Yamaha DME32 V1.1 Owner’s Manual Supplement

Yamaha DME32 V1.1 Owner’s Manual Supplement

DME32 V1.1 Owner’s Manual Supplement

This document explains the new features of DME32 Version 1.1.

MIDI settings, including scene and configuration to Program Change, and component parameter to Control Change assignments, can now be saved to disk by using the new MIDI File functions available via the main MIDI window shown below.

Saving MIDI Settings

1Choose MIDI from the Tool menu—the main MIDI window appears.

2Click File—the MIDI window appears, as shown below.

3In the Mode section, select Save.

4In the Save File Name field, enter a title for the MIDI settings.

Titles can be up to 24 characters long. Click the Clear button to clear the title if you want to start again.

5Click Save.

The MIDI settings are saved and the MIDI window closes. If a file with the same title already exists, an overwrite confirmation message appears. Click OK to overwrite and continue, or click Cancel to cancel the operation.

MIDI settings are saved in the “Midi” folder, which is located inside the DME Manager program folder. MIDI settings files can be managed (e.g., copied, deleted, backed up, etc.) just like any other Windows file.

Loading MIDI Settings

1Choose MIDI from the Tool menu—the main MIDI window appears.

2Click File—the MIDI window appears.

3In the Mode section, select Load.

4Select the MIDI settings that you want to load from the File List.

The title of the selected settings appears in the Select File Name field, as shown below.

Click the Clear button to cancel the selection if you want to select again.

5Click Load.

The selected MIDI settings are loaded and the MIDI window closes.

Deleting MIDI Settings

1Choose MIDI from the Tool menu—the main MIDI window appears.

2Click File—the MIDI window appears.

3In the Mode section, select Delete.

4Select the MIDI settings that you want to delete from the File List, as shown below.

Click the Clear button to cancel your selection if you want to select again.

5Click Delete.

The selected MIDI settings are deleted.


Pro Audio & Digital Musical Instrument Division P.O. Box 3, Hamamatsu, 430-8651, Japan
