Volkswagen PASSAT, Passat S, BlueMotion 2 Passat, Passat R Line, Passat Highline Brochure & Specs

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The Passat
Volkswagen Infor mation Service. Telephone 0800 33 3 666
© Volkswagen Group United King dom Lim ited 20 09.
Issue: 1 July 20 09. Print ed in U K.
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Sheer pleasure.
Model shown is H ighline with optional 18" ‘Chicago’ alloy whe els and metallic paint.
Please note Arc tic Blue Silver metallic paint is only available from stock an d is not available to fac tory order.
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01 02 04
The minute you set eye s on the Passat, your heart will beat faster. The exterior
boasts power and charisma, with the wide track widt h and low-set front end
all produc ing a strikin g appearance, givi ng a hint of the driving pleasure to
come. The gle aming chrome-plated radiator grille sur round (01) is a real
design highlight, reinforcing the stor y. The rounded in- set headlights add an
extra touch of style, with the rear lights using LED technolog y (04) for clearer,
brighter light. Add to that the confident shape of the C pi llar (02) and the
curved breakaway edge of the rear, giving real body definition, a nd the story
of aerodynamic design and sp orts performance is complete.
It’s not just aesthetic app eal where the Passat excels, however. Innovative
design is also paramoun t. Right from initial developme nt, many feature s
were desig ned to contribute to safe ty, such as the V-shaped engine b onnet,
providing integral pedestrian protection. And the greatest attentio n was given
to the smallest detail, resul ting in such speci al touches as the e legantly shaped
body-coloured door handles and door mirrors with int egrated LED in dicators
(03) and the minimal g aps between panels. With the galvanised body providing
a 12-year warranty ag ainst corrosion, it’s all testi mony to Volkswagen’s
legendary build quality and precision approach.
Model shown is H ighline with optional front fo g lights .
Please note Arctic Blue Silver metallic paint is only availabl e from stock an d is not availabl e to factory or der.
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Model s hown is H ighline with o ptional front fo g lights and pe arl effe ct pain t.
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The inter ior of the Passat has been carefully designed to e nsure you feel at home
as soon a s you sit behind the wheel. Mo dern trims and beautiful decor, made from
the fines t quality materials (01) , interplay pe rfectly, suffusing th e interior (05 ) with
a feeling of luxur y and calm. And it’s not simply a question of aesthet ics. Ergo nomic
design ac tually makes drivin g easier. For a start, all the controls are arrange d so that
handling becomes intuitive, take for example, the newly design ed leather trimmed
three-spoke multifunctio n steering wheel allowing cont rols of the multifunction
computer, audio syst em and optional t elephone preparation (04). T he white lit
instrumen t panel is wi thin your immediate field of vision , giving you all the
information yo u need while driv ing – from the speed of the veh icle to the
temperature outside. The electron ic parking brake with auto hold function – which
automatically holds the vehicle when you come to a stop on a hill and then releases
as you pu ll away (02), press and drive ignition (03) a nd front electric windows (06)
are also p ositioned for ease of use, a nd operate literall y at the touch of a button.
The same degree of ease and comfort can also b e found i n the seats of the Passat.
Easily adjustable a nd fitted with head restraints you’re guaranteed maximum support
whichever seat you choose . In fact, the Highline’s 6-way elect rically-adjustable
driver’s seat is surpassed only by the 12-way elect rically-a djustable seat on R36
models. B oth offer adjustment s for lumb ar support and seat back angle, enabling
you to sit back and relax, en joying the most ergonomically beneficial position for
your spine.
Generous i nterior space is another contributory factor to overall c omfort, w ith the
transverse ly mounted engine providing more room than ever before for passenger s
and luggage, and giving all occupants signi ficantly more legroom . Should you need
to transport bulky objects or luggage, the Passat offers an impressive capacity of 565
litres* (5 41 litres* on R36 models). In addition, a n ovel stowage c oncept provides
extra space in the vehicle interior, enabling y ou to store maps , sunglasses and CDs
in the do ors, front seat centre armrest on Highline and abo ve, overhead console
or centre conso le.
* Me asured in accordanc e with I SO 3832. V DA measur ing metho d
using 200 x 10 0 x 50 mm blocks a nd with re ar seat ba ckrest upr ight.
