............................................................................................ 16
Charging the Battery ................................................................. 17
AC-to-USB Adapter ..................................................................................... 17
1-Slot Battery Charger ................................................................................18
3-Slot Battery Charger ................................................................................19
Charging Temperature ...............................................................................19
1-Bay Docking Cradle .................................................................................20
5-Bay Docking Cradle .................................................................................21
Vehicle Adapter ..........................................................................................22
ZQ300 Series Media ........................................................................23
Designing Labels ......................................................................................... 24
Using Pre-Printed Receipt Media .................................................... 25
Loading the Media ...................................................................................... 30
Media Spacers ............................................................................................ 31
Operator Controls ............................................................................32
Forced Download Description and LED Behavior ....................................... 37
Power Save Mode ....................................................................................... 39
Draft Mode ................................................................................................... 39
Verify the Printer Is Working ............................................................ 40
Cable Communication ................................................................................. 41
Wireless Communications with Bluetooth ................................................... 44
Bluetooth Networking Overview .................................................................. 44
NFC Use Cases .......................................................................................... 47
WLAN Overview ..............................................................................48
Setting Up the Software ..................................................................49
Wearing the Printer ...................................................................50
Belt Clip ....................................................................................................... 50
Adjustable Shoulder Strap ........................................................................... 51
Soft Case ..................................................................................................... 52
Preventive Maintenance ............................................................53
Extending Battery Life .....................................................................53
ZQ300 Series User Guide
General Cleaning Instructions .........................................................53
ZQ300 Series Cleaning ............................................................................... 54
Printer Status Indicators ..................................................................56
Troubleshooting Topics ....................................................................56
Troubleshooting Tests ......................................................................58
Printing a Conguration Report ................................................................... 58
Communications Diagnostics ...................................................................... 58
Calling Technical Support ............................................................................ 59
Specications ............................................................................63
Printing Specications ................................................................................ 63
Memory and Communications Specications ............................................. 63
Media Specications ................................................................................... 63
ZPL Bar Code Specications and Commands ............................................ 64
CPCL and ZPL Font Specications ...........................................................65
Printing in Chinese Fonts ............................................................................ 67
USB Type-C to Type-A Communications Cable ..........................................69
Physical, Environmental and Electrical Specications ................................ 70
ZQ300 Series Accessories ......................................................................... 73
Appendix A ................................................................................. 74
Serial Number and PCC Number Locations ................................................ 74
Appendix B .................................................................................75
User Interface LED Charging Behavior ....................................................... 75
Appendix C .................................................................................76
Battery Disposal .......................................................................................... 76
Product Disposal ......................................................................................... 76
Appendix D .................................................................................77
Appendix E .................................................................................78
Using Zebra.com ......................................................................................... 78
Product Support Contacts ........................................................................... 80
Index ............................................................................................81
ZQ300 Series User Guide
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ZEBR A and the st ylize d Zebra he ad are tra demar ks of Zebra Technolog ies Cor porat ion, reg istered in many jur isdic ­tions wo rldwi de. All ot her tra demark s are the pr oper ty of the ir respective ow ners. ©2019 Zebra Technologies Corpo rati on and /or its a 󰀩liat es. All rights reserved.
COPYRIG HTS AND TRAD EMARKS: For compl ete copyright and tr ademark inform ation, go to www.zebra.com/copyright WARRA NTY: For complete war ranty informat ion, go to www.zebra.com/warranty END USER LIC ENSE AGREEMENT: For com plete EULA infor mation, go to www.zebra.com/eula
Terms of Use
Proprietary Statement: This manual contains proprietary information of Zebra Technologies Corporation and its
subsidiaries (“Zebra Technologies”). It is intended solely for the information and use of parties operating and main­tainin g the equi pment de scrib ed herei n. Such pr oprie tary i nforma tion may n ot be used, r eprod uced, or d isclo sed to any other p arti es for any ot her purp ose wit hout the ex press , writ ten perm issio n of Zebra Technologi es.
