Xerox DocuColor 250 Help

Xerox Document Services Platform

Online Help

This is the DocuSP Help Library.

The DocuSP Help Library contains information on how to use the DocuSP graphical user interface (GUI) features and functions for setting up and printing jobs, setting up the printer, controlling system-level preferences, and managing fonts, security, accounting, and many other activities. Use the Help menus or buttons located on the screens and dialogs to access additional information as needed.

Throughout the Help Library, you will find cross-references and links to other areas of the helpset. These links can be divided up into 3 general categories:

Links from lists at the beginnings of chapters: These links are placed so that a user who is browsing through the Help can quickly locate topics of interest.

Links from procedures to sub-routines: These links are placed within ordered lists in order to break up long procedures into several shorter ones. This also enables the user to avoid working though subroutines that are not of interest to him or to her. When you click these links, you will need to click the back button on your browser to return to the main procedure.

More Information... links: These links are placed to take nonessential information out of the main flow of the procedures, and may be ignored at the user’s discretion. Clicking these links will open a pop-up window which will disappear when you click outside the pop-up window.

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About DocuSP Print Services

The DocuSP Print Services software provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to the printer management, job management, and system administration functions of your Xerox printing system. In addition, depending upon which DocuSP printer you have purchased, the DocuSP GUI enables you to manage queues, adjust color image quality, and control scan and copy functions.

The DocuSP Print Services Graphical User Interface

The DocuSP Print Services software enables you to use a graphical user interface (GUI) to control all of the features and functions for your Xerox printing system.

The GUI consists of windows, tabs, and dialogs that can be accessed through buttons and menus. In addition, the user interface displays status and error messages which provide feedback on job processing.

Online Help is available through Help Contents or by selecting the Help buttons on the various dialogs. Additional information is available through the customer documentation that is provided on CD-ROM with your system.

Windows and Dialogs

The DocuSP Print Services GUI is designed to enable quick and direct access to most types of data. Each management category (Job Manager, Printer Manager, etc.) consists of a primary manager window which displays a table of information summarizing the category. For example, when you open the Job Manager window, you will see a list of jobs and relevant information about those jobs.

Use the following guidelines when working in windows and dialogs:

To open primary manager windows, select the desired icon on the left side of the DocuSP GUI.

To view a different type of data within a service or manager window, select the tab of the topic you wish to view.

To view the properties of a listed item such as a job or a queue perform one of the following:

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Double-click the item.

Right-click the item and choose [Properties...].

Select the item and click the [Properties...] icon from the toolbar menu.

To view more than one manager window at a time, open the first window by selecting the icon, then right-click the icon of the additional window you wish to view. The second manager window appears in an additional window.


The DocuSP Print Services software contains a number of menus which enable you to quickly access information.

The Logon, System, Printer, Setup, Administration, and

Help menus are located on the top of the interface and provide direct access to global system-level and printer control functions, and the help system.

Pop-up menus enable you to control functionality at the job or queue level and can be accessed by right-clicking or doubleclicking on a particular job or list item.

Feature Access Buttons (FABS): DocuSP utilizes buttons, called Feature Access Buttons, to enable you to set job properties. FABs are available from within specific tabs. Once property selections are made, your choices display on the FAB. Individual FAB descriptions can be accessed through the following link: DocuSP Feature Access Buttons (FABs)

Job Manager

The Job Manager enables you to perform a number of different tasks at the job level. You can view all the jobs in the system, including active and completed jobs, or you can display one of several possible subsets of the jobs. The Job Manager also enables you to perform operations on and select options for individual or groups of jobs within the system.

Job Manager is accessed by selecting the Job Manager icon located on the left side of the DocuSP GUI. You can access the Job Manager helpset through the following link:Job Management

Queue Manager

The Queue Manager enables you to create and enable new queues in which to manage jobs prior to printing and to control the flow of jobs to the printer. It also enables you to change the


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properties of a queue and to change the job accept and release status of a queue.

Queue Manager is accessed by selecting the Queue Manager icon located on the left side of the DocuSP GUI. You can access the Queue Manager helpset through the following link: Queue Management.

Printer Manager

The Printer Manager enables you to manage functions of the printer. You can manage paper trays and paper stock, set global finishing options, enable stacking, identify stock size checking, set unfinished offset stacking, and clear printer faults.

