Oscilloscope Probe Kit
The PROBE60S is a passive high impedance oscilloscope probe designed and calibrated f or use
on instruments having an input impedance of 1 Mohm shunted by 25pF. However, it may be
compensated for use with instruments having an input capacitance of 10 - 35 pF. The probe
incorporates a two position slide switch in the head which selects attenuation of X1, X10 position.
Before dismantling any part of the probe, make sure it is disconnected from any voltage source.
The probe head can be detached from the cable assembly by unplugging the push fit BNC
connector on the probe head. This permits replacement of the cable or head assembly should
either part become damaged. T he measuring t ip is also replaceable. To replace a brok en tip, hold
the black insulating part of the tip with pliers and pull it away from the probe head. Replace with a
new tip taking care to align with the inner contact .
Compensation Adjustment
In order to obtain the corr ect division ratio with each
oscilloscope, the attenuation network needs to be
adjusted. To compensate the probe to your
oscilloscope, apply a 1kHz square wave to the
probe tip, or connect to the cal socket on the
oscilloscope to display a few cycles of the
And adjust the trimmer locat ed in t he BNC connector for a flat- topped square wave.
Position x1
Attenuation Ratio 1:1
Bandwidth DC tot 15 MHz
Rise Time 27 ns
Input Resistance 1Mohm (oscilloscope input)
Input Capacitance 46 pF plus oscilloscope capacitance
Working Voltage 600 V DC incl. Peak AC derating with f requency
Position x10
Attenuation Ratio 1:10
Bandwidth DC tot 60 MHz
Rise Time 5.5 ns
Input Resistance 10 Mohm when used with oscilloscopes with 1Mohm input
Input Capacitance Approx. 18pF
Compensation Range 10 to 35 pF
Working voltage 600 V DC incl. peak-AC derating with frequency (see Fig. 1)
Cable length ±140 cm