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Limitation of Liability: In no event shall Zeb ra Technolo gies or a nyone els e involved i n the crea tion, pr oduct ion, or delivery of the accompanying product (including hardware and software) be liable for any damages whatsoever
(inclu ding, wit hout lim itati on, cons equent ial dama ges inc luding l oss of bus iness pr ots, b usines s interr uptio n, or loss
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ZQ300 Series User Guide
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ZQ300 Series User Guide
Document Conventions
The following conventions are used throughout this document
to convey certain information:
If you are viewing this guide online, click the underlined text to jump to a related Web site. Click on italic text (not underlined) to jump to that location in this manual.
Cautions, Important, and Note
Caution • Warns you of the potential for electrostatic
Caution • Warns you of a potential electric shock situation.
Caution • Warns you of a situation where excessive heat
could cause a burn
Caution • Advises you that failure to take or avoid a specic
action could result in physical harm to you.
Caution • Advises you that failure to take or avoid a specic
action could result in physical harm to the hardware.
Important • Advises you of information that is essential to
complete a task.
Note • Indicates neutral or positive information that
emphasizes or supplements important points of the main text.
ZQ300 Series User Guide
Introduction to the ZQ300 Series
This user guide gives you the information you will need to op­erate the ZQ320 and ZQ310 printers. These printers feature dif­ferent models for various vertical markets; one for Transportation & Logistics (T&L)/Manufacturing/Governement, and one speci­cally for Retail. They use some of the latest technologies such as Bluetooth BR/EDR, LE 4.0, WLAN: 802.11ac, USB charg­ing (Type-C connector), Near Field Communication (NFC), and Made for iPhone® (MFi). MFi printers provide Apple co-processor (MFi) support which allows an Apple device such as an iPhone or iPad® to authenticate and connect over Bluetooth®. They also share charging capabilities with Zebra’s Mobile Computers for bettery synergy and a total solution package.
ZQ320 ZQ310
Outdoor Indoor Outdoor Indoor
Color Black Silver & Black Black Silver & Black
Connectivity Bluetooth
Output Receipts,
Sensors Media Out,
Programming Languages
Black Bar,
Media Door
Dual Radio
(802.11ac + BT
BR/EDR LE 4.0)
Linerless Labels
Gap, Black
Bar, Media Out,
Media Door
Media Out,
Black Bar,
Media Door
Dual Radio
(802.11ac + BT
BR/EDR LE 4.0)
Linerless Labels
Gap, Black
Bar, Media Out,
Media Door
ZQ300 Series Software Utilities:
Zebra Net Bridge™ : printer conguration, eet management
Zebra Setup Utility: single printer conguration, quick setup
Zebra Mobile Setup Utility: Android-based setup tool
Zebra Designer Pro: label design
Zebra Designer Drivers: Windows® driver
OPOS Driver: Windows driver
Multiplatform SDK
Zebra Downloader
(These utilities can be found https://www.zebra.com/us/en/products/soft-
ZQ300 Series User Guide
Unpacking and Inspection
Zebra Technologies Corporation
Zebra Technologies Corporation
• Check all exterior surfaces for damage.
• Open the media cover (refer to “Loading the Media” in the Getting Ready to Print section) and inspect the media com­partment for damage.
In case shipping is required, save the carton and all packing
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©2013 ZIH Corp.
475 Half Day Road, Suite 500 Lincolnshire, IL 60069 USA
T: +1 847.634.6700 or +1 800.423.0442
In the Americas contact:
475 Half Day Road, Suite 500 Lincolnshire, IL 60069 USA
T: +1 847.634.6700 or +1 800.423.0442
In Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and India contact:
Zebra Technologies Europe Limited
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AA18153-104 Rev. B
August 2012
Registration Card Safety Guide
USB Power/Data
Comm Cable
Belt Clip
Regulatory Guide
Reporting Damage
If you discover shipping damage:
• Immediately notify and le a damage report with the shipping
company. Zebra Technologies Corporation is not responsi­ble for any damage incurred during shipment of the printer and will not cover the repair of this damage under its war­ranty policy.