Printer Manager is accessed by selecting the Printer Manager icon located on the left side of the DocuSP GUI. You can access Printer Manager helpset through the following link: Printer Manager

Color Manager

The Color Manager enables you to monitor and control all of the color printing features of the system. Color Management is a process that attempts to match color across input, display, and output devices by referencing their color reproduction to a known standard using International Color Consortium (ICC) profiles. Color management tools are used to convert between devicedependant RGB (Red, Green, Blue) and CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) color spaces to a device independent color space in order to match colors by adjusting for differences between device color gamuts. The Color Manager contains multiple levels of color management, tailored for both novice and skilled users.

Color Manager is accessed by selecting the Color Manager icon located on the left side of the DocuSP GUI. You can access the Color Manager helpset through the following link: Color Management.

System Management and Configuration

System Management and Configuration includes information on system controls, such as powering the system on and off. System configuration operations include managing network gateways, performing diagnostics, and setting system preferences.

System management and configuration settings are accessed by using the System and Setup menus located at the top of the

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Xerox DocuColor 250 Help

DocuSP GUI. You can access information for the System and

Setup menus through the following links: The System Menu, The

Setup Menu

Printer Configuration

Printer Configuration functions are accessed using the DocuSP Printer menu. Printer configuration includes information on powering the printer on and off, setting the Power Saver mode, and the selections made through Printer Switches. You can access the Printer menu helpset through the following link: The Printer Menu


The Administration functions of the DocuSP software enable a System Administrator to control resources, fonts, accounting, and billing. You can access the Administration menu helpset through the following link: Administration.

NOTE: Billing is only applicable for monochrome products.

Printer Message Field

The Printer Message field at the top of the DocuSP Print Services window displays status messages for the printer.

Button Guide

OK saves all changes to a tab or dialog and closes the active window.

Apply saves all changes to a tab or dialog without closing the window. You do not need to select Apply before selecting OK to save changes.

Cancel enables you to close a dialog or window without saving changes.

Close enables you to exit a dialog or window; changes you have made are saved.

Reset is available on some GUI screens. Reset enables you to restore previous settings without leaving the GUI screen, in the event that the changes you have made are incorrect.


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Disk Usage Indicator

The Disk Usage Indicator icon allows operators and system administrators to monitor any of the DocuSP System Disk Partitions: Root, System Data and User Data. The icon, which is located at the top right corner of the GUI, shows three states of disk usage: Normal, Warning and Error.

Hovering the cursor over the Disk Usage Indicator icon will display a tool tip which presents the disk usage percentage for each partition. Percentage indicators change dynamically to show the amount of used and free space.

Double-clicking on the Disk Usage Indicator opens a window that contains information about disk size, used and free space, disk usage percentage, partition name or path and the current state of each partition.

Disk Usage Indicator threshold values are defined as follows:


Normal Range: 0-84%

Warning Range: 85-89%

Error Range: 90-100%

System Data and User Data:

Normal Range: 0-70%

Warning Range: 71-89%

Error Range: 90-100%

NOTE: Percent values may fluctuate +/-5% based on system/ drive/printer or other adjustments that are made during the software development cycle.

Warning and Error messages are displayed as follows:

Warning: Root disk free space is low. A green icon indicates a Warning range.

Error: Root disk free space is dangerously low. A red icon indicates an Error range.

If a disk partition reaches a warning or error disk usage range, a fault message window opens and a fault message also displays in the Status area. Follow the instructions to address disk partition issues. Select [Close] to exit the fault message dialog.

The Clean Files option allows you to remove waste files that are created by system crashes. A warning icon will inform you of which partition to address.

The Scan Files option allows the System Administrator to delete scan files to free up disk space.

To use the Scan Files option:

1.Select [Scan Files...]. The Disk Usage - Scan Files window opens.

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2.From the Scan Files list, select all the files that you want to delete. To select all listed files, right-click within the list and select [Select All]. If you decide to delete all the files in a Document Folder (.xsm extension), the document folder is also deleted.

NOTE: Template Folders and User Folders cannot be deleted.

3.Select [Delete].

4.Select [Yes] to delete the selected files. The Status field displays the delete process.

5.Select [Close] to exit the Disk Usage - Scan Files window.

To use the Clean Files option:

1.Double-click on the Disk Usage Indicator.

2.Select [Clean Files...]. The information dialog opens.

3.You are informed that the Clean Disk operation will clean disk partitions that are within the warning and error usage ranges.

4.To continue, select [Yes].

