This material is copyrighted by VODAVI Communications Systems, Inc. Any unauthorized
reproductions, use or disclosure of this material, or any part thereof, is strictly prohibited and is a
violation of the Copyright Laws of the United States (17 U.S.C. Section 101 et. seq.).
VODAVI Communications Systems In c. reserves the right t o make chan ges in speci fications at any
time and without notice. The information furnished by VODAVI Communications Systems, Inc. in this
material is believed to be accurate and reliable, but is not warranted to be true in all cases.
CallSort Pro™ is a registered trademark of VODAVI Commuinications, Inc.
Important Notice:
The CallSort Pro Program in this package contains software that is proprietary to
Vodav i C om m uni ca tio ns Syst em s an d is lic ensed to the end-user by VODAVI Communication s Sy ste ms .
By using the CallSort Pro Program, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of the
Software License printed on the re verse . You should read the Software L icens e carefull y and d iscu ss this
with the end user. If you do not agree to be bound by it, please notify us in writing within ten (10) days of
receipt of your CallSort Pro Program.
Limited Warranty and Disclaimer:
Vodavi Communications Systems warrants that the CallSort Pro
Program, including the Software licensed on the reverse, shall conform to VODAVI's written
specifications the refo re and will be warran ted ag ainst defect s in m aterial and wor kmans hip fo r a peri od of
twelve (12) months from date of shipment from its U.S. warehouse to Customer (warranty is determined
based on the date the Bar Coded, serialized product ships from the warehouse) provided that the
CallSort Pr o Program r eceives nor mal servic e and mainten ance durin g the warrant y period. VODAVI's
obligation under this w arran ty shal l be limit ed to the repair or repl acement o f any Cal lSort Pro Prog ram or
Software, or part or component therof, which may prove defective under normal and proper use and
servicing during the warranty period. This warranty shall not apply to any CallSort Pro Program or
Software, or part or component thereof, which has been subject to improper handling, lightning damage,
power surge, accident, negligence, alteration, abuse, or misuse.
Warranty Claims:
To receive warranty service, contact VODAVI Customer Service.
that the installing company (qualified interconnect) is responsible for any transaction
involving material return for repair. The distributor (supply house) should never become involved in any
such procedure. The installing company will always deal directly with VODAVI for repairs.
Post-Warranty Repairs:
After the Warranty Period has expired, Vodavi Communications Systems shall
provide repair and replacement service for your Call Sort Pro Program in accordance with the pro ced ure s
and charges set forth i n th e VO DAVI Customer Serv ic e Po lic y, a copy of w hi ch is av ail abl e u pon request.
Software License
By opening this package and placing this system into service, you indicate your acceptance, and the
acceptance of the p urc has er/ use r o f the software included i n t he sy s tem (t he "Software"), of the following
terms and condi tions. Therefore
operating the Software.
Grant of License:
Vodavi Communications Systems (of Scottsdale, Arizona) is licensed to sell, use and
sublicense the Software, and hereby grants Customer a non-transferable, non-exclusive sublicense to
use the Software for its ow n purpo ses on a singl e compute r sy stem o nly. T itle and ownersh ip rights to the
Software and Technical manual shall remain at all times in Vodavi Technology, Inc. No other rights to use
the Software are implied.
Proprietary Materials:
The Software is proprietary to and constitutes trade secrets of Vodavi
Technology, Inc. and the Technical Manual is proprietary to and constitutes trade secrets of Vodavi
Technology, Inc. All applicable rights to patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets in the
Software and Technical Manual are and shall remain in Vodavi Communications Systems. Customer
shall use utmost diligence to protect the trade secrets and other proprietary rights of Vodavi
Communications Systems in the Software and Technical Manual from disclosure to third parties.
Customer shall also promote compliance by agreement or instruction with the terms and conditions of
this License by employees or others with access to the Software and Technical manual.
