This manual contains installation and operation information for the Eltron Series card printers
manufactured by Zebra Technologies Corporation, Camarillo, California.
Before returning any equipment to Zebra Technologies Corporation for in-warranty or
out-of-warranty repair, contact Repair Administration for a Return Materials Authorization (RMA)
number. Repack the equipment in the original packing material and mark the RMA number
clearly on the outside. Ship the equipment, freight prepaid, to the address listed below:
For U.S.A and Latin America:
Zebra Technologies Corporation
Eltron Card Printer Products
1001 Flynn Road
Camarillo, CA. 93021-8706. U.S.A.
Phone: +1 (805) 579-1800
FAX: +1 (805) 579-1808
Toll Free in US: (800) 452 4056
For Europe, Asia, and Pacific:
Zebra Technologies Corporation
Eltron Card Printer Products
Zone Indutrielle, Rue d'Amsterdam
44370 Varades, France
Phone: +33 (0) 240 097 070
FAX: +33 (0) 240 834 745
This document contains information proprietary to Zebra Technologies Corporation. This docu
ment and the information contained within is copyrighted by Zebra Technologies Corporation
and may not be duplicated in full or in part by any person without written approval from Zebra.
While every effort has been madeto keep the information contained within currentand accurate
as of the date of publication, no guarantee is given or implied that the document is error-free or
that it isaccuratewithregardtoany specification. Zebra reserves theright tomake changes,for the
purpose of product improvement, at any time.
Eltron is a trademark ofEltron International Incorporated. Windows and MS-DOS are registered
trademarks ofMicrosoft Corp.All other marks are trademarksor registered trademarks of their re
spective holders.
980081-001 Rev. Fiii
To Establish Your Warranty Period And Provide Access To Technical Support, Send Us your
Product Registration Card Today!
Zebra warrants the mechanism, control electronics and power supply, under normal use and ser
vice, tobe freefrom defects in materialand workmanshipfor a period of twelve(12) monthsfrom
the date ofpurchase bythe end user. Zebrawarrants theprint head, undernormal useand service,
to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of twelve (12) months or 100k
passes (whichever occurs first) from the date of purchase by the end user. Proof of purchase or
product registration isrequired. Ifproof ofpurchase orproduct registration cannot be established,
shipment date to the original buyer (dealer or distributor) willbe usedto establishthe warrantype
Failure to exercisecaution toprotect theequipment from electrostatic discharge damage, adverse
temperature and humidityconditions orphysical abusemay void thewarranty. Failureto useonly
Eltron approved media may void the warranty. Zebra will, at its option, repair or replace the
equipment or any parts which are determined to be defective within this warranty period, and
which are returned to Zebra F.O.B. factory of origin.
The warranty set forth above is exclusive and no other warranty, whether written or oral, is expressed or implied. Zebra specifically disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
This manual describes programming commands
that control operations and specify data for the following card printer models:
· P3xx Monochrome (P300 and P310
P3xx Color (P300 and P310)
P4xx Duplex Color (P400 and P420)
P500 Duplex Color with Laminator
P600 Dual Print Station Duplex Color
Max SecureSeries CardSystems (Max3000 and
Features All of the covered models can print bar-codes in
several formats and have resident scalable font de
scriptions. Also, except for the Max Secure Series,
all models can include a Smart-Card Docking Sta
tion. P310 and P420s can have a Proximity Card
docking Station. All modelsare offeredwith orwith
out a Magnetic Stripe Encoder. A Serial host inter
face is an option on the P3xx and P4xx series,
where an associated RS-232C setup Command ex
ists. Max Secure Systems all have parallel host
980081-001 Rev. F1-1
The programming commands control the printing
process by color and by ribbon material, allowing
overprinting and separate control of various multi
ple-overlay finishes.
