Welch Allyn Acuity
Network installation
Best practices

ii Welch Allyn Network installation
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1 - Introduction .............................................1
2 - Acuity ..................................................3
Welch Allyn Acuity overview ........................................1
Best practices ....................................................3
LAN/WLAN requirements .......................................4
Aruba LAN/WLAN requirements ..................................5
Cisco LAN/WLAN requirements ..................................7
WLAN Controller requirements ...................................9
Aruba controller requirements ...................................10
Cisco controller requirements ...................................12
Validation ......................................................14

iv Contents Welch Allyn Network installation

Welch Allyn Acuity overview
Welch Allyn connected workstations, servers and patient monitors utilize standards based
communications protocols including, but not limited to, 802.3 for wired Ethernet and
802.11a/b/g for wireless. This guide specifies the requirements and recommendations
needed to successfully complete and maintain a Welch Allyn patient monitoring system in
your wireless or wired network.
Implementation and maintenance of a stable and usable integrated network is the sole
responsibility of the customer.
Although ultimately your responsibility, Welch Allyn recommends that you conduct a
hazards analysis per IEC 80001 to determine if any issues exist that should be mitigated
to ensure your patients safety.

2 Introduction Welch Allyn Network installation