Xerox DigiPath 4.0 Quick Reference Guide

Document Scan and Makeready/ Document Library
Copyright protection claimed includes all forms and matters of copyrighted material and information now allowed by statutory or judicial law or hereinafter granted, including without limitation, material generated from the software programs that are displayed on the screen such as styles, templates, icons, screen displays, looks, etc.
, The Document Company®, The stylized X, and all Xerox product names and product numbers mentioned in this publication are trademarks of XEROX CORPORATION. Other company brands and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies and are also acknowledged.
Printed in the U.S.A.
Introduction 1-1
About this Guide................................................ 1-1
Questions and Answers .................................... 1-2
DigiPath Components 2-1
Hardware Components .....................................2-1
Software Components....................................... 2-2
Conventions 3-1
Safety Symbols and What They Mean.............. 3-1
Other Conventions in this Guide ....................... 3-2
How do you start this system? 4-1
Power on your DigiPath Workstation ................4-1
Power on your Document Library Server .......... 4-2
Power Off your DigiPath Workstation................ 4-3
Power Off your Document Library Server .........4-4
USA Copyright Laws 5-1
Never Print These US Government Documents5-1
Other Documents That are Illegal to Print......... 5-2
Canadian Laws 5-3
Documents That are Illegal to Print in Canada . 5-3
What’s an RDO? 6-1
Introducing a New File Type … the RDO.......... 6-1
Other DigiPath Supported File Types ............... 6-2
How Do You Make an RDO? ............................6-3
Create a New RDO ........................................... 6-4
Using Scan and Print 7-1
Introducing Scan and Print................................7-1
Scan and Print a Black and White or Color Original
Scan and Print Large Jobs................................ 7-5
Scan and Save Documents............................... 7-8
Scan, Print, and Save an RDO or PDF ........... 7-11
Scanning 8-1
Input Document Information..............................8-1
Scanning Suggestions ...................................... 8-2
Creating Different Job Types............................. 8-4
Create a Signature RDO ...................................8-6
Create an N-Up RDO ........................................8-8
Create a 2-Up Flip RDO .................................. 8-10
Image Editing 9-1
Image Editing Functions....................................9-1
Using the Transparent Option ...........................9-3
Editing an Image ...............................................9-4
Editing an Adobe PDF Segment in DSM........... 9-7
Enhancement Features ..................................... 9-9
Using the Register Enhance Settings.............. 9-10
Enhancing Images...........................................9-13
RDOs and Other File Types 10-1
Insert an Adobe PDF File into an RDO ...........10-1
Insert a JPEG File into an RDO ......................10-2
Insert a TIFF File into an RDO ........................10-3
Insert Multiple Files into an RDO.....................10-4
Save an RDO as an Adobe PDF File ..............10-6
Export TIFF, JPEG, PostScript, or
Adobe PDF Segments .................................. 10-7
Convert an Adobe PDF File to an RDO ..........10-9
Using Decomposition Services Output..........10-12
Working with RDO Files 11-1
Formatting Choices .........................................11-1
Change RDO Properties .................................11-4
Apply Highlight Color to an Image................... 11-5
Arrange Objects on RDO Pages .....................11-6
Arrange Pages in an RDO...............................11-9
Shared Files (TIFF or JPEG).........................11-12
Add Other Images to an RDO ....................... 11-13
Make Ready ..................................................11-14
Use a Wizard to Create an RDO ...................11-17
Storing and Retrieving RDO Files 12-
Save Files from DSM into Windows Directories12-
1 Save Files from DSM into DigiPath Cabinets .. 12-2
Open RDOs from Windows Directories........... 12-3
Open RDOs from DigiPath Cabinets............... 12-4
Printing 13-1
Printable File Types ........................................ 13-1
Add a Printer ................................................... 13-2
Print from Document Scan & Makeready........ 13-4
Sample Black and White Job Ticket................ 13-5
Sample Color Job Ticket ................................. 13-6
Print a Document Using Quick Print................ 13-7
Using DigiPath File Manager 14-1
Windows XP information ................................. 14-1
RDOs and the Windows XP File System ........14-2
Organize Your Files ........................................ 14-3
The Power of DigiPath 15-1
Introducing Document Library ......................... 15-1
About Cabinets................................................ 15-2
Create Cabinets and Folders .......................... 15-3
Import Documents into Cabinets..................... 15-6
Working With Documents in Cabinets............. 15-8
Properties...................................................... 15-12
Assign Properties to Documents................... 15-13
Export Documents from Cabinets ................. 15-15
Manage Your Cabinets ................................. 15-17
Library Search 16-1
Simple Search .................................................16-1
Advanced Search ............................................16-6
Batch Tool 17-1
Introducing Batch Tool ....................................17-1
Add a Batch Job .............................................. 17-2
Edit a Batch Job ..............................................17-6
Scanner Maintenance 18-1
Maintenance Frequency Table........................18-1
Order Supplies ................................................ 18-2
Cleaning Tasks................................................ 18-3
Troubleshooting 19-1
Isolate a Problem ............................................19-1
Before You Call ...............................................19-1
Troubleshooting Table.....................................19-2
Frequently Asked Questions ...........................19-5