Keyboard Accessibility and Shortcuts

The DocuSP controller enables you access and control the features and functions for your Xerox printing system using the keyboard. You can navigate the system, activate fields within various GUI screens, and select printing properties.

Using the keyboard to access the printing system

The following tables describe keyboard accessibility options and shortcuts.

Common Keyboard Shortcuts: Presents frequently used keyboard shortcuts that are available throughout the user interface.

DocuSP Activation and Navigation Keys: Contains DocuSP specific keystrokes that enable you to interact with the components and features of the printing system.

Mnemonics: Mnemonics are keyboard shortcuts using an <Alt> and letter key combination that access commonly used DocuSP features.


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Common Keyboard Shortcuts


Keyboard Selection













Navigates to the next available component.






Navigates to the previous available component.




Navigates to the next available component even if the component accepts





the tab command. An example would be escaping from a table once a table





element becomes available.




Navigates to the previous available component even if the component





accepts the tab command. An example would be escaping from a table





once a table element becomes available.



Left Arrow

Moves left one character or component.



Right Arrow

Moves right one character or component.



Up Arrow


Moves up one line or component.



Down Arrow

Moves down one line or component.



Page Up


Moves up one pane of information.



Page Down

Moves down one pane of information.





Moves to the beginning of the data field. In a table, moves to the beginning





of the row.





Moves to the end of the data field. In a table, moves to the last cell in a row.



Control-Enter or

Activates the default command button.









Enter or Return

Activates the command that is currently selected





Exits a menu or dialog box without changes.





Activates the component that has keyboard focus.











DocuSP Navigation and Activation Keys












Contains DocuSP specific keystrokes that enable you to interact





with the components and features of the printing system.











ent Type














Moves the focus between the panes to the first available element in the









Gives focus to the splitter bar. Arrow, Home and End keys can be used to





move the bar. Arrow keys give fine control of movement. The Home and





End keys effectively hide an entire pane from view.








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ent Type








Puts focus on the first mode indicator, from which you can display the tool-



tip. This can include one or more of the following modes: MICR, Secure,



Job Fault, Diagnostic, Remote Workflow, and Logging.



Pauses the printer on production printer systems. Pauses the printer and



scanner on non-production printer systems.



Pauses the scanner on production printer systems.



Unload button



Clear All button. Available only on non-production printer systems.



Start button (Copy, Scan to Digital, and Print Services)




Tab Pane


Moves between tabs.



Moves to the previous tab, preparing to enter the first available component



in the tab.



Moves to the next tab, preparing to enter the first available component in



the tab.



Moves the focus between a FAB and the first available element within that


Left Arrow /






Right Arrow




Moves focus one cell to the right. If the table cells are selected, the focus



should wrap, left to right, top to bottom and then back to the top of the



selected region.



Moves focus one cell to the left. With cell selection, Shift-Tab behaves



similarly to Tab, but in the reverse order.



Move focus one cell down, row selection follows focus. At the bottom of a



table, focus wraps to the top of a column. If more than one cell is selected,



the focus moves to each selected column in turn and then repeat from the








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ent Type








Move focus one cell up, row selection follows focus. At the top of a table,



focus wraps to the bottom of a column. If more than one cell is selected,



the focus moves to each selected column in turn and then repeat.



Deselects the current selection and moves the focus up/down one cell, re-



establishing row selection in the focused cell row.



Deselects the current selection and moves the focus left/right one cell.





Page Up/

Deselects the current selection. When no vertical scrollbar is visible, it


Page Down

moves the focus and the row selection to the last/first row in a table. The



focused cell remains in the same column that it originated. When a vertical



scrollbar is visible, it scrolls the table up/down one row and re-establishes



the selected row as the last/first visible row in the table. The focus is



moved, within its current column to the newly selected row.



Deselects the current selection. When the horizontal scrollbar is not visible,


Up/ Control-

it moves the focus to the first/last cell in the row and re-establishes the row


Page Down

selection where the focused cell resides. When a horizontal scrollbar is



visible, it scrolls the table left/right to make the first incomplete displayed



column visible and places the focus in that column. Row selection is re-



established in the focused cell row.



Deselects the current selection. Moves the focus to first/last cell in a row



and re-establishes the row selection in the focused cell row.



Deselects the current selection. Moves the focus to first/last row in the



table within the same column where the focus originated and re-



establishes the row selection.



Select all rows in a table.




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ent Type








Extend selection up/down one row in the table.












