YOKOGAWA WE7231 User Manual

User’s Manual
30-CH Fast Digital Thermometer Module
Yokogawa Electric Corporation
IM 707231-01E 1st Edition


Thank you for purchasing the WE7231 30-CH Fast Digital Thermometer Module, a PC­based measurement instrument for the WE7000. This user’s manual contains useful information about the functions and operating procedures of the WE7231 as well as precautions that should be observed during use. This manual is written with the assumption that you will be using the WE7000 Control Software that is included with the measuring station. For general information about the WE7000, (primarily the operations of the measuring station, the optical interface module, the optical interface card, and the WE7000 Control Software) see the WE7000 User’s Manual (IM 707001-01E).
Manual Title Manual No.
WE7000 User’s Manual IM707001-01E
To ensure proper use of the instrument, please read this manual thoroughly before beginning operation. After reading the manual, keep it in a convenient location for quick reference in the event a question arises.
This manual was written for version of the WE7000 Control Software and
module firmware version 3.05. The operating procedures and screen contents described in this manual may differ from those in other versions of the software.
• The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice as a result of improvements in the instrument’s performance and functions.
• Every effort has been made in the preparation of this manual to ensure the accuracy of its contents. However, should you have any questions or find any errors, please contact your nearest YOKOGAWA representative listed on the back cover of this manual.
• Copying or reproduction of all or any part of the contents of this manual without the permission of Yokogawa Electric Corporation is strictly prohibited.
• Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
• Adobe and Adobe Acrobat are trademarks of Adobe Systems incorporated.
• All other company and product names used in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
1st Edition: November 2001
Disk No. WE16 1st Edition: Norbember 2001 (YK) All Rights Reserved, Copyright © 2001 Yokogawa Electric Corporation

Checking the Contents of the Package

Unpack the box and check the contents before operating the instrument. If some items are missing or otherwise inconsistent with the contents description, please contact the dealer from which you purchased them.
Measurement Module
Check that the model name given on the name plate matches the one on your order form.
Model Suffix Code Description
707231 WE7231 30-CH Fast Digital Thermometer Module 707231 /HE English help message
NO. (Instrument Number)
When contacting the dealer from which you purchased the instrument, please give them the instrument number.
Made in Japan
The following standard accessories are supplied with the instrument. Make sure that all items are present and undamaged.
One user’s manual (this document) IM 707231-01E
Optional Accessories (Sold Separately)
Part Name Model Code Description
30-CH Scanner Box 707815 M4 screw terminal and 1 meter connecting cable 30-CH Scanner Box 707815/L3 M4 screw terminal and 3 meter connecting cable
Connecting cable
IM 707231-01E

How to Use This Manual

Structure of the Manual
This manual consists of four chapters and an index as shown below.
Chapter Title Description 1 Functions Describes the system configuration and functions. 2 Hardware Preparation Explains how to install the module into the measuring
3Troubleshooting and Explains the procedures for troubleshooting and self-
Maintenance testing. 4 Specifications Outlines the specifications of the module. Index An alphabetical index.
Conventions Used in This Manual
• Units
k Denotes 1000. (For example, 100 kHz) K Denotes 1024. (For example, 720 KB)
• Boldface Characters
Characters set in boldface usually refer to items on-screen or on the instrument (such as knobs, windows and buttons) with which the user interacts.
station, and how to connect the input.
• Symbols
The following symbols are used in this manual to alert you to important information.
This symbol is affixed to the instrument, and indicates that due to possible danger to the user or instrument, the user’s manual should be consulted. It is also printed on the corresponding reference page in the user’s manual.
Describes precautions that should be observed to prevent injury or death to the user.
Describes precautions that should be observed to prevent minor or moderate injury to the user, or damage to the instrument.
Provides information that is important for proper operation of the instrument.
IM 707231-01E


