The C-6124 uses microphone processor firmware that is fully year 2000 compliant
iii Vega’s C6124
Contents in Detail
1. Introduction 1
2. Hardware Overview 2
2.1 User Interface Module (UIM) 2
2.2 Switch/Bus Module (SBM) 2
2.3 End Bus Module (EBM) 3
2.4 Tone Line Module (TLM) 3
2.5 Dial -Up Line & Phone Line Modules (PLM/DLM) 3
3. Controls and Indicators 4
3.1 Front Panel 4
3.2 Common Controls and Indicators 5
3.3 Touchscreen Examples 6
3.4 Tone Line Module (TLM) 9
3.5 Phone Line Module (PLM) 11
3.6 Dial -up line Module (DLM) 12
4. Functional Description 14
4.1 Touchscreen 14
4.2 Tone Lines (TLM) 19
4.3 Dial -up and Phone Lines (DLM/PLM) 20
4.4 Crosspatch Operation 21
5. Programming the C-6124 system 22
5.1 Programming at the System Level - Parameter Explanation 23
5.1.1 Memory Dial Name Editing 25
5.1.2 Memory Dial Number Editing 26
5.1.3 Simulcast Group Name Editing 27
5.1.4 Crosspatch Group Name Editing 28
5.1.5 Simulcast Group Assignments 29
5.1.6 Crosspatch Group Assignment 30
5.1.7 Parallel Crosspatch Notification and Mute Duration 31
5.1.8 Function Tone Parameters 32
5.1.9 RX Block 33
5.1.10 TX Block 34
5.2 Programming the Tone Line Module – Parameter Explanation 35
5.2.1 Accessing the Programming Screens 37
5.2.2 Card ID Number 38
5.2.3 Edit Line Names 38
5.2.4 Select Call Programming 39
5.2.5 LAM Flash Period Programming 40
5.2.6 Function Tone Block Programming 41
5.2.7 Crossmute Programming 42
5.3 Programming the Phone Line Module – Parameter Explanation 43
5.3.1 Accessing the Programming Screens 44
5.3.2 Card ID Number 45
6. TLM (Tone Line Module) Description 46
6.1 Introduction/Default Settings 46
6.2 Input/Output Pins 46
6.2.1 Line Jack 46
6.2.2 Recorder output 46
6.2.3 Multiple Consoles / Parallel OPERATION 46
6.3 Feature Description 47
6.3.1 Crossmute 47 Logic Crossmute 47 Tone Based Crossmute 47
6.3.2 E&M/ Local Control (PTT dry relay closure) 47
6.3.3 Four Wire Mode 48 RX Side Settings 48
Remote Control Console iv TX Side Settings 48 Transmit Monitor 48
6.3.4 Two Wire Mode 49
6.3.5 Recorder Output 49
6.3.6 Squelch Control 49
6.4 Level Adjustments 50
6.4.1 Transmit Side Adjustments 50 Microphone Audio 50 Crosspatch Transmit Audio 51 Transmit Output Drive 51 Tone Level 51 TX Notch Filter 51 DTMF Output Level 51
6.4.2 Receive Side Adjustments 51 Receive Input 51 Automatic Level Control 52 Line Activity Monitor 52 TX Monitor 52 Internal Bus Level 52 Recorder Output 52 RX Notch Filter 52
6.5 Jumper Setting Diagram and Table 53-54
7. PLM (Phone Line Module) Description 55
7.1 Introduction/Default Settings 55
7.2 Input/Output Pins 55
7.2.1 Line Jack 55
7.2.2 Recorder Output 55
7.3 Standard Operation 55
7.3.1 Phone Module (PLM) 55
7.3.2 Dial -up Module (DLM) 55
7.3.3 Recorder Output 55
7.3.4 Squelch Control 55
7.3.5 Parallel Line Off-Hook 56
7.4 Level Adjustments 56
7.4.1 Transmit Side Adjustments 56 Microphone Audio 57 Crosspatch Transmit Audio 57 Transmit Output Driver 57 TX Notch Filter 57
7.4.2 Receive Side Adjustments 57 Receive Input 58 Line Activity Monitor 58 Bus Output Level 58 Recorder Output 58 RX Notch Filter 58
7.5 Jumper Settings 59
7.6 FCC Notice 60
7.7 Industry Canada Notice 61
8. UIM (User Interface Module) Description 62
8.1 Introduction 62
8.1.1 UIM Digital 62
8.1.2 UIM Analog 62
8.2 Input, Outputs, and their Adjustments 62
Note: Unless otherwise specified, all connectors are on the UIM Analog board and accessible from the
outside of the back panel and all adjustments are on the UIM Analog board.