Print Engines:
P300 and P400—P300 print engine and
P300 print engine plus duplexer,respectively
P310 and P420—P310 print engine and
P310 print engine plus duplexer, respec
P500 and P600—P300 print engine plus
Laminator and dual P300 print engines, re
Max Secure—P300 printengines on all mod
Significant model/configuration differences
related to programming include the following:
P3xx Monochrome card printers have a limited
command set along with an image buffer sufficient
for a one-bit image mapping depth. Only imaging
using the thermal transfer methodology can occur.
For gray-scale images, host software must produce
multiple-dot pixel matrixes sized for the desired
gray-scale range (e.g., a four-by-four dot pixel matrix can produce 16 levels of gray plus white, [(4 x
/16 + white]).
P3xx Color card printers employ dye sublimation
methodology for color imaging andthermal transfer
methodology for imaging from resin monochrome
ribbons or ribbon panels. A yellow, magenta, and
cyan imaging sequence occurs using five-bit-perdot data for imaging with three associated ribbon
The black panels on Eltron-supplied ribbons with
color panels have a resin coating that particularly
suits bar-code and other solid image printing (i.e.,
no gray scale). However, resinresponds poorly as a
dye sublimation printmedium. Therefore,the black
used for gray-scale imaging comes from formula
tions of yellow, magenta, and cyan (YMC), which
1-2980081-001 Rev. F
means dye-sublimation black also has a five-bitper-dot range (32 levels of gray). If the need for a
resin-panel-generated gray scale should ever be
come necessary, host software must generate
multiple-dot pixel matrixes as with the P3xx Mono
Standard P3xx Color Card Printers have two
image buffers—one used for color and another
used for monochrome. The single color buffer re
quires print passes that follow each of the three
sublimation imaging. The single monochrome
buffer requires print passes following separate
downloads for resinblack and for overlay varnishin
situations that require different bit-maps. However,
because of its durability, card areas with resin im
ages may not require varnish for the associated ul
traviolet protection. Therefore, by using a reverse
imaging for varnish, thesame bit-mapused forresin
produces a varnish overlaythat omitsthe areas with
resin. Reverse imaging also means that a fullcoverage varnish can result after a clear command
sent for the monochrome buffer.
P310 (all models) and P300 Color Printers
with Extended Memory have the potential for
three color buffers and two monochrome buffers.
These buffers have the same uses as described for
the P3xx Color above. However, more buffers
means that a high probability exists that data for a
complete card image can download in a single host
access. With a complete image resident in the
printer, multiple card prints can occur at a much
faster rate.
980081-001 Rev. F1-3
P4xx's have all the same implementations as the
P3xx Color, including Extended Memory as a P400
option. BecauseP4xx's havea Card-Flipassembly,
these models respond to commands related to du
plex printing. P420 Card-Flip Stations can reject
cards into an associated hopper and includes re
lated commands. P420s also have an interface that
supports the programming of Proximity Cards (also
called Contactless Cards).
P500s have all the same implementations as a
P400, including Extended Memory, Smart Card
stations, and Magnetic Encoders as options. How
ever, P500s also have a Card Laminator station.
Laminators serve as heat-transfer devices for mate
rial or panels contained on Laminator Ribbons. A
variety of these kinds of ribbons exist:
Ribbons with die-cut panels can carry die-cut
panel sizes that substantially cover the card
Die cuts with cutouts for Smart cardcontacts,
and smaller die cuts that serve to avoid mag
netic stripes
Preprinted die cuts can contain security de
vices such as graphics, holograms, or opti
cally-encoded patches.
Laminators also servea thermal-transferfunction of
ribbon coated material instead ofthe die-cut panels.
However, only a total card application can occur.
Because the print station can have a dye sublimation ribbon witha varnishpanel, manychoices exist
for selection of protective coatings. Additional commands exist to implement Laminator use.
Whereas P3xx's and P4xx's have single CPU
boards, P500s employ two—one controls printing
and card feeds (Module 1 operations); the other
controls card flips and lamination (Module 2 operations). Because of a master-slave arrangement,
Module 1 also receives Laminator commands.
