WIKA PGS23.063 User Manual [en, de, es, fr]

Operating instructions Betriebsanleitung Mode d'emploi Manual de instrucciones
Pressure gauge model 232.3x.063 per directive 94/9/EC (ATEX) with switch contact model 851
Druckmessgerät Typ 232.3x.063 nach Richtlinie 94/9/EG (ATEX) mit Schaltkontakt Typ 851
Manomètre type 232.3x.063 selon directive 94/9/EG (ATEX) avec commutateur type 851
Manómetro modelo 232.3x.063 según directiva 94/9/CE (ATEX) con contacto eléctrico modelo 851
II 2 GD c TX
Model 232.30.63 per ATEX with switch contact model 851.1
Operating instructions model 232.3x.063
per ATEX with model 851
Betriebsanleitung Typ 232.3x.063
nach ATEX mit Typ 851
Mode d'emploi type 232.3x.063
selon ATEX avec Type 851
de instrucciones modelo 232.3x.063
según ATEX con
© 2009 WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG All rights reserved. / Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
is a registered trademark in various countries.
ist eine geschützte Marke in verschiedenen Ländern.
Prior to starting any work, read the operating instructions! Keep for later use!
Vor Beginn aller Arbeiten Betriebsanleitung lesen! Zum späteren Gebrauch aufbewahren!
Lire le mode d‘emploi avant de commencer toute opération ! A conserver pour une utilisation ultérieure !
¡Leer el manual de instrucciones antes de comenzar cualquier trabajo! ¡Guardar el manual para una eventual consulta!
WIKA operating instructions model 232.3x.063 with 851 per ATEX
Page 3-15
Seite 17-29
Page 31-42
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1. General information 4
2. Safety 5
3. Specications 9
4. Design and function 10
5. Transport, packaging and storage 10
6. Commissioning, operation 11
7. Electrical switch contacts 13
8. Maintenance and cleaning 14
9. Dismounting and disposal 14
Appendix 1: Declaration of conformity for model
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WIKA operating instructions model 232.3x.063 with 851 per ATEX
232.3x.63 with switch contacts model 851
1. General information
1. General information
The pressure gauge described in the operating instructions has been
designed and manufactured using state-of-the-art technology. All components are subject to stringent quality and environmental
criteria during production. Our management systems are certied to
ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.
These operating instructions contain important information on handling the pressure gauge. Working safely requires that all safety instructions and work instructions are observed.
Observe the relevant local accident prevention regulations and general safety regulations for the pressure gauge's range of use.
The operating instructions are part of the product and must be kept in the immediate vicinity of the pressure gauge and readily accessible to skilled personnel at any time.
Skilled personnel must have carefully read and understood the operat­ing instructions prior to beginning any work.
The manufacturer‘s liability is void in the case of any damage caused by using the product contrary to its intended use, non-compliance with
these operating instructions, assignment of insuciently qualied skilled personnel or unauthorised modications to the pressure gauge.
The general terms and conditions contained in the sales documentation shall apply.
Subject to technical modications.
- Internet address: www.wika.de / www.wika.com
- Relevant data sheet: PM 02.04 and PM 02.11
WIKA operating instructions model 232.3x.063 with 851 per ATEX
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1. General information / 2. Safety
Explanation of symbols
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation which can result in serious injury or death if not avoided.
… points out useful tips, recommendations and information
for ecient and trouble-free operation.
... indicates a potentially dangerous situation in a potentially explosive atmosphere, resulting in serious injury or death, if not avoided.
2. Safety
Before installation, commissioning and operation, ensure that the appropriate pressure gauge has been selected in
terms of measuring range, design and specic measuring
Check the compatibility with the medium of the materials subjected to pressure!
In order to guarantee the measuring accuracy and long-term
stability specied, the corresponding load limits must be
Non-observance can result in serious injury and/or damage to the equipment.
Further important safety instructions can be found in the individual chapters of these operating instructions.
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WIKA operating instructions model 232.3x.063 with 851 per ATEX
2. Safety
2.1 Intended use
These pressure gauges are used for measuring pressure and for the switch­ing of switching currents in industrial applications.
The pressure gauge has been designed and built solely for the intended use described here and may only be used accordingly.
The manufacturer shall not be liable for claims of any type based on opera­tion contrary to the intended use.
2.2 Personnel qualication
Risk of injury if qualication is insucient!
Improper handling can result in considerable injury and damage to equipment. The activities described in these operating instructions may only be carried out by skilled personnel who have the
qualications described below.