9.4 Tone Line Module (TLM) Transmit path adjustment 68
9.4.1 External settings 68
9.4.2 Internal settings 68 Tone generator output 68 Microphone relative output level 68 Crosspatch output level 68 Notch filter adjustment 68 Output driver 69 Transmit monitor 69
9.5 TLM Receive Path 69
9.5.1 4-wire or 2-wire? 69
9.5.2 External Adjustments 69 Input amplifier adjustment 69 Line activity monitor (LAM) / squelch control 69 Recorder output 69 RX automatic level control 70
9.5.3 Internal adjustments 70 RX automatic level control 70 2175 Hz notch filter 70 Bus driver 70
9.6 Switch Bus Module (SBM) 70
9.7 UIM Analog 70
9.8 Phone Line Module (PLM) 70
9.8.1 DLM Transmit path 71
9.8.2 DLM Receiver path 71
10. Warranty, Service, Repair, and Comments 72
11. Specifications 73
1 Vega’s C-
viewing angle
1. Introduction
The model C-6124 is a unique multi -channel, multi-format, and self-contained desktop radio control console.
Choosing one of the following may configure a channel:
TLM - a dedicated two or four wire sequential -tone or E&M relay closure radio control line module.
PLM - a full duplex conventional PSTN telephone or a jumper selectable dial -up access radio control line module.
NOTES: 1- Upon Power-up, no lines are Selected or Unselected. 2 - A module will not function if it has not been
preprogrammed. (Refer to the programming instructions on page 22).
A desk microphone (or gooseneck microphone) may be installed for operation along with a handset (or headset) as
indicated on the back of the UIM module. When a PTT occurs from either of the two microphones, the other will mute
so as not to pick -up unnecessary ambient noise during transmission.
When the handset is taken off hook and a line is Selected, the receive audio from that line is transferred to the
Any combination of line cards may be obtained by simply installing the appropriate card into the desired slot. One to
twenty-four cards may be installed, six for every additional switch panel. All pushbuttons and indicators on the
touchscreen display are under software control and may be customized to look exactly as the user specifies
(customized at factory for additional charge). This flexible approach provides the user full remote contr ol of the
required functions of a two-way radio system while allowing for future expansion or system changes.
Back lit
End Bus Module
Swivel base allows
operator to adjust
The C-6124 sports a backlit LCD touchscreen and a unique enclosure that allows the operator to tilt the console to
the operator's desired viewing angle. This feature allows a more flexible dispatch environment in which the console
may be installed. The dispatcher can easily operate the console while sitting or standing as well as watching the
status of the console from across the room.
Remote Control Console 2
2. Hardware Overview
The C-6124 is a multi -line, multi-mode console designed specifically for growth in system requirements. The console
is based on a modular design utilizing multi -processor architecture for maximum flexibility. The system allows for
customization through software and expandability through common hardware.
The console consists of three assemblies.
The User Interface Module (UIM) is the central processor handling the user interface, common controls, touch screen
display, Selected speaker and VU meter, as well as keeping track of the activities of the Selected line.
The Switch Bus Module (SBM) accepts up to six plug-in individual line cards via common audio and data busses. Up
to three SBM’s can be added to the C-6124.
The End Bus Module (EBM) houses the Unselect audio amp and the last six line card slots.
User Interface
Module (UIM)
Module (SBM)
End Bus Module
2.1 User Interface Module (UIM)
The UIM consists of the following eight sub-assemblies: power supply, VU meter PCB, crosspatch switch PCB, voice
delay PCB, UIM digital and analog PCB’s, LCD display and touch screen. The central processor is mounted on the
UIM digital PCB. It monitors and controls the activities of the console with respect to the console operator. The
touch screen display is constantly being monitored for activity from the operator while providing instructional
information and feedback. The UIM digital PCB monitors the data bus for line Select while providing PTT, telephone
dialing, and handset hook data to the line cards. All programming functions are accessed through the data bus from
information entered on the touch screen display when in programming mode. All audio is processed on the UIM
analog PCB, this includes TX (microphone), Select and Unselect Speaker and Crosspatch busses. TX audio is
processed and routed to the audio bus while the receive audio is routed to the appropriate speaker power amplifier or
the handset/headset earpiece. The earpiece level is internally adjusted to a comfortable listening level and is not
affected by the speaker volume control. The microphone sensitivity as well as the display contrast may also be
adjusted internally.
