VMware EMC Smarts User Manual

EMC Smarts Integration Guide
vCenter Operations Manager 1.0
This document supports the version of each product listed and supports all subsequent versions until the document is replaced by a new edition. To check for more recent editions of this document, see http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs.
EMC Smarts Integration Guide
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EMC Smarts Integration Guide 5
Updated Information 7
Introduction to EMC Smarts Integration 9
Data that vCenter Operations Manager Receives from EMC Smarts 9
Data that vCenter Operations Manager Sends to EMC Smarts 9
Installation and Configuration Requirements 10
Overview of Data Flow 10
Installing the EMC Smarts Adapter 11
Install the Adapter in a Standalone Installation 11
Install the Adapter in a vApp Installation 12
Configuring EMC Smarts Integration 15
Overview of Configuration Steps 15
Add an Adapter Instance 16
Discover Resources 18
Configuring Outbound Alerts 19
Installing and Configuring the Global Console Custom View 20
Installing and Configuring Integration Tools in EMC Smarts 21
Configuring EMC Smarts Adapter Properties 23
Viewing Alerts and EMC Smarts Information 31
Viewing Alerts in EMC Smarts 31
Viewing EMC Smarts Information in vCenter Operations Manager 34
Troubleshooting the EMC Smarts Adapter 37
Troubleshooting an EMC Smarts Adapter Instance 37
Viewing System Log Files 37
Resolving Common Problems 38
Index 41
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EMC Smarts Integration Guide

EMC Smarts Integration Guide

The EMC Smarts Integration Guide describes how to integrate vCenter Operations Manager and EMC Smarts.
Intended Audience
The information in this guide is intended for IT management and system administrators.
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EMC Smarts Integration Guide

Updated Information

The EMC Smarts Integration Guide is updated with each release of the product or when necessary.
This table provides the update history of the EMC Smarts Integration Guide.
Revision Description
EN-000540-08 Added limitation information to “Read Events From Notification Lists,” on page 28.
EN-000540-06 Added information about configuring the adapter to read events from notification lists. See “Read Events
EN-000540-05 Added information about testing an adapter instance that uses an EMC Smarts SecureBroker Credentials
EN-000540-04 Added a new credential type to “Add a Credential,” on page 17 for Secure Broker mode.
EN-000540-03 Corrected step 3 in “Install and Configure Integration Tools Files,” on page 21. Step 3 now instructs you
EN-000540-02 Added information about downloading and installing the Launch-vcops-UI-Object.cmd, launch-
EN-000540-01 Changed vCenter Operations Enterprise to vCenter Operations Manager.
EN-000540-00 Initial release.
Changed the product name to reflect the new licensing model for the 5.6 release.
Modified the adapter instance test step in “Add an Adapter Instance,” on page 16 for the 5.6 release.
Added information about the Server Kind drop-down menu to “Add an Adapter Instance,” on page 16.
Added Chapter 5, “Troubleshooting the EMC Smarts Adapter,” on page 37.
Added more information to the installation instructions in “Install the Adapter in a Standalone
Installation,” on page 11and “Install the Adapter in a vApp Installation,” on page 12.
Added information about enabling smart discovery. See “Enable Smart Discovery,” on page 29
Added information about configuring how the adapter handles processor metrics. See “Configure How
the Adapter Handles Smarts Processor Metrics,” on page 30.
Added information about finding nonexistent EMC Smarts resources in the vCenter Operations Manager user interface. See “Finding Nonexistent EMC Smarts Resources,” on page 36.
Added EMC Smarts 9.0 support to “EMC Smarts Compatibility Requirements,” on page 10.
Corrected the default domain for the INCHARGE-AM-PM-SUITE in step 8 in “Add an Adapter
Instance,” on page 16.
From Notification Lists,” on page 28.
credential kind to “Add an Adapter Instance,” on page 16.
to modify the Launch-vcops-UI-Object.cmd file.
vcops-action-windows.xml, and vcops_emc.jar files to “Install the Adapter in a vApp Installation,” on page 12.
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EMC Smarts Integration Guide
Introduction to EMC Smarts
Integration 1
Integrating vCenter Operations Manager and EMC Smarts improves the performance of both products and makes it easier to predict, diagnose, and prevent problems in your IT infrastructure.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Data that vCenter Operations Manager Receives from EMC Smarts,” on page 9
“Data that vCenter Operations Manager Sends to EMC Smarts,” on page 9
“Installation and Configuration Requirements,” on page 10
“Overview of Data Flow,” on page 10

Data that vCenter Operations Manager Receives from EMC Smarts

vCenter Operations Manager receives definitions of resources and metric values for attributes that EMC servers monitor in domains that you select. It also receives topology information for container resources that EMC Smarts defines.
vCenter Operations Manager uses the topology information that it receives from EMC Smarts to define container resources, including applications and tiers, in vCenter Operations Manager. Once each day, at a time that you configure, vCenter Operations Manager polls each EMC Smarts adapter instance and adds any new resources that it finds. This feature ensures that the vCenter Operations Manager resource topology always matches the EMC Smarts topology.
EMC Smarts generates change events when resources are unavailable and anomalies when resources are unresponsive. The change events appear in vCenter Operations Manager in the Mashup Charts widget and on the Mashup tab on the Alert Detail page for alerts on the associated resource. The vCenter Operations Manager analytics engine considers the anomalies as possible root cause symptoms for related alerts.
See “Viewing EMC Smarts Information in vCenter Operations Manager,” on page 34 for examples of how EMC Smarts information appears in the Custom user interface.

