VTech Phusion Owner's Manual


Table of Contents Page

Copyright ....................................................................................................... 1
Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability ...................................................1
1.1 Phusion™ Components........................................................2
1.2 Touchpad Layout .....................................................................6
1.3 Battery Installation ................................................................... 8
1.4 Adjusting the Clock After Battery Replacement ........... 8
1.5 How to Use the Action Menu ............................................. 9
2.1 Digital Camera: What is it? ................................................. 10
2.2 Commands ..............................................................................10
2.3 Using the Digital Camera ...................................................11
2.4 Adjust the Picture Contrast and Brightness .................. 11
2.5 How to Use the Schedule Photo Taking Function .....11
2.6 How to Use Timer Photo Taking ......................................12
3.1 Photo Browser: What is it? ................................................. 13
3.2 Commands ..............................................................................13
3.3 Using the Photo Browser .................................................... 14
3.4 Deleting a Photo ....................................................................14
3.5 Show or Hide the Date & Time ........................................ 15
3.6 Viewing Photos from Schedule Photo Taking .............15
3.7 Viewing Today’s Photos .......................................................15
4.1 My Album ................................................................................ 16
4.1.1 My Album: What is it? ......................................................... 16
4.1.2 Commands ..............................................................................16
4.1.3 Using My Album ................................................................... 18
Table of Contents Page
4.1.4 Creating a New Album ....................................................... 18
4.1.5 Deleting an Album ................................................................ 19
4.1.6 Playing an Album as a Slide Show ................................. 20
4.1.7Viewing Photos in an Album............................................20
4.1.8 Arranging the Order of the Photos in an Album ...... 20
4.1.9 Attaching a Note to Your Photos .....................................21
4.1.10 Deleting a Photo from an Album ....................................21
4.1.11 Adding More Photos to an Album ................................ 22
4.1.12 Adding Album Cover and End Pages ........................... 22
4.1.13 Deleting a Cover or End Page ......................................... 23
4.2 Photo Maker .......................................................................... 23
4.2.1 Photo Maker: What is it? ................................................... 23
4.2.2 Commands ............................................................................. 23
4.2.3 Using Photo Maker .............................................................. 24
4.2.4 Adding Effects to a Photo .................................................. 25
4.2.5 Adding Special Effects to a Photo ................................... 25
4.2.6 Deleting Photos with Effects ............................................. 26
4.2.7 Editing Photos with Effects ................................................ 27
4.2.8 Editing a Photo with a Special Effect .............................. 27
4.2.9 Viewing a Photo Full Screen ............................................. 28
4.2.10 Replacing a Photo ................................................................ 28
4.3 Slide Show Maker ................................................................ 28
4.3.1 Slide Show Maker: What is it? ......................................... 28
4.3.2 Commands ............................................................................. 29
4.3.3 Using the Slide Show Maker ............................................. 31
4.3.4 Creating a New Slide Show ............................................... 31
4.3.5 Deleting a Slide Show ......................................................... 32
4.3.6 Viewing a Slide Full Screen ............................................... 32
4.3.7 How to Play an Album as a Slide Show ....................... 33
4.3.8 How to Play a Slide Show .................................................. 33
4.3.9 Excluding a Photo from a Slide Show ........................... 33
4.3.10 Changing the Order of the Photos
in a Slide Show ...................................................................... 34
Table of Contents Page
4.3.11 Adding the Transition and Sound Effect....................... 34
4.3.12 Adding Cover and End Slides .......................................... 35
4.3.13 Adding More Photos to a Slide Show ........................... 35
4.4 Card Maker ............................................................................ 36
4.4.1 Card Maker: What is it? ..................................................... 36
4.4.2 Commands ............................................................................. 36
4.4.3 Using Card Maker ............................................................... 37
4.4.4 Creating a New Card .......................................................... 38
4.4.5 Editing a Card ........................................................................39
4.4.6 Deleting a Card .....................................................................40
4.4.7 Viewing a Card Full Screen ............................................... 40
4.4.8 Replacing a Photo ................................................................ 40
4.4.9 Inserting Clip Art ................................................................... 41
4.4.10 Inserting Text from the Word List ....................................41
5.1 My Mailbox ............................................................................ 42
5.1.1 My Mailbox: What is it? ..................................................... 42
5.1.2 Folders in My Mailbox........................................................ 42
5.1.3 Commands ............................................................................. 43
5.1.4 Using My Mailbox ............................................................... 44
5.1.5 Creating a New Message .................................................. 44
5.1.6 Editing a Message ................................................................ 44
5.1.7 Saving a Message to the Drafts Folder ......................... 44
5.1.8 Sending a Message to the Outbox ................................ 44
5.1.9 Adding an Address .............................................................. 45
5.1.10 Viewing Message Information ......................................... 45
5.1.11 Viewing an Attachment ...................................................... 45
5.1.12 Deleting a Message ............................................................. 45
5.1.13 Spell Checking ...................................................................... 45
5.1.14 Inserting a Photo ................................................................... 46
5.1.15 Inserting a Sentence ............................................................ 46
5.1.16 Inserting a Smiley Icon ....................................................... 46
Table of Contents Page
5.2 My Address Book ................................................................. 46
5.2.1 My Address Book: What is it? .......................................... 46
5.2.2 Commands ............................................................................. 47
5.2.3 Using My Address Book .................................................... 47
5.2.4 Finding an Address Book Entry ....................................... 48
5.2.5 Creating an Address Book Entry ..................................... 48
5.2.6 Creating a Personal Address Book Entry ...................... 48