2.2 Switch Bus Module (SBM)
The SBM is mounted between the UIM and EBM and is interfaced to the UIM analog PCB through a ribbon cable
connecting the microphone audio, Select audio, Unselect audio, cr osspatch and the data busses together. This entire
bus interface is then branched out to the connectors to which the individual line cards are installed. When a line card
is installed onto the SBM, the four switches, associated indicators and the Unselect volume control for that line
position electrically become part of the line card and are under full control of the card's software. The Unselect
3 Vega’s C6124
volume controls can be independently adjusted for a minimum level if desired. Up to six line cards can be instal led on
each SBM.
2.3 End Bus Module (EBM)
The EBM is the last module of the console and houses both the Unselect speaker amplifier and the last six line card
2.4 Tone Line Module (TLM)
The TLM is a radio control card using either the standard tone control format compatible with Motorola and
Ericsson/GE or E&M relay closure. The line card may be hardware configured for either two-wire or four -wire
operation and may be factory modified to accommodate non-industry standard tone control formats if desired. The
TLM contains a tunable notch filter at the switched transmit audio input, so as not to talk-off the PTT tone when the
microphone is active. This audio is followed by a summing amplifier, where the PTT tone sequence and the DTMF
encoder are added. This combined audio is fed into the line driver amplifier, which drives a balanced interface to the
tone line at the appropriate levels. The receive audio is taken off the balanced tone line, amplified and processed,
then fed into the notch filter, and the DTMF decoder. The line activity detection circuit is branched off at the first
amplifier providing both status signals to the processor as well as a control signal for the line inactivity squelch. The
filtered audio is then switched into either the Selected or monitored audio busses. (Refer to 3.4 page 9 for
2.5 Phone Line/Dial-up Modules (PLM/DLM)
The PLM is physically identical to the DLM. The only difference is a jumper position.
The telephone card has identical audio filtering and switching circuits as the TLM except for the interface to the
telephone line. A self-contained hybrid module houses the necessary circuitry to provide TX/RX audio isolation, off
hook enable and ring detect.
The DLM is the dial -up remote card intended to control a remote radio using Vega's Dial-up tone control format
(compatible with Vega Models C-550/RP-250 or RP-251).
The telephone interface is fully FCC and DOC approved. (Refer to 3.5 and 3.6 page 11 & 12 for functionality)
Remote Control Console 4
Volume Control
Swi tches & Indicators
goes here
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
3. Controls and Indicators
3.1 Fron t Panel
For a description of these controls and indicators please see the following pages.
A self-adhesive label is supplied with each SBM. You can place it above the Select switch pushbuttons. Trim to fit
and print the appropriate information on the strip of paper that slides into the clear plastic holder.
Individual Line card
Label holder
A desk microphone (or gooseneck microphone) may be installed for operation along with a handset (or headset) as
indicated on the back of the UIM module. When a PTT occur s from either of the two microphones, the other will mute
so as not to pick -up unnecessary ambient noise during transmission. Note that, in dual microphone configurations,
the desk microphone is the default microphone. The dedicated PTT button on the handset or headset must be
pressed to use the handset/headset. This is true in all cases except during telephone operation in which the
handset/headset becomes dedicated to the telephone call. In the case of a telephone call, pressing the PTT
bar/button on the handset/headset will place the phone call on hold and transmit microphone audio over the radio.
NOTE: A PLM/DLM (telephone line module/Dial up line module) requires using a telephone headset or a handset for
operation. You cannot operate them if you ar e only using a desk microphone or gooseneck microphone; audio feed
back would occur making conversation unintelligible. They will go off hook, but the RX audio will go nowhere.