Extend selection up/down one "table page" at a time. When the vertical


Up/ Shift-

scrollbar is not visible, it moves the focus and row selection to the last/first


Page Down

row in the table. The focused cell remains in the same column in which it



originated. Row selection is established from the original row in which the



focus resided to the row in which the focus has been moved.



When a vertical scrollbar is visible, it scrolls the table up/down one row and



moves the focus within its current column to the newly visible row. Row



selection is established from the original row in which focus resided to the



row in which the focus has been moved.



Extend selection from the current row where focus resides to the



beginning/end of table. Focus does not move.









Presents a popup menu, if one exists.



Move a table column where the focus resides right/left one column in the












Extend selection up/down one row in table.












Sort column where the focus resides in ascending/descending order. This


Up Arrow/

assumes that the table has sorting activated.





Down Arrow






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ent Type








Deselects the current selection and moves the focus up/down one element



re-establishing selection on the focused list element.


Page Up/

Deselects the current selection. When the vertical scrollbar is not visible, it


Page Down

moves the focus and element selection to the last/first element in the list.



When a vertical scrollbar is visible, it scrolls the list up/down one row, and



moves the focus and element selection to the last/first visible element in



the list.



Moves the focus and selection to the first/last element in the list.



Select all elements in list.



Extend selection and focus up/down one list element at a time.












Extend selection up/down one "page view" at a time. Focus moves to the



bottom/top of selection.









Extend selection to the top/bottom of the list. Focus moves to the top/



bottom of the list.

Pop Up


Select the menu item with focus.



Move focus to a previous/next menu item.






Right Arrow

If focus is a cascading menu element, it opens a cascading menu.


Left Arrow

If focus is a cascading menu element, it closes a cascading menu.



Exit pop-up menus.



Activates the menu.






Moves focus and selects previous/next menu item.







Exits the pull-down menu.



Activates the menu.



Moves focus to previous/next menu item.







Selects focused menu item.



Exits the menu bar.




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ent Type








Moves focus and selection up/down one row in the directory tree.






Moves focus left/right one column in the directory tree. If a closed folder is



selected the right arrow opens the folder when it is not empty. If the folder



is open and selected, the left arrow closes the folder.


Page Up/

Moves up/down one page view. The first available component in view gets



the focus and selection.



Moves to the first/last element in the tree.



Moves focus up/down one row in the directory tree.












Moves up/down one page view. The first available component in the view


Up/ Control-

gets focus and selection.


Page Down




Moves to the first/last element in the tree.









Selects the element in the directory tree where the focus is activated.

Tool Tip


Displays a tool tip if one is attached to the focused component.



Hides a tool tip.









Mnemonics are keyboard shortcuts used to access commonly


used features using an <Alt> and letter key combination. Entries


marked with an asterisk (*) are second-level commands and are


only available after entering the first level. Using <Alt> closes an


open menu, which prevents the use of an <Alt>-letter combination


within menus.




Alt + Letter










Top level of Logon menu









Top level of System menu






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Alt + Letter





*Pause Processing


Ctrl-Shift-P is an accelerator combination, which does not require the user to


open the System menu.


*Resume Processing


Ctrl-Shift-R is an accelerator combination, which does not require the user to


open the System menu.


*Service Diagnostics




Ctrl-Shift-S is an accelerator combination, which does not require the user to


open the System menu.


Top level of the Printer menu


Top level of the Setup menu


Top level of the Administration menu


Top level of the Help menu




Copy Service


Scan to Digital Service


Print Service


Job Manager


Queue Manager


Printer Manager

Content Area



Reset button on Copy, Scan to Digital, and Print Services


Build Job button on Copy, and Scan to Digital Services


Continue Build Job buttons


End Build Job button


Cancel Build Job








OK button


Reset button


Apply, Add insert, Add Exception, or Add Cover


Help access



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Job Management

Job management allows you to perform job management tasks including printing, proofing, holding, and forwarding jobs, and changing job properties.

Job Manager

The Job Manager enables you to perform a number of different tasks at the job level. You can view all the jobs in the system, including current and completed jobs, or you can display one of several possible subsets of the jobs. The Job Manager also enables you to perform operations on, and select options for, individual jobs or groups of jobs within the system.

Access Job Manager by selecting the Job Manager icon located on the left side of the DocuSP GUI.

The Job Manager Window

The Job Manager main window is composed of menus and tabs. The tabs display jobs in the system in various states. Each tab — Current or Completed — enables you to view a different type of job. By changing the selection in the Queue drop-down menu, you can filter the selection to view the jobs in all queues or just jobs within a single queue.