Modification and Copies:
However, Customer may not make copies of any portion of the Software to give, sell, sublicense, or
otherwise transfer to any third party, unless (i) such third party acquires all or substantially all of
Customer's assets, (ii) Customer obtains the approval of Vodavi Communications Systems, in writing,
and (iii) Customer retains no copies of the Software. Customer may not copy the Technical Manual. The
transferee must agree in writing to terms and conditions specified by Vodavi Communications Systems,
including execution of a software license and payment to Vodavi Communications Systems of a
customary inspection fee, to be granted the right by Vodavi Communications Systems to use the
Vodavi Communications Systems agrees that, if notified promptly and given sole
control of the defense and all related settlement negotiations, it will defend customer against any claim
based on the allegation the Software infringes a valid patent, copyright or trademark, and will pay any
resulting cost, damages and attorneys' fees awarded by a court with respect to any such claim against
Customer. Vodavi Communications Systems shall have no obligations hereunder where Customer has
modified t he Softwa re or us ed the So ftware in combin ation w ith softw are or e quipmen t not pro vided by
Vodavi Communications Systems. If any Software becomes, or in Vodavi Communications Systems'
opinion is likely to become, subject of such claim of infringement, Vodavi Communications Systems will,
at its option and ex pense , eithe r procu re rights for Cus tomer to cont inue usi ng the Softwar e, or rep lace or
modify the Software to provide non-infringing software that performs substantially similar functions to the
original Software. Upon failure of the foregoing provisions, Vodavi Communications Systems will refund
the purchase price of the CallSort Pro Program less a reasonable allowance for use.
Termination of License:
Use of the Software on any equipment other than for which it was obtained or
authorized, or any breach of the provisions of this License shall automatically terminate this License.
Upon termination of this License, Customer shall immediately discontinue all use of the Software and
shall destroy all copies of the Software.
Termination of License:
Use of the Software on any equipment other than for which it was obtained or
authorized, or any breach of the provisions of this License shall automatically terminate this License.
Upon termination of this License, Customer shall immediately discontinue all use of the Software and
shall destroy all copies of the Software.
Termination of License:
Use of the Software on any equipment other than for which it was obtained or
authorized, or any breach of the provisions of this License shall automatically terminate this License.
Upon termination of this License, Customer shall immediately discontinue all use of the Software and
shall destroy all copies of the Software.
and discus s with the us er of the syste m before
Customer may copy the Software for back-up and archive purposes only.
Table of Contents
Software Program Functions....................................................................................1-1
System Administration Screen................................................................................4-1
CallSort Pro v3.0 User’s GuideMay 1999
viList Of Figures
CallSort Pro v3.0 User’s GuideMay 1999
This document supports Vodavi’s CallSort Pro v3.0. In the following chapters this phone
system will be referred to as CallSort Pro.
This chapter provides instructions to assist you with performing the following tasks:
Prepare th e CallSort Pro operating environment.
Install and configure CallSort Pro, both on the machine that will collect phone system
data and on individual client machines.
Connect the collection PC to the phone system with a proper cable.
Collect sample call records.
Perform any necessary troubleshooting related to configuring CallSort Pro for your
phone system.
Software Program Functions
CallSort Pro comes on high-density (1.44 MB) 3.5" diskettes that include the following set of
software programs:
BDE Configuration -- This program allows you to configure the location of your databases.
Call Collection -- This module records telephone call data, including outgoing telephone
number, extension, and duration of the call. This program is also responsible for real-time
processing and formatting of the call data for report generation.
CallSort Pro -- This module allows you to configure and run reports on the data collected by
this program. It is also used by the system administrator to setup extensions, create system
users, and configure account codes.
For information on limitations regarding installation and copying
of this software, refer to the Warranty section of the License
CallSort Pro v3.0 User’s GuideMay 1999
1-2Installation Requirements
InstallationMay 1999
Installation Requirements
Both Data Colle ction and Client Workstation PCs must meet specific minimum requirements
for CallSort Pro to operate efficiently. Refer to the next two sections to make sure your PC
equipment is compatible.