• Keep the carton and all packing material for inspection.
• Notify your authorized Zebra re-seller.
ZQ300 Series User Guide
ZQ300 Series Technology
The ZQ300 Series printers use several technologies unique to
this line and/or made popular in other Zebra Mobile printer lines.
PowerPrecision+ (PP+) Battery
The ZQ300 Series printers use a 2-cell Li-Ion battery pack with integrated intelligence and data storage capability meeting PowerPrecision+ (PP+) functionality. This intelligent battery has the integrated technology required to collect the detailed real­time battery metrics needed to maximize useful battery life and ensure every battery is healthy and able to hold a full charge.
In addition, technology inside the batteries tracks and main­tains the metrics required to provide real-time visibility into more meaningful battery statistics, such as total cycle usage of the battery, whether the battery is old and should be retired or how long a battery will take to fully charge.
Operating Tem-
-15o C to 55o C (5o F to 131o F)
0o C to 45o C
(32o F to 113o F)
-25o C to 65o C (-13o F to 149o F)
Battery Status UI Indicators (Printer ON)
Status Display
Note • Power down the printer before removing the batter y
to minimize the risk of corruption.
Important • The ZQ310 and ZQ320 printers will only
function properly with genuine Zebra PowerPrecision+ battery packs.
Charging Solid Amber
Charge Fault Fast Blinking Red
(2 blinks/second
Charge Complete Solid Green
Charging Solid Red
Charge Fault Fast Blinking Red
(2 blinks/second)
Charge Complete Solid Red
ZQ300 Series User Guide
Direct Thermal Printing
The ZQ300 Series printers use the Direct Thermal printing method to print human readable text, graphics and barcodes. It incorporates a sophisticated print engine for optimal printing un­der all operational conditions. Direct thermal printing uses heat to cause a chemical reaction on specially treated media. This re­action creates a dark mark wherever a heated element on the printhead comes in contact with the media. Since the printing el­ements are arranged very densely at 203 d.p.i. (dots per inch) horizontal and 200 d.p.i. vertical, highly legible characters and graphic elements may be created a row at a time as the media is advanced past the printhead.
This technology has the advantage of simplicity, as there is no requirement for consumable supplies such as ink or toner. However, since the media is sensitive to heat, it will gradually lose legibility over long periods of time, especially if exposed to environments with relatively high temperatures.
Thermal Shutdown
The ZQ300 Series printers have a thermal shutdown feature­whereby the printer hardware will detect a printhead over-tem­perature condition at 70oC (158oF). If this condition occurs, there is a chance that label data will be lost. The printer will automati­cally stop printing until the printhead cools down to 62oC (144oF). Printing will then recommence without a loss of label data or without any degradation of print quality.
Near Field Communication (Passive NFC)
The ZQ300 Series printers support a passive NFC tag which complies with the “Android Standard Tag format” since Android devices are the most common found on the market today. The NFC tag is programmed from the factory and supports Bluetooth pairing to enable a tablet, smartphone or terminal to automati­cally pair with the printer via a Bluetooth connection (within the
bounds of the security prole being used).
ZQ300 Series User Guide
The NFC tag also supports app launching whereby an app de­veloped either by Zebra or a third party will launch on a NFC­enabled smartphone, tablet or termial. Similarly, the NFC tag enables launching to a web support page via a tablet, smart­phone or terminal.
QR Code
The QR barcode includes human readable text (URL) which links the user to printer information and short videos on topics such as buying supplies, features overview, loading media, print-
ing a conguration report, cleaning instructions, and accessory
information. This barcode is located on the bottom of the printer as shown below.
Figure 1 QR Code (ZQ320 Shown).