5.2.7 Creating a Group Address Book Entry ......................... 49
5.2.8 Editing an Address Book Entry ........................................ 49
5.2.9 Deleting Address Book Files ............................................. 50
5.3 My Calendar ...........................................................................51
5.3.1 My Calendar: What is it? ....................................................51
5.3.2 Commands ..............................................................................51
5.3.3 Using My Calendar .............................................................. 52
5.3.4 Adding an Event ................................................................... 52
5.3.5 Calendar View Shortcuts .................................................... 53
5.3.6 Viewing a Specific Date ...................................................... 53
5.3.7 Deleting All the Events on a Specific Day .................... 54
5.4 My Memo Pad ...................................................................... 54
5.4.1 My Memo Pad: What is it? ............................................... 54
5.4.2 Commands ............................................................................. 54
5.4.3 Using My Memo Pad ......................................................... 55
5.4.4 Creating and Editing Memos ........................................... 55
5.4.5 Deleting .................................................................................... 55
5.4.6 Inserting a Smiley Icon ....................................................... 56
5.5 My Money Manager ........................................................... 56
5.5.1 My Money Manager: What is it? .................................... 56
5.5.2 Commands ............................................................................. 56
5.5.3 Viewing My Money Manager ......................................... 57
5.5.4 Renaming the Folder ........................................................... 58
5.5.5 Creating a New Entry ......................................................... 58
5.5.6 Viewing Another Folder ..................................................... 59
Table of Contents Page
5.5.7 Viewing a Statement ........................................................... 59
5.6 My Database .......................................................................... 60
5.6.1 My Database: What is it? ................................................... 60
5.6.2 Commands ............................................................................. 60
5.6.3 Viewing My Database ......................................................... 60
5.6.4 Adding a Record .................................................................... 61
5.6.5 Creating a New Database .................................................. 61
5.6.6 Deleting a Record ................................................................. 62
5.6.7 Deleting a Database ............................................................ 62
5.7 School Subjects ..................................................................... 62
5.7.1 School Subjects: What is it? .............................................. 62
5.7.2 Commands ............................................................................. 63
5.7.3 Viewing School Subjects .................................................... 63
5.7.4 Creating a New School Subjects Table ......................... 63
5.7.5 Deleting Contents in the School SubjectsTable ......... 64
5.8 To Do List ................................................................................ 65
5.8.1 To Do List: What is it? ......................................................... 65
5.8.2 Commands ............................................................................. 65
5.8.3 Symbols Displaying the Status of Tasks
in the To Do List.................................................................... 66
5.8.4 Using the To Do List ............................................................ 66
5.8.5 Creating a New Task ........................................................... 66
5.8.6 Viewing the To Do List Index Screen ............................ 67
5.8.7 Viewing the Content of the To Do List ......................... 67
5.8.8 Editing a Task ......................................................................... 67
5.8.9 Deleting Task Contents ....................................................... 67
5.8.10 Deleting a Task ...................................................................... 67
5.8.11 Setting Task Options ........................................................... 68
5.8.12 Setting Date Options ........................................................... 68
Table of Contents Page
6.1 Clock.........................................................................................69
6.1.1 Clock: What is it?..................................................................69
6.1.2 Commands.............................................................................69
6.1.3 Viewing the Clock................................................................69
6.1.4 Changing the Clock Settings............................................70
6.1.5 Changing the Date & Time Format...............................70
6.2 City Locator.............................................................................71
6.2.1 City Locator: What is it?......................................................71
6.2.2 Commands..............................................................................71
6.2.3 Viewing the City Locator....................................................71
6.2.4 Viewing City Info..................................................................72
6.3 Mini-Calculator......................................................................73
6.3.1 Mini-Calculator: What is it?...............................................73
6.3.2 Using Mini-Calculator.........................................................73
6.3.3 Touchpad Keys and their Mini-Calculator Function.74
6.4 Unit Conversion....................................................................75
6.4.1 Unit Conversion: What is it?.............................................75
6.4.2 Using Unit Conversion.......................................................75
6.5 Birthday List............................................................................76
6.5.1 Birthday List: What is it?.....................................................76
6.5.2 Commands.............................................................................76
6.5.3 Using the Birthday List.......................................................76
6.5.4 Birthday List Alarm Setting................................................76
6.6 My Profile................................................................................77
6.6.1 My Profile: What is it?.........................................................77
6.6.2 Commands.............................................................................77
6.6.3 Using My Profile...................................................................77
Table of Contents Page
7.1 Photo Puzzle .......................................................................... 78
7.1.1 Photo Puzzle: What is it? ................................................... 78
7.1.2 Commands ............................................................................. 78
7.1.3 Playing Photo Puzzle ........................................................... 78
7.1.4 Game Settings ....................................................................... 79
7.2 Photo Tic-Tac-Toe .................................................................. 79
7.2.1 Photo Tic-Tac-Toe: What is it? ........................................... 79
7.2.2 Commands ............................................................................. 80
7.2.3 Playing Photo Tic-Tac-Toe ................................................... 80
7.2.4 Game Settings ....................................................................... 80
7.3 Trivia ........................................................................................... 81