Data Collection PC
The PC to be used to collect data from the phone system must meet the following minimum
An IBM PC or compatible with a 486 processor or higher
A hard drive with at least 100 MB free disk space (CallSort Pro requires 19 MB disk of
space for itself; the remainder is the recommen ded capacity for data storage.)
Microsoft Windows 95 or 98, or Windows NT v.4.0 or higher
One available COM/serial port
Client Workstation
If you are installing the Administration and Reports program on a shared network drive,
installation must meet the following minimum requirements:
An IBM PC or compatible with a 486 processor or greater
A hard drive with at least 10 MB of free disk space
Microsoft Windows 95 or 98, or Windows NT v.4.0 or higher
Cable Connections
This section guides you t hrough the install ation and testin g of the cable connecti on between the
phone system and a PC. The cab le required for this connecti on depends on whether your phone
system was set up to work with a PC, modem, or printer and is currently using a null-modem
or straight-through cable.
A null-modem cable is typically used to connect to PCs back to back.
A straight-through cable is typically used to connect a PC to a modem or a printer.
Cable Connections1-3
May 1999Installation
PCs can have two types of RS-232 ports: 25 -pin or 9-pin. They bot h provide the sa me functions
but use differe nt pins to do so. The following t able lis ts the pins use d for both th e 9-pin and t he
25-pin connectors and describes how they are used.
Table 1-1: RS-232 Cable Pin-Outs
9-Pin 25-Pin Type of Signal PC Provides SignalDescription
32Transmit Data
23Receive Data
74Request To
Send (R TS)
85Clear To Send
66Data Set Ready
57Signal GroundYesPin provides a ground wit h reference to pi ns
18Carrier Detect
420Data Terminal
Ready (DTR)
--A connection to the metal chassis of
CallSort Pro.
YesCallSort Pro considers this signal to be the
outgoing data path.
--CallSort Pro considers this signal to be the
incoming data path.
YesSignal is turned on by CallSort Pro to tell
the phone system that CallSort Pro is ready
to receive data.
--Signal is turned on by the other device to
receive data.
--Signal is turned on by telephone system to
tell CallSort Pro to send data .
2 and 3.
--When modems are used between the two
devices instead of a hardwire cable, this pin
indicates to CallSort Pro that its local
modem has contact with the remote modem.
YesActivated by CallSort Pro to indicat e that it
is ready and operational.
CallSort Pro only requires that data be sent on the Recei ve Data pin and the Signa l Ground pin.
All other input pins are ignored.
The phone system may be conf igured as a PC or a modem. Regardl ess, data sent from the pho ne
system should be sent to the CallSort Pro machine’s Receive Data pi n.
When the CallSort Pro data colle ction starts, the Request To Send (RTS) and Data Terminal
Ready (DTR) pins are “high” indicati ng to the pho ne system that the PC is rea dy to collect data.
1-4Cable Connections
InstallationMay 1999
RS-232 Communication Standard
RS-232-C is a communicatio n standar d establi shed by th e Electro nic Indus tries Ass ociation . It
defines three things with respect to establishing a communications link between two devices:
Compatible signal and voltage levels.
The design of the connector.
Control information (such as handshaking protocols).
function. (Refer to
CallSort Pro onl y requ ires that the ph one sy stem send data o n the Receive d Data pin. Al l ot her
input pins are ignored, while output pins for RTS and DTR are always activate.
-- The connector is designed with either 9 or 25 pins, each pin having its own
Table 1-1
in this chapter.) Typically only 2 to 5 pins are used.
Handshaking Protocols
-- Most printers req uire some sort of handshaking protocol due to their
slowness. The handshaking is used to keep the sending device (usually a computer) from
sending data too fast. This handshaking protocol can be implemented in either software (as
control characters in the data stream) or in hardware (using the appropriate RS-232-C pins).
CallSort Pro’s data collection program is a printer emulator. However, due to its internal
buffering scheme, it can keep up with the sending device and does not need to support any
handshaking protocol.