QR Code
Made for iPhone (MFi)
ZQ300 Series printers support communication with Apple de­vices running iOS 5 or later over a standalone Bluetooth 4.0 ra­dio and the BT3.0 radio included with the 802.11n (dual) radio.
ZQ300 Series User Guide
QR Code
Features Overview
Figure 2 Overview of Features (ZQ320 Shown).
5 7
Note • Tapping the Zebra Print Touch
Communication (NFC) enabled smartphone will provide instant
access to printer-specic information. For more information about
NFC and Zebra products, go to http://www.zebra.com/nfc. Bluetooth pairing applications via NFC is also possible. Please see Zebra Multi-platform SDK for more information.
Paper Feed Button
1 2
Power Button
USB Power Port
Media Sensor
Black Bar/Gap Sensor
(Retail Only)
Media Cover
Latch Release But ton
Media Compartment
User Inter face Indicators
Batter y Pack
Print Touch (NFC) Ic on
Belt Clip
icon with a Near Field
ZQ300 Series User Guide
Getting Ready to Print
Installing/Removing Battery & Battery Tape Insulator
Important • Batteries are shipped in sleep mode to preser ve
their maximum capacity while in storage prior to initial use. Plug in the AC-to-USB Adapter with the Type-C USB cable that ships with the printer, or insert the battery in the 1-Slot or 3-Slot battery charger to wake it up prior to using it for
the rst time. These are optional accessories available for
purchase. See Page 73 for part numbers to be used for ordering.
Figure 3 Removing the Battery Pack.
1. If a belt clip is present on the bot­tom of the printer, rotate it such that it provides clearance for the battery.
3. Lift the batter y up and out of the pr int er.
ZQ300 Series User Guide
2. Depress the clip on the battery pack and rotate the battery away from the battery well.
Battery Tape Insulator
The ZQ300 Series battery is installed in the printer during ship­ping and is protected by a battery tape insulator. The tape insula­tor covers the battery contacts and provides a layer of separation from the contacts located in the battery well. The tape insulator should be removed upon removal of the battery pack as shown below.
Figure 4 Removing the Battery Tape Insulator.
Ba t t e r y Ta p e Insulator
1. Pull up on the tape insulator tab lo-
cated on the bottom of the batter y pack.
ZQ300 Series User Guide
2. Peel back the tape insulator and remove it from the top of the battery pack.
Figure 5 Installing the Batter y Pack.
2. Slide the front of the battery pack into the battery well. Press down on the back of the battery pack until it clicks into place.
1. Angle the battery pack toward the front of the battery well. The clip on the battery pack should be facing the rear of the printer.
ZQ300 Series User Guide
Battery Safety
Caution • Avoid accidental shor t circuiting of any battery.
Allowing battery terminals to contact conductive material will create a short circuit which could cause burns and
other injuries or could start a re.
Important • Always refer to the Important Safety
Information data sheet shipped with each printer and the Technical Bulletin shipped with each battery pack. These documents detail procedures to ensure maximum reliability and safety while using this printer.
Important • Always dispose of used batteries properly.
Refer to Appendix E for more battery recycling information.
Caution • Use of any charger not approved specically by
Zebra for use with its batteries could cause damage to the battery pack or the printer and will void the warranty.
Caution • Do not incinerate, disassemble, short circuit, or
expose to temperatures higher than 65oC (149oF).
Charger Safety
Do not place any charger in locations where liquids or
metallic objects may be dropped into the charging bays.
ZQ300 Series User Guide
Charging the Battery
When the battery is rst installed, the printer power and charge
indicators should indicate the battery is not fully charged (see “Charging the Battery” below and “Operator Controls”).
Important • You must charge the battery fully before using
the printer for the rst time.
AC-to-USB Adapter
Use Case: Home O󰀩ce/Small Business
Figure 6 AC-to-USB Adapter
C Adapter
USB Connector
USB Type-C Connector
Rubber Door
Connect the USB connector to the AC Adapter.