7.3.1 Trivia: What is it? .................................................................... 81
7.3.2 Commands ..............................................................................81
7.3.3 Playing Trivia ...........................................................................81
7.3.4 Selecting a Skill Level .......................................................... 82
7.4 Pegged ..................................................................................... 82
7.4.1 Pegged: What is it? .............................................................. 82
7.4.2 Commands ............................................................................. 83
7.4.3 Playing Pegged ...................................................................... 83
7.4.4 Selecting Different Puzzles ................................................ 84
7.5 Word Chamber ..................................................................... 84
7.5.1 Word Chamber: What is it? .............................................. 84
7.5.2 Commands ............................................................................. 84
7.5.3 Playing Word Chamber...................................................... 85
7.5.4 Game Settings ....................................................................... 85
7.6 Phortune Cookies ................................................................. 86
7.6.1 Phortune Cookies: What is it? .......................................... 86
7.6.2 Commands ............................................................................. 86
7.6.3 Playing Luck Today .............................................................. 86
7.6.4 Playing Friendship ................................................................ 88
Table of Contents Page
8.1 Math Games .......................................................................... 89
8.1.1 Tangrams ................................................................................. 89 Tangrams: What is it? .......................................................... 89 Commands ............................................................................. 89 Playing Tangrams ................................................................. 89 Rotating Shapes .................................................................... 90 Flipping Shapes ..................................................................... 90 Selecting Different Puzzles................................................ 90 Using Hints .............................................................................. 91
8.1.2 Mathimage .............................................................................. 91 Mathimage: What is it? ....................................................... 91 Commands ............................................................................. 92 Playing Mathimage .............................................................. 92
8.1.3 Grid Grad ................................................................................ 93 Grid Grad: What is it? ......................................................... 93 Commands ............................................................................. 93 Playing Grid Grad ................................................................ 93 Erasing Points Plotted on the Grid ................................. 94 Selecting a Skill Level .......................................................... 94
8.2 Word Games .......................................................................... 95
8.2.1 Word Puzzle ........................................................................... 95 Word Puzzle: What is it? .................................................... 95 Commands ............................................................................. 96 Playing Word Puzzle ........................................................... 96 Selecting a Skill Level .......................................................... 96
8.2.2 Clue Counter ......................................................................... 97 Clue Counter: What is it? .................................................. 97 Commands ............................................................................. 97 Playing Clue Counter .......................................................... 98
8.2.3 Analogies ................................................................................. 98 Analogies: What is it? .......................................................... 98 Commands ............................................................................. 98 Playing Analogies ................................................................. 99
Table of Contents Page
......................................................................................................... Selecting a Skill Level .......................................................... 99
8.3 Translator ............................................................................... 100
8.3.1 Translator: What is it? ........................................................ 100
8.3.2 Using Translator .................................................................. 100
8.4 Spell Checker ........................................................................ 101
8.4.1 Spell Checker: What is it? ................................................. 101
8.4.2 Commands ............................................................................101
8.4.3 Using Spell Checker ...........................................................101
8.4.4 Customizing the Spell Checker ..................................... 102
9.1 My Setup ............................................................................... 103
9.1.1 Memory Manager .............................................................. 103 Memory Manager: What is it? ....................................... 103 Commands ........................................................................... 103 Using the Memory Manager ......................................... 103 Deleting Files ........................................................................ 104 How to Reset Memory ..................................................... 104
9.1.2 Changing the Sound Setup ............................................ 105 Sound Setup: What is it? ................................................. 105 How to Use the Sound Setup ........................................ 105
9.1.3 Auto Shut-Off Time ........................................................... 106 Auto Shut-Off Time: What is it? .................................... 106 Using Auto Shut-Off Time .............................................. 106
9.1.4 Date & Time Format .......................................................... 107 Date & Time Format: What is it? ................................... 107 Using Date & Time Format ............................................. 107
9.1.5 User Mode ............................................................................ 108 User Mode: What is it? ..................................................... 108 Using User Mode ............................................................... 108
9.1.6 Locking the Unit ................................................................. 109 Lock Unit: What is it? ........................................................ 109 Using Lock Unit .................................................................. 109
Table of Contents Page
9.2 Phusion™ Tutor ...................................................................110
9.2.1 Phusion™ Tutor: What is it? ............................................110
9.2.2 Using Phusion™ Tutor ...................................................... 110
9.3 VTech® PC Link Software ................................................ 110
Appendix: Smiley Icons ....................................................................... 111
Appendix: Battery Notices ................................................................... 112
VTe ch® Phusion™ ON-LINE ............................................................112
FCC NOTICE ........................................................................................... 114