About this Guide

You have just opened one of the most helpful books you will ever find about the Xerox DigiPath 4.0 Production Software System.
What makes it so useful?
This guide provides answers to problems that can slow you down. It’s designed to help you maximize your productivity.
The DigiPath Quick Reference Guide provides detailed graphics and text to answer your questions, and shows you how to perform simple scanning, image editing, makeready, printing, and file storage and management tasks.
And there is much more:
You’ll also find plenty of tips, shortcuts and tricks that will make your job eas­ier.
1 – 1


1Questions and Answers
Follow These Steps
for getting help with your DigiPath 4.0 questions or problems:


Access the context­sensitive Help system in the DigiPath application you’re using. The Help topics will walk you through the solutions to most of your DigiPath questions.
If you can’t find the answer, try other resources, like the DigiPath 4.0 Participant’s Workbook for operator information or the DigiPath 3.0
System Administrator Guide
for configuration or administration problems. Note: Most of the information provided in the DigiPath 3.0
System Administrator Guide
is applicable for the
4.0 software. For details on administration differences between DigiPath 3.0 and
4.0, refer to the
Customer Software Release Document (CSRD), Version
Have a more specific problem? Call X-PRESS FAX at 1-800-979-9709 in the USA and request document number 12300 to receive a complete index of documented DigiPath solutions, along with complete instructions for using the X-PRESS FAX system.
A DigiPath Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) web site is available at
Search using the word “digipath”, then find the appropriate DigiPath link. Select [Support] under that link.Under the FAQ heading, select the desired topic link to display the FAQ page for that topic.
If your machine is down or you can’t solve a problem, call 1-800-821-2797 in North America for the Xerox Welcome Center. Have your DigiPath serial number available. If the operator can’t talk you through a fix, he or she will place a service call for you or escalate your problem to a second level analyst.
1 – 2
DigiPath Components

Hardware Components

The photo below shows a DigiPath system with an optional Magneto Optical Drive (MOD) and a RAID Mass Storage Device. Your DigiPath system may include other components.
DigiPath System
2 – 1

Software Components

There are four DigiPath configurations available. They are listed below with their respective software applications.
DigiPath 4.0 Software Applications
Software Application
Document Scan & Makeready Required Required Not available Not available
Scanner Support Required Required Not available Required
Scan and Print Required Required Not available Required
Quick Print Required Required Administrative
Printer Administration Required Required Administrative
DigiPath File Manager Required Required Administrative
DigiPath Rescue Not available Required Administrative
Job Manager Required Required Administrative
Document Library * Required Required Administrative
DocuTech Tape Tool Not available Required Administrative
Library Search * Required Required Administrative
Batch Tool * Required Required Administrative
Library Administration Tool * Required Required Administrative
Network Agent Required Required Administrative
Web Services Not available Not available Not available Not available
DSM with DL
DSM with DL
DL server
use only
use only
use only
use only
use only
use only
use only
use only
use only
use only
use only
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
Not available
* These options are accessible only with a DL server configuration.
2 – 2
Software Components — continued
Third-Party Applications Provided with DigiPath 4.0
Software Application
* Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Not available Not available Required Not available
Microsoft IIS 5.0 Not available Not available Not available Not available
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 Not available Not available Not available Not available
* Microsoft Windows XP Professional (with SP1)
* Adobe Acrobat 5.0.5 Required Required Required Required
* ** Hummingbird NFS Client 8.0 Optional Optional Optional Optional
Autologic StorageView 2.3 Optional Optional Optional Optional
Enterprise Storage Manager 2.1 – 001 Client component
* WFTPD Pro 3.2 Optional Optional Optional Optional
Yosemite TapeWare 7.0 Required Required Required Required
* Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Optional Optional Not available Optional
Oracle 9.2 Not available Required Required Not available
* Licensing for these products is provided for use with DigiPath only. As such, support for these products is provided by the Xerox
Customer Support Center (XCSC), and not by the manufacturers. Any other use of these products is not supported.
** The Hummingbird NFS Client third party software application is optional for all DigiPath 4.0 DSM with DL client configurations, DSM with
DL client/server configurations, or DL server configurations.
DSM with DL
Required Required Not available Required
Optional Optional Optional Optional
DSM with DL
DL server
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Safety Symbols and What They Mean

