Phaser® are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
While every care has been taken in the preparation of this manual, no liability will be accepted by
Xerox Europe arising out of any inaccuracies or omissions.
All service documentation is supplied to Xerox external customers for informational purposes
only. Xerox service documentation is intended for use by certified, product trained service personnel only. Xerox does not warrant or re present that it will not ify or provide to such c ustomer
any future change to this documentation. Customer performed service of equipment, or modules,
components or parts of such equipment may affect whether Xerox is responsible to fix machine
defects under the warranty offered by Xerox with respect to such equipment. You should consult
the applicable warranty for its terms regarding customer or third-party provided service.
05/08Phaser 3435
Service Call Procedures
Safety Precautions ..................................................................................................................... iii
ESD Precautions ........................................................................................................................ vi
In order to prevent accidents and to prevent damage to the equipment, please read the precautions listed below carefully before servicing the machine and follow them closely.
Warnings, Cautions and Notes
A warning is used wheneve r an operating or maintena nce procedu re, practice , condition or statement, if not strictly observed, could result in personal injury.
A caution is used whenever an operation or maintena nce procedure, practice, cond ition or statement, if not strictly observed, could result in damage to the equipment.
Note: A note is used where it is essential to highlight a procedure, practice, condition or
Safety Warning
1. Only to be serviced by appropriately qualified service engineers.
High voltages and l asers insi de this produc t are dange rous. Thi s machi ne shou ld only be ser-
viced by a suitably trained and qualified servic e engineer.
2. Use only Xerox replacement parts
There are no user serviceable parts inside the machine. Do not make any unauthorized
changes or additions to the machine, these could cause the machine to malfunction and create electric shock or fire hazards.
3. Laser Safety Statement
The machine is certified in the U.S. to conform to the requirements of DHHS 21 CFR, chapter
1 Subchapter J for Class 1(1) las er products, and elsewhere, it is certified as a Class I laser
product conforming to the requirements of IEC 825. Class I laser products are not considered
to be hazardous. The laser system and machine are designed so there is never any human
access to laser radia tion above a Cla ss I le vel d uring norm al op erati on, user ma inten anc e, or
prescribed service condition.
Follow the service procedure exactly as written. Use of controls or adjustments other than those
specified in this manual, m ay result in an expo sure to invisible laser radiation. Durin g servicing,
the invisible laser radiation can cause eye damage if looked at directly.
Phaser 34355/08iii
1. If the LCD control panel is damaged, it is possible for the liquid inside the display to leak.
Contact with ski n should be avoide d, wash any splashes from eyes or skin immediately and
contact your doctor. If t he liqui d gets into the m outh or is swa llowed see a doctor imme diately.
2. Please keep print cartridges away from children.
Electric Shock and Fire Safety Precautions
Failure to follow the following instruct ions could cause electric shock or potentially cause a fire.
1. Use only the correct voltage, failure to do so could damage the machine and potentially
cause a fire or electric shock.
2. Use only the p ower cable supplied with the machine. Use of an incorrectly specified cable
could cause the cable to overheat and potentially cause a fire.
3. Do not overload the power socket, this could lead to overheating of the cables inside the wall
and could lead to a fire.
4. Do not allow water or other liquids to spill into the machine, this can cause electric sho ck. Do
not allow paper clip s, pins or other fo reign object s to fall into the machine these cou ld cause a
short circuit leading to an electric shock or fire hazard.
5. Never touch the plugs on either end of the power cable with wet hands, this can cause electric shock. When servicing the machine, remove the power plug from the wall socket.
6. Use caution when inserting or removing the power connector. The power connector must be
inserted completely oth erwise a poor contact cou ld cause overheati ng and possibly leadin g to
a fire. When removing the power connector grip it firmly and pull.
7. Take care of the power cable. Do not allow it to become twis ted, bent sharpl y round corners
or otherwise damaged. Do not place objects on top of the power cable. If the power cable is
damaged, it could overheat and cause a fire or exposed wires could cause an electric shock.