However, all commands destined for Module 2 require a #1 preface, for example:
P600s have two complete Print Station modules
(including associated CPU Boards) separated by a
Card-Flip assembly. Although controlled by a
common parallel host interface, both Print Stations
respond to the same command set (with some
additional positioning parameters and some
differing responses to positioning commands). To
simplify memory management, both Print Stations
have Extended Memory as a standard feature.
Overall, the same commands apply, but the Card
Feed command applies only to the print station
attached to the Card Feed assembly (Module 1).
Similarly, the Card Flip commands apply only to
the Print Station closestto theCard Output(Module
1-4980081-001 Rev. F
2). A communication protocol serves to direct
commands through the common parallel interface
lines to either Module.
While not being designed around a master-slave
arrangement, Module 2 commands can neverthe
less be sent to Module 1. As with P500s, Module 2
commands sent to Module1 requirea #
1 preface.
Either module can have a Smart-Card Station
and/or a Magnetic Stripe Encoder, with an
recommends Module 1 as the best place to locate
these options. Also, the faster path forcommands is
the direct route.
Max Secure Systems allhave Extended Memory
and can include the following:
Print Station Module (Max3000 or Max3300)
Laminator and Die Cutter Module
Magnetic Encoder Module
None of the media used in the other printer models
is intended for usein this model. Instead,the following are used:
The cards placed in the Input Hopper are
oversized White Chip Cards, either with or
without a Magnetic Stripe and with or without a printable surface.
An additional card material isused. This clear
material feeds from a roll, and the printer has
a Shear that delivers card-sized sections to
the card path.
Max Secure Systems use 0.022-inch thick
White Cards for two-layer laminates and
0.015-inch thick White Cards for three-layer
980081-001 Rev. F1-5
Five imaging ribbons are offered: A YMC rib
bon for die sublimation only printing, a
YMCKr ribbon for those that need Kr (black
resin) imaging on one surface only, and a
YMCKr_Kr ribbon for those that need Kr im
ages to appear on two surfaces. Mono
chrome ribbons KsO and KrO can also be
Also, destination controlof commandscan beused,
as follows:
#11command - directs an associated com
mand to the Print Station.
Printing occurs on Clear and White Chip Card media components. Color and black resin images can
print on the Clear Card,and Black Resinimages can
print on the White Card.
Max3000 Systems laminate the Clear and White
media into two-layer composites. These systems
cannot perform two jobssimultaneously. Forexample, the printer cannot receive downloaded data
with printing in process, and printing cannot occur
with downloading in process. Because of this, programming should employthe Moperator to concatenate printing for all panels within one command
string (e.g., M 1 IS 0[IS 1[IS 2[I[MO[MF[I[MO).
Max3300 Systems can add another Clear Card
that, while remaining unprinted, protects White
Card images, includingany securitydevices. There
fore, users can produce either two- or three-layer
composites using these systems. Unlike the
Max3000s, these systems can receive data down
loads while printing. Therefore,optimum speedcan
result by alternating downloads with print com
mands, so that one process can overlap the other.
Errors sensed during a series of downloadand print
commands results in the assertion of BUSY, during
which time, the bad card gets ejected, the ribbon
gets synchronized, and the printing sequence re
sumes using the data associated with the rejected
1-6980081-001 Rev. F
card. None of these operations require issuance of
additional commands.
The following describes a typical Max Secure
System operation:
A Clear Card feeds first. This card receives color im
aging associated with theYMC ribbonpanels, andif
desired, also from a Kr panel. After imaging, the
Clear Card goes to the output of the Print Station.
A White Card feeds next. Any image placed on this
card normally depends on the availability of an un
used Kr ribbon panel. A YMCKr ribbon used to
place a black resin image on the Clear Card would
not have a Kr panel left for imaging on the White
Card without first skipping over a whole set of color
panels. For Kr on both cards, a YMCKrKr ribbon
should be used.
After receiving any images, the White Card also
travels to the output of the Print Station and comes
to rest ontop ofthe Clear Card.As witha Max3000,
these cards go on to the Laminator. For three-layer
cards, a second Clear Card enters the card path.