Symbol What it Means
Used whenever a procedure, condition, or statement, if not strictly observed, could result in personal injury.
Used whenever a procedure, condition, or statement, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to the equipment, or in the loss of data or documents.
In Case Of
Power off your DigiPath System if you notice any unusual noises or odors and call your local Xerox Customer Support Center immediately.
Never remove any covers or guards that are secured with screws. There are no operator serviceable parts inside.
DO NOT expose your eyes to the bright light that flashes below the scanner document glass. Keep the document handler cover down while scanning.
Never perform any maintenance or service procedures that do not appear in the application Help systems, the DigiPath 4.0 Document Scan and Makeready
/ Document Library Quick Reference Guide, or the DigiPath 3.0 System Administrator Guide.
3 – 1

Other Conventions in this Guide

This conventions list provides information you need to read this guide.
Conventions and What They Mean
Check Boxes Mark means place a check mark in the check box.
Menu Options Menu options are displayed in bold and enclosed in square brackets:
Tabs in Dialog Boxes
Buttons Buttons in a dialog box are displayed in bold and enclosed in square brackets: Select [Button
Option Buttons Option buttons are indicated by the word Select, followed by the name of the option button, in
List Boxes The name of a list box is displayed in bold, followed by the word list box: Select the List Box list
Keyboard Keys The name of the key is displayed in bold capital letters, and enclosed in angle brackets: Press
Text Text that should be typed exactly as it appears is displayed in bold, preceded by the word Type:
Toolbar Buttons The name of the toolbar button is displayed in bold, exactly as it appears on the tool tip: Select
Referring to other documents
Clear means remove a check mark from the check box.
Select [Menu name: Option name].
The name of a tab is displayed in bold: Select the Tab Nam e tab.
bold: Select the Option Button Name option button.
box. A specific selection in a list box is displayed in bold, followed by the word option: Select the
Option option in the List Box list box.
Type text. Variable text (varies depending on your desired selection) is displayed in bold lower-case letters, and enclosed in angle brackets: Type <filename>.
the Toolbar Button Name toolbar button.
The title of a referenced document is displayed in italics: Document Title. The name of a section in a referenced document is displayed in quotation marks: the "Section" section of Document Title.
3 – 2



How do you start this system?

Power on your DigiPath Workstation

Follow these instructions for powering on your DigiPath workstation and hardware options. It is very important that you power on the hardware components in the order presented below.
Startup Time:
If there is a MOD platter in the MOD drive while the drive is powering up, your startup time is shorter.
If there is a RAID attached to the DigiPath workstation, power on the RAID.
If there is a scanner attached to the DigiPath workstation, power on the scanner.
If there is a Windows printer attached to the workstation, power on the printer.
If you plan to use an optional Magneto Optical Drive (MOD) attached to the workstation, power on the MOD. As soon as the MOD drive is powered on, insert a MOD platter (an optical disk) into the MOD drive.
Power on the DigiPath workstation processor (the CPU).
Log into the network.
All DigiPath applications are found by selecting [Start:
Programs: Xerox DigiPath Production Software] from the
Windows taskbar.
Power on the monitor.
4 – 1



Power on your Document Library Server

Follow these instructions for powering on your Document Library server and hardware options. It is very important that you power up the hardware components in the order presented below.
If there is a RAID attached to the Document Library server, power on the RAID.
If there is a Windows printer attached to the server, power on the printer.
If you plan to use an optional Magneto Optical Drive (MOD) attached to the server, power on the MOD. As soon as the MOD drive is powered on, insert a MOD platter (an optical disk) into the MOD drive.
Power on the DigiPath server processor (the CPU).
Log into the network.
All Document Library server applications are found by selecting
[Start: Programs: Xerox DigiPath Production Software]
from the Windows taskbar.
Startup Time:
If there is a MOD platter in the MOD drive while the drive is powering up, your startup time is shorter.
Power on the monitor.
4 – 2