Replace a damaged power cable immediately, do not reuse or repair the damaged cable.
Some chemicals can corrode the coating on the power cable, weaken the cover or exposing
wires causing fire and shock risks.
8. Ensure that the power sockets and plugs are not cracked or broken in any way. Any such
defects should be repaired immediately. Take care not to cut or damage the power cable or
plugs when moving the machine.
9. Avoid damp or dusty areas, in stall the machine in a clean well ventilated location . Do not
position the machine near a humidifier. Moisture and dust build up inside the machine can
lead to overheating and cause a fire.
10.Do not position the machine in direct sunlight.
11.Do not insert any metal objects into the machi ne through th e ventila tor fan or othe r part of the
casing, it could m ake co nta ct w i th a h ig h volta ge conductor insi de th e m a chine a nd cause an
electric shock.
Handling Precautions
The following instructions are for your own personal safety, to avoid injury and so as not to damage the machine
1. Ensure th e mac hine is in stal led on a level surface, capable of supporting its weight. Failure to
do so could cause the machine to tip or fall.
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2. The machine contains many rollers, gears and fans. Take great care to ensure that you do
not catch your fingers, hair or clothing in any of these rotating devices.
3. Do not place any small metal objects, containers of water, chemicals or other liquids close to
the machine which if spilled could get into the machine and cause damage or a shock or fire
4. Do not install the machin e i n ar e as wit h hi gh dust or moisture levels, beside an o pen window
or close to a humidifier or heater. Damage could be caused to the machine in such areas.
5. Do not place candles, burning cigarettes, etc. on the machine, these could cause a fire.
6. The fuser unit works at a high temperature. Use caution when working on the machine. Wait
for the fuser to cool down before disassembly.
Assembly / Dis assembly Precautions
Replace parts carefully, al ways use Xerox parts. Take care to note the exact location of parts and
also cable routing before disman tlin g any p art o f the ma chine . Ensur e all part s and ca bles are replaced correc tly.
Please carry out t he followi ng procedu res befo re disma ntling th e machine or replaci ng any pa rts.
1. Check the contents of the machine memory and make a note of any user settings. These will
be erased if the mainboard is replaced.
2. Ensure that power is disconnected before servicing or replaci ng any electrical parts.
3. Disconnect printer interfa ce cables and power c ables.
4. Be sure to remove the print cartridge before you disassemble any parts.
5. Only use approved spa re p arts. E nsure that pa rt nu mber , pro duct na me, a ny volt age , curren t
or temperature rating are correct.
6. When removing or re-fitting any parts do not us e excessive forc e, especially when fitting
screws into plastic.
7. Take care not to drop any small parts into the machine.
8. Handling of the OPC Dr um
- The OPC Drum can be ir reparably damaged if it exposed to light.
Take care not to expose the OPC Drum either to direct sunlight or to fluorescent or incandes-
cent room lighting. Exposure for as little as 5 minutes can damage the surface’s photoconductive properties and will result in print quality degrad ation. Take extra care when servicing
the machine. Re move the OPC Dru m an d store it in a bla ck bag or other li g htproof conta iner.
Take care when working with the covers (especially the top cover) open as light is admitted to
the OPC area and can damage the OPC Drum.
- Take care not to scratch the green surface of OPC Drum Unit.
If the green surface of the Drum Cartridge is scratched or touched the print quality will be
Phaser 34355/08v
ESD Precautions
Certain semiconducto r devices can be easily damaged by static electric ity. Such components a re
commonly called “Electrostatically Sensitive (ES) Devices”, or ESDs. Examples of typical ESDs
are: integrated circuits, some field effe ct transistor s, and semiconductor “chip” components.
The techniques outlined below should be followed to help reduce the incidence o f c omponent
damage caused by static electricity.
Be sure no power is applied to the chassis or circuit, and observe all other safety precautions.
1. Immediately before handling a semiconductor component or semiconductor-equipped
assembly, drain off any electrostat ic charg e on your body by touching a known ear th ground .
