Xerox DocuSP 4.2, 6100BD - Phaser Color Laser, 6180DN - Phaser Color Laser Printer, 6100DN - Phaser Color Laser Printer, 6180N - Phaser Color Laser Printer Printer Manual

Xerox Document Services Platform
DocuSP controller version 4.2x.xx
701P43007 January 2005
DocuSP 4.1 to
4.2 Differences
Prepared by:
Xerox Corporation
Global Knowledge and Language Services
800 Phillips Road 845-17S
Webster, New York 14580
©2005 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
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in subsequent editions.
Table of Contents
New Features And Updates For All Products ........................................................................1
General Feature Enhancements..........................................................................................................................1
DVD Installation...................................................................................................................................................1
PPML Update ......................................................................................................................................................1
Backup/Restore Operability Updates .................................................................................................................2
Imposition/Layout enhancements.......................................................................................................................4
Imposition: Job faults removed and Default scale is 100% ................................................................................6
Additions to Job Manager Display......................................................................................................................7
Error Page enhancements ..................................................................................................................................9
VIPP Project Container (VPC) Filter inclusion .................................................................................................10
Two-Stage Resource-Based Scheduling..........................................................................................................13
Additional PCL Paper Sources..........................................................................................................................14
New Features And Updates For Color Products..................................................................16
New Platform for iGen3 ......................................................................................................................................16
Pantone Workflow updates................................................................................................................................17
iGen3 updates .....................................................................................................................................................18
CMYK and SWOP Workflows ...........................................................................................................................18
RGB Workflow...................................................................................................................................................19
SWOP Plus details ............................................................................................................................................21
GCR Workflows.................................................................................................................................................21
Edge Enhancement...........................................................................................................................................22
New Features And Updates For Nuvera 100/120 Only.........................................................23
Bates Print Option ..............................................................................................................................................23
New Features And Updates For EPS Products Only...........................................................25
LCDS Tape Client updates .................................................................................................................................25
LCDS Accounting page update .........................................................................................................................25
LCDS Console Enhancements ..........................................................................................................................26
Update For DocuPrint 180 only .............................................................................................29
DocuSP 4.2 Overview
This document highlights the changes and new features between the DocuSP 4.1 and DocuSP 4.2 software releases.
Many changes have been made to accommodate Xerox customers who have specific needs.
The first section of this document provides a list of features that are new for all products. The following sections indicate features that are new to specific product families only.
New Features And Updates For All Products
General Feature Enhancements
DVD Installation
DocuSP 4.2 introduces the ability to install DocuSP software from DVD. Previously, DocuSP required CD­ROM media for installation. CD-ROM media continues to be supported for installations; specifically those systems that do not include a DVD-ROM drive. However, by using DVD media instead of CD media, the CSE performs fewer manual steps at install time, and saves, at minimum, the time required to swap CDs.
NOTE: As mentioned above, DVD install media are only available for systems that contain a DVD-ROM drive. In addition, the DocuSP Color Supplemental Software is not yet available on DVD. Currently, the Nuvera, HighLight Color, and iGen3 systems contain a DVD-ROM drive.
PPML Update
DocuSP can now accept PPML zipped jobs with a Xerox XPIF ticket attached.
DocuSP 4.1 to 4.2 Differences Document 1
Backup/Restore Operability Updates
The Backup and Restore GUI’s operability has been improved in DocuSP 4.2.
Previously, Configuration Backup and Restore did not allow backup and restore of DocuSP license data and was not accessible on an unlicensed system. Under DocuSP 4.2, Configuration Backup and Restore provides the following improvements:
Previously used settings in the Configuration
Backup window are saved across DocuSP restarts and instances when the window is closed and reopened. These settings include the selected
files/directories for backup, the destination directory, and the state of the estimate size
Unless overridden by the saved settings, the
default directory destination for backup is /var/spool/XRXnps/backup. If this directory is not present on the system, the default is the root directory.
The default source directory for restore is
/var/spool/XRXnps/backup. If this directory is not present on the system, the default is the root directory.
Unless overridden by the saved settings, the
default state of the Estimate Size option is selected.
The ability to backup/restore DocuSP license data
is provided.
The ability to perform Configuration Restore on
an unlicensed system is allowed, which results in the system being licensed as well as the other data being restored.
NOTE: This capability is not available on Nuvera systems.
2 DocuSP 3.8 and 4.0 to 4.1 Differences Document
Previously, the System Backup default destination was displayed as the root directory. Also, System Restore was not displayed as one of the choices in the Backup/Restore window. With this feature, System Backup/Restore provides the following improvements:
The default directory destination for backup is
A System Restore option is provided in the
Backup/Restore window. When selected, the System Restore option displays a window containing instructions for how to perform a System Restore.
DocuSP 3.8 and 4.0 to 4.1 Differences Document 3
Imposition/Layout enhancements
DocuSP 4.2 provides the user with a new template, the Z-sort template. In addition, the Z-sort, or ZIP-sort capability has been extended to all multiple-up options.
This addition allows multiple-up (e.g. 4-up, 6-up, 9-up, etc.) to be cut and then stacked in a predefined order so that postal sort order is maintained. See the figure below.
Detail shot of new Cut and Stack control in the Layout FAB
The output may be either single-sided or double-sided, and the layout numbers, as is suggested by the layout example shown above, the pages and images appropriately so that the order is maintained when cut and stacked.
As a specific example of N-up imposition, consider the 2-Up case. 2-Up Flip right can be programmed by selecting “Repeated” and by checking the “Flip Right” box. In a similar fashion, the legacy 2-Up Cut and Stack option can be programmed by selecting “Cut and Stack” and checking the “Cut On Binding Edge” box.
4 DocuSP 3.8 and 4.0 to 4.1 Differences Document
Additional Controls for N-Up layout
DocuSP 3.8 and 4.0 to 4.1 Differences Document 5
Imposition: Job faults removed and Default scale is 100%
In this release, a few operability improvements have been made to the imposition software.
The default settings and operation better match customer usage.
Jobs that previously would fault with a warning that
the image is off the page no longer fault. A job message is posted on the error page/error window warning that image data is off the page.
Previously, the default setting was to auto scale.
Customers routinely use scale set to 100% to avoid reduction or enlargement of image areas.
These improvements make overall training and operation easier for the walk-up user. Moreover, most layout users do not want to scale the images. The new operation allows slight amounts of white space (for example) to run off the page without faulting the job.
6 DocuSP 3.8 and 4.0 to 4.1 Differences Document
Additions to Job Manager Display
The DocuSP 4.2 release introduces the following enhancements to the existing Job Manager job list:
Pages processed and total pages printed are
available in the job list. This information is updated dynamically as values are changed.
The last JDL and JDE are displayed in the job list
for LCDS jobs on systems that support LCDS.
The last HJOBNO is displayed in the job list for
LCDS jobs on systems that support LCDS.
The addition of the pages processed and total pages printed to the Job Manager are meant to assist the user in determining the overall progress of each job. Users can determine the size of a job and alter job scheduling according to their needs.
The addition of the JDL/JDE and Job number to the Job Manager on systems that support LCDS are intended to give the user verification that the job prints with the correct resources.
Job Manager Job List with new columns displayed (non-LCDS systems will not see the Report ID and JDL/JDE columns).
DocuSP 3.8 and 4.0 to 4.1 Differences Document 7
+ 23 hidden pages