Power Off your DigiPath Workstation

Follow these instructions for powering off your DigiPath workstation and hardware options. It is very important that you power down the hardware components in the order presented below.
From the Windows taskbar, select [Start: Run]. The Run dialog box displays.
Type e:/digipath/ xstopdgp.bat in the
text box provided.
Select [OK] to close the Run dialog box and stop all the DigiPath services.
From the Windows taskbar, select [Start: Shut Down]. The Shut Down Windows dialog box displays.
Select [Shut down] from the What do you
want the computer to do? drop-down list
Select [OK] to shut down the PC and power off the workstation processor (CPU).
Power off the monitor.
Power off the MOD drive.
Power off the scanner.
DO NOT power off the RAID for a normal shutdown. Power off the RAID only if you plan to move it.
If necessary, power off the RAID.
4 – 3



Power Off your Document Library Server

Do not power off the server daily!
When you are ready to power off the Document Library server, follow these steps:
Leave Your Server
If your users will be accessing information on your server, it is important to leave the server powered on.
From the Windows taskbar, select [Start: Run]. The Run dialog box displays.
Type e:/digipath/ xstopdgp.bat in the
text box provided.
Select [OK] to close the Run dialog box and stop all the DigiPath services.
From the Windows taskbar, select [Start: Shut Down]. The Shut Down Windows dialog box displays.
Select [Shut down] from the What do you
want the computer to do? drop-down list
Select [OK] to shut down the PC and power off the server processor (CPU).
Power off the monitor.
Power off the MOD drive.
DO NOT power off the RAID for a normal shutdown. Power off the RAID only if you plan to move it.
If necessary, power off the RAID.
4 – 4
USA Copyright Laws

Never Print These US Government Documents

Federal legislation forbids anyone from copying the following documents. Penalties of fines or imprisonment may be imposed on those guilty of making such copies.
More Information:
Get more information from the Copyright office, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. 20559. Ask for Circular R21.
Certificates of indebtednessUnited States BondsNational Bank CurrencyTreasury NotesCoupons from bondsFederal Reserve NotesFederal Reserve Bank NotesFractional NotesSilver CertificatesCertificates of DepositGold CertificatesPaper MoneyBonds and obligations of certain agencies of the
government, such as FHA, etc.
Copying the
following is also prohibited in some states:
• Automobile Licenses
• Drivers Licenses
• Automobile Certificates of Title
List of Documents
that appear here is not inclusive:
No liability is assumed for its completeness or accuracy.
5 – 1

Other Documents That are Illegal to Print

US Savings Bonds
EXCEPTION: US Savings Bonds may be photographed only for publicity purposes in connection with the campaign for the sale of such bonds.
Internal Revenue
EXCEPTION: If necessary to copy a legal document on which there is a canceled revenue stamp, this may be done, provided the reproduction of the document is performed for lawful purposes.
Postage Stamps,
canceled or not canceled
EXCEPTION: Postage Stamps may be photographed, provided the reproduction is in black and white, and is less than 3/4 or more than 1-1/2 times the linear dimensions of the original.
Postal Money OrdersBillsChecksDrafts for money
drawn by or upon authorized officers of the United States
Stamps and other
representatives of value, of whatever denomination, which have been or may be issued under any Act of Congress
Compensation Certificates for Veterans of World Wars
Obligations or
Securities of any foreign government, bank, or corporation
Copyrighted material
EXCEPTION: If the permission of the copyright owner has been obtained or the copying falls within the “fair use” or library reproduction rights provisions of the copyright law.
Any author’s book
without the author’s consent
Certificates of
Citizenship or Naturalization
EXCEPTION: Foreign Naturalization Certificates may be photographed.
Immigration PapersDraft Registration
Selective Service
Induction Papers which bear any of the following information:
Registrant’s earn­ings or income
Registrant’s previ­ous military service
Registrant’s depen­dency status
Registrant’s physi­cal or mental condi­tion
Registrant’s court record
Badges, Identification
Cards, Passes, or insignia carried by military personnel, or by members of the various federal departments and bureaus, such as the FBI or Treasury
EXCEPTION: If ordered by the head of such a federal department or bureau, copying or printing is permitted.
EXCEPTION: U.S. Army and Navy discharge certificates may be reproduced.
5 – 2
Canadian Laws