New Cable Installation
Most equipment, including a phone system, can be interfaced to the PC via the null modem
cable. The purpose of this cable is to reroute the incoming and outgoing data signals, and to
hardwire the handshaking control signals so the transmitting device continually transmits.
In the internal cable wir ing, pins for TD and RD (pins 2 and 3 for both 9-pin and 25-pin
cables) are switched between the PC and the phone system; this routes the transmitted
data pin from one device to the received data pin on the other device.
The RTS and CTS pins on each end of the cable are shorted together when the
transmitting device activates the RTS pin, it immediately gets the CTS signal.
The DTR pin is connected to the DSR and CD pins; this always activates the Data Set
Ready and Carrier Detect signals.
Existing Cable Installation
If you previously had a pr inter connected to yo ur transmitting devi ce (e.g., your phone sy stem),
the cable used to connect the printer to the phone system may or may not work with the PC.
Obviously, the first thing to do is try the cable. If it doesn't work, the easiest solution may be
buying a gender changer from a computer supply dealer.
The gender changer needed con sists of two female 25-pin connectors joi ned together by a sho rt
piece of cable. It i s connec ted to your or iginal cabl e and th e PC. (R efer t o chapt er 6,
for more suggestions.)
FAQs and
Installing CallSort Pro1-5
May 1999Installation
Installing CallSort Pro
To install CallSort Pro on the PC designated to collect call data, perform the following steps.
1. Make backup copies of your CallSort Pro master diskettes. Use the copies to install
CallSort Pro. If somethi ng happens to the c opies, you can make ano ther back up from the
master dis kettes. Store y our master diskettes in a saf e place.
2. Start Microsoft Wi ndows.
3. Place CallSort Pro Disk 1 in the diskette drive.
4. Select <Start>, <Run>.
5. In the dialog box that displays, type the following command: (
<Enter>. (The letter X represents the
: floppy disk drive on your PC.)
6. Enter your name and the name of your company in the nex t scr een th en cli ck on < Next>.
7. The next screen gives you the option of installing all of CallSort Pro or selected
modules. Select both options for a full installation, and click on <Continue>.
8. The next set of screens are used to determine where to install the program files.
If you want to choose locations other than the defaults, enter them. Click on
<Continue> to proceed with the installation.
The setup program then begins copying files from the CallSort Pro diskettes.
When prompted, replace Disk 1 in your diskette drive with Disk 2, and click on
<OK>. Continue this process for the thir d diskette.
9. Restart the PC so the changes made to system files will take effect. When the PC has
been restarted, the CallSort Pro group is displayed and the program is ready for use.
and press
Communications/Collection Setup
Before you can access the Call Collection module, the RS-232 cable must be connected from
the phone system to a serial communications port on your PC (either COM1 or COM2).
You should then collect sample data from your phone system for the following reasons:
To verify that the cable is connected correctly.
To collect sample call records for further use in configuring the Collection module.
1-6Communications/Collection Setup
InstallationMay 1999
Collection module configuration is covered completely in Chapter 2,
Configuring Collection
The remainder of this chapter shows you how to complete the communications setup for data
collection and to collect sample call records.
To begin, double-click the Call Collection icon in the CallSort Pro program group. The
following screen is displayed. From here you execute collection and pricing operations.
Changing Communication Settings
Next, you must make sure CallSor t Pro is properly configured for communications with your
telephone system.
1. From the Configure menu, select Communications. (The dialog box displays a list of
previously configured communication setups.)
Communications/Collection Setup1-7
May 1999Installation
2. Change the Communication Properties to match your phone system settings using the
following descriptions:
Communications Port -- Serial port that you want the PC to use for collecting
SMDR records (typically COM1 or COM2).
Baud Rate -- Transmission rate for which your phone system is configured.
Parity, Data Bits, and Stop Bits -- These settings must match the phone system
configuration for transmission of SMDR records.