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S and BlueMotion 2 | R Line | Highline | R36
Model shown is H ighline with optional 18" ‘Chicago’ alloy whe els and metallic paint.
Please note Arc tic Blue Silver metallic paint is only available from stock an d is not available to fac tory order.
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S and BlueMotion 2 | R Line | Highline | R36
1.4 ltr TSI 122 PS | 1.8 ltr TSI 160 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 110 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 140 PS
The Passat S
and BlueMotion 2 Passat.
The RC D 310 radio/MP3 compa tible C D player with e ight sp eakers
and AUX-in socket for conne ction to an exte rnal mu ltimedia source
(e.g. iPod and M P3 player) will ensure enjoyment on any journey.
More comfort, m ore safety and, above all , more driving pleasure. That’s what you can expect from
the Passat S, where a whol e host of standard fittings prov ides everythi ng you would expect – and
more – from an extraordinary ca r. The front windows a nd heated door mir rors are electrically
operated, the boot lid opens automati cally with remo te operation, especially useful when
you’re loa ding larg e amounts of shopping, and the press and dri ve key allows you to start the
engine simply by pus hing the key. In addi tion, the rear seat backrest with its integral centre
armrest sp lits 60:40 al lowing it to b e folded down in separa te sections, ideal if you’re lo ading
up bulky items, and the four-s poke steering wheel individually adjusts to yo ur optimum driving
position. And that’s just for starters. Also fitted as stand ard is an RCD 310 radio/MP3 compatible
CD player with eight spe akers and AUX-in socket for connection to an external multimedia source
(e.g. iPod and MP3 player), ‘Climatic’ semi-automatic a ir conditioning, electronic parking brake
with auto hold function and alarm wi th interior protect ion and remote central locking.
Driving the Passat S is a n even more enjoyable experience. One reason is certainly the 16 inch
‘Milwaukee’ alloy wheels with 215/55 R16 tyres, guarante eing dynamic handling and appe arance.
Another is the eye-catching interior, with its ‘Dark Rhodium’ inlaid decor and whole array of
practical stowage trays and storage compartments positione d in the doors and overhead console.
To ensure driving is not just p leasurable but also worry-free, the Passat S ben efits from many
special safety feature s, such as electro-mechanical power-assiste d steering, WO KS (whiplash-
optimised head restraints) in the front, f ront airbags with front passenge r airbag deactivat ion,
front seat side impact airbags, curtain airba gs, and an Electronic Stabilisation Programme (ESP).
As you can see, Volkswagen have th ought of ever ything – all you have to do is concentrate on
enjoying the drive.
The BlueMotion 2 Passat b uilds over the already well equipped Passat S and, in addition,
offers impressive en vironmental credentials by intelligently refinin g existin g technology. Dynamic
lines redu ce the vehicl e’s air resistance and, comb ined with eng ineering refinements, low rollin g
resistance tyres and lowered suspe nsion help produce exceptional economy. A Start/Stop fun ction
is also fitted in plac e of the auto hold function – this automa tically stops the engine whe n the
vehicle is sta tionary and restarts it when you pull away, savin g fuel and reducing emissions.
A combination of all these refinements delive rs a package that o ffers excellent economy up
to 57.6 mpg over the Combined fuel cycle*, and the 2.0 litre TDI 110 PS engi ne, with DPF (Diesel
Particu late Filte r) fitted as standard, ensures C O
emissions are from an impress ively low 128 g/km .
The BlueM otion 2 Passat a dds a higher specification which is evident from its st ylish ext erior,
with 16 i nch ‘Sarena’ alloy wheels wit h 205/55 R 16 low rolling resi stance ty res. Internally, for added
convenien ce, there is also cruise control and a multifunction computer (Highline) which includes
visual ge ar change recommendation s for optimum fuel consumpt ion.
The multifunction comp uter (H ighline) includes visu al gear
change recommendation for opti mum fuel consum ption.
Standard on BlueMotion 2 models .
Interior shown i s S.
* Pl ease see the Engi nes secti on for fue l consum ption and CO
emiss ions fig ures.
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S and BlueMotion 2 | R Line | Highline | R36
Page 1 | Page 2 | 1.4 ltr TSI 122 PS | 1.8 ltr TSI 160 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 110 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 140 PS
Model s hown is R Line w ith opti onal me tallic paint.