Documents That are Illegal to Print in Canada

Parliament, by statute, has forbidden the reproduction of the following subjects under certain circumstances. Penalties of fines or imprisonment may be imposed on those guilty of making such copies.
Current bank notes or
current paper money.
Obligations or
securities of a government or bank.
Exchequer bill paper
or revenue paper.
The public seal of
Canada or of a province, or the seal of a public body or authority in Canada, or of a court of law.
orders, regulations, or appointments, or notices thereof (with intent to falsely cause same to purport to have been printed by the Queen’s Printer for Canada, or the equivalent printer for a province).
Marks, brands, seals,
wrappers, or designs used by or on behalf of the Government of Canada or of a province, the government of a state other than Canada or a department, board, Commission, or agency established by the Government of Canada or of a province or of a government of a state other than Canada.
Impressed or
adhesive stamps used for the purpose of revenue by the Government of Canada or of a province or by the government of a state other than Canada.
Documents, registers,
or records kept by public officials charged with the duty of making or issuing certified copies thereof, where the reproduction falsely purports to be a certified copy thereof.
Copyrighted material
or trademarks of any manner or kind without the consent of the copyright or trademark owner.
The above list is provided for your convenience and assistance, but it is not all inclusive, and no liability is assumed for its completeness or accuracy. In case of doubt, consult your solicitor.
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What’s an RDO?

Introducing a New File Type … the RDO

An RDO is a Raster Document Object. It's called an RDO because that is the 3-letter extension added to the file name so DigiPath can recognize it. The RDO file type is proprietary to Document Scan & Makeready, but you can use this file type with other DigiPath applications, or convert the RDO to a PostScript or Adobe PDF file.
An RDO file has two parts:
A PostScript wrapper which contains all the
information about the structure and format of the pages in your document.
A .CON directory that actually holds the
TIFF, JPEG, PostScript, and Adobe PDF files that make up the pages of your docu­ment.
When you create an RDO in Document Scan & Makeready, both of these parts are created automatically!
What is it?
It's a document file that's made up of images, so it's not like other documents that require you to type a lot.
You can scan hardcopy documents to
create electronic images to add pages to your RDO.
You can also insert existing TIFF files,
JPEG files, PostScript files, or Adobe PDF files into your RDO.
Once you have all the images you want in
the RDO, you can create headers or foot­ers, add page numbers and logos, group pages into sections, or choose a paper size. There are also plenty of other print­ing options, of course.
You can even choose the printer you
want to send your RDO to!
How many pages can you put in an
RDO? As many as you want. However, the bigger your RDO, the longer it will take you to open it!
Do not try to move, copy, rename, or delete an RDO using Windows Explorer.
If you do, the content (.CON) directory will not be included in the operation, and the RDO will be corrupted. Use the DigiPath File Manager application to move RDO files.
6 – 1

Other DigiPath Supported File Types

File Types You Can Create Using DigiPath
File Format Description
*.tif Tagged Image File format; a universal image file format type. When a TIFF file is
created with the Scanner, the file is in a CCITT Group 4 compressed format. In Document Scan & Makeready, you can insert and export TIFF files.
*.jpg, *.jpeg Joint Photographic Experts Group format; a universal color photographic image
file format type. A JPEG file is generally smaller than a TIFF file. In Document Scan & Makeready, you can insert and export JPEG files.
*.pdf Portable Document Format; an Adobe Acrobat file. You can use Document Scan
*.ps PostScript; developed by Adobe. The PostScript file type is widely recognized by
& Makeready to create an Adobe PDF file from an existing RDO. You can also insert existing Adobe PDF files into RDOs.
printers. You can use Document Scan & Makeready to export a PostScript file from pages of an existing RDO. You can also insert existing PostScript files into RDOs. When you insert PostScript files into an RDO with DSM 4.0, they are converted to Adobe PDF files or to monochrome TIFF files.
6 – 2

How Do You Make an RDO?