This Clear Card first transitions in and out ofa Card
Flip Station before going on to the Laminator
Module. This card flip serves to place the side of the
Clear Card with the bonding agent in contact with
the White Card.
Note that Max3300s have a lever for users to select
between two- and three-layer composites. Users
must also load cards having the related thickness.
The +LAYER command also exists for use in speci
fying the number of layers.
980081-001 Rev. F1-7
Card alignment occurs at the first station in the
Laminator and Die Cutter assembly. From there,
the cards get laminated and then trimmed to the
standard card size. A heatsink between theLamina
tor and the Die Cutter reduces card temperatures
that became elevated during lamination. During
this transition, a speed setting for card cooling takes
Notably, only up-facing surfaces receive images.
After lamination, an inside surface has the image
placed on the Clear Card. Viewing from the back
side produces a mirrored picture of the Clear Card
Max Secure Magnetic Encoder Modules,
when part of Max Secure Systems, receive card
composites after lamination and die cutting. En
coder commands for this printer duplicate those
used by the other printer models. For Max Secure
configurations without the Magnetic Encoder
Module, cards exit the system after a die cut. Since
the magnetic stripes on White Cards need direct
contact with read/write heads, stripeencoding must
only occur during production of two-layer cards.
Related Publications: Associated User’s and Quick Help Guides for
P-Series Printers, available in various languages
User’s and Quick Help Guides for Max Secure
Associated Maintenance Manuals for P-Series
printers (Available in English Only)
Maintenance Manual for Max Secure (Available in
English Only)
1-8980081-001 Rev. F
Conventions In this manual, the following conventions apply:
Escape Key (Indicates command characters
Space Key (Delimiter used to separate com
mands from parameters and parameters
from other parameters)
Required parameters that follow some com
mands, separated by space delimiters
~ pn}
Optional Parameters
↵Enter Key (Indicates the end of a Command
and Parameter string
→Command string continues on next line (no
line feed at this text wrap)
dataSpecifies where to place data in an associ-
ated Command String
[Linking delimiter when used with “M” and
“m” commands, which see;
Also, placed in front of [, , and ↵ to specify
data instead of control characters
#Placed after and followed by number to di-
rect command to other than module receiving command.
980081-001 Rev. F1-9
Basic Command
Each command begins with a Command Initiator
(the “Escape” character). For some models, direct
ing characters follow the Escape character.
The Command Initiator serves to mark the charac
characters. Command characters varybetween one
and seven characters (or up toseven bytes of hexa
decimal data).
Some commands then haveone or more additional
parameters to supply the printer with information
necessary to complete the command. A “Space”
character delineates individual command control
parameters. The following Text command shows a
typical example.
Each command line requires a Carriage Return (↵)
character (13 dec. or 0D hex.). A single Line Feed
(LF) character (Dec. 10 or 0A Hex.) is ignored by
the printer when it immediately follows the command terminating Carriage Return. Most PC based
systems send a CR/LF when the Enter key is
Command Editor Any ASCII based text editor can serve tocreate sim
ple command files. In the DOS environment, MSDOS EDIT offersa good choice.To execute the file,
use the Print command from the editor, or from
DOS, the COPY command, to send the file to the
printer. Examples using the COPY command are:
COPY file name.ext LPT1↵
COPY file name.ext COM1↵
For more information on theuse of the COPYcom
mand, refer to a DOS software manual.
Some text editingprograms cancause printer errors
by adding extra characters or by changing existing
characters when generating a near ASCII formatted
Example: A commonASCII editor,BRIEF, changes
all NUL charactersto the SPACEor TAB characters
with a file save. The graphic data for print intensity
level “0" is the NUL character. This causes the resulting file to print with horizontal lines in all graphics with solid white, i.e., no print, areas. Other
editors may add a SUB character (Dec. 26 or 1A
Hex.), which causes the printer to error.