Skilled personnel
Skilled personnel are understood to be personnel who, based on their technical training, knowledge of measurement and control technology and
on their experience and knowledge of country-specic regulations, current
standards and directives, are capable of carrying out the work described and independently recognising potential hazards.
2.3 Safety instructions for pressure gauges per ATEX
Non-observance of these instructions and their contents may result in the loss of explosion protection.
It is imperative that the application conditions and safety
requirements of the EC-type examination certicate are
WIKA operating instructions model 232.3x.063 with 851 per ATEX
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2. Safety
Pressure gauges must be earthed via the process connection!
The built-in reed switch does not have its own ignition source.
It is a 'simple apparatus' in terms of intrinsic safety as dened
in EN 50020.
When powered by a tested and certied intrinsically safe circuit (associated
apparatus), these switches may be used in potentially explosive atmos­pheres up to category 2 without having to take any further measures.
Operating temperatures
Ambient: -40 ... +60 °C
Medium: The permissible medium temperature does not only depend
For permissible maximum medium temperatures see table 1.
Attention! With gaseous substances, the temperature may increase as a result of compression warming. In these cases it may be necessary to throttle the rate of change of pressure or reduce the permissible medium temperature.
Table 1: Permissible medium temperature
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WIKA operating instructions model 232.3x.063 with 851 per ATEX
on the instrument design, but also on the ignition temperature of the surrounding explosive atmosphere. Both aspects have to be taken into account.
Temperature class of the ambient explosive atmosphere (ignition temperature)
T 6 ( > 85 °C) +70 °C T 5 ( > 100 °C) +85 °C
all other temperature classes +100 °C
Maximum permissible medium temperature (in the measuring system)
2. Safety
2.4 Special hazards
Only work on the gauge with the voltage disconnected.
2.5 Labelling / safety marks
Product label
Observe the information given in the applicable type
examination certicate and the relevant country­specic regulations for installation and use in potentially explosive atmospheres (e.g. IEC 60079-14, NEC, CEC).
Non-observance can result in serious injury and/or damage to the equipment.
For additional important safety instructions see chapter "2.3 Safety instructions for pressure gauges per ATEX"
When installing, commissioning and operating these instruments, observe the appropriate national safety
regulations (e.g. VDE 0100).
Residual media in dismounted instruments can result in a risk to persons, the environment and equipment.
Take sucient precautionary measures.
Date of manufacture
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2. Safety / 3. Specications
Explanation of symbols
Before mounting and commissioning the pressure gauge, ensure you read the operating instructions!
CE, Communauté Européenne
Instruments bearing this mark comply with the relevant European directives.
ATEX European Explosion Protection Directive
(Atmosphère = AT, explosible = EX)
Instruments bearing this mark comply with the requirements
of the European Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX) on explosion
Instruments bearing this mark on the dial are safety pressure
gauges with solid bae wall per EN 837 (S3).
3. Specications
Pressure limitation
Steady: 3/4 x full scale value Fluctuating: 2/3 x full scale value Short time: Full scale value
Temperature eect
When the temperature of the measuring system deviates from the reference temperature (+20 °C): max. ±0.4 %/10 K of full scale value
IP Ingress protection
Enclosing case IP 54 or IP 65 as special feature (EN 60529 / IEC 529)
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WIKA operating instructions model 232.3x.063 with 851 per ATEX
3. Specications ... 5. Transport, packaging and storage
Wetted parts: Stainless steel Movement: Stainless steel
Dial and pointer: Aluminium
Case, bayonet ring: Stainless steel (with blow-out back)
Window: Laminated safety glass
For further specications see WIKA data sheet PM 02.04 or PM 02.11 and
the order documentation.
4. Design and function
Nominal size 63 mm
The instruments measure the pressure by means of resilient bourdon tube pressure elements
The measuring characteristics are in accordance with the EN 837-1 standard
In addition, the enclosing and the pressurised components also meet the requirements of this standard, relating to safety pressure gauges
with a solid bae wall (code S3).
When the value exceeds or falls below the set limit, the built-in bistable reed contact is switched.
Scope of delivery
Cross-check scope of delivery with delivery note.
5. Transport, packaging and storage
5.1 Transport
Check the pressure gauge for any damage that may have been caused by transport. Obvious damage must be reported immediately.
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5. Transport, packaging ... / 2. 6. Commissioning, operation
5.2 Packaging
Do not remove packaging until just before mounting. Keep the packaging as it will provide optimum protection during transport
(e.g. change in installation site, sending for repair).