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S and BlueMotion 2 | R Line | Highline | R36
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Page 2 | 1.4 ltr TSI 122 PS | 1.8 ltr TSI 160 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 110 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 140 PS
The Passat R Line.
If a slee k, sporty look wit h a whole host of creature comforts is what you want
from your Passat, then the R Line wi ll exceed your every expectation. While still
comprisin g all of the specification, luxury and practicality of the Passat S, the R Line
builds an even more impressive look, both inside and out.
Five-spoke 17 inch ‘Monte Carlo’ alloy wheels adorn the exterior, alo ng with body-
coloured f ront and rear bumper s, and additional side sills w hich give the car a real
sporting essence. Its distinctive exterior is complet ed by the front grille surround
and the d ouble louvres finished in elega nt matt chrome.
Inside, t he R Line is a quiet, comfortable and luxurio us interior designed to make
each journ ey smooth and relaxing. The leather trimmed three-s poke steering wheel
with chrome ins ert features handy multifunction buttons to control the radio a nd
optional telephone preparati on, so everyt hing you need is available at the touch of
a button. You can e ven control the ‘Highline’ mult ifunction computer, which offe rs
useful in formation about your journey such as range, fuel co nsumption and outside
temperature , all without having to take your eyes off the road. Crui se control allows
you to select a constant spe ed over 19 mph , helping you to relax on longer journeys,
while the seat height and lumbar adjustment on both front seats enable you to find
the optim al position to remain comfortable until you reach your destination . A flat
tyre indicator is also included, which will alert you to any loss in tyre pressure via a
warning s ymbol displayed in the dashboard, while the front centre armrest wit h two
rear air vents, cup holders, storage box and a handy 12V socket in the rear adds an
extra touch of comfort.
Interior shown i s R Lin e.
‘Monte Carlo’ 7
2J x 17 alloy w heels with 235/45 R17 tyres
create a sporty yet elegant look to the Passat R Line .
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S and BlueMotion 2 | R Line | Highline | R36
1.8 ltr TSI 160 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 110 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 140 PS | 2.0 ltr TDI 170 PS
The Passat Highline.
Whether you’re taking a long or short trip, driving the Passat Highline is an absolute joy
because, quite simp ly, everything has been in cluded to make life as re laxing as possible.
Easily distinguished by its body -coloured front bum per strips, chrome-plate d side bump
strips an d rear bumper strips, ‘chrome satin’ side window surrounds and 17 inch ‘ Macau’
alloy wheels with 235/45 R17 tyre s, this exceptional car offers a phenomenal level of
specification. Ins ide, the electrically-opera ted 6-way adjustable dri ver’s seat and manually
adjustable front passenger seat guaran tee the best possible seating posture at all tim es,
while hea ted front seats and a front cent re armrest add an extra touch of lu xury. Sumptuous
Vienna’ leather* upholstery is complemented by a leather trimmed gear knob, carpet mats
front and rear, and ma tt chrome decorative ins erts in the d ash and centre con sole with
black or grey upholstery, (or brushed stai nless steel decorative inserts when you choose
latte or cornsilk beige leather) . To ensure stress-free driving, t here’s a newly designed
leather trimmed three-spoke m ultifunction steering wheel an d multifunction computer
(Highline ), providing essential information about your journey, and, to help you relax
on longer journeys, cruise contro l will automat ically maintain your desired speed above
19 mph without you having to touch the accelerator pedal.
Interior comfort is furt her assured by electric rear wi ndows and an RCD 310 radio/MP3
compatibl e CD play er with eight speakers and AUX-in socket for c onnection to an external
multimedi a source (e.g. iPod and MP3 player). With a load-t hrough provision to help you
transport bulky items and even a full size al loy spare wheel, you can be sure virtually no
other car l egally offers this level of versatili ty, comfort and st yle.
Interior shown i s Highline with optional RCD 510 tou ch-scre en radio/MP3 compatib le 6 C D autochanger.
* Please note that some parts of leather interior w ill contain ar tificia l leath er.
The newly desig ned lea ther trimmed three-spo ke multifunction
steering wheel allows conve nient o peration of the radio and
multifunction computer (Highl ine).
+ 21 hidden pages