Plug the AC Adapter into an AC receptacle.
Rotate the rubber door on the printer counterclockwise to expose the USB port.
Plug the USB Type-C end of the cable into the USB port on the printer. The connector will plug into the port in ei­ther direction as it is not keyed.
The printer will power up and begin charging. The print-
er can be left on or turned o󰀨 at this point as charging will
continue in either state.
Important • While it’s possible to charge the battery when
using the printer, charge times will increase under this condition.
Note • See Appendix B for LED Charging Behavior.
ZQ300 Series User Guide
1-Slot Battery Charger
Use Case: Home O󰀩ce/Small Business
The 1-Slot Battery Charger provides the user with a single, spare battery charging solution. Similar to the 3-Slot Battery Charger, the single charger will charge a battery from empty to fully charged in less than four (4) hours.
Figure 7 1-Slot Battery Charger
Charging Status Indicators
Both the 3-slot and 1-slot battery chargers use an LED indica­tor located next to each slot to indicate the charge state in either green, red, or amber as detailed below.
Mode Charging Indication Description
Charge Fault
Charging (Healthy)
Charge Done
Charging Done
Best Battery
Best Battery
(Charge Done)
ZQ300 Series User Guide
Fast blinking red
Solid amber
Alternates between solid and
bright bursts of amber
Alternates between solid and
bright bursts of green
Solid green
Solid red
Solid red
3-Slot Battery Charger (w/ power supply and power cord) Use Case: Settlement Room
The 3-Slot Battery Charger is a charging system for use with the 2-cell lithium-ion batteries used in the ZQ300 Series print­ers. The 3-slot charger is capable of charging three batteries si­multaneously from empty to full in less than four (4) hours. It can either be used as a standalone charger or mounted on a 5-Bay Docking Cradle (see Page 20).
Figure 8 3-Slot Battery Charger
Note • For detailed information on the 1-Slot and 3-Slot
Battery Charger, refer to the P1096070-101 and P1096218­101 Quick Start Guides at https://www.zebra.com/us/en/
Charging Temperature
Charge batteries in temperatures from 0 °C to 37 °C (32 °F to
98.6 °F). The device or cradle always performs battery charging in a safe and intelligent manner. At higher temperatures (e.g. ap­proximately +37 °C (+98 °F)) the device or cradle may for small periods of time alternately enable and disable battery charging to keep the battery at acceptable temperatures. The device and cradle indicates when charging is disabled due to abnormal tem­peratures via its LED.
ZQ300 Series User Guide
5-Bay Docking Cradle Use Case: Settlement Room
The ZQ300 Series 5-Bay Docking Cradle is designed to dock
and charge up to ve (5) ZQ310 and ZQ320 printers simultane­ously. The 5-bay cradle is benecial for use in settlement rooms
where space and electrical outlets are at a premium and charg­ing in volume is critical. The 5-bay cradle charges the printer from empty to full in less than four (4) hours. The user is allowed to op­erate the printer during charging, although the media compart­ment is not accessible while the printer is docked.
1. Ensure that the 5-bay cradle has been installed properly per its instruction manual. Ensure that the power supply is prop­erly connected and its power indicator LED is on (see be­low).
2. Slide a printer into any one of the ve docking bays as
shown in Figure 9.
Note • If you are using a shoulder strap, ensure it is pulled
away from the printer when docking on the cradle.
Figure 9 5 -Bay Docking Cradle
ZQ300 Series User Guide
Since the cups are removable from the base of the cradle, the
3-slot charger is mountable on the base by removing two cups.
This conguration allows individual batteries to be charged in
combination with printers and/or mobile computers.
Note • If interested in this conguration, please contact the
Custom Applications Group (CAG).
