Power-Link for PROFIBUS DP/PA segment coupler SK2
[EEx ia] IIC
Hazardous area
Power-Link for an intrinsically safe
• PROFIBUS PA according to
EN 50170/2 and IEC 61158-2;
31,25 kbit/s
• Up to 10 Ex devices can be
connected to the PA segment
• Supply via Power Rail
• 24 V DC rated operational voltage
• Removable terminals and Power
• EMC acc. to NAMUR NE 21
• Field circuit in the hazardous area
EEx ia IIC and Class I, Division 1,
Groups A, B, C and D
Together with the KLD2-GT-DP(R).xPA
Gateway, the Power-Link forms an SK2
Segment Coupler and can only be operated in association with it. The KLD2-PLEx1.PA can be installed in Zone 2. The
Power-Link thus provides the intrinsically
safe interface. The PROFIBUS PA stations are supplied from the Power-Link via
the bus.
Data exchange between the Power-Link
and channel 1 of the KLD2-GTDP(R).xPA gateway takes place via the
power rail. If the Power-Link is operated
with channel 2, 3 or 4 of the gateway, a
wire connection for the data exchange
must be provided between the Power-Link
and the gateway, via the removable terminals.
The communication of the SK2 segment
coupler behaves transparently. The Power-Link does not have to be configured.
The baud rate of the intrinsically safe
PROFIBUS PA segment is 31.25 kbit/s,
in accordance with IEC61158-2.
18 3
Connection to gateway
CH 1 ... 4
Safe area
59 6058
Power railPower
Please note!
Information on the commissioning of the
Profibus PA can be obtained from the
guidance documentation of the PROFIBUS User Organisation.
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Pepperl+Fuchs Group • Tel.: Germany +49 621 776-0 • USA +1 330 4253555 • Singapore +65 67799091 • Internet http://www.pepperl-fuchs.com
096790_ENG.xml 2003-02-27

Technical Data
Connection Power Rail or terminals 59+, 60-, 58 FE
Rated voltage 20 ... 35 V DC
Ripple ≤ 10 %
Rated current 430 mA ... 190 mA
Fieldbus connection
Profibus PA
Connection terminals 3, 18+; 2, 17-; 1, 16 screen
Rated voltage 12,8 ... 13,4 V
Rated current ≤ 100 mA
Terminating impedance 100 Ω , integrated
Connection to gateway
Connection Power Rail or terminals 40+, 41-, 42S to CH1 ... CH4 of the KLD2-GT-DP(R)-xPA
Baudrate 31,25 kBit/s
Electrical isolation
Connection to gateway/PROFIBUS PA safe electrical isolation acc. to EN 50020, voltage peak value 375 V
Connection to gateway/supply function insulation acc. to DIN EN 50178, rated insulation voltage 50 V
PROFIBUS PA/Supply safe electrical isolation acc. to EN 50020, voltage peak value 375 V
Standard conformity
Electrical isolation EN 50178, EN 50020
Electromagnetic compatibility NAMUR NE 21
Protection degree IEC/EN 60529
Fieldbus standard IEC 61158-2, ISA S 50.02 Part 2
Climatic conditions DIN IEC 721
Directive conformity
Electromagnetic compatibility standards
Directive 89/336/EG EN 61326, EN 50081-2
Ambient conditions
Classification 3K3
Ambient temperature -20 ... 60 °C (253 ... 333 K)
Relative humidity < 75 %
Degree of soiling max. 2, according to IEC 664
Mechanical specifications
Connection type terminals
Core cross-section
up to 2.5 mm
Housing 100 mm x 115 mm x 107 mm
Protection degree IP20
Mass 650 g
Mounting DIN rail mounting
Data for application in conjunction with
hazardous areas
EC-Type Examination Certificate PTB 99 ATEX 2142
Group, category, type of protection,
¬ II (1) G D [EEx ia] IIC
Temperature classification
Statement of conformity TÜV 00 ATEX 1531X
Group, category, type of protection,
¬ II 3 G EEx nA IIC T4
Temperature classification
Safety maximum voltage U
253 V AC / 125 V DC (Attention! Um is no rated voltage.)
Profibus PA
Voltage Uo 15 V
Current I
207,2 mA
Power Po 1,93 W
Safety maximum voltageU
60 V
Connection to gateway Connection to the data interface CH1 ... CH4 of KLD2-GT-DP(R)-xPA (Konf. TÜV 02 ATEX
Safety maximum voltageU
60 V (Attention! The rated voltage can be lower)
Directive conformity standards
Directive 94/9 EU EN 50014, EN 50020, EN 50021
096790_ENG.xml 2003-02-27
Subject to reasonable modifications due to technical advances. Copyright Pepperl+Fuchs, Printed in Germany
Pepperl+Fuchs Group • Tel.: Germany +49 621 776-0 • USA +1 330 4253555 • Singapore +65 67799091 • Internet http://www.pepperl-fuchs.com