Handshake -- These options determine the handshaking to be used between the PC
and the phone system. If no option is selected: flow control is turned off; hardware
flow selects Request to Send/Clear to Send handshaking; Xon/Xoff selects ^Q/^S
start/stop flow control. (Use RTS Disable and DTR Disable only if you know they
are required by your phone system.)
3. When you have finished with the communications parameters, click <OK> to save the
new settings as the defaults.
Collecting Sample Data
Now that you have installed the cable and properly set the commun ication par ameters, you are
ready to collect sample call records. T o collect sampl e data, select and define your phone system
as follows :
1. Choose Configure/PBX Define. (The PBX Select tab displays a drop-down list of PBX
2. Select the appropriate phone system for your installation and click on <Done>.
If you are already hooked to a phone system, follow these steps to collect data.
1. Select Options/Collection ON. (CallSort Pro is now ready to collect data.)
2. Generate several telephone calls from a phone connected to the phone system.
3. Once you are receiving data (call records appear on the screen as they are being
collected into a raw data file), allow the PC to run for about an hour to collect sample
call records.
If you cannot see any r aw data, re fer to
in Chapter 6,
FAQs and Troubleshooting
Configuration and Data In put
4. T o e nd the d ata c ollec tion, sele ct Conn ectio n OFF from t he Opt ions menu. Keep the call
records displayed on the screen to use for the remaining configuration process.
If you already have phone system data stored on floppy or hard disks, follow these steps
to process data.
1. Make sure you have at least 100 records of sample data to work with.
2. Start the Collection module.
1-8Communications/Collection Setup
InstallationMay 1999
3. Select Configure/Options from the Configure menu.
4. Click on the Input tab. Select Input from File, then click on <OK >.
5. Select the drive and directory that contains the raw data. Select the data file, then click
on <OK>.
6. Click on <Options/Display Processed>.
At this time you should see pric ed data records (properly form atted and in the cor rect columns)
appear on the bottom part of the screen. You can generate all standard reports based on the
priced data. Once you have successfully collected call records, proceed to the next chapter to
finish configuring the Collection module.
Collection/Pricing Menu Options
In the Collection modu le, you can perform a variety of collecti on and pricing functi ons by using
the menu options located on the Call Collection and Pricer screen.
File Menu
provides access to the following functions:
View Error Log -- Allows you to view any errors by CallSort Pro. These errors are
related to area code mismatch es and pricing errors.
Verify Table Structure -- Allows you to correc t errors in data. The Collec tion, Reporting ,
and Other table options scan each table for errors or flaws in the structure of the table,
then corrects the problem. When scanning Other Tables, CallSort Pro scans tables
related to: Account Codes, Extensions, Users, and Trunks. You are prompted for a
password, enter
Update Archives -- Causes CallSort Pro to perform an archive based on your archive
settings under the Configure/Options/Archive Tab.
Edit Menu
contains the Password option which requires that you enter a password before
closing the Collection module. When creating the password, the following screen displays:
The Password option requires that you enter a Password, New Password, and Confirm
Password option.
If this is your first time accessing this option, you can enter anything in the Password
entry and the password will be changed.
Type the password you desire in both the New Password and Confirm Password fields.
Options Menu
is defined in Chapter 3,
Running Collection
Configure Menu
Help Menu
contains Help-About whi ch provi des version and co pyright inf ormation regarding
is defined in Chapter 2 ,
Configuring Collection
the Collection module and Help-Contents which is reserved for future use.
2Configuring Collection
The Collection module in CallSort Pro interfaces with your phone system and collects,
processes, and places SMDR data in the database for reporting. This chapter defines the
Collection module and its two main features: SMDR layout definition and Pricing.
SMDR Layout or PBX Define Features -- Allows you to customize the CallSort Pro
Collection module to recognize the different record types from you phone system, to
allow you to define what information is placed in your master or reporting database.
