The Waves Primary Source Expander (PSE) is a tool that helps you to reduce stage noise and increase gain before feedback
without distorting the tonality of your source. PSE is valuable to sound engineers in live shows as well as in the studio. When
mixing live material, use PSE to reduce extraneous noises without losing the natural ambience of your location.
At the heart of this tool is a precision expander, tailored especially for melodic sources such as vocals, strings, woodwinds,
brasses, guitars, and more. PSE works like a fader that lowers a channel's level when the source goes below a certain threshold.
Both threshold and attenuation are user-defined. This simple but effective tool has only a few controls, which for the most part you
can “set and forget” for your channel.
Basic Operation
Think of the PSE as a very smooth expander: Its most important controls are Threshold, which establishes a certain level threshold
for your source (for example a vocal), and Range, which sets the amount of gain reduction to be applied when the source is below
that threshold. Release Time is set according to the nature of the source.
In this example we’re using Primary Source Expander on a vocal track, but it just as easily could be a speaker or an instrument.
1. Insert PSE on the desired channel.
2. Raise the Threshold fader so that the side chain input meter is solidly blue during sung phrases. Between phrases the meter
should drop to orange. Use the + and - Threshold buttons to fine-tune the Threshold point.