Alternatively, employ a commercially available wrist strap device, which should be removed
for your personal safety reasons prior to applying power to the unit under test.
2. After removing an electrical assembly equipped with ESDs, place the assembly on a conductive surface, such as aluminium or copper foil, or conductive foam, to prevent electrostatic
charge buildup in the vicinity of the assembly.
3. Use only a grounded tip so ldering iron to solder or desolder ESDs.
4. Use only an “anti-static” solder removal device. Some solder removal devices not classified
as “anti-static” can generate electrical charges sufficient to damage ESDs.
5. Do not use Freon-prope lled chemi cals. When sprayed, these can genera te electrical charges
sufficient to damage ESDs.
6. Do not remove a replacement ESD from its protective packaging until immediately before
installing it. Most repl ace ment ESDs are packaged with all leads shorted together by conductive foam, aluminium foil, or a comparable conductive material.
7. Immediately before removing t he pro tective shor ting mate rial from the lea ds of a replacem ent
ESD, touch the protect ive material to the chassis or cir cuit assembly into which the de vice will
be installed.
8. Maintain continuous electrical contact between the ESD and the assembly into which it will be
installed, until completely plugged or soldered into the circuit.
9. Minimize bodily motions when handling unpackaged replacement ESDs. Normal motions,
such as the brushing together of clothing fabric and lifting one’s foot from a carpeted floor,
can generate static electric ity sufficient to damage an ESD.
vi5/08Phaser 3435
Translated Warnings
The following is a list of all warnings used in this manual translated into French, Italian, German
and Spanish.
A warning is used wheneve r an operating or maintena nce procedu re, practice , condition or statement, if not strictly observed, could result in personal injury.
DANGER: Une note Danger est utilisée chaque fois qu'une procédure d'utilisation ou de maintenance peut être cause de blessure si elle n'est pas strictement respectée.
AVVERTENZA: Un segnale di avvertenza è utilizzato ogni volta che una procedura operativa o
di manutenzione, una pratica, una condizione o un'istruzione, se non strettamente osservata,
potrebbe causare lesi on i per so nal i .
VORSICHT: Weist darauf hin, dass ein Abweichen von den angeführten Arbeits- und Wartungsanweisungen gesund heit liche Schä den, mö glic herwe ise sogar schw ere Verletzungen zur Folge
haben kann.
AVISO:Un aviso se utiliza siempre que un procedimiento de operación o mantenimiento, práctica o condición puede causar daños personales si no se respetan estrictamente.
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply
while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving
parts can cause injury.
DANGER: Mettez la machine hors tension. Déconnectez le cordon d'alimentation de l'alimentation du client lorsque vous réalisez des tâches qui ne nécessitent pas d'électricité. L'électricité
peut être à l'orig ine de ble ssur es, voire d'un a ccident mortel. Les piè ces a movible s peuve nt êt re
à l'origine de blessures.
AVVERTENZA: Spegnere la macchina. Scollegare il cavo di alimentazione dall'alimentatore
quando si eseguono attività che non richiedono elettricità. L'elettricità può causare morte o
lesioni personali. Le parti in movimento possono causare lesioni personali.
VORSICHT: Schalten Sie die S tr om ver so rg ung der Maschine ab. Ziehen Si e das Stromkabel ab,
wenn Sie Aufgaben ausführen, für die keine Stromversorgung benötigt wird. Stromschläge können Todesfällen oder Verletzungen verursachen. Bewegliche Teile können zu Verletzungen
AVISO: Apague la electricidad de la máquina. Desconecte el cable de alimentación eléctrica de
la toma de pared mientras esté realizando tareas que no necesiten corriente. La electricidad
puede causar daños o la muerte. Las partes móviles pueden causar daños.
Follow the service procedure exactly as written. Use of controls or adjustments other than those
specified in this manual, m ay result in an expo sure to invisible laser radiation. Durin g servicing,
the invisible laser radiation can cause eye damage if looked at directly.