NOTE: To rearrange the job data elements in the job lists (such as Job ID, Type, etc.), select a column heading and drag it to another location in the column row.

Current: The Current tab presents a list of active and inactive jobs.

Active Jobs: The Active Jobs field displays a list of all the jobs that are currently being received, are in the queue waiting to print, are printing, or are in the process of being saved. The total number of Active Jobs is displayed to the bottom left of the list. Use the scroll bar to view any additional listed active jobs.

The total number of Active Jobs is displayed to the bottom left of the list. Use the scroll bar to view any additional listed active jobs.

Inactive Jobs: If a job is unable to print because it is being

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held, or due to a fault or other error, it is automatically moved to the Inactive Jobs field of the Current tab field. The total number of Inactive Jobs is displayed to the bottom left of the list. Use the scroll bar to view any additional listed inactive jobs.

NOTE: Once a job is saved it is no longer an active job.

Completed: The Completed tab lists a maximum of 500 jobs that have been printed. Listed jobs beyond the 500 maximum allowed are automatically deleted from the system. The maximum number of listed completed jobs may be less than 500 if the option to Retain PDL Files is enabled. This option allows you to change properties and then print jobs that have completed printing and reside in the Completed tab. For information about Retain PDL Files see Setting the Job Policy.

NOTE: A utility called “setretainPDL” exists that enables you to set the number of retained PDL’s from 1 to 100. Instructions for using this utility are provided in the DocuSP Getting Started Guide. Within the DocuSP GUI, the setting is hard-coded to 50 PDL’s. Depending on the size of the retained jobs and the size of the internal hard drive on your system, a lower value may be more appropriate. Users employing the setretainPDL utility should be aware that disk capacity monitoring is the responsibility of the end user.

Content menu: The Content menu contains job options that are accessed frequently. The content menu is available regardless of which tab is active.

Job: The Job pull-down menu enables you to perform job management tasks such as proofing, deleting, or holding jobs, and releasing jobs to print. This menu also enables you to set or change the job properties. All selections within the Job pull-down menu are also available by right-

clicking a job in Job Manager or by selecting an icon from the toolbar. For additional information on job menu selections see Job Manager menus.

NOTE: The Job menu within the Completed tab displays only Properties and Delete selections if the Retain PDL files feature is not enabled.

View: This tab is available when you are within the Current and Completed tabs. The View pull-down menu presents the following selections:

Columns...: You can determine the job list display by selecting or deselecting job list titles. If deselected, the item is removed from the job list row. For additional information, see: Managing the Job list

Show Toolbar: Selecting this option displays an assortment of tools that correspond to common tasks.

Hide Toolbar: This option, which is only available when the toolbar is displayed, toggles the display of


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the toolbar off.

Redisplay: This option refreshes the contents of the job list.

Toolbar: Toolbar icons enable you to access frequently used features. Each tab contains specific toolbar selections. Move the cursor over each icon to see a description.

Pause: Stops the printer from processing.

Unload: If your system contains a stacker, this allows you to unload the stacker to remove completed output prior to the stacker delivering the output when it is full.

For Queue: Displays jobs for a selected queue. All Queues displays all jobs on all queues.

The Job Lists

Job List columns can be rearranged by selecting a column heading and dragging it to another location in the column row.

Column widths can be changed by clicking on the column separator, holding down the left mouse button and moving the column separator to the right or left. If a column width is too small to display the complete content of a column, you can hover the cursor over that selection to view the complete content of the column.

NOTE: Column size and location changes are not saved through restarts.

You can manage job list selections from the View pull-down menu within the Current or Completed tabs. The Job Manager list updates dynamically according to the refresh interval setting. For a complete description of the refresh interval, see: Setting Job Processing options.

The job lists display the following information by default, depending on which tab you are viewing:

Job ID: The number identifier of the job assigned by the system when the job is received.

Queue: The name of the queue to which the job was sent.

Job Name: The file name of the job.

Sender: The logon user name of the person who sent the job from the client or host. If the job is a Saved job, the sender is listed as Reprint.

Submitted: The date and time the job was received by the controller.

Processed: The number of pages processed.

Printed: The number of pages printed.

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Status: Shows the status of the job; for example, Receiving, Ineligible, or Faulted.

Managing the Job list

You can determine the job list display by selecting or deselecting job list titles. If deselected, the item is removed from the job list row.