You use DigiPath, of course!
Select [Start: Programs: Xerox DigiPath Production Software: Document Scan & Makeready] from the
Windows taskbar to open the Document Scan and Makeready application.
Title Bar
Menu Bar
Too lba rs
Document Structure window
The following screen shows the default display of the DSM window. You can select [View: Reset Workspace] to display the DSM window below.
Page View window
Directory Viewer
Document Scan and Makeready application window
6 – 3

Create a New RDO

Select [File: New]. The New dialog box displays.
Select the Documents tab.
You se l e ct th e Blank RDO Document icon
to create a new RDO with the default DigiPath document settings for a Standard RDO. You can also select a different icon on the Documents tab to create an RDO with specific settings, or select one of the preconfigured RDT (template) files.
Template files contain some defined document settings, which may include a destination printer, paper stocks, the job type, and margins, as well as lots of other options.
The wizards are great! When you use a wizard, you answer questions about the RDO you want to create, and DSM does all the setup work. Select the Wizards tab in the New dialog box, and choose the appropriate wizard.
If you usually create the same kinds of RDOs over and over, you should create some templates. Templates can save you lots of time. For directions on creating templater, refer to the DSM Help system.
6 – 4
Using Scan and Print

Introducing Scan and Print

Scan and Print is designed to simulate a copier. The scanner creates a temporary digital file which it uses to complete the copy. You can also create an Adobe PDF or RDO file, in black and white or color.
Select [Start: Programs: Xerox DigiPath Production Software: Scan and Print] to open the Scan and Print application.
Scan and Print main application window
7 – 1

Scan and Print a Black and White or Color Original

Scan and Print allows you to create a copy of any black and white or color original you scan. The scanner creates a temporary digital file which is used to complete the copy. This file is deleted when the job is submitted to the specified printer, unless you save it. You can choose a printer from any attached to your DigiPath workstation.
Open Scan and Print.
Place a hardcopy document on the scanner glass or the multi-sheet feeder.
Select [Print] in the Options section. The green button at the bottom of the screen is activated for Scan & Print.
In the Scan section:
• Original sides imaged: select
[1 Sided] or [2 Sided].
• Original page size: Select the size of your hardcopy document from the drop-down list box.
If you select [Custom], the Custom Size Selection dialog box displays. Enter the page size of your hardcopy document.
The page sizes available in the Custom Size Selection dialog box depend on the scanner attached to your workstation.
• Mode: Select the
[Color] or [Black and white] button.
• Image Orientation: Select [Standard] to maintain the orientation of the image; Select [Rotated] to rotate the image 90 degrees to the right.
You can select the Rotated option only once; you cannot rotate your image more than 90 degrees to the right.
• Reduce / Enlarge: Select the [Fit to output stock size] to make your scanned image fit a different stock size; select [Scale to] if you wish to change the size of the image between 38% and 200%.
• Brightness: Select a number between 10 and –10 to lighten or darken your image.
• Select the
[Advanced Scanning…] button
to apply DigiPath enhancements to your document.
The Save section is available only when
[Save] or [Print & Save] is selected in
the Options section.
The Enhance Image section is available only if the Black and white mode was selected.
In the Enhance Image section: Select
[Deskew] or [Despeckle].
• Deskew eliminates the skew of an image.
• Despeckle removes stray pixels that appear as “dirt” on an image.
Scan and Print
Scan and Print options available for a job depend on the printer you specify in the Printer list box.
Viewing Area:
The three-line viewing area at the top of the Scan and Print screen gives you information on scanning status (line 1), the number of pages scanned (line 2), and printing status and other information messages (line 3).
7 – 2
Scan and Print a Black and White or Color Original — continued
• Select the
In the Enhance Document section: Mark the check boxes for [Header], [Footer], or [Page numbers] to add to your document.
• Select the [Setup] button.
• Make the appropriate selections for the Header, Footer, and Page Numbers tabs.
Select [Apply], and then select [OK].
In the Print section:
• Select a printer from the Printer drop­down list box.
• Enter the number of copies in the Copies text box.
• Mark or clear the check box for Collated.
• Select the desired job type from the Job type drop-down list box.
• In the Stock Size section: Select Same as original to keep the paper size of your copies the same as your hardcopy document; select Custom to define the desired paper size for your copies. The page sizes available depend on the printer you selected.
appropriate option to define the paper stock for your copies from the Stock type drop-down list box.
• Mark or clear the Drilled check box to indicate the paper stock for your copies.
• Select 1 Sided,
2 Sided, or Head to Toe from the drop-
down list box in the Sides imaged section.
• Specify the desired final location, such as Stacker or Printer default, for your copies from the Output drop-down list box.
• Specify the desired finishing option, such as Stapled or Bound, for your copies from the Finishing drop­down list box.
• If desired, type an account name or number in the Account text box.
Job Type
Job type options available include Standard, Signature– Book, Signature– Calendar, Signature– Pamphlet, 2-Up, 2-Up Flip left, 2-Up Flip right, 4-Up, 8-Up and 16-Up.
Some Options are
Not Available:
Not all color printers support all the options described in this procedure. If your selected printer does not support an option, the option is grayed out.
7 – 3
Scan and Print a Black and White or Color Original — continued
If you wish to make changes to the default job ticket for the selected printer, select the [More Options] button. Make changes to the job ticket in the Job Setup dialog box and then select [OK].
Mark the Apply More Options check box to apply the changes.
Click on the green [Scan and Print]
button on the screen to activate the copying process.
The Scan and Print application window is temporarily unavailable while the scanner scans.
The green button on the scanner does not activate Scan and Print.
When you have finished using Scan and Print, select [File:
Exit], or select the Close button [X].
Job Name:
When a Scan and Print job arrives at the production printer, the job name is Job_N, where N is the number of Scan and Print jobs created since you opened Scan and Print. The job name is displayed in the Scan and Print status bar.
7 – 4