Phaser 34355/08vii
DANGER: Les procédures de dépannage doivent être suivies à la lettre. Si les réglages ou véri-
fications ne sont pas effectués suivant les instructions de ce manuel, il peut y avoir un risque
d'exposition dangereuse au faisceau laser. Celui-ci peut provoquer des lésions oculaires s'il est
observé directement.
AVVERTENZA: Eseguire le procedure di servizio esattamente come descritto. L'utilizzo di dispositivi di controllo o di registrazi one diversi da quelli ri portati in questo manuale potrebbe comportare un'esposizione a radiazioni laser invisibili. Tali radiazioni possono danneggiare gli occhi
se si guarda direttamente il fascio laser durante gli interventi di servizio.
VORSICHT: Die Wartungsarbeiten genau den Anweisungen entsprechend durchführen. Der
Umgang mit Steuer- oder Bedienelementen, deren Verwendung nicht ausdrücklich in diesem
Handbuch angewiesen wurde, kann dazu führen, dass unsichtbare Laserstrahlung frei gesetzt
wird. Direkter Blickkontakt mit dem Laserstrahl kann bleibende Augenschäden verursachen.
AVISO: Siga los procedimientos de mantenimiento tal como están descritos. El uso de controles
o ajustes no especificad os en est e man ual pued e tene r com o resultado la exposición a radiación
láser invisible. Durante las operaciones de mantenimiento, la radiación de láser invisible puede
causar daños en los ojos si se mira directamente a ella.
Avoid exposure to laser beam. Invisible laser radiation.
DANGER: Eviter toute exposition au faisceau laser. Radiation laser invisible.
AVVERTENZA: Evitare l'esposizione al fascio laser. Radiazioni laser invisibili.
VORSICHT: Nicht in den Laserstrahl blicken. Verletzungsgefahr durch unsichtbare Laserstrahl-
AVISO: Evite la exposición al rayo láser. Radiación de láser invisible.
Do not touch the fuser while it is hot.
DANGER: Ne pas toucher au four penda nt qu'i l est encor e cha ud.
AVVERTENZA: Non toccare il fonditore quando è caldo.
VORSICHT: Fixierbereich erst berühren, wenn dieser abgekühlt ist.
AVISO: No toque el fusor mientras está caliente.
viii5/08Phaser 3435
Health and Safety Incident Reporting
I. Summary
This section defines requirements for notification of health and safety incidents involving Xerox
products (equipment and mat erials) at cus tomer locati ons.
II. Scope
Xerox Corporation and subsidiaries worldwide.
III. Objective
To enable prompt resolu tion of health and safety incid ents involving Xerox products and to ensure
Xerox regulatory compliance.
IV. Definitions
An event or condition occurring in a customer account that has resulted in injury, illness or property damage. Examples of incidents include machine fires, smoke generation, physical injury to
an operator or ser vi ce r e pr ese nta tive. Alleged events and pr od uct conditions are incl ud ed i n t hi s
V. Requirements
Initial Report:
1. Xerox organisations shall establish a process for individuals to report product incidents to
Xerox Environment Health & Safety within 24 hours of becoming aware of the event.
2. The informatio n to be provided at the time of re porting i s contained in Appendix A (H ealth and
Safety Incident Report involving a Xerox product).
3. The initial notification may be made by any of the following methods:
•For incidents in North America and Developing Markets West (Brazil, Mexico, La tin Ame r-
ican North and Latin American South):
- Phone* Xerox EH&S at: 1-800-828-6571.
- Electronic mail Xerox EH&S at:
•For incidents in Europe and Developing Markets East (Middle East, Africa, India, China
and Hong Kong):
- Phone* Xerox EH&S at: +44 (0) 170 7 353 434.
- Electronic mail Xerox EH&S at:
- Fax Xerox EH&S at: +44 (0) 1707 353914 [intelnet 8*668 3914].