To manage the job list:

1.Open Job Manager.

2.From the View menu, select [Columns...].

3.Select the column titles you want to display on the job list. Deselect column titles that you want to remove from the job list.

NOTE: The Job ID column title is read-only and cannot be deselected.

4.Select [OK]. Your changes are reflected immediately on the job list.

Job Manager menus

The Job Manager menus enable you to perform job management tasks such as forwarding, deleting, or holding jobs, and releasing jobs to print. These menus also enable you to set or change the job properties.

The options followed by ellipses (...) open additional windows for job management tasks. To access a Job menu, select a job and perform one of the following:

Right-click a job in the job list

Select the Job pull-down menu

Select an icon from the toolbar

The options vary based on which Job Management tab is active, if Save PDL Files is enabled and your printer configuration. The Job menus can contain the following options:

Properties: Opens a window containing a series of tabs that display all of the current settings for the job. Many job management tasks are performed by modifying the job properties.

Preview/Preview Range: Generates a preview look of the job. This feature is available for PostScript, PDF, and TIFF formats. A PostScript license is required to access this feature. If a PostScript license is not present on the system, this menu option is grayed out.


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NOTE: VIPP and PPML jobs cannot be viewed using this feature; if you attempt to view these job types, an error message displays.

Release: Allows the selected Held job to be printed. The job is placed immediately after all printing or pending jobs.

Hold: If a job has been submitted to print and you wish to delay printing of the job, you can place the job on hold. The job will be moved to the Inactive Jobs list. When a job is held it needs to process again before is can be printed. Printing starts at the beginning of the job.

Promote: Promoting a job enables you to move the selected pending job above all other pending jobs in the queue. The promoted job prints immediately after other previously scheduled print jobs.

Print Now: Interrupts a currently printing job to print the selected job.

Proof: Prints one copy of the job and retains the job in the system for additional printing. Proof jobs will interrupt any currently printing job.

Forward: Allows you to forward a job from one DocuSP system to a second DocuSP system.

Move: Allows you to move a job to another queue.

Delete: Terminates printing of the selected job and removes the job from the system.

Cancel: Terminates printing of the selected job and removes the job from the system.

NOTE: Selecting [Cancel] within the feature dialog windows does not remove the job from the system.

Select All: Available within the Saved tab, once selected it highlights all currently active or inactive jobs.

Clear All: Deselects all jobs currently highlighted in the Job list.

Redisplay: This option refreshes the contents of the job list.

Sizing arrow buttons: The small arrow buttons located immediately above the Inactive Jobs field allow you to adjust the size of the Active or Inactive jobs fields. Click the up-arrow to increase the display size of the Inactive jobs field. You can also left-click on the arrow bar to drag and set the desired size of the field.

Job Properties Window

The Job Properties window contains Feature Access Buttons (FABs) that are incorporated within tabs and are designed to

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adjust properties and expedite printing. For additional information about FABs see DocuSP Feature Access Buttons (FABs).

To access job properties you can double-click a job, or select a job and perform one of the following:

Right-click a job and select [Properties...].

Select [Properties...] from the Job pull-down menu.

Select the [Properties...] icon from the toolbar.

The Job Properties window contains the following selections:

The Settings tab: Enables you to view settings for pages to print, job format, print destination, job progress, and Administrative Pages.

The Stock Tab: Enables you to select stock properties for the job.

The Output Tab: Enables you to select sides imaged, output location, finishing, collation, slip sheets and layout options.

The Image Quality Tab: Contains controls to enable you to make image quality adjustments.

The Image Edit Tab: Presents features that allow original images to be modified for output. Selections are image shift and rotation.

The Special Pages Tab: Contains features that enable you to create and edit exception pages, inserts, and covers.

The Time Stamps Tab: View job submission details.

The Faulted Tab: This tab becomes active when a job faults. A job faults when it contains errors or when there is a problem processing the job.

The Ineligible Tab: This tab becomes active when a job requires a resource to print as programmed. An ineligible job is one that cannot be printed because it lacks a resource required for printing.

In addition to tabs and FABs, the Job Properties window contains a Content panel that contains the following fields and buttons which are available regardless of the tab selected:

Quantity: Displays the quantity of job sets to be printed.

Job Name: Displays the job name. This field can be edited.

Status: Details whether the job is printing, pending, faulted, held, completed, or being saved. This field is read only.