Copyright® 2000 VTech Industries, LLC All rights reserved. VTech and the VTech logo are registered trademarks. Phusion™ and the Phusion™ logo are trademarks of VTech Industries, LLC.
Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
VTech Industries, LLC and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any damage or loss resulting from the use of this handbook. VTech Industries, LLC and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any loss or claims by third parties that may arise through the use of this software. VTech Industries, LLC and its suppliers assume no responsibility for any damage or loss caused by deletion of data as a result of malfunction, dead battery, or repairs. Be sure to make backup copies of important data on other media to protect against data loss.
Please read the VTech Agreement before using the accompanying software program(s). Using any part of the software indicates that you accept the terms of the Phusion™ End User Software License Agreement.
This manual was prepared during software development. Some screens in this manual may not appear exactly as the screens found in the final product.
End User Software License
Phusion™ PC Link software is supplied on 3.5" disks. If
you do not have access to a 3.5" floppy disk drive for your computer, you can download the VTech® Phusion™ PC Link software on-line from www.myphusion.com.


Welcome to the Phusion™ digital camera organizer. This guide is designed to help you set up and run your digital camera organizer. It describes all you need to know about how to use your Phusion™ digital camera organizer and the applications that come with it.

1.1 Phusion™ Components

Important Buttons and Features
Digital Camera With Phusion™’s Digital Camera, you
can take up to 25 black and white digital pictures. Use the LCD screen to see what the Digital Camera sees in real-time, so you can always get the perfect shot. Also, you’ll never need film or film developing. You can take a picture and see the results instantly. Each picture is instantly stored in Phusion™’s Photo Browser. For even greater flexibility, you can rotate the
Digital Camera 180° for more picture
taking fun.
Photo Button Press the button to capture the photos
that appear in the Digital Camera.
Power Button Turns your Phusion™ on or off. If your
Phusion™ is turned off, pressing the
Power button turns the unit on. If your Phusion™ is turned on, pressing the Power button turns the unit off.
Contrast Control You can adjust the appearance of the
LCD screen for the clearest display. Depending on the lighting conditions or temperature of the environment where you use your digital camera organizer, you may need to adjust the contrast.
To adjust the contrast, rotate the Control up or down to increase or decrease the contrast.
Stylus and Stylus Slot The stylus slides in and out of the slot.
To use the stylus, remove it from the slot and hold it as you would a pen or pencil. Use the stylus to press the keys on the Touchpad or to press the Directional Pad and other buttons.
Touchpad The Touchpad is very similar to a computer
keyboard. Use the stylus to press the keys on the Touchpad. See the section, “Touchpad Layout” for more information on each key.
Cancel Button Press Cancel to return to the previous
OK Button Press OK to move the cursor to the next
line, or to confirm an action or command.
Menu Button Press Menu to launch the Action menu.
The Action menu contains additional commands for your Phusion™ digital camera organizer.
Directional Pad Press the Directional Pad to move the
cursor up, down, left or right on the screen. Also, the Directional Pad can be used to adjust the settings on your Phusion™ digital camera organizer.
On menu screens such as the Main menu, press Right to move the cursor couter-clockwise. Press Left to move the cursor clockwise.
Cradle Connector This port connects to the cradle, which
is connected to the serial port on your PC. Place the Phusion™ into the cradle to backup data or transfer data to and from your PC.
Battery Cover Covers the batteries that power your
Phusion™ digital camera organizer.
Reset Button Under normal use, you should not have
to use the Reset button. If your Phusion™ digital camera organizer stops responding, press Reset to restart.
PC Link Connector The PC Link Connector connects to the
serial port on your PC using the serial cable included with your Phusion™.