980081-001 Rev. F1-11
Figure 1-1 shows elements involved in image data
flow. Note that three Image Memory configurations
exist andthat Image Memory always contains com
pressed data. Ideally, hosts should send com
pressed data, which requires a compatible
compression algorithm. This can substantially re
duce the data transfer times of most image files.
Figure 1-1
Color Card
Printers Only
Host Computer
Image Data
Image Data
Print Head
when Host
Var ni sh
1-12980081-001 Rev. F
Monochrome printers have no color buffers. Color
printers without Expanded Memory have single
color and monochrome buffers, requiring a print
pass after each color download for yellow,
magenta, and cyan data, and as stated previously,
the same operation for monochrome when black
and varnish require different bit-maps. In contrast,
downloads containing commands that specify the
contents of all five buffers. All P310 and P420
Printers have the equivalent of an Extended Mem
ory. For Max Secure Systems, which have no var
nish requirements, the varnish buffer supplies the
bit map for the White Card image.
Characteristically, a bit-map compression algo
rithm flags data segments as either repeating or
non-repeating, specifies the bytesrepeated, and the
number of repeats. For these card printers, com
pression applies to byte-wide bit-map segments,
which the host sends with the PS, GS, Z, and vZ
commands. The PS and GScommands include pa
rameters specifying a buffer (YMCK). Monochrome
commands Z and vZ send associated bit-map data
to the black (K) and Varnish buffers, respectively.
All of thesecommands include parameters that spe
cify whether or not the command applies to compressed data. For recognition by the card printer,
compressed data must conform to the following
Rule 1. When high, themost significantbit (theflag
bit) of a two-byte sequence indicates that the second byte repeats. The remaining seven bits of the
first byte specify the number of repeats, allowing a
field-specification of from zero to 127 repeats.
Rule 2. Whenlow, the most significant bit of a data
sequence indicates that the remaining seven bits of
the byte specify the number of the following bytes
that represent non-repeatingimage data. However,
only from zero to 31 repeats can occur.
Rule 3. The first byte in the data field of any com
mand specifying a compressed bit-map must have
the compression flaghigh, even if a onemust be en
tered as the number of bytes repeated.
980081-001 Rev. F1-13
Rule 4. No other algorithm can be used to com
press image data for this card printer.
Figure 1-2 includes examples of data strings
employing compression.
Figure 1-3 shows how a bit-map relates to associ
ated non-compressed data. Figure 1-4 shows the
same bit-map in association withcompressed data
B 5A
00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00
00 03 F0 00 00 00
00 0F FC 00 00 00
00 1F FE 00 00 00
00 3F FF 00 00 00
00 3F FF 00 00 00
00 7F FF 80 00 00
00 7F FF 80 00 00
00 7F FF 80 00 00
00 FC 0F C0 00 00
00 F0 03 C0 00 00
00 E0 01 C0 00 00
00 C0 00 C0 01 00
00 C0 00 C0 01 00
00 C0 00 C0 01 00
00 C0 00 C0 03 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 FF FF FF FF 00
00 C0 00 00 03 00
00 80 00 00 01 00
00 80 00 00 01 00
00 80 00 00 01 00
00 00 00 00 00 00
980081-001 Rev. F1-15
x axis
Figure 1-4.
1B 5A
99 00 02
03 F0 84 00 02
0F FC 84 00 02
1F FE 84 00 02
3F FF 84 00 02
3F FF 84 00 3C
7F FF 80 00 00
00 7F FF 80 00 00
00 7F FF 80 00 00
00 FC 0F C0 00 00
00 F0 03 C0 00 00
00 E0 01 C0 00 00
00 C0 00 C0 01 00
00 C0 00 C0 01 00
00 C0 00 C0 01 00
00 C0 00 C0 03 00
00 84 FF 02 00
00 84 FF 02 00
00 84 FF 02 00
00 84 FF 02 00
00 84 FF 02 00
00 84 FF 02 00
00 84 FF 02 00
00 84 FF 18 00
00 C0 00 00 03 00
00 80 00 00 01 00
00 80 00 00 01 00
00 80 00 00 01 87
Data-to Card
Figure 1-5 shows a card consistent with the orienta
tion of a cardtraveling rightto leftin the card pathof
a printer. From this perspective,the data field of the
PS, GS, Z, and vZ commands first becomes a
memory-resident image in a designated image
buffer. TheImage Buffer,as shown, fills from top to
bottom and from right to left. Because the Image
Buffer has a last-in-first-out arrangement, card im
ages build from bottom totop and fromleft to right.