Volume Controls
5 Vega’s C6124
3.2 Common Controls and Indicators
Select Volume Control: Adjusts the speaker level of the Selected audio. A minimum volume level can be preset on
the speaker card so that the console operator can not turn the volume to zero.
Unselect Volume Control: Adjusts the speaker level of the Unselected audio. A minimum volume level can be preset
on the speaker card so that the console operator can not turn the volume to zero.
Handset, Hookswitch, and PTT: When you pick the handset off the cradle, receive audio from any line is the Select
mode line is transferred to the earpiece and the microphone mouthpiece becomes active. Unselect audio remains on
the Unselect speaker. The exception to this is when a phone call is active. Phone audio will go to the handset
earpiece and Select audio will revert back to the Select speaker until the phone call is done. During the phone call the
operator monitors the Select lines on the Select speaker. If attention must be given to the radio side the operator
need only press the PTT button and microphone audio will be routed to the Select line radios. Releasing the PTT will
transfer microphone audio back to the phone conversation. The phone call is effectively put on hold during radio
transmission and will not be able to monitor the operators radio traffic.
Touchscreen Display: This interface assists the console operator by providing current status of the console and
instructional information. See the following pages for touchscreen examples.
In the operational mode, the liquid crystal display shows the full name of the currently Selected line and associated
function tone. If a line is not Selected, the display will show "no Selection.” If the PTT is pressed without a line
Selected, the console will beep and "no selection" will flash.
The main screen displays soft-key access to such features as Group Select, Simulcast, Timed Mute, Crosspatch,
Frequency selection, CTCSS Monitor, and Intercom. The console operator can also Select any of the 16
preprogrammed telephone numbers as well as manually dialing numbers to access dial -up base stations connected to
the system.
Configuration of the programmable Console features is also done through the touchscreen display. The touchsensitive screen will always beep when touched, providing feedback to the user.
VU Meter: Displays Selected receive and Microphone audio bus levels.
PTT Pushbutton: When pressed all Selected lines will transmit.
Crosspatch Controls:
Select Pushbutton: When Selected and held down you can add any combination of lines to a crosspatch
group by pressing their Select pushbutton. Block Pushbutton: When pressed will mute the line that is controlling the crosspatch until another line
takes control of the crosspatch group. This is to provide control over excessively long one-sided conversations. To
deselect a line from a crosspatched group, all you need to do is press the release pushbutton on the corresponding
PTT Pushbutton: When pressed this pushbutton transmits console operator microphone audio to all cards
in the crosspatch group.
Remote Control Console 6
3.3 Touchscreen Examples
After turning on the console you are greeted by the initial display. Selecting a line will change the "NO SELECTION"
at the bottom of the screen to a description of the line you Selected, for example "MT WILSON F2."
Figure 3.3a
If function tones F5 through F12 are disabled (via system programming) the ">>>" will not appear. The console will
be limited to four function tones. If F5 through F12 are enabled then the “>>>” will allow the operator to switch to
the F1 through F12 select screen shown in Figure 3.3b.
Figure 3.3b
7 Vega’s C6124
If you wish to dial out, select "DIAL" from the opening screen and the following screen allows you to manually enter
a number to be dialed. The screen will then prompt you to Select a line over which the DTMF will be transmitted.
Press the Select button of the desired line.
A dialed number will appear here
Figure 3.3c
Should you want to retrieve a number from a preprogrammed memory position, Touch "MEMORY DIAL" for the
following speed dial screen and make your selection from 01 through 16.
Figure 3.3d
Touch "MORE" for speed dial numbers 9 through 16.
Remote Control Console 8
Figure 3.3e
Touch “PREVIOUS” and it will take you back to the first screen (Figure 3.3c)
9 Vega’s C-
will light when a parallel
console on the same line is in a PTT
3.4 Tone Line Module (TLM)
Line Select Pushbutton: When one of the line Select pushbuttons is momentarily pressed, that line is Selected and
the previously Selected line is released unless either the Xpatch Select pushbutton or Group Select touchscreen
pushbutton is held down. If the Xpatch pushbutton is held down, any line Selected will be placed into the crosspatch
When the handset is taken off hook and a line is Selected, the receive audio from that line is transferred to the
earpiece. Upon power -up, none of the lines are Selected or Unselected.
Red LED will light when put in
Unselect monitor mode.