1.2 Touchpad layout

This key is used to activate the number keys. If you press the Fn key then press the Y key, the number 6 will appear on the screen. Also, you can press the Fn key then H key to view the Tutor information.
Press this key before pressing the letter keys to type capital letters.
Press this key if you want to type all letters as capital letters. Press this key again to continue typing in lower case letters.
Space Press this key to insert a space between
words or letters.
Arrow keys Press these keys to move the cursor up,
down, left or right.
Press this key to move the cursor to the next line or confirm an action.
Press this key to delete any character to the left of the cursor.
AC/C Used in the Mini-Calculator. Press this
key once to clear your most recent entry. Press the key again to clear all entries in the Mini-Calculator.

1.3 Battery Installation

Two (2) AA size batteries power your Phusion™ digital camera organizer. Here is how to install them:
1. Be sure your Phusion™ digital camera organizer is turned off.
2. Open the battery cover on the back of your Phusion™ digital camera organizer.
3. Insert two (2) new AA size batteries as shown.
4. Close the battery cover.
If your Phusion™ digital camera organizer stops working or if the screen appears dim, make sure the batteries are fresh and installed properly.

1.4 Adjusting the Clock After Battery Replacement

The internal clock stops when the batteries are removed. You will be asked to adjust the time on your Phusion™.
1. If you need to adjust the clock, choose Yes.
2. Then adjust the time on the following screen.
3. After adjusting each of the clock settings, your changes will be saved automatically.

1.5 How to Use the Action Menu

Press the Menu button on your Phusion™ digital camera organizer to view the Action menu.
The Action menu is arranged in a cross section that allows you to access commands using the fewest button presses. Use the Directional Pad to select a command, then press OK to continue.


2.1 Digital Camera: What is it?

The pictures you take can be used in some of the learning activities and games. You can add pictures to your address book, too. You can even transfer pictures to and from your PC. Each picture is instantly stored in Phusion™‘s Photo Browser.
Where is it?
You can open the Digital Camera from the Main menu of your Phusion™ digital camera organizer. The Digital Camera can also be accessed from other applications that use your digital pictures.

2.2 Commands

(Schedule Photo Taking) Automatically take a series of
photos over a set time.
(Timer Photo Taking) Automatically take a photo after
10 seconds.
(Show Date & Time) Display the date and time when
a photo was taken.
(Hide Date & Time) Hide the date and time when a
photo was taken.
(Delete This Photo) Delete the current photo.
2.3 Using the Digital Camera
1. Use the Directional Pad to select (Digital Camera) from the Main menu and press OK.
2. On the LCD screen, you can instantly see what the Digital Camera sees in real-time.
3. Press the Photo button to take a picture.

2.4 Adjust the Picture Contrast and Brightness

1. You can adjust the contrast and brightness of each picture using the Directional Pad.
2. Press Up and Down to adjust the picture contrast.
3. Press Left or Right to adjust the brightness of the picture.

2.5 How to Use the Schedule Photo Taking Function

1. Select (Schedule Photo Taking) from the Action menu.
2. Enter the Start Date, Start Time, time between photos, and the number of photos to take.
3. After setting the date and time options, press OK.
4. Turn the unit off.
2.6 How to Use Timer Photo Taking
1. Select (Timer Photo Taking) from the Action menu.
2. Once Timer Photo Taking is active, Phusion™ will take a picture in 10 seconds.