1-16980081-001 Rev. F
This suits the front-to-back loading of Print Head
Registers and the right-to-left card movement dur
ing print cycles. As noted in the figure, an object
mirrored in both axis in the data sent to the buffer
would print normally on the card.
Figure 1-5
Data Sent verses
Card Mapping
Download Buffer Data Command
Buffer Select (CMYK) Parameter
Compressed vs. Uncompressed Parameter
Data Downloaded (300dpi/11,8dpmm)
652 Lines Bytes by 1048 Lines (Max Secure Systems)
* Objects drawn with these commands have an upper-left origin.
624 Line Bytes by 1008 Lines (Standard Memory)
640 Line Bytes by 1024 Lines (Extended Memory)
980081-001 Rev. F1-17
Color Data
Color data always enters a color image buffer, ei
ther as yellow, magenta, cyan, or in the case of a
KsO ribbon, dye sublimationblack. Ifonly onecolor
image buffer exists, the command designates the
buffer differently according to the buffer specifica
tion parameter in the command. Note that the
specification for dye sublimation onlyapplies to im
ages produced using a dye sublimation black rib
bon. All data associated with these commands
represent five-bit-per-dot imaging.
Whether downloading data for a partial image (GS
command) or for a complete card image (PS com
mand) the data must match the associated card
area. For partial images(sometimes calledlogos be
cause of a typicalapplication) theGS command pa
rameters specify the area imaged. This assures
proper line breaks. Any either over- or under-flow
produces an error. Note that the previous figure
shows different full-card image areas for Standard,
Extended, and Max Secure memory. For proper
appearance, color images should not overprint
other card printing.
Max Secure
Monochrome Data
Monochrome Data
Max Secure printers have no need to print varnish.
However, the varnish buffer is used for monochrome data. Therefore, all data commands for
monochrome data require the“v” preface.A subsequent “I” command printsdata stored inthe varnish
buffer. Note that the IVcommand serves to indicate
the presence of a ribbon with varnish panels that
then get bypassed.
P-Series printers always download monochrome
data to a monochrome image buffer. Monochrome
data commands prefaced with a “v” designate the
varnish buffer. Commands without the “v” preface
designate the buffer used for resin printing. If only
one monochrome image buffer exists, the com
mand designates the buffer differently depending
on the associated data.
However, most color imaging does not need a
pre-established varnish buffer to apply the varnish
coating. If no varnish buffer is downloaded, the
printer defaults to theresin bufferfor theapplication
of varnish. This works for three reasons. First, color
1-18980081-001 Rev. F
ribbons have resin black followed by varnish pan
els, both limited to monochrome data. Second, the
primary use of varnish is to protect thedye sublima
tion imaging from ultraviolet radiation. Third, be
cause resin may need no varnish protection, an
inverted-resin bit-map can apply varnish.
The IV command has a parameter setting to pro
duce an inverted data print. In summary, leave the
resin buffer unchanged afterprinting resin.Then, is
sue an IV command for inverted data to print the
varnish. Note that full-coverage varnish,as required
for ultraviolet protection using dye-sublimation
black ribbons, requires only a buffer clear com
mand (F) followed by theinverted print command.
A watermark simulation can result by, in effect,
punching holes in the varnish image. A hologram
transfer from an associated ribbon occurs by
printing a varnish buffer that images the area of the
ribbon containing the hologram. Both of these images require data previously downloaded into the
Varnish buffer.