Foreword .......................................................................................................................................... 1
Checking the Contents of the Package ............................................................................................. 2
How to Use This Manual...................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 1 Functions
1.1 System Configuration and Block Diagram .............................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Operation Panel......................................................................................................................1-3
1.3 Setting Measurement Conditions............................................................................................ 1-5
1.4 Setting the Alarm ....................................................................................................................1-8
1.5 Waveform Display, Automatic Saving of Measured Data, File Conversion,
and Other Functions ............................................................................................................. 1-10
1.6 Name and Functions of Each Part........................................................................................ 1-11
Chapter 2 Hardware Preparation
2.1 Mounting Modules in the Measurement Station ..................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Connecting the 30-CH Scanner Box and the Input Signal Wire .............................................2-3
Chapter 3 Troubleshooting and Maintenance
3.1 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................3-1
3.2 Self Test ..................................................................................................................................3-2
3.3 Maintenance ...........................................................................................................................3-3
Chapter 4 Specifications
4.1 Performance Specifications.................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Factory Default Settings ......................................................................................................... 4-4
4.3 General Specifications............................................................................................................4-5
4.4 Specifications for the 30-CH Scanner Box ............................................................................. 4-6
4.5 External Dimensions...............................................................................................................4-7
Index ................................................................................................................................ Index-1

Chapter 1 Functions

1.1 System Configuration and Block Diagram

System Configuration
The following is an example in which the 30-CH Fast Digital Thermometer WE7231 is installed into the measuring station and the measuring station is connected to a PC with the optical fiber cable.
Block Diagram
Measuring station
Scan signal
Optical interface modules
Optical fiber cable
Connecting cable
30-CH Scanner Box (sold separ separately)
Amplifier circuit
Voltage control circuit
Optical interface card
Power supply
WE7231 30-CH Fast Digital Thermometer Module
Acquisition control circuit
Input signal processing circuit for CH1-CH15
Internal bus
32bits RISC
WE bus interface
CH16 CH30
30-CH Scanner Box
Input signal processing circuit for CH16-CH30
Module control
(flash memory)
WE bus
1.1 System Configuration and Block Diagram
Description of Operation
The 30-CH Scanner Box (sold separately) connects to the input connector of the 30-CH Fast Digital Thermometer WE7231 using the connecting cable, and the devices under measurement are connected to each terminal of the 30-CH Scanner Box. If the device under measurement is a thermocouple or if you are measuring DC voltage, the input terminals are connected using a 2-wire system. When measuring resistance or resistance temperature detectors, a 4-wire system is used. A scanning signal is sent through the connecting cable from the WE7231 to the 30-CH Scanner Box, and the response from the device under measurement determines which signals are selected for input to the WE7231. With thermocouple or DC voltage input measurement, the input signal is modified in the attenuator (A TT) and amplifier circuits then undergoes A/D conversion. When measuring resistance such as in resistance temperature detectors, a constant current is given through the connecting cable from the WE7231 to the device being measured, and in the same manner as during thermocouple or DC voltage input measurement, the voltage signal generated at both ends of the device being measured is input to the WE7231 where it undergoes A/D conversion. These converted digital signals are isolated in the photocoupler and the digital data which represents the measured values is stored in memory. When measuring temperature, the reference junction temperature is measured using the platinum resistance temperature detector inside the scanner box, and the CPU performs reference junction compensation, or RJC, (this function can be turned ON/OFF) and voltage-temperature conversion on the previously stored measurement data from the thermocouple. These results are then re-stored. The data stored in memory can be recalled from a PC through communications.
IM 707231-01E