Green LED-is the line activity
indicator and will blink when
you have activity on the RX
circuitry. The green LED will
stay lit if the line is being RX
Instant PTT
Red LED-will blink when a call is
received and will remain steady if
Green LED-will light when the line
card is placed in an X-patch mode.
It will blink when it is the
controlling card in the X-patch.
Red LED-is lighted when the line is
crossmuted or TX Blocked.
Green LED-
Red LED-will light when the
individual PTT pushbutton is
pressed or is in the transmit mode.
Green LED-will light when you are
in an intercom mode.
Unselect Volume Control
Line Select Indicators: A red light on the line Select pushbutton will illuminate indicating that the line has been
Selected. A green light will indicate that the line is added to the Xpatch group.
Call Indicator: The red light on each line “select” pushbutton will flash and a audio beep will sound though the
Select speaker indicating a valid DTMF decode has occurred on the line. When the call light illuminates, the line will
auto-monitor for 15 seconds only if the line is not already being monitored or Selected. Selecting the line or taking the
handset off hook will reset the call light and auto-monitor.
Unselect Pushbutton: The Unselect pushbuttons, directly below the Select pushbuttons, operate on a pushon/push-off basis and any combination of lines may be monitored through the Unselected speaker. A red light on
each Unselect pushbutton will illuminate indicating which lines are being monitored.
Line Activity Indicator: A green line activity indicator light on the Unselect pushbutton will flash when line activity
is detected. The light will stay lit if the lines receive audio is being muted as a result of an RX Block.
Release Pushbutton: Releases all functions.
Remote Control Console 10
Release Pushbutton Indicators: The red light indicates that the line is crossmuted or is being TX Blocked. A
constant green light indicates that a parallel console is transmitting.
Instant PTT Pushbutton: Located directly below the release pushbutton, when pressed and held, will cause the line
card to generate the required transmit tone sequence. This feature can be engaged at any tim e regardless if the line
has been Selected or not. The red light on the instant PTT pushbutton will illuminate when the channel is keyed by
any PTT command.
Transmit Indicator: A green indicator on the Instant PTT switch will illuminate on the Selected line when in intercom
Unselect Volume Control: Adjusts the speaker level of the individual monitored audio. A minimum volume level can
be preset internally so that the console operator cannot turn the volume to zero.
11 Vega’s C-
monitor and will blink when you
telephone line is off hook.
3.5 Phone Line Module (PLM)
Line Select Pushbutton: A PLM will go off-hook when the select button is pressed. When a PLM line Select
pushbutton is momentarily pressed, that line is Selected and the previously Selected line is put on hold.
Red LED-will light when put in
Unselect monitor mode.
Green LED-is the line activity
have activity on the RX
Red LED-will blink when a call is
received or put on hold and will
remain steady if selected.
Green LED-will light when the line
card is placed in an X-patch mode.
It will blink when it is the
controlling card in the X-patch.
Red LED-will only light when press
to release the line.
Green LED-is not used at this time
Instant PTT
Unselect Volume Control
Line Select/call Indicator: A red light on the line Select pushbutton will blink when a call is received, plus an audible
electronic ring is heard in the Unselect speaker. When Selected it will remain on. A green light will indicate that the
line is included in the Xpatch group.
Line-on-hold Indicator: The red light on the Select pushbutton will flash when the line is put on hold. A line is put
on hold by selecting another phone line or by pressing the Select button. When a line on hold is Selected, the hold
indicator will stop flashing and remain on.
Unselect Pushbutton: The Unselect pushbutton directly below the Select pushbutton, operates on a push-on/-off
basis and any combination of lines may be monitored through the front speaker. A red light on each Unselect
pushbutton will illuminate indicating which lines are being monitored.
Line Activity Indicator: A green line activity light on the Unselect pushbutton will flash if the line is being
monitored or has been Selected and line activity is detected.
Red LED-is not used and should
not illuminate when depressed.
Green LED-will light when the
Release Pushbutton: Directly below the Unselect pushbutton is the release pushbutton. When pressed for two
seconds an on-hook condition is generated and the call is terminated, and the line will reset. The red light on the
pushbutton will illuminate while the pushbutton is pressed.
Instant PTT Pushbutton: The red light will not illuminate if the PTT pushbutton is pressed, the green light will
provide a visual indication that the line is off hook.
