mentary instructions
Cable-ø 4 mm / R
od-ø 10 mm
Document ID:
uided Microwave

1 P roduc
t description
1 Produc
If VEGAFLEX sensors are used in standpipes or bypass tubes, contact
to the tube wall must be avoided.
The spacer fixes the probe in the middle of the tube.
The spacer is suitable for isolated rods and cables of VEGAFLEX 63
sensors with a cable diameter of 4 mm (0.16 in) or a rod diameter of
10 mm (0.39 in) and can be used in tubes of DN 50 or 2" up to DN 100
or 4".
Cable-ø 4 mm (0.16 in) - VEGAFLEX 63
Rod-ø 10 mm (0.39 in) - VEGAFLEX 63
Markings on the 4-leg spacer ensure a simple tailoring. Hence the
spacer can be adapted to the tube diameter.
t description
2 Spacer • Cable-ø 4 mm / Rod-ø 10 mm

2 M
2 Moun
Fig. 1: Mounting
1 Spacer
1 Measure the diameter of the standpipe or bypass tube and adapt
2 With rod version, mount the spacer at the lower edge of the probe
3 Place the spacer (1) from the side to the rod or cable of the probe.
of the spacer
the spacers accordingly. The markings on the 4-leg spacer ensure
a simple tailoring to the tube diameter DN 50 (2") and DN 80 (3").
For cutting, use a metal saw or strong pliers.
rod. If several spacers are necessary, these should be mounted at
a distance of approx. 2.50 m (8 ft).
With cable version, the spacers must be mounted at a distance of
approx. 1.50 m (5 ft).
e spacer must not be shifted in axial direction. The isolation of the
cable or rod could be damaged. You can remove the spacer laterally
and attach it again in another position.
Spacer • Cable-ø 4 mm / Rod-ø 10 mm 3