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B. Glossary Of Color Management Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B-1
iiColor Management Guide
This guide is a reference to the DocuSP controller color
management features. The DocuSP controller serves as the
digital front end for preparing and processing jobs to print on
Xerox color print engines.
The DocuSP operator uses the information in this guide to
enhance the use of the color management tools to achieve
quality color output.
This guide assumes that the DocuSP operator is familiar with the
DocuSP controller and the attached print engine, and is also
familiar with color printing.
Refer to the DocuSP on-line help system for procedures on how
to use the DocuSP color tools.
Multiple print engines
The DocuSP controller includes colo r management tools for the
DocuColor 2045/2060/6060 and iGen3 Digital Production
This guide provides general color management information for
the DocuSP controller; also, printer-specific information is noted
where necessary.
About this guide
Before you read in this guide, become familiar with its contents
and conventions.
Color Manage me nt Gui de1-1
This guide includes the following conventions:
•Angle brackets: Variable information that is displayed on your
window or that can be entered as part of a command line is
enclosed within angle brackets. Examples include "Unable to
copy <filename>;" “set –p <printer>.”
•Square brackets: Square brackets are used fo r the following:
–Names of menu options that you select; for example,
[Printer Default]
–Names of buttons that you select; for examp le , [OK] and
–Names of text boxes, list boxes, and fields; for example,
"the [From] text box," "the [Directories] list box," “the
[Color Source] field”
•Bold: Boldface type is used for the following:
–Directory paths; for example, “Browse to the Color
–Text that you enter; for example, "Enter purple or Xerox."
–Calling attention to text that is particularly important; for
–Introductory wor ds or phrases t hat begin items in a list; for
•Note: Notes are hints that help you perform a task or
understand the text. Notes are presented in italics, in
separate paragraphs. Example:
NOTE: You cannot submit a job unless the printer is
connected to your workstation.
Related documentation
profiles directory.”
example, “Select [Stop] on the user interface window. Do
not press the red stop button on the controller.”
[Hold job]: The document is held at the printer...
[Cancel job]: The document is not printed...
Further information on the specific Xerox print engines or the
DocuSP controller may be obtained by referring to the
documentation that was delivered with the elements of the
1-2Color Management Guide
Customer Support
For service and software support, dial 1-800-821-2797. This
number is enabled for TTY bridges. To reach Xerox
Documentation and Software Services, dial 1-800-327-9753.
Color Manage me nt Gui de1-3
1-4Color Management Guide
2.DocuSP color management
Color management is a process of attempting to match colors
across input (scanners, digital cameras), display (computer
monitors), and output devices (color printers).
Hardware devices such as Spectrophotometers for calibration
and software tools such as color profiles, tone reproduction
curves (TRCs) and color tools are used to match or adjust color
to achieve a quality color image.
Spectrophotometers are used to calibrate data for the print
engine. Calibration da t a i s use d to ad j ust co lor ba la nce for st ock
by halftone.
Color manageme nt softw a re conv erts RGB and CMYK input
color profiles to the color gamut of a specific output device.
DocuSP supports the traditional CMYK workflow as well as the
ICC Profile workflow.
Queue overrides
TRCs and other color tools allow you to make custom color
adjustments, fine tuning the color image.
DocuSP provides the software color management tools you can
use to produce quality color output.
Refer to the DocuSP on-line help system for detailed informat ion
and step-by-step usage procedures for all tools and processes
presented in th is guide.
An override can be set for ma ny of the queue properties in
Queue Manager. A selected override property is applied to all
jobs submitted to that queue, regardless of job or job ticket
Color Manage me nt Gui de2-1
DocuSP color management
Color workflows
A color image follows a path as it is converted from an input color
profile to the output CMYK of the print engine. Factors that
determine the path are:
•the characteristics and type of the input profile
•conversions needed for the output profile of the print engine
•enhancements made by you, the user
Color path charts
Jobs take one of five paths through the DocuSP controller.
Whenever possible, you should use the Xerox Enhanced Path
which provides the highest quality color for incoming SWOP™
CMYK color and faster RIP speed.