Option conflict gray-out feature

In an effort to help prevent you from selecting conflicting features on the same tab, DocuSP utilizes an option conflict gray-out feature. For example, if you select a Stapling/Finishing option of “Staple,” the Output Location changes to a location that supports


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your finishing selection. The Output Location menu is grayed-out until you select a finishing option that is supported by multiple sources. This prevents the job from faulting and prevents you from having to locate the conflicting features.

NOTE: Due to Java limitations this feature cannot gray-out individual selections within a pull-down menu. Conflicts resulting between tabs and within pull-down menus are detected using the Programming Conflicts dialog. If a conflict occurs, the Programming Conflicts dialog opens. The conflict is described and instructions are presented on how to resolve it.

Printing Jobs

Job Manager is designed to give you easy access to printing jobs and managing job properties.

For certain tasks you can select more than one job by performing one of the following:

Press and hold down the <CTRL> (Control) key and select each individual job by left-clicking the mouse.

To select multiple files that are adjacent to one another, press and hold down the <SHIFT> key and select the first and last file names that you want from the list. This highlights the first and last file name lines and all lines in between.

Printing jobs and managing job properties

You can perform the following tasks within Job Manager:

Releasing a single job to print

Changing Job Properties

Renaming a job

Holding a print job

Releasing a held job to print

Pause and resume a job

Deleting a job

Cancelling a job

Previewing a job

Moving a job

Forwarding a job

Setting up a printing system name for job forwarding

Print Now (interrupting a job to print another job)

Printing a proof job

Promoting a job

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Saving a job

Releasing a single job to print

You can release a job for printing from the Current tab, or if the Retain PDL option is enabled you can release jobs from the Completed tab. See Multiple job submission if you want to submit more than one job for printing.

To release a single job to print:

1.Open Job Manager.

2.Select a job and perform one of the following:

Right-click the job and select [Release] from the menu.

From the Job pull-down menu select [Release].

Select the [Release] icon from the toolbar.

Multiple job submission

DocuSP allows you to submit and print multiple jobs. You can perform Print, Proof, and Print Now options.

NOTE: While there is no hard limit to the amount of jobs that you can submit, performance may be impacted if you submit hundreds of jobs.

To submit and print multiple jobs:

1.Open the Job Manager.

2.If desired, select the queue that you want to use to print the selected jobs from the For Queue menu.

3.Select multiple jobs by performing one of the following:

Press and hold down the <CTRL> (Control) key and select each individual job.

To select multiple files that are adjacent to one another, press and hold down the <SHIFT> key while choosing the first and last file names you want to select. This highlights the first and last file name lines and all lines in between.

4.Right-click within the selected jobs and choose from the following:

Release: Prints the selected jobs.

Proof: Prints one copy of each job and retains the jobs in the queue for additional printing. Proof jobs interrupt any currently printing job.

Print Now: Interrupts any currently printing jobs to print the selected jobs.


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Changing Job Properties

You can modify the properties of jobs submitted to the DocuSP controller by opening Job Manager and performing one of the following:

Double-click a particular job to open the Job Properties window.

Right-click a job and select [Properties...].

Select a job and choose [Properties...] from the Job pull-down menu.

Select a job and click the [Properties...] icon from the toolbar.

Renaming a job

To rename a job:

1.Open Job Manager.

2.Double-click a job in the Active Jobs or Inactive Jobs field. You can rename Completed jobs if the Retain PDL Files feature is enabled. For additional information about Retain PDL Files see Setting the Job Policy.

3.Left-click at the beginning of the current name in the Job Name field.

4.Use the <Delete> key to manually delete the name from the Job Name field.

5.Type the new job name, and select [OK], or continue setting job properties.

Holding a print job

If a job has been submitted to print and you wish to delay printing of the job, you can place the job on hold. When a job is held it needs to process again before it can be printed. As a result, you can change job properties when a job is in the held state.

To hold a print job:

1.Open Job Manager.

2.Select the job you want to put on hold in the Active or Inactive Jobs list and perform one of the following:

Right-click and choose [Hold] from the menu.

From the Job pull-down menu select [Hold].

Select the [Hold] icon from the toolbar.

If the job you held was in the Active Jobs list, the job is moved to the Inactive Jobs list until further action is taken.

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NOTE: Consider pausing jobs instead of holding jobs when you need to make an adjustment, such as changing the toner. When a job is held it needs to process again before it can be printed. This is not the case when pausing the job

Releasing a held job to print

If a job has been put on hold and you now want to print the job, you can release the job to print. When a job is held it needs to process again before it can be printed. Printing starts at the beginning of the job.