Pricing Customize Feat ure -- All ows you to def ine how cal ls are pr iced. The c alls can be
priced on per minute charges based on time of day and where the call is being placed.
Additionally, you can define taxes and markups for calls.
When you are finis hed with this ch apter, you’ll be ready t o begin running the Collection module
to collect data for future reporting.
This chapter assumes you have followed all of the instructions in the
Installation chapter. If not, return to
Chapter 1
leaving the SMDR records displayed on the screen for later use.
Setting Up Call Record Types/Layout
The PBX Define function configures the Collection module for your phone system. This is
necessary because different phone systems record data in different ways. For example: one
manufacturer’s phone system might define Date fields as MM/DD/YY, where another might
define them as YY/MM/DD. PBX Define makes sure that CallSort Pro accommodates your
record types and layout.
before proceeding,
To specify SMDR record types and their layout, select Configure/PBX Define and the
following tab options are displayed on the PBX Properties screen:
PBX Select -- Defines what phone system CallSort Pro is interfacing with.
Layout -- Defines the exact layout of each call record. It also defines what fields in the
SMDR data should be placed in the Master table.
Filter -- Allows you to filter unwanted information from call records before placing the
information into the master table.
Call Types -- Defines incoming and out going ca lls ba sed on th e da ta set up in the Layout
CallSort Pro v3.0 User’s GuideMay 1999
2-2Setting Up Call Record Types/Layout
Configuring CollectionMay 1999
Click on the PBX Select tab and choose your phone system from the PBX drop-down list. (If
your phone system is not listed, contact technical support for assistance.)
Use the follo wing guideline s to adjust the PB X Select parameters:
Name -- Enter a name for this configuration that helps you identify it in the future (when
you return to the original PBX D efine screen).
Date and Duration Options -- Check the date and time formats. Adjus t them if necessary
to support the date and time formats of your phone system.
Call Record Options -- If you want to eliminate brief calls or incoming calls from
collection, cli ck on t he appropriate option. Short Calls are defined by the parameter you
set for Grace Period, as defined in Specifying Markups/Minimums later in this chapter.
Then proceed with Layout, Number Filters, and Call Record Types as described in the
following sections.
Setting Up Call Record Types/Layout2-3
May 1999Configuring Collection
Defining Layout Information
To define your phone system’s layout information:
1. Select PBX Define from the Configuration menu and click on the Layout Tab. The
following screen is displayed.
Figure 2-2: Layout Tab (PBX Properties Screen)
2. Click on either <New Test File> or <New Test Line> on the right-hand side of the
screen. This brings up a screen with several lines of raw data. Select a l ine , and cl i ck on
<OK>. This brings you back to the Layout screen shown above.
3. Click on any of the buttons at the bottom of the screen to verify the data for that
particular field.
4. If the data f or a selec te d fie ld is inco rrect , h ighli ght t he in for mation in the sample line of
SMDR data, then click on the corresponding button at the bottom of the screen.
(Incorrect information is displayed in the box to the right of the Layout Name field.)
The SMDR information from your telephone system may not
contain all desired fields. Contact your phone system
manufacturer for more information on SMDR output.
2-4Setting Up Call Record Types/Layout
Configuring CollectionMay 1999
The fields in the Layout screen are explained in the following table:
Table 2-1: Layout Field Descriptions
Field NameDescription
NameSpecifies the name of the call type (changing this field also changes the
Layout Name field).
OrderIndicates how the information is looked up.
Start TimeCallSort Pro automatically calculates the Duration when the SMDR
information has a Start Time, and End Time has an entry in the call record. (If
the SMDR data only provides the Duration, DO NOT select Start Time.)
End TimeCallSort Pro automatically calculates the Start Time when the SMDR
information has an End Time, and End T ime has an entry in the call record . (If
the SMDR data only provides the Duration, DO NOT select Start Time.)
DurationDuration is provided in two ways: If a Start Time and End Time are defined in
the call record, CallSort Pro automatically calculates the Duration . If the
Duration of the call is contained in the SMDR record, highlight the Duration in
the sample record and click on Duration.
