Yamaha DM2000E5 User Manual

Yamaha DM2000 Update V1.1
This document explains the new and revised func­tions for DM2000 Update 1.1.
Input Patch and Output Patch library memories can be linked to Scene memories so that when a Scene is recalled, the input and output patches are recalled as well.
The PATCH LINK INPUT and OUTPUT parame­ters can be found on the Scene Memory page shown below, which is located by pressing the SCENE MEMORY [DISPLAY] button.
5.1 ON
3-1 ON
5.1 OFF
3-1 OFF
Use the cursor buttons to select the PATCH LINK INPUT and OUTPUT parameters, use the Parame­ter wheel to select Input Patch and Output Patch library memories, and press the [ENTER] button to set. A dash (–) means that no patch memory is selected.
When you store a Scene, the last recalled or stored Input Patch and Output Patch library memories are automatically linked to that Scene.
If the specified Input or Output Patch library mem­ory contains no data, only the Scene is recalled, the input and output patching will remain the same.
Bass Management for 3-1 & ST Monitor Matrixes
Bass Management can now be used with the 3-1 and Stereo Out monitor matrixes. Previously, Bass Man­agement could be used only with the 5.1 monitor matrix. The Bass Management function can be found on the Surround Monitor Setup page, which can be located by using the MONITOR [DISPLAY] button when either the 3-1 or 5.1 Surround mode is selected.
The following screen shots show the Bass Manage­ment configurations for the 5.1, 3-1, and Stereo monitor matrixes, with Bass Management turned on and off.
Note: When using the 3-1 monitor matrix, even with film sources, use Bass Management presets 1 and 2 (presets 3 and 4 may not provide correct monitoring).
In addition, the Monitor Matrix configurations have changed as follows. (The 5.1 to 5.1 matrix is unchanged.)
3-1 to 3-1
3-1 to ST
5.1 to ST
5.1 to 5.1
5.1 to 3-1
DAW Control Regardless of Layer Selection
Previously, the transport controls, locator, track arming functions, and shuttle and scrub could be used to control an external DAW only when a Remote Layer was selected. With the new DAW CONTROL option, a DAW can be controlled regardless of which Layer is currently selected.
The new MACHINE CONTROL and DAW CON­TROL options have been added to the following five pages: Machine Configuration and Locate Memory, which are selected by using the LOCATOR [DIS­PLAY] button, and Track Arming Group, MTR Tr ack Arming Configuration, and Master Track Arming Configuration, which are selected by using the TRACK ARMING [DISPLAY] button.
When the MACHINE CONTROL option is on, external MMC/P2 machines can be controlled, except when a DAW Remote layer is selected, in which case the DAW is controlled. When the DAW CONTROL option is on, the DAW can be controlled regardless of which Layer is currently selected.