Congratulations on your purchase of a
CardioPerfect® software viewing license
This license allows you to install your CardioPerfect® software on an unlimited
number computers for viewing and editing data. When you install your
CardioPerfect® software on these computers you are accepting the terms of the
license agreement set forth below. The serial number and release code that you
must use for this installation is shown in the accompanying label.
This license is between Welch Allyn, Inc. (Welch Allyn) and the Customer identified in the purchase order for the CardioPerfect
Software and it governs the software program and interfaces identified in the purchase order.
1. Definitions. The following defined terms are used in this License.
1.1 Recording License means the right to use the CardioPerfect Software on a single computer. Recording Licenses
are provided in a number of variations determined by the set of ECG measurement modalities that are enabled
by the release code provided with the CardioPerfect Software.
1.2 Viewing License means the right to use the CardioPerfect Software on a single computer solely for viewing and
editing data in the database of the CardioPerfect Software. Viewing Licenses do not permit use of the
CardioPerfect Software with ECG recorder, Spirometry, or ABPM input devices to record clinical test data.
2. License of CardioPerfect Software
2.1 Welch Allyn grants and Customer accepts a non-exclusive license to use the CardioPerfect Software, in object
code form, at Customer's facilities, subject to the terms of this license. The number of Recording Licenses and
Viewing Licenses identified on Customer's purchase order determine the scope of this License. For each
Recording License, Customer can record test data from one computer. For each Viewing License, Customer
can view or edit the CardioPerfect database from one computer.
2.2 Customer shall not: a) copy the CardioPerfect Software, b) decompile or reverse engineer the CardioPerfect
Software, c) sublicense or transfer to any third party any part of the CardioPerfect Software, or d) transfer the
CardioPerfect Software to additional computers without Welch Allyn's consent.
2.3 Ownership of and title in and to the CardioPerfect Software and the documentation accompanying the
CardioPerfect Software (and all intellectual property rights embodied in the CardioPerfect Software and
documentation) is retained by Welch Allyn, and Customer acquires only the right to use the CardioPerfect
Software and documentation subject to the restrictions set forth in this license.
2.4 Unless otherwise provided in the purchase order, the term of the license to use the CardioPerfect Software is
perpetual, subject to termination for the reasons set out in section 2.5. Welch Allyn will provide maintenance
and support services for the CardioPerfect Software during the warranty period, and ongoing maintenance and
support for the CardioPerfect software after the warranty period, with the purchase of a maintenance contract.
Welch Allyn may discontinue maintenance and support services for obsolete versions of the CardioPerfect
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Software. The maintenance program includes periodic software updates that include error corrections and minor
enhancements. All such updates are subject to the terms of this license. If Welch Allyn subsequently offers a
new release of the CardioPerfect Software that contains new functionality or other major enhancements, a new
license will be required to obtain the new release.
2.5 Welch Allyn shall have the right to terminate the license of the CardioPerfect Software if Customer materially
3. Installation
3.1 Welch Allyn will use commercially reasonable efforts to deliver and install the CardioPerfect Software in
4. License and Installation Fees
4.1 Customer shall pay the license and installation fees identified in the purchase order for the CardioPerfect
5. Warranty
5.1 Welch Allyn warrants that the CardioPerfect Software will perform substantially in accordance with the
5.2 If a malfunction covered by this warranty occurs, Customer must enable Welch Allyn to reproduce the error on
5.3 This warranty shall not apply: 1) if the Software is not used in accordance with the documentation; 2) if the
6. Limitation of Liability
6.1 Customer’s sole and exclusive remedies for any damages or loss in any way connected with the CardioPerfect
6.2 Neither Welch Allyn nor Customer will be liable to each other or any other person or entity for an amount of
7. Assignment
7.1 Customer may not, without Welch Allyn’s prior written consent (which shall not be withheld unreasonably),
breaches the license and fails to cure the breach within 30 days after Welch Allyn sends Customer notice of the
breach. Material breach of this license includes: 1) use of the CardioPerfect Software outside of the scope of
the license, including recording or viewing on more computers than are covered by the purchased licenses, or 2)
failure to pay a license fee. Upon termination of this license, Customer shall cease using the CardioPerfect
Software, permit Welch Allyn to remove the CardioPerfect Software from the computers on which it was
installed, return to Welch Allyn or destroy the CardioPerfect Software and documentation, and certify to Welch
Allyn that such actions have been taken within 30 days after termination.
accordance with an agreed-upon schedule. Welch Allyn will provide Customer with the technical specifications
for hardware required to run the CardioPerfect Software , and, with the exception of computers delivered with
stress test systems, Customer will be solely responsible for obtaining all servers, personal computers, and any
related network hardware that is compatible with the technical specifications in a timely manner that conforms
to the implementation schedule. Installation of the CardioPerfect Software will be complete when the program
(including its interface) is executable on Customer's hardware and testing demonstrates that it performs in
accordance with its specifications. Interfacing the CardioPerfect software to Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
software is the responsibility of Customer and its EMR software vendor.
System. The license and installation fees are based on the number of licenses covered by the purchase order,
and additional fees are payable if the maximum number of patient licenses is increased. Additional license fees
also are payable if Customer licenses additional interfaces for the CardioPerfect Software not included in the
original license. Welch Allyn will invoice Customer for the license, installation, and training fees upon
completion of installation. All invoices are payable within 30 days after Customer’s receipt.
technical specifications published for the CardioPerfect Software when operated in the configuration and
operating environment in which it was installed for ninety (90) days after installation is completed. Welch
Allyn does not warrant that the CardioPerfect Software will operate error free in all circumstances nor that the
applications contained in the CardioPerfect Software will meet Customer's particular purposes.
Customer’s CardioPerfect Software via internet access or by providing sufficient detail to enable Welch Allyn
to reproduce the error in another instance of the CardioPerfect Software. Welch Allyn’s warranty obligations
will be to correct a reproducible error such that the CardioPerfect Software meets its technical specifications, or
to refund the purchase price if the reproducible error cannot be corrected.
defect is caused by Customer or a malfunction of third-party software or 3) if the malfunction is reported after
expiration of the warranty period.
Software or services furnished by Welch Allyn shall be, at Welch Allyn’s option: 1) to bring the performance of
the CardioPerfect Software into substantial compliance with the functional specifications; 2) re-performance of
services; or 3) return of an appropriate portion of any payment made by Customer with respect to the
CardioPerfect Software or associated services. Welch Allyn will not be responsible for the correction of any
defects resulting as a result of misuse of the CardioPerfect Software by Customer or ensuring the security of
Customer’s networked installation of the CardioPerfect Software.
damages in excess of the license and installation fees for CardioPerfect Software paid by Customer. Neither
Welch Allyn nor Customer shall be liable in any amount for special, incidental, consequential, or indirect
damages, loss of good will or business profits, or loss of data. The license fees reflect this allocation of risk and
these limitations of liability.
assign or otherwise transfer this license, or any of its rights or obligations under this license. Welch Allyn may
assign this license to an affiliate that controls, is controlled by, or under common control with Welch Allyn.
This license shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors
and permitted assigns.
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