Phone Number InIncoming phone number provided by ANI/CLID information. (This feature
may not be supported by all pho ne syst ems or may require addi tional sof tware.
Consult your phone system manufacturer for more information.)
Phone Number OutThe number that was dialed (should only be used on outgoing call records).
TrunkIndicates the incoming or outgoing trunk the call used.
Carrier SelectDefines which carrier was selected for a particular phone call. Special digits
can be dialed before a phone number to define a particular long distance
company, the Carrier Select field is for storing this information.
ExtensionRepresents the extension that either made or received the call.
GroupSpecifies a particular department’s information.
AccountIndicates account code information.
Answer TimeTime it takes to answer the call.
In Out FlagW orks in conjunction with Selected By field. These are unique characters on a
line of data that tell whether a call is incoming or outgoing.
ReferenceIndicates a number that references an account code.
Extra 1, 2, 3Additional fields that you may want to filter call reports on.
Switch PriceHow much the switch says a call will cost.
On the right-hand side of the screen, the Add Layout field provides blank fields in which to
enter new information; the Delete Layout field allows you to delete field information.
Setting Up Number Filters2-5
May 1999Configuring Collection
Setting Up Number Filters
CallSort Pro allows you to se t filters on the data in the phone number field. The Phon e Number
In and Phone Number Out fields are used to filter this information. Filters apply to the
information in the phone number fields, Phone Number in and Phone Number Out defined by
the Layout tab. (Refer to
The Filters func ti on us es special characters non- al phanumeric characters or Fil t er Variables to
help define f ilters for CallSort Pro. These Filter V ariables provi de you with the means to process
the maximum number of call re cords with min imal n umber of call filte rs or rule s. Thes e fil ters
allow CallSort Pro to define long distance, local, international, or operator assisted calls with a
small number of call filters.
To perform any necessary filtering, perform the following steps:
1. In the PBX Properties dialog box, click on the Filter tab. The following screen is
Defining Layout Information
in this chapter for more details.)
Figure 2-3: Filter Tab (PBX Properties Screen)
2. Highlight the filter to modify, or click on <Add Filter> to create a new filter, or on
Delete Filte r to delete a filte r.
2-6Setting Up Number Filters
Configuring CollectionMay 1999
3. Make your changes based on the following options:
Table 2-2: Filter Fields and Descriptions
Call DirectionSelect Incoming or Outgoing depe nding on whether this filter should apply to
incoming or outgoing tele phone calls. The SMDR Layout determines i ncoming
or outgoing calls, refer to
Defining Layout Information
details regarding call layout. The default is Outgoing.
OrderThis number defines when the filter will be applied. Number filters are applied
in descending order.
PatternTells CallSor t Pr o what information to loo k f or i n a p hon e number field (Phone
In or Phone Out from SMDR Lay out). This option uses Filter Variables. (Refer
to next section for more information.)
MatchCallSort Pro replaces th e Pattern it f inds in the phone n umber f ield and replaces
it with what is in the Match field. This option uses Filter Variables. (Refer to
next section for more information.)
DestinationCallSort Pro takes the resulting information from the Pattern and Match and
places it in the field defined.
in this cha pter for more
OptionsThe Options field defines what to do with non-numeric characters in the phone
number field. CallSort interprets the options as follows :
Strip spaces
Do NOT strip non-numeric characters from the phone number fi eld.
Strips any spaces from the phone number field, but leaves all
other characters.
Strip after * or #
Strips any characters from the phone number field after
an * or # symbo l.
Strip * and Spaces -- Strips any characters from the phone number field
after an * to include all spaces.
Filter Variables
Filters allow CallSort Pro to process a large number of call records as follows:
A filter allows CallSort Pro to match a specific telephone number, or remove
information from that telephone number, then place the information into a field in the
master tab le.
The filter Variables allow the smallest number of filters to process the largest number of
call records.
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