5.3 Storage
Permissible conditions at the place of storage:
Storage temperature: -40 ... +70 °C
6. Commissioning, operation
Mechanical connection
In accordance with the general technical regulations for pressure gauges
(e.g. EN 837-2 "Selection and installation recommendations for pressure
When screwing gauges in, the force required for this must not be applied through the case or the cable terminal box, but rather through the spanner
ats (using a suitable tool) provided for this purpose on the square shaft of
standard connections.
Installation with open-ended spanner
Correct sealing of pressure gauge connections with parallel threads  must be made using suitable sealing rings, sealing washers or WIKA
prole seals. The sealing of tapered threads (e.g. NPT threads) is made
by providing the thread
example, PTFE tape (EN 837-2).
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WIKA operating instructions model 232.3x.063 with 851 per ATEX
, with additional sealing material such as, for
6. Commissioning, operation
The torque depends on the seal used. Connecting the gauge using a clamp socket or a union nut is recommended, so that it is easier to orientate the
gauge correctly. When a blow-out device is tted to a pressure gauge, it
must be protected against being blocked by debris and dirt.
Nominal position per EN 837-1 / 9.6.7, gure 9: 90° ( )
Process connection bottom or rear
In order to ensure that pressure can be safely and reliably vented through the case back, a distance of at least 25 mm must be left free behind the case!
In order to avoid any additional heating, the instruments must not be exposed to direct solar irradiation while in operation!
Permissible vibration load at the installation site
The instruments should always be installed in locations free from vibration
If necessary, it is possible to isolate the instrument from the mounting
point by installing a exible connection line between the measuring
point and the pressure gauge and mounting the instrument on a suitable bracket.
If this is not possible, the following limit values must not be exceeded:
Frequency range < 150 Hz
Acceleration < 0.5 g (5 m/s
During the commissioning process pressure surges must be avoided at all
costs. Open the shut-o valves slowly.
Spanner ats
Sealing face
WIKA operating instructions model 232.3x.063 with 851 per ATEX
Sealing in the thread
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7. Electrical switch contacts
7. Electrical switch contacts
Switching functions
The switching function of the switches is identied by the indices 1 or 2.
851.1 = NO - normally open, contact makes (clockwise pointer motion)
851.2 = NC - normally closed, contact breaks (clockwise pointer motion)
Electrical load
max. switching voltage: AC/DC 24 V max. contact rating: 10 W max. current: 0.5 A
Electrical connection
The electrical connection must only be made by qualied skilled
Cable outlet 1 m length, conductor cross section 0.14 mm2, ying leads
The terminal assignment is stated on the connection label of the pressure gauge
The instruments do not provide for incorporated overcurrent protectors.
If overcurrent protectors are requested, these have to be
provided for externally.
The instruments must be connected to the equipotential bonding of the plant.
Switch point adjustment
The set points of the switch points are freely adjustable over the full scale range. The switches are set via the mark pointer on the dial's circumference. The bayonet ring must be removed in order to adjust the switch point.
Electromagnetic compatibility
Reed switches are electrically passive components, which, when used in
accordance with their intended use, do not aect their surroundings.
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WIKA operating instructions model 232.3x.063 with 851 per ATEX
8. Maintenance and cleaning / 9. Disposal
8. Maintenance and cleaning
The instruments are maintenance-free.
The indicator and switching function should be checked once or twice every year. For this the instrument must be disconnected from the process to check with a pressure testing device.
Repairs must only be carried out by the manufacturer or appropriately
qualied personnel.
Clean the instruments with a moist cloth (soap water).
Prior to cleaning, disconnect the instruments from the mains. Ensure that all the parts are dry before the power is switched on again.
Residual media in dismounted pressure gauges can result in a risk to
persons, the environment and equipment. Take sucient precautionary
9. Disposal
Incorrect disposal can put the environment at risk.
Dispose of instrument components and packaging materials in an environmentally compatible way and in accordance with the country-
specic waste disposal regulations.
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Appendix 1
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WIKA operating instructions model 232.3x.063 with 851 per ATEX
1. Allgemeines 18
2. Sicherheit 19
3. Technische Daten 23
4. Aufbau und Funktion 24
5. Transport, Verpackung und Lagerung 24
6. Inbetriebnahme, Betrieb 25
7. Elektrische Schaltkontakte 27
8. Wartung und Reinigung 28
9. Demontage und Entsorgung 28
Anlage 1:
11041781.03 03/2011 GB/D/F/E
WIKA Betriebsanleitung Typ 232.3x.063 mit 851 nach ATEX
Konformitätserklärung für Typ 232.3x.63 mit Schaltkontakten Typ 851
+ 39 hidden pages