The color path chart (see Figure 2-1. Simplified DocuSP Color
Workflow) displays the paths different documents take as they
move through the DocuSP color management system and are
processed for print.
The paths are:
•ICC Standard Path
•Xerox Enhanced Path
•CMYK Native Path
•Fast Reprint Path
2-2Color Management Guide
DocuSP color management
Figure 2-1. Simplified DocuSP Color Workflow
ICC standard path
Jobs undergo a color transformation to an independent color
space before color transformation to the DocuSP print engine
CMYK color space. This path requires more RIP time as the
color is transformed from Input (such as RGB or input CMYK) to
Profile Connection Space (PCS) to output CMYK or SWOP™
CMYK. The K channel will not be preserved for incoming CMYK
The chief benefit of using this path is its ease of use.
The following conditions guarantee a job follows the ICC
standard path:
•A user output profile has been assigned to the job.
•A color adjustment (lightness, co ntrast, satu ration, color cast,
trapping, black o verprint, or anti-aliasing ) has been set for t he
Color Manage me nt Gui de2-3
DocuSP color management
•The incoming job contains embedded profiles that result in
Xerox enhanced path
Incoming RGB or CMYK data uses the DocuSP Xerox Enhance d
Path Look Up Table (LUT) or Emulation LUT when performing
the SWOP™ CMYK to DocuSP print engine CMYK
Benefits of using this p ath include:
•Faster RIP time via use of the LUTs as contrasted with the
•This path preser ves the Black (K) channel and Black
Look Up Tables provide a quick, effective translation from the
source space to the specific printer’s CMYK space. These tables
are faster because the CMYK values are translated directly to
output space, instead of fi rst bein g tra nsla ted to deviceindependent space and then to the print-engine-specific space.
the printer driver creating a Color Space Array (CSA) for the
color data. These PDL instructions are honored by the
ICC Path.
RGB data is converted using 3 x 4 LUTs.
4 x 4 LUTs provide direct CMYK to CMYK mapping, preserving
black. When pure black is passed thr ough a source profile (ICC
profile path), it is converted to XYZ. Once in XYZ, ther e is no way
for the color management system to know that the color was
originally pure black. Thus, pure K is converted to a CMYK
combination (Gray Component Removal, or GCR, is involved in
this process). In contrast, the 4 x 4 tables recognize pure K and
output the appropriate K for the source-to-destination mapping.
The following conditions guarantee a job follows the Xerox
enhanced path:
•The incoming job is untagged and using a pre-installed
output profile.
•A Xerox stock is programmed for the job
•A non-Xerox stock that is a member of an unaltered Xerox
color group is programmed for the job
•A Xerox output color profile, included with the system, has
been assign ed to the job
2-4Color Management Guide
DocuSP color management
CMYK Native path
Color management is performed within the application using
DocuSP output color ICC profiles to create jobs composed with
the DocuSP print engine CMYK color profile. These jobs are sent
directly to the RIP with no color transformations, assuming you
have not programmed any color adjustments.
Documents destined for this path MUST be designed using the
appropriate CM YK color space for the DocuSP destination print
engine. This is u sually achieved by using the CMYK destination
profile for the destination media/engine combination.
Benefits of using this p a t h in clude:
•Fastest RIP performance of any of the paths
•Color will be consistent throughout, since the job is created
and submitted expressly for the specific print engin e
Fast Reprint path
Fast Reprint jobs, accessed thr ough Reprin t Manager, are saved
using “Print and Save” or “Save” commands when processing
the job. Fast Reprint jobs do not require re-RIPping. Color
management properties are se t prior to saving t he job.
The only color change that can be applied to a job on the Fast
Reprint path is a User TRC.
Benefits of using this p a t h in clude:
•No need to re-submit jobs
•Fast print times (achieving engine-rated speed) since the RIP
is bypassed on reprint
•No need to reset Color Management properties
NOTE: Calibration TRCs and User TRCs may be applied to
the reprint job, since TRC processing is done in the
An incoming job is scanned by the controller and, if the job
contains PANTONE® calls , the P ANT ONE® pat h is invoked. The
job’s color information is processed using a pair of Look Up
Tables (one for Coated and one for Uncoated) and then passes
directly to the pr inter output, b yp assing all other co lor pro cessing
except for User TRCs.
