Volkswagen Urban Fox Brochure

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The Fox
Volkswagen Infor mation Service. Telephone 0800 33 3 666
© Volkswagen Group United King dom Lim ited 20 09.
Issue: 1 March 2 009. Prin ted in UK.
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The Fox. It’s stylish. It’s well built. It’s affordable. Oh, and it’s a Volkswagen. In fact, some people say
those are all the reasons you need to buy one. But we’d like to think there are a few more than that.
It may be the smallest car in our range, but the Fox has everything anyone could want in a car.
Model shown is U rban Fox wi th optio nal 14" ‘Parana’ alloy wh eels an d front fog lights.
It’s a Volkswagen.
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Being small doesn’t mea n you can’t make a big impression.
And with its dynamic bo dy lines, capturing the gaze of
curious onlookers is inevitable. Even the contoured clear
cover of the headlights and indicators demand attention.
While a wide range of exterior body colours gives you the
chance to enhance its compact, sporty looks even more.
And of course, there’s always the opti on to style your Fox
exactly the way you want it by adding alloy wheels, a rear
roof spoiler, or one of the many options or accessory
packs available.
Looking good has
never cost so little.
01 Model shown is Urba n Fox with optional
15" ‘M endoza’ alloy wheels and front fog lig hts.
02 The do or mirrors and bumpers are body-colo ured to
comp lement your chose n colour on Urban Fox mod els.
03 An electri c glas s sunro of is available as an opti onal extra.
04 Halo gen headli ghts with integ rated indicators are eleg antly
styl ed with a conto ured clear co ver.
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The Fox may be a car for everyone, but there are still two models to choose
from – the Fox and U rban Fox. Simply choose the one that suits you best.
If you’re looking for a practical and affordable small car to drive, then you can’t
go wrong with the Fox. It may have a low starting price, but you still get an
impressive level of specification, including front and rear cup holders, dust and
pollen filter and a height-adjustable driver’s seat. There’s also green tinted glass,
range adjustable halogen clear headlight s, one-touch indicators, speed-sensitive
power-assisted steering and a radio/CD player with four speakers. Not to mention
vanity mirrors and an electronic engine immobiliser all fitted as standard.
If you’re in need of a few more luxuries, the Urban Fox comes with all
we’ve mentioned plus remote central locking, sliding rear bench seat with
50:50 split folding backrest, front electric windows, body-coloured bumpers
and door mirrors, easy entry front seats and manual rear vent windows.
01 The int erior of the Fox with sty lish ‘Str ipes’ upho lstery. Int erior
show n features op tional ‘Clima tic’ semi-auto matic air conditioni ng
and El ectronic Stabil isation Programm e (ESP ).
02 The fol ding backrest offe rs flexible storage and stowage spa ce.
03 Practi cal detail s include tw o front cup holder s.
04 Heig ht-adjustabl e driver’ s seat fo rb etter visi on and impro ved posture.
05 Stora ge tray betwe en the two rear se ats helps keep thin gs tidy and
features two useful cup holder s.
06 Contro ls and equip ment in chrome effect give a qua lity look.
More features doesn’t
have to mean more money.
04 05 06
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Model shown is U rban Fox wi th optio nal 15" ‘Mendoza’ alloy w heels.
Model shown is U rban Fox with optio nal 14" ‘Parana’ alloy wh eels, front fog lights, sunroo f and Sunshine paint.
Style and quality. It’s an easy choice.
You may feel that you have everything you need to make your decision to buy a Fox. After all, you’ve seen how stylish
the Fox looks. We’ve told you about all of the features that are fitted as standard. All you need to do now is speak
to your retailer about a test drive or call 0800 333 666 to arrange one.
Of course, if you would like to know more about the Fox, please read on. The reasons to buy one don’t stop there.
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