Unselect Volume Control: Adjusts the speaker level of the individual monitored audio.
Remote Control Console 12
13 Vega’s C-
monitor and will blink when you
button is pressed to release the line
3.6 Dial-up Line Module (DLM)
Line Select Pushbutton: Line Select can only occur if a telephone number is Selected from either the preset number
menu, entered manually or if the line is on hold. When a DLM line Select pushbutton is momentarily pressed, that line
is Selected and the previously Selected line is put on hold. When the handset is taken off hook, the receive audio
from that line will no longer be present at the speaker but transferred to the earpiece.
Red LED-will blink when a call is
received or put on hold and will
remain steady if selected.
Red LED-will light when put in
Unselect monitor mode.
Green LED-is the line activity
have activity on the RX
circuitry. It will stay lit if the
DLM is being RX Blocked.
Unselect Volume Control
Instant PTT
Green LED-will light when the line
card is placed in an X-patch mode.
It will blink when it is the
controlling card in the X-patch.
Red L ED-will light when the release
or the line is crossmuted/ TX
Green LED-will light when a
paralleled console is in a PTT
Red LED-will light when the
individual PTT pushbutton is
Green LED-will light when a parallel
console is off hook.
Line Select Indicator: A red light on the line Select pushbutton will blink when a call is received, plus an audible
alert is heard in the Unselect speaker. When Selected it will remain on. A green light will indicate that the line is
Selected into the Xpatch group.
Line-on-hold Indicator: The red light on the Select pushbutton will flash when the line is put on hold. A line is
automatically put on hold by Selecting another line. When a line on hold is Selected, the hold indicator will stop
flashing and remain on.
Call Indicator: When a dial access line rings, the red light on the line Select pushbutton will flash indicating an
incoming call from a mobile and you will hear an audible electronic ring in the Unselect speaker. To answer an
incoming call, select the ringing line by pressing the pushbutton. This light will also indicate the line is in use and is
unavailable for dialing to a base station.
Unselect Pushbutton: The Unselect pushbutton, directly below the Select pushbutton, operates on a push-on/-off
basis and any combination of lines may be monitored through the front speaker. A red light on each Unselect
pushbutton will illuminate indicating which lines are being monitored or the line is crossmuted/TX Blocked.
Line Activity Indicator: A green line activity light on the Unselect pushbutton will flash if the line is off hook and
line activity is detected. The light will stay lit if the line is being RX Blocked.
Remote Control Console 14
Release Pushbutton: Directly below the Unselect pushbutton is the release pushbutton. Pressing this pushbutton
for two seconds will send a double monitor burst to the radio control panel (RP250 or RP251) terminate the call by
disconnecting the line from the central office. The red light on the pushbutton will illuminate while the pushbutton is
pressed. The red light will light when the line is being TX Blocked.
Instant PTT Pushbutton: Located directly below the release pushbutton, when pressed and held, will cause the line
card to generate the required PTT tone sequence. The red light on the instant PTT pushbutton will illuminate while
the pushbutton is pressed.
Unselect Volume Control: Adjusts the speaker level of the individual Unselect audio.
15 Vega’s C6124
4. Functional Description
4.1 Touchscreen
The following pages describe the various touchscreen menus and their functions available on the C-6124. Upon
turning the power on the console will boot-up in the main menu and you are greeted by the initial display. (Figure
Figure 4.1 Main Menu
GRPSEL/XPATCH:This button may be changed in the programming mode to be either a toggle on/off group select button or a
preprogrammed crosspatch group select button. The change is done in the CROSSPATCH GROUP SELECT screen
found in section 5.1.6 of the programming section of the manual.
The GRPSEL button is a toggle ON/OFF button which disables the 1ofN functionality of the console. When
the GRPSEL button is illuminated the operator is able to set up a Simul -group of as many cards as is desired. To
activate the Group Select mode the operator presses the GRPSEL button. The button will illuminate. As long as the
button is illuminated the operator may add or delete lines to the group. Dial -up lines must have an active call to be
included in a group. When the operator is finished setting up the Sim ul-group the operator presses the GRPSEL
button again to revert back to the 1ofN mode.