3.1 Photo Browser: What is it?
The Photo Browser is a collection of digital photos taken by you. Once a picture is taken, it is automatically stored in the Photo Browser. Your Phusion™ digital camera organizer stores up to 25 digital pictures.
Where is it?
You can find Photo Browser in the Main menu.

3.2 Commands

(Delete) Delete the current photo or all photos.
(This File) Delete the selected photo.
(All Files) Permanently delete all photos.
(View Today’s Photos) View the photos taken today.
(View Scheduled Photos) View the photos taken during
Schedule Photo Taking.
(Hide Date & Time) Hide the date and time when a
photo was taken.
(Show Date & Time) Display the date and time when
a photo was taken.
(Go Back) Go back to the previous menu.

3.3 Using the Photo Browser

1. Select (Photo Browser) from the Main menu and press OK.
2. Use the Directional Pad to select a photo and press OK to view it.

3.4 Deleting a Photo

1. Select Photo Browser from the Main menu and press OK to open it.
2. Select a photo you want to delete using the Directional Pad and select
(Delete) from the Action menu.
3. A sub-menu will pop up. From this sub-menu, you can select (All Files) to delete all the photos in the Photo Browser.
(This File) to delete the selected photo or

3.5 Show or Hide the Date & Time

1. Select (Show Date & Time) from the Action menu after you have opened the Photo Browser.
2. If the date and time isn’t shown, press OK. The date and time of when each photo was taken will appear on screen.
3. Select (Hide Date & Time) and press OK again to hide the date and time of when each photo was taken.

3.6 Viewing Photos from Schedule Photo Taking

1. At the Photo Browser, use the Directional Pad to select (View Scheduled Photos) from the Action menu.
2. Press OK. The photos taken during the Schedule Photo
Taking mode will be displayed on screen.

3.7 Viewing Today’s Photos

1. At the Photo Browser, use the
Directional Pad to select (View Today’s Photos) from the Action menu.
2. Press OK. Photos taken during
the current day will be displayed on screen.


Use My Photo Gallery to organize your photos! In My Photo Gallery, you can create slide shows and photo albums. You can even add special effects or Clip Art to your pictures.

4.1 My Album

4.1.1 My Album: What is it?

My Album helps you store, organize and add notes to your photos. You can re-order or create Cover and End Pages for the album.
Where is it?
You can find My Album in the My Photo Gallery folder.

4.1.2 Commands

(New) Create a new album.
(Delete) Delete the current album or all albums.
(This File) Delete the selected album.
(All Files) Permanently delete all albums.
(Edit) Edit the selected album.
(Play Album) Play the selected album as a slide show.
(Re-Order) Arrange the order of the photos in the
(Undo Order) Undo Re-order and use original order.
(Attach Notes) Attach a note to the selected photo.
(Album Tools) Edit the current photo album.
(Album Cover Page) Create a cover page using a
(Album End Page) Create an end page using a template.
(Add More Photos) Add more photos to the album,
by taking new photos or by selecting photos from the photo Browser.
(Exclude This Photo) Exclude this photo from the
selected album.
(Save) Save the current album.
(Insert Clip Art) Insert Clip Art from the Clip Art Browser.
(Insert Text) Select a font style and add text to your
(Change Cover) Change the current cover page of the
selected album.
(Change End) Change the current end page of the
selected album.

4.1.3 Using My Album

1. Select (My Photo Gallery) from the Main menu using the Directional Pad.
2. Select
(My Album) using the Directional Pad and press
3. You are now in the main album screen.
4. To edit an album, select the album, then select (Edit) from the Action menu.
5. After you have edited or created a new album, choose
(Save) to save your changes.

4.1.4 Creating a New Album

1. From the main album screen, select (New) from the Action menu.
2. Type in the name of the new album using the Touchpad.
3. Select the photo source. You can take a new photo using the Digital Camera, or you can select a photo from the Photo Browser.
4. Press OK to confirm your selected photo. The selected photo will be added to your album. To deselect a photo, press OK again. When you have finished adding photos, press Cancel to view the complete Album.
5. To save your album, select (Save) from the Action menu and press OK.

4.1.5 Deleting an Album

1. At the album main screen, select the album you want to delete.
2. Select
(Delete) from the Action menu using the
Directional Pad and press OK.
3. In the following sub-menu, you can select either (This File) to delete the selected album or (All Files) to delete all of your albums.
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