1.2 Operation Panel

The WE7000 Control Software installed in the PC is used to control the 30-CH Fast Digital Thermometer WE7231. The WE7000 Control Software displays operation panels similar to those shown in the figure below. This user’s manual does not explain the operations of the operation panel or waveform monitor. For these operations, see the WE7000 Control Software’s online help.
Basic Settings
Select the measurement function
Select the measuring range/type of thermocouple
Alarm occurrence status indication
Select to put the alarm occurrence status indication on hold
Start/stop measurement
Turn the waveform monitor ON and OFF
Select the reference channel (for difference between channels calculation)
Select the sampling interval
Execute NULL measurement on channels set to use the null value
Display the Table Entry window (see next page)
Display settings for channels 16-30
Execute burn out detection
Select for automatic burn out detection
Burn out detection indicator
Click to release alarm occurrence status indication hold
Other Settings
Select to use the moving average as the measured values
Select the measurement channel
Set the number of samples for the moving average
Select to calculate the difference from the reference channel
Select to use the NULL value
Set alarm detection by group
Toggle the reference junction compensation (RJC) between Internal and External
Input the reference junction temperature for external reference junction compensation (RJC)
Select the units of temperature
Select the time base
Select to enable fast scan mode
Set alarms for the measurement channels
1.2 Operation Panel
Table Entry W indow
Select the Label
Select the measurement function
Select the type of thermocouple and resistance temperature detector, and the measuring range
Select to use the NULL value
Select to calculate the difference from the reference channel
Select to average the measured values
Set the number of samples used for averaging
Enter the alarm output settings
Select the reference channel
Select to enable fast scan mode
Select to hide alarm output and reference channel settings
Paste settings
Copy settings
Select items to be copied
Displaying Alarm Status and Burn out by Channel
Select groups for alarm status display or burn out
Grey indicator: channels in the measured group currently not being measured
Black indicator: channels not set to output alarms
Green indicator: channels from the measured group set to output alarms
(When alarm occurs, color changes from green to red) When displaying the Burn Out status, the indicators of the burned out channels change from green to red.
When an alarm occurs frequently, the alarm status display overloads processing resources and may make it impossible to perform panel operations such as setting changes. If this happens, turn the Monitor setting OFF.
IM 707231-01E

1.3 Setting Measurement Conditions

Selecting the Measurement Function
Choose from TC (thermocouple), DCV (DC voltage), RTD (resistance temperature detector), and OHM (resistance). RTD (resistance temperature detector) and OHM (resistance) can only be selected for the odd-numbered channels between CH1 and CH15, or the even-numbered channels between CH16 and CH30. Also, if at least one channel among CH1-CH15 or CH16-CH30 is set to RTD (resistance temperature detector) or OHM (resistance), measurement on the even-numbered channels from CH1 to CH15 or the odd-numbered channels from CH16 to CH30 will no longer be possible. Hence, you will not be able to enter measurement function settings on those channels.
Selecting the T ype of Thermocouple and Resistance Temperature Detector and the Range
The following is a breakdown by measurement function of the type, range, and measurement range that can be selected.
Thermocouple (TC)
Type Measurement Range Resolution
K –200.0 to 1300.0°C 0.1°C E –200.0 to 800.0°C 0.1°C J –200.0 to 1100.0°C 0.1°C T –200.0 to 400.0°C 0.1°C
Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)
Type Measurement Range Resolution*
Pt100 –200.0 to 650.0°C 0.01°C (0.1°C) * The resolution in parentheses is for an integral time of 1 ms or 4 ms.
DC Voltage Input (DCV)
Range Measurement Range Resolution*
20 mV ±19.9999 mV 100 nV (1 µV) 200 mV ±199.999 mV 1 µV (10 µV) 2 V ±1.99999 V 10 µV (10 µV) 20 V ±19.9999 V 100 µV (1 mV)
*The resolution in parentheses is for an integral time of 1 ms or 4 ms.
Resistance (OHM)
Range Measurement Range Resolution*
20 OHM 0.0 to 19.9999 100 µΩ (1mΩ) 200 OHM 0.0 to 199.9999 1 µΩ (10 mΩ) 2 kOHM 0.0 to 1.99999 10 m (100 mΩ) 20 kOHM 0.0 to 19.99999 k 100 m (1 Ω) 200 kOHM 0.0 to 199.99999 k 1Ω (10 Ω) 2 MOHM 0.0 to 1.9999 M 10 (100Ω)
*The resolution in parentheses is for an integral time of 1 ms or 4 ms.
For each channel, you can set whether the null value is applied to measurement values. When the NULL check box is selected, the measured value is equal to the actual value minus the null value. Using the NULL value, the residual voltage can be cancelled, for example when measuring in microvolts. If the NULL check box is selected during measurement, the value measured immediately thereafter is used as the null value. If the NULL check box is selected while measurement is stopped, the value measured immediately after measurement starts is used as the null value. If you click the NULL Meas button, the null values of the channels whose NULL check boxes are selected are measured again.
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