The lines are allowed in a group are restricted by the TX Block settings set in System programming mode. In
the example where line 1 blocks lines 2 and 3 the operator m ay include 2 and 3 in the group only if line 1 is not part of
the group. If line 1 is included in the group the console will not allow lines 2 and 3 to be added. If line 2 or 3 are
already in the group when line 1 is Selected line 1 will be included in the group, but lines 2 and 3 will drop out.
The XPATCH button will transfer the user to a preprogrammed crosspatch group select screen. From this screen one
of eight preprogrammed groups may be selected.
Remote Control Console 16
Figure 4.2 Xpatch Group Select
RX ALL (Receive All): Push to monitor all linesthat are not in the Select mode. Any line that is in the Select mode
will automatically become part of the Unselect group when it is taken out of Select mode.
TX ALL (Transmit All) : This feature gives the user a convenient means of Selecting all lines for Simul-transmissions
without having to group select one at a time. As in group select, if a dial -up line is to be included in this feature, the
line must already be dialed-up.
To initiate Simulcast, momentarily touch the "TX ALL" on the display. The line description will change to "Group
Select Mode", and all available lines will automatically be Selected.
To disengage Simulcast, simply Select a single line in the usual manner.
The TX ALL function will not include any line which TX Blocks any other line. For example, If line 1 TX Blocks lines
2 and 3 a TX ALL command will include lines 2 and 3, but not line 1 (assuming lines 2 and 3 do not TX Block any
other card.
CTCSS MONITOR: When touched momentarily, this featur e causes the Selected base station with a CTCSS
decoder to momentarily unmute so that the dispatcher may monitor for activity on the air.
This reduces the possibility of accidentally interfering with other users on the channel who may be using a different
CTCSS tone. This capability is required by FCC regulations.
TIMED MUTE : When touched, TIMED MUTE mutes all "Unselected" audio for fifteen seconds. This feature is
useful when the dispatcher wishes to concentrate on the Selected channel without interference from the other lines.
The mute time is programmable up to 59 seconds. The programming is done in the System programming menu
17 Vega’s C6124
SIMUL GROUP: The group select key allows the user to Select multiple lines for simultaneous transmissions. If dial -
up lines are to be included in the group select, they must first be dialed-up and on hold.
To engage group select, press SIMUL GROUP on the display, this takes you to another screen (Figure 4.3). To
initiate one of the preprogrammed groups, simply press the corresponding number on the screen. To manually Select
a group, press and hold the manual select button and then Select each line for the group setup.
The lines allowed in a group are restricted by the TX Block settings set in System programming mode. In
the example where line 1 blocks lines 2 and 3 the operator may include 2 and 3 in the group only if line 1 is not part of
the group. If line 1 is included in the group the console will not allow lines 2 and 3 to be added. If lines 2 or 3 are
already in the group when line 1 is Selected line 1 will be included in the group, but lines 2 and 3 will drop out.
Figure 4.3
To disengage group select, simply Select a line in the usual manner.
If more lines are to be added to a previously Selected group, car ry through as before, touch and hold and Select the
desired lines. The line description will change to "Group Select Mode" when this feature is engaged.
To deselect a line from the group selected simply press the release pushbutton on the desired line.
Remote Control Console 18
DIAL: This function is the doorway into the DTMF dialing screen. When touched, the display changes to the
manual dial keypad screen (Figure 4.4). Here the user can generate DTMF over the air on tone lines or manually dial a
phone number for the DLM or PLM lines.
A dialed number will appear here
Figure 4.4 Manual Dial Keypad Screen
If you are dialing a mobile selective calling address, you first must enter the number and then Select the appropriate
TLM. Even if the TLM is currently in the Select mode you must reselect it to ini tiate the tone sequence.
When manually dialing a phone number, you must first dial the number and then Select the PLM. Upon Selecting the
PLM, the line is seized and the dialed phone number is sent out.
On the Manual Dial Screen, pushing “<<” returns the display back to the main menu, pressing memory dial brings up
the Speed-Dial Screen (Figure 45) for calling any one of sixteen preset numbers on either a DLM or PLM line. In the
Speed-Dial Screen, touching “<<” toggles the user back to the manual dial scr een (Figure 4.4). Touching “MORE”
brings up the next speed dial screen (speed dial presets 09 through 16) as shown in (Figure 4.6).
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