Xerox CompleteView User Analytics User Manual

CompleteView User Analytics
Application Guide for MPS Users
Version: 1.1 Date: August 2016
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Document Version: 1.1 (August 2016)
Table of Contents
CompleteView User Analytics.................................................... 2
What is CompleteView User Analytics? .......................................... 2
Minimum Requirements ................................................................... 2
Prerequisites .................................................................................... 2
Tool and System Interaction, System Security ............................... 2
Getting Started .......................................................................................... 3
Logging in and out of the application ............................................... 3
Resetting your password ................................................................. 4
The CompleteView User Analytics System Controls Toolbar....... 4
CompleteView User Analytics Menu ........................................................ 5
The Welcome Page ......................................................................... 5
The Analysis Page – Selecting a language ..................................... 5
The Analysis Page – Selections and filters ..................................... 5
Dashboard........................................................................................ 9
User Tab......................................................................................... 10
Usage Tab...................................................................................... 16
Device Tab ..................................................................................... 19
Finance Tab ................................................................................... 21
Unprinted Tab ................................................................................ 23
Exceptions Tab .............................................................................. 24
The Download Page ...................................................................... 26
The Upload Page ........................................................................... 31
CompleteView User Analytics
What is CompleteView User Analytics?
CompleteView User Analytics enables printing data to be quickly analysed by any selected categories such as user, department, date, time, file type, and device.
The tool allows any user to drill down into the information in order to analyse who is printing and what is being printed.
Users can identify any print-related bottlenecks, improve their efficiency, understand the print infrastructure, analyse user behaviour, reduce print volumes and increase general security in their print environment.
Minimum Requirements
CompleteView User Analytics is available for use with all standard browsers on desktop and mobile devices with an internet connection. However, there are certain prerequisites. These are explained in the next section.
Prior to the installation of User Analytics, a data communication tool needs to be set up and configured to be able to connect with the SQL server that is hosting the source data. This is currently done by the Systems and Integrations team at NewField IT.
Tool and System Interaction, System Security
All project data within CompleteView User Analytics is transmitted via the data communication tool, also known as Data Communicator. Once this has been installed and the necessary software has been implemented within the system, the data will be packaged via this tool for transfer over a secure
protocol to the NewField IT server. The data is then transformed and made ready for the presentation layer.
Getting Started
Logging in and out of the application
Follow these steps to log in to CompleteView® :
1. Navigate to The Login screen displays.
Figure 1. CompleteView® login screen
2. Enter your provided login credentials, which include a user name and password.
3. Click Login.
Note: Your account will be locked after three unsuccessful login attempts. In this case please contact your local support desk.
4. Upon successful login, the Welcome window appears with a number of system options available. These options are based on your profile and the applications to which you have access.
5. If more than one option is available select the User Analytics option from the application menu. If you only have access to User Analytics no application menu will be visible and you will be directed to the User Analytics start page:
Figure 2. The Welcome page in CompleteView User Analytics
To log out of the application please select the “Logout” button on top of the page.
Resetting your password
To change your password you have two options:
Option 1: Use the “Forgotten your password” function on the login page.
An automated email will be sent to your account. Please get in touch with your local support desk if you haven’t received any emails.
Option 2: Use the “Change password” function on top of the page after logging in.
Figure 3. Change your password when logged in
Any password criteria that need to be met to change the password will be displayed below the password fields.
Please follow closely these instructions to change your password.
A new password should meet the following criteria:
Be at least 6 characters long  Not contain your username  Be a mixture of letters and numerals  Not be a previously used password  Not have the same character two times consecutively  Not have character sequences of more than three characters
The CompleteView User Analytics System Controls Toolbar
In the System Controls toolbar, the following options are available:
Figure 4. System Controls toolbar
The Home button returns the user to the initial screen that contains the language options.
The Lock button locks any selections that have been made. The X feature removes any selections that have been made.  The Back and Forward buttons allow users to return to previous selections/filter settings.
These work like the Back and Forward buttons on a browser.
The Bookmark feature can be used to save and remember any filter settings. The Information button displays helpful notes on the function and purpose of each tab in the
tool. Display all notes by clicking once at it. To deactivate them, click again.
CompleteView User Analytics Menu
The Welcome Page
In the Welcome page, a short instruction is available on how to navigate the tool.
The Analysis Page – Selecting a language
After selecting the Analysis tab, the dashboard loads and the following field becomes available:
Figure 5. Language selection in the Analysis page
Select a language and click “Continue”.
User Analytics is available in the following languages: American and British English, French, German, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, Turkish, Russian, and Japanese.
The Analysis Page – Selections and filters
After clicking “Continue”, the Dashboard tab becomes visible. On the left hand side in the top corner is the Current Selections box. This shows any selections currently in place and allows the user to remove or modify them. Filters can be removed by left-clicking on the rubber or modified by clicking on the downwards arrow and making an alternative selection.
Figure 6. Current Selections box in the top-left corner of the application
More filter options are shown in Figure 7. These include the departments, the names of all users and their cost centres.
Figure 7. User specific filters in the Analysis page
When clicking on the Usage tab, the fields shown in Figure 8 become available:
Figure 8. Usage specific filters in the Analysis page
Search field: With this field it is possible to select from all available information, e.g. it’s
possible to search for an individual account, a user name or a specific device number.
Job Colour: Show only colour or only mono print jobs.  Duplex: Show only duplex or only simplex print jobs.  Transaction Sub Type: Show only copied or only printed pages.  Print Job Size (pages): select from the drop-down menu for available options.  Document Type: All available filter options for the current selection are shown in white, while
other options that are available for the fleet but that do not apply to the current selection are greyed out.
Transaction Type: The same applies for Transaction Type. Here all available options are also
marked in white.
In the Device tab, all device IP addresses for the fleet are listed. Again, all white fields correspond to options available for the current selection, while the grey fields are showing any selections that are incompatible with the current selection.
Figure 9. Device specific filters in the Analysis page
Please note that some of the fields that have been presented in this section might not be available. The presence of certain fields depends on the information that is sent from the source system. For example, with Papercut no IP addresses are available and the data can therefore not be filtered using this option.
On top of the page, the year, month and date range can be selected. If there is any data range that cannot be selected then this will be greyed out.
For example, in Figure 10, the years 2012-2015 are available. All fields are marked in white.
Figure 10. Date selection filters
The same view can vary if there is more than one source system available. In this case the source system can be found next to the date range and the current selection is marked in green. Moreover, there can be a scrollbar below the selected year if there is more information available.
Figure 11. Date selection filters with scroll bar
Any filter that has been selected is marked in green. Any options that aren’t available with this filter are greyed out, see Figure 12:
Figure 12. Date selection filters with white and grey options
When switching to a different source system (if available) a different set of data and a different date range appears, as shown in Figure 13:
Figure 13. Source system selection box
Once a specific month in a certain year has been selected then all other fields are greyed out:
Figure 14. Date selection filters with one month selected
To change the filter options simply click on a different month or year. In order to select more than one filter hold Control and select the additional filters with a left-click of your mouse.
The tabs and sub-tabs that have been selected will appear in blue, while the other tabs appear white.
Figure 15. Tab selection
The Dashboard Tab
The Dashboard tab displays the following information:
- Total number of devices and average monthly volumes per device (AMPV)
- Total number of users and average monthly volumes per user (AMPV)
- Total mono pages and CPP
- Total colour pages and CPP
Unavailable options (greyed
Available options (white)
+ 23 hidden pages