1-Bay Docking Cradle
Use Case: Home O󰀩ce/Small Business
The ZQ300 Series printers also have the option of being charged using a 1-bay docking cradle. This compact charging solution charges a battery from empty to full within 3.5 hours like the 5-slot docking cradle. The cradle is designed such that it can easily be docked or undocked with one hand. The printer can continue to print while charging and printer controls are still ac­cessible. However, the media compartment cannot be accessed while the printer is docked.
Figure 10 1-Bay Docking Cradle
Note • For detailed information on the 5-Bay and 1-Bay
docking cradles, refer to the P1096430-101 and P1096075­101 Quick Start Guides at https://www.zebra.com/us/en/
ZQ300 Series User Guide
Vehicle Adapter
Use Case: Vehicle
The ZQ300 Series printers, along with accompanying Zebra TC51/TC56 mobile computers, can be charged in the vehicle through the use of a vehicle adapter. The vehicle adapter uses either an open-ended connection (A) or cigarette lighter adapter (B), along with a power supply.
Figure 11 Vehicle Adapter
Note • For detailed information on the Vehicle Adapters,
refer to the P1097394-101 Quick Start Guide at https://www.
ZQ300 Series User Guide
ZQ300 Series Media
The ZQ300 Series printers are designed to print either contin-
uous (receipt) media or label stock.
ZQ320 ZQ310
Max Media Width
Max Roll Outside
3.15” ±0.02” (80mm ±
0.75 mm) Spacers avaiable to suppor t 3” ±0.02” (76 mm ± 0.75m m)
40 mm (1.57 in)
Media Holder
Media Thickness
Media Types
Min. Receipt Length
Max Receipt Length
Drop-in Fixed Media Width (Clamshell)
0.05842mm (0.0023”) to 0.1614mm (0.0063”)
Direct Thermal : Receipt Paper, Label, Linerless label
12.5 mm (0.49”)
Unconstrained in line mode
Label Counter
Note • Scan the QR code on the bottom of the printer or go to https://www.zebra.com/us/en/products/supplies.html for a complete list of Zebra media and supplies.
2.28” ± 0.02” (58mm ±
0.75mm) Spacers avaiable to suppor t 2” ±0.02” (50.8 mm ± 0.75m m)
Note • To order custom labels, go to https://www.zebra.
ZQ300 Series User Guide
Designing Labels
The following examples provide guidelines for designing la-
bels for the ZQ300 Series printers, specically for Gap Media,
Black Bar Media and Journal Media. The illustrations for each
media type dene recommended tolerances, keep-out zones
and safe printing zones designed to avoid any vertical registra­tion issues during printing. Dimensions are determined based on product registration capabilities and Zebra-recommended media tolerances.
Figure 12 Gap Media
1.59 mm
Top edge of die-cut label
1.59 mm
Bottom edge of die-cut label
CPCL Label
1.25 mm
Safe Printing Zone
1.25 mm
Max Label Height = “H” = 2.5 mm
Figure 13 Journal Media
1.59 mm
Media Feed Direction
1.59 mm
Safe Printing Zone
ZQ300 Series User Guide
Media Feed Direction
Figure 14 Black Bar Label Media
CPCL Label
Black Bar
1.59 mm1.59 mm
Media Feed Direction
Max Label Height = “H” = 2.5 mm
Black Bar
1.25 mm
Safe Printing Zone
Safe Printing Zone
1.25 mm
Note • Black bars are located on the back of the media and
are only shown in the above view for illustration purposes.
Using Pre-Printed Receipt Media
ZQ300 Series printers support alignment of pre-printed re­ceipts by using the out of paper sensor located near the printhead.
Black Mark Dimensions (Receipt Media)
The reective media black marks (or black bar/marks) should
extend past the centerline of the roll on the front side of the pa­per.
Minimum mark width: 0.59 in. (15 mm) perpendicular to the edge of the media, and centered within the width of the roll.
Mark length: 0.19 - 0.24 in. (4.8 - 6.0 mm) parallel to the edge of the media.
ZQ300 Series User Guide
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