To release a held job to print:

1.Open Job Manager and select the Current tab.

2.From the Inactive Jobs list, select a job and perform one of the following:

Right-click the held job you want to print and choose [Release] from the menu.

From the Job pull-down menu select [Release].

Select the [Release] icon from the toolbar.

Pause and resume a job

When a job is paused it stops the printing or scanning process. Consider pausing the printer instead of holding jobs when you need to make an adjustment, such as changing the toner. Paused jobs do not process again. When a job is held it needs to process again before it can be printed.

To pause and resume a job:

1.From the Content menu select [Pause], which is located in the upper right corner of the main GUI screen.

2.To resume the printing process select [Resume].

NOTE: IPDS jobs will not stream/RIP and other non-IPDS jobs in the system will stop processing when an IPDS job is sent to a Paused DocuSP system.

Pause and resume a job

Available pause options depend on printer configuration. To pause and resume a job:

1.From the Content menu, located in the upper right corner of the GUI, select [Pause], [Pause Scanning] or [Pause Printing].

2.To resume the printing or scanning process select [Resume], [Resume Scanning] or [Resume Printing].

NOTE: IPDS jobs will not stream/RIP and other non-IPDS jobs in the system will stop processing when an IPDS job is sent to a Paused DocuSP system.


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Deleting a job

Deleting a job removes the job from the system.

To delete a job:

1.Open Job Manager.

2.Click on a listed job.

3.Delete the job by performing one of the following:

Right-click the job and select [Delete].

Select a job and choose [Delete] form the Job menu.

Select the [Delete] icon from the toolbar.

4.Select [Yes] to remove the job from the system.

Cancelling a job

Cancelling a job terminates printing of the selected job and removes the job from the system.

To cancel a job:

1.Open Job Manager.

2.From the Current or Completed tab select a job and perform one of the following:

Select [Cancel] from the Job pull-down menu.

Right-click the job and select [Cancel].

Select the [Cancel] icon from the toolbar.

3.Select [Yes] to confirm your action.

NOTE: Selecting the [Cancel] button within the feature dialog windows does not remove the job from the system.

Previewing a job

NOTE: A PostScript license is required to access this feature. If a PostScript license is not present on the system, this menu option is grayed out.

PostScript, PDF, and TIFF format jobs can be previewed prior to submitting it to print. An entire job or a select range of pages can be previewed. This allows you to view the job and make any changes before the job is submitted for final printing.

NOTE: VIPP and PPML jobs cannot be viewed using this feature; if you attempt to view these job types, an error message displays.

To preview a job:

1.Open Job Manager and select the Current tab.

2.Select the PostScript, PDF, or TIFF format job you want to preview from the Active or Inactive Jobs list.

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3.Preview shows the entire job, while Preview Range allows you to select a range of pages to view. Select [Preview] or [Preview Range] by:

Right-clicking a job.

Selecting a job and using the File pull-down menu.

Selecting a job and using the toolbar icon.

4.If Preview is selected, then the preview process begins (go to Step 5). If Preview Range is selected perform the following:

a.Select [All] if you want to preview the entire job. This is the default selection.

b.If you want to preview a range of pages, clear [All] and enter the page range in the fields.

c.You can use the default size display or you can select a size by clearing the [Default] checkbox. The following fields become active:

Select a unit of measure.

Select a paper size from the pull-down menu. If [Custom] is selected, you can enter values in the Width and Height fields.

d.Click [OK] to exit the dialog window. The preview range process begins.

5.Once the preview process is complete, the job you selected displays in the Preview dialog window. Page icons display for each page of the job. You can scroll to each page or select the page icon and go directly to that page.

You can perform the following actions by selecting from the icons and menus located at the top of the Preview dialog window. Move the cursor over each icon to get a description. If more than one page is generated, you can select pages you want to view by clicking a page icon located to the left of the viewed image. The following options are available:

• Move to the first or last page of the job.

• Move to the previous or next page of the job.

• Enter a specific page number to view. Total job pages is indicated to the right of the page number field.

• Select viewing options:

Zoom percentages from the pull-down menu: 100% reflects the actual size of the document.

Actual Size: The view is shown as the actual size of the document. The size percentage changes to 100%.

Fit To Window: The image fits within the Preview window. The size percentage changes to reflect the current view.

Fit To Width: The image fits the width of Preview window. The size percentage changes to reflect the


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