Scan and Print Large Jobs

You can use Scan and Print to build large copying jobs with the Scan to Job button. Large jobs are defined as those with page counts that exceed the capacity of the scanner's multi­sheet feeder. Refer to your scanner documentation to determine the capacity.
Open Scan and Print.
Insert the first portion of your job into the multi-sheet feeder.
Select [Print] in the Options section. The green button at the bottom of the screen is activated for Scan & Print.
In the Scan section:
• Original sides imaged: Select
[1 Sided] or [2 Sided].
• Original page size: Select the size of your hardcopy document from the drop-down list box.
If you select [Custom], the Custom Size Selection dialog box displays. Enter the page size of your hardcopy document.
The page sizes available in the Custom Size Selection dialog box depend on the scanner attached to your workstation.
Mode: Select the
[Color] or [Black and white] button.
• Image Orientation: Select [Standard] to maintain the orientation of the image; Select [Rotated] to rotate the image 90 degrees to the right.
You can select the Rotated option only once; you cannot rotate your image more than 90 degrees to the right.
• Reduce / Enlarge: select the [Fit to output stock size] to make your scanned image fit a different stock size; select [Scale to] if you wish to change the size of the image between 38% and 200%.
• Brightness: Select a number between 10 and –10 to lighten or darken your image.
• Select the
[Advanced Scanning…] button
to apply DigiPath enhancements to your document.
The Save section is available only when
[Save] or [Print & Save] has been
selected in the Options section.
Scan and Print
Scan and Print options available for a job depend on the printer you specify in the Printer list box.
Viewing Area:
The three-line viewing area at the top of the Scan and Print screen gives you information on scanning status (line 1), the number of pages scanned (line 2), and printing status and other information messages (line 3).
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Scan and Print Large Jobs — continued
The Enhance Image section is available only if the Black and white Mode was selected.
In the Enhance Image section: Select
[Deskew] or [Despeckle].
• Deskew eliminates the skew of an image.
• Despeckle removes stray pixels that appear as “dirt” on an image.
In the Enhance Document section: Mark the check boxes for [Header], [Footer], or [Page numbers] to add to your document.
• Select the [Setup] button.
• Make the appropriate selections for the Header, Footer, and Page Numbers tabs.
•Select [Apply], and then select [OK].
In the Print section:
• Select a printer from the Printer drop­down list box.
• Enter the number of copies in the Copies text box.
• Mark or clear the check box for Collated.
• Select the desired job type from the Job type drop-down list box.
• Select the appropriate options to define your output from the Job type,
Stock Size, Stock type, Sides imaged, Output,
and Finishing drop­down list boxes.
• If desired, type an account name or number in the
Account text box.
If you wish to make changes to the default job ticket, select the [More Options] button. Make changes to the job ticket in the Job Setup dialog box and then select [OK].
Mark the Apply More Options check box to apply the changes.
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+ 128 hidden pages