Color Manage me nt Gui de2-5
DocuSP color management
Color Manager
Color Manager provides access to color management tools for
calibration, characterizat i on, assigning color profiles, managing
color groups, creatin g and applying TRCs, and importing or
exporting ICC profiles.
The Associations tab provides a list of stocks, their properties,
date last calibrated, and the assigned profile.
Calibration is used to return the print engine to a standard
condition insuring color consistency for each stock or color
group. For more in-d epth information regarding calibratio n, see
chapter 3.
New Stock
Destination colo r profiles are required for each stock or color
Stocks added from the catalog (Xerox Qualified Stocks) will
automatically be placed in the proper color group.
New custom stocks will automatically be placed in the default
color group.
Assign profile
Each stock is automatically assign ed to a profile based on its
color group.
Color profiles can be assigned to any stock or color group,
including pre-defined stocks.
New color group (stock group)
Stocks are assigned groups based upon their whitepoint. Any
stock in the group can be calib rated, and the resulting TRCs are
assigned to all stocks in the color group.
2-6Color Management Guide
Color profiles
DocuSP color management
NOTE: You should calibrate a stock that best represents the
other stock in the group; therefore, you should calibrate using a
stock that has a whitepoint at about the median of the stocks in
the group.
It is recommended that most users confine their use of color
groups to the 3 pre-installed groups. This method provides
excellent color results with relatively little user intervention.
For a more in-depth discussion of color groups, see chapter 3:
The Color Profiles tab provides a list of color profiles (both
source and destination) with their descriptions.
User TRCs
Color tools
Print engine specific mode
User Tone Reproduction Curves (TRCs) provide the skilled user
with a tool for adj usti ng the indivi dual CMYK co lor sep a rati ons i n
an image and saving those adjustments for use on other images.
The User TRCs tab provides a list of user-created TRCs and
allows you to cr eate new TRCs.
Color tools allow you to make adjustments that impact the color
characteristics of a print job. Color tools can affect jobs or
queues, if assigned at the controller, or can be assigned by an
application at the client workstation.
Selected at the queue level, the print engine or product specific
mode is unique to each Xerox color print engine and optimizes
performance fo r that print engine. Print engi ne specific mode
provides the best possible default color interpretation and
rendering values for the widest range of images.
Color Manage me nt Gui de2-7
DocuSP color management
T able 2-1. DocuColor iGen3 Digital Production Press
Color Cast (all)0
System Specified
System Specified (pre-installed
and optimized for theDC20xx/
2-8Color Management Guide
Tabl e 2-2. DocuColor 2045/2060/6060 mode defa ult
Queue PropertyQueue Setting
Press Color EmulationNone
Xerox consistent color mode
Selected at the queue level, Xerox consistent color mode
standardizes the print engine response to undefined color
spaces by assigning them default source files. De fault Source
files provide output that looks similar when submitted from the
DocuSP to a compatible Xerox color print engine, currently the
DocuColor 2045/2060/6060 and the DocuColor iGen3.
Selected at the queue level, Custom Color mode allows users
with a high level of color management skills to make specific
color adjustments using industry standard color tools.
Skilled users create queues with specific color properties,
defaults and overrides. Jobs sent to these queues are assigned
the queue properties automatically, improving the flow of jobs
through the DocuSP controller and reducing the adjustments
required on a standard set of color jobs.
Color adjustments
Color tools provide a m eans for you to make adju stments in colo r
•Lightness controls the relative brigh tness or darkn ess of the
color image.
•Contrast is the ratio between the light tones and dark tones
in an image.
•Saturation controls the strength or purity of the color imag e.
•Color Cast adjustments provide you with the ability to
increase or decrease the amount of a single color in an
•User TRCs are created to provide a consistent color
rendering based upon a given set of properties. TRCs are
saved and appl ied to jobs.
Image quality tools
Image quality tools provide you a means to improve image
•Trapping compensates for misregistration that creates white
gaps and shifted hues.
2-10Color Management Guide
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