Data that vCenter Operations Manager Sends to EMC Smarts

vCenter Operations Manager uses its advanced analytics to analyze metric data that it receives from EMC Smarts and sends alert messages back to EMC Smarts when it detects problems or potential problems.
Alerts that vCenter Operations Manager sends to EMC Smarts appear in the Global Console Notification Log. An operator can double-click an alert message to see more information about the alert in the vCenter Operations Manager custom view panel. From the custom view panel, an operator can click an arrow to open the Alert Detail page in vCenter Operations Manager.
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Resource Topology
Metric Adapter
Event Adapter
Operations Manager
EMC smarts
Global Console
Container Definition
Smart Alerts
via SNMP Traps
EMC smarts
Alert Summary and
vCOps Dashboard for
EMC smarts
EMC smarts
EMC Smarts Integration Guide
For more information about these features and how to use them, see “Viewing Alerts in EMC Smarts,” on page 31.
NOTE The Global Console is called the EMC Smarts Global Console in EMC Smarts 7.x and the EMC Ionix Global Console in EMC Smarts 8.1 and 9.0.

Installation and Configuration Requirements

Before you configure EMC Smarts integration, verify that your system meets EMC Smarts compatibility and credential requirements.
EMC Smarts Compatibility Requirements
vCenter Operations Manager supports EMC Smarts 7.x, 8.1, and 9.0.
NOTE For EMC Smarts 9.0, the EMC Smarts adapter can retrieve metrics and events and send alerts, but it is not validated for the vCenter Operations Manager integration tools or the Global Console custom view.
Credential Requirements
You must have a valid EMC Smarts user name and password to create an EMC Smarts adapter instance.

Overview of Data Flow

When you integrate vCenter Operations Manager and EMC Smarts, data moves back and forth among certain components of each product.
Figure 1-1. EMC Integration Data Flow

Installing the EMC Smarts Adapter 2

The EMC Smarts adapter is an embedded adapter for vCenter Operations Manager. The adapter collects metrics, change events, and resource topology information from EMC Smarts.
The procedure you follow to install the EMC Smarts adapter depends on whether you have a vCenter Operations Manager Standalone or vApp installation.
This chapter includes the following topics:
“Install the Adapter in a Standalone Installation,” on page 11
“Install the Adapter in a vApp Installation,” on page 12

Install the Adapter in a Standalone Installation

If you have a standalone installation, you install the EMC Smarts adapter by extracting the adapter installation files from a TGZ file and running an installation utility.
Download the adapter installation TGZ file anonymously from ftp://ftp.integrien.com/.
Make a note of the build number in the TGZ file name. The build number appears after the adapter name, for example,
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Read the release notes that are included with the TGZ file.
1 Open the TGZ file and extract the TAR file to a temporary folder on your vCenter Operations Manager
2 In the temporary folder, open the TAR file and extract and run the installer for your operating system
3 Log in to the Custom user interface as an administrator.
4 Select Admin > Support.
5 On the Info tab, find the Adapters Info pane and click the Describe icon (
The Describe icon is located at the top right of the Adapters Info pane.
EMC Smarts Integration Guide
6 Click Yes to start the describe process and click OK.
The Custom user interface finds the adapter files, gathers information about the abilities of the adapter, and updates the user interface with information about the adapter. If you have remote collectors, it installs the adapter on the remote collectors.
The describe process might take several minutes. When the describe process is finished, the adapter appears in the Adapters Info pane. The build number is in the Adapter Version column.
7 Verify that the build number in the Adapter Version column for the adapter matches the build number in
the TGZ file that you downloaded.

Install the Adapter in a vApp Installation

If you have a vApp installation, you install the EMC Smarts adapter from a PAK file.
Download the adapter installation PAK file from ftp://ftp.integrien.com.
Download the Launch-vcops-UI-Object.cmd, launch-vcops-action-windows.xml, and vcops_emc.jar files from the EMC-Smarts/GlobalConsoleCustomView folder on ftp://ftp.integrien.com.
Read the release notes that are included with the PAK file.
1 Save the PAK file in a temporary folder.
2 Save the Launch-vcops-UI-Object.cmd, launch-vcops-action-windows.xml, and vcops_emc.jar in any
You use these files on the EMC Smarts server when you configure the Global Console custom view.
3 Log in to the Admin user interface as the admin user.
For example: https://
4 On the Update tab, click Browse to locate the temporary folder and select the PAK file.
5 Click Update and click OK to confirm the update.
The Admin user interface uploads the PAK file. The upload might take several minutes.
6 Read and accept the EULA and click OK.
7 Click OK to confirm and start the update process.
The update might take several minutes. Status information appears on the Update tab when the update is finished.
8 Log in to the Custom user interface as an administrator.
For example: https://
9 Select Admin > Support.
10 On the Info tab, find the Adapters Info pane and click the Describe icon ( ).
The Describe icon is located at the top right of the Adapters Info pane.
11 Click Yes to start the describe process and click OK.
The Custom user interface finds the adapter files, gathers information about the abilities of the adapter, and updates the user interface with information about the adapter.
The describe process might take several minutes. When the describe process is finished, the adapter appears in the Adapters Info pane. The build number is in the Adapter Version column.
Chapter 2 Installing the EMC Smarts Adapter
12 Verify that the build number in the Adapter Version column for the adapter matches the build number in
the PAK file that you uploaded.
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