Monochrome graphic objects can download
into either the resin or varnish buffer. As with the
preceding, a “v” preface designates a buffer that
prints with the “IV” command, and commands
without the “v” preface designate a buffer that
prints with the “I” command. Commands exist for
downloads of the following graphic objects:
P/vPWrite Dot
L/vLWrite Line
C/vCWrite Box
980081-001 Rev. F1-19
D/vDWrite Diagonal Line
T/vTWrite Text
B/vBWrite Bar-Code
Rotational parameters (clockwise) exist for the fol
D/vD0, 90, or 180°
Center of Rotationlower-left
T/vT90° Increments (0~270)
Center of Rotationlower-left or object center
B/vB90° Increments (0~270)
Center of Rotationlower-left or object center
Monochrome bit-maps require entry of two
commands—first an initializing command (G) and
then the associated data command. The “G” com
mand specifies image placements associated with
the following commands:
O/vODownload Single Line
Z/vZDownload Multiple Lines
Figure 1-5 shows the relationshipbetween datasent
by “O” or “Z” commands and an area previously
established by a “G” command. The “G” command can also define data as single bits (i.e., image
With dots selected as the data mode in the “G”
command, data sent to the printer must, nevertheless, finish on an even byte boundary.When necessary, fill in zero bits to bytes that do not reach the
boundary specified in the “G” command.
Data is handled in bytes (0~255 decimal or hexa
decimal 00~FF) by the printer.
Bar Codes Bar codes vary in capacity, size, character sets, and
density. Several industries have adopted specific
coding and bar code formats. Verify that the se
lected bar code matches a code supported by the
scanning equipment.
All the bar codes supported by the card printers
have the data characters, 2 quiet zones, and a start
and stop character. The bar codes can include text
as part of the printed bar code. Some of the bar
codes include a printer-generated check digit (or
data check sum) character automatically or as an
1-20980081-001 Rev. F
A command error condition occurs whenimage
data extends beyond the addressable range of the
image buffer. The bar code and text fields must re
main within the addressable area of the image
buffer. Each one of the bar codes, described in the
Command B and Appendix A, have a formula to
determine a bar code length.
Selecting a larger bar code width multiplier and a
higher ratio of the narrow to wide bars (and spaces
where applicable), improves the general readability
of a given bar code. Additionally, for a given bar
code, wider bars and spaces increase the depth of
field for improved performance with moving-beam
lasers and other non-contact scanning devices .
Control Commands The cardprinter canperform avariety ofprint, card,
ribbon, and headmovement andcontrol command
Print Controls
1. Intensity - Adjusts the amount of heat used to
transfer maximum intensity color or Monochrome
2. Contrast (Color Only) - Adjusts the minimum
amount of heatused to printdots at thelowest color
3. Image Positioning - Locates the printable im
age on the card.
4. Head - Raises the print head to move the card
and lowers it to print. Not normally required.
5. Print Test Cards
Card Movement
1. Print Ready position - Thecard movesto aposi
tion just prior to the card edge sensor.
2. Exit Card - The printer exits the card to the Ou
tput Hopper or tray. Printers with multiple stations,
exit the card to the next station.
980081-001 Rev. F1-21
3. Duplex - Flips the card over using the Card-Flip
Assembly, initiated by the ‘MF’ command.
4. Ready Smart Card - Positions a Smart Card
under the SmartCard Docking stationwith the con
tacts of a Smart Card chip engaged.
5. Encode Ready position - The card moves to a
position just prior to the magnetic encoding station
read/write head.
Card Handling
1. Reset Ribbon - Setsthe ribbon panel to the first
panel (color - yellowpanel) orcycles thecontinuous
color Monochrome ribbon.
2. Select Panel - Resets, then selects a specific rib
bon panel.
The following outlines a recommended card handling sequence.
1.Smart Card Programming - Option
2.Magnetically Encode Card - Option
3.Print Card
For color printing:
Clear Varnish or Hologram Transfer
4.Duplex - Flip Card - Option
5.Print Card Backside - Option
For color printing:
Clear Veneer
Hologram Lamination
6.Eject Card
1-22980081-001 Rev. F
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