*Initial notification made by phone must be followed within 24 hours by a completed incident
report and sent to the indicated electronic mail address or fax number.
Note: If sending a fax, please also send the original via internal mail.
Phaser 34355/08ix
Responsibilities for Resolution:
1. Business Groups/Product Design Teams responsible for the product involved in the incident
a. Manage field bulletins, customer correspondence, product recalls, safety retrofits.
b. Fund all field retrofits.
2. Field Service Operations shall:
a. Preserve the Xerox product involved and the scene of the incident inclusive of any associ-
ated equipment located in the vicinity of the incident.
b. Return any affected equipment/part(s) to the location designated by Xerox EH&S and/or
the Business Division.
c. Implement all safety retrofits.
3. Xerox EH&S s hall:
a. Manage and re port all incident investigation activities.
b. Review and approve prop osed product corrective actions and retrofits, if necessary.
c. Manage all communications and correspondence with government agencies.
d. Define actions to correct confirmed incidents.
VI. Appendices
The Health and Safet y Incident Report in volving a Xerox Pro duct (Form # EH&S- 700) is availabl e
at the end of the manual.
SCP 4 Final Actions ................................................................................................................. 1-6
SCP 5 Consumables and Replacement Parts.......................................................................... 1-7
Phaser 34355/081-1
Service Call Procedures
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Service Call Procedures
SCP 1 Service Call Actions
Switch off the electricity to the machine. Disconnect the power cord from the customer supply
while performing tasks that do not need electricity. Electricity can cause death or injury. Moving
parts can cause injury.
1. Take note of symptoms or error messages.
2. Ask the operator to describe or demonstrate the problem.
3. Make sure that:
•The power cord is connected to the wall outlet and to the machine.
•All cables are connected correctly.
•If necessary perform SCP 2
4. If available, check the m achine service log book for any previous acti ons that may be re levant
to the call.
5. Review any defective print or copy samples.
6. Refer to RAP 2 Error Messages for a list of error messages and possible solutions.
Phaser 34355/081-3
Service Call Procedures
SCP 2 Cleaning
To keep the terminal in good working condition, the following operations should be carried out
Front Panel Keys and Covers
Cleaning the Front Panel Keys
1. Set the On/off switch to Off (position 0).
2. Clean the top of the front panel and the keys with a lint-free cloth moistened with isopropyl
alcohol or a spray-on cleaning product.
3. Leave the product on for a few seconds before wiping it off.
Cleaning the Covers
It is advisable to clean all the covers during a maintenance visit.
1. Set the On/Off switch to Off (position 0).
2. Clean the external areas of the covers with a lint-free cloth moistened with isopropyl alcohol
or a spray-on cleaning prod uct.
3. Leave the product on for a few s ec onds before wiping it off.
1-45/08Phaser 3435
Service Call Procedures
SCP 3 Troubleshooting
Procedure of Checking the Symptoms
Before attempting to repair the printer first obtain a detailed description of the problem from the
Figure 1
Phaser 34355/081-5
Service Call Procedures
SCP 4 Final Actions
After the machine has been re-assembled, perform the steps that follow:
1. Exercise the machine in all modes.
2. Make a proof copy or print of a customer document.
3. If any of the customers selections were changed, return them to the customers preferred settings.
4. Mark off any hardware/software options and modifications installed and/or enabled in the
Service Log Book. Refer to GP 13.
5. At the first service and at any subsequent service where changes are made or options are
added, print the configuration report and store it with the machine log book. Discard any previous versions of the configuration report.
6. Remove and destroy any copies of test patterns.
7. Complete the machine service log book, refer to GP 13
8. Ensure the machine and service area are clean before leaving the customer premises.
9. Provide customer training if required.
Service Log.
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Service Call Procedures
SCP 5 Consumables and Replacement Parts
To avoid print quality an d paper feed problem s resulting from worn pa rts and to maintain the pr inter in top working condition the following items will need to be replaced at the specified number of
pages or when the life span of each item has expired.