Vaisala WRM200 Technical data

Vaisala Weather Radar WRM200
250 KW magnetron transmitter
with low-maintenance solid­state modulator
Vaisala’s lightweight, semi-yoke
style pedestal
1 degree beamwidth low side
lobe antenna
>35 dB integrated cross-
polarization isolation
Precision horizontal and
vertical beam matching
Modular single cabinet
design containing transmitter, receiver, controller, processor, dehydrator, polarization waveguide assembly
Built around Sigmet RVP900,
RCP8, IRIS software
Dual channel digital IF receiver
Built-in automatic dual channel
Image rejection >80 dB
(>100dB with Vaisala WG fi lters).
Dynamic range >99 dB
(2µs pulse)
Integral fl at screen display for
local maintenance
Remote control/monitoring
HydroClass™ for real-time
target identifi cation (hail, graupel, rain, snow, wet snow, non-met)
Accurate attenuation
Rainfall estimation based on
Option: Low-loss, random-
panel radome
Dual polarization adds new dimension
The WRM200 is Vaisala’s new dual polarization C-band magnetron Doppler Weather Radar. The radar operates in either STAR mode (simultaneous transmit and receive of H and V) or LDR mode (linear depolarization mode, during which H alone is transmitted and both are received). The polarization variables, depending on the mode, are ZDR, RHOHV, PHIDP, KDP and LDR. However, the goal of a polarization radar is not only to produce and display these outputs; rather it is to expand the capabilities of the radar for the operational forecaster.
The WRM200 provides the following bene ts:
• Hydrometeor identifi cation
• Attenuation correction
• Data quality improvement
• Improved rainfall estimates
HydroClass™ - Seeing much more
HydroClass™ software uses polarization measurements in a proven fuzzy logic algorithm to classify targets into categories. i.e. hail, graupel, rain, snow, wet snow or non-meteorological targets (such as sea clutter, birds, insects, wind turbines, interference, or military chaff). While traditional Doppler clutter  ltering can remove stationary targets, HydroClass™ can also remove moving non-meteorological targets like sea clutter. The bene t
is improved data quality and more
accurate warnings for hazardous weather such as hail.
S-band performance at a C-band price
Attenuation by intervening heavy precipitation has been a long-standing problem with C-band weather radars, making S-band radars preferable, especially in tropical environments where heavy rain is common. However, with dual polarization, a radar performs accurate, real-time attenuation corrections. The bene t is that you can obtain the same precipitation measurement accuracy using the WRM200 as with an S-band system that typically costs two or three times more.
Experience, innovation and dependability
Vaisala Sigmet Product line has three decades of experience in providing signal and data processing systems for dual polarization applications, and delivers more dual polarization processing systems than any other manufacturer. Vaisala and Sigmet, as a part of Vaisala, continue developing the dual polarization applications with respected consultants in the research community.
Technical data
System Performance
Modes STAR or LDR Phase stability <0.5 deg rms Maximum RhoHV >0.99
Type Coaxial magnetron Operating frequency range 5.5-5.7 GHz Peak power 250 kW Average power max 300 W Duty cycle 0.12 % Pulse widths 0.5, 0.8, 1.0, 2.0 µs PRF 200 to 2400 Hz Modulator Solid State
Type Center-fed parabolic reflector Diameter 4.5 m Gain (typical) 45 dB Beam width <1 degree Peak side lobe (typical) -28 dB Peak on horizontal axis (typical) -33 dB Integrated cross-pol <-35 dB H/V alignment (squint angle) <0.1 degrees Weight 620 kg
Type Semi yoke elevation over azimuth Elevation range -2 to 108 degrees Maximum scan rate 40 deg/sec Acceleration 20 deg/sec Position accuracy 0.1 deg Weight 910 kg (total with antenna 1530 kg) Motors Brushless AC servo
RF-to-IF receiver
Type Dual stage, dual channel IF downconverter Dynamic range > 99 dB (2 µs pulse) IF frequency 442/60 MHz Image rejection >80 dB (>100dB with Vaisala WG filters) Tuning range 5.5 - 5.7 GHz Noise figure < 2 dB
Digital receiver and signal processor RVP900
Signal processor type VAISALA SIGMET RVP900 IF digitizing 16 bits, 100 MHz in 5 channels Range resolution N*15 m Number of range bins Up to 4050 Velocity dealiasing Dual PRF 2x, 3x, 4x Range dealiasing by random phase Clutter filters fixed, adaptive or GMAP
to >55 dB clutter cancellation
Radar controller
Type VAISALA SIGMET RCP8 with IRIS/Radar Scan modes PPI, RHI, Volume, Sector, Manual Local display Real time, ascope, BITE, products
System specifications
Cabinet (w x h x d) 600 x 1800 x 1150 mm Cooling Air-conditioned Weight: 380 kg Total height 1890 mm
Operating +10 ° to +40 °C, 0 to 95 %R.H., non-condensing Recommended +15 ° to +25 °C Storage -50 ° to +50 °C
Operating -40 ° to +55 °C, 0 to 95 %R.H., non-condensing Storage -50 ° to +60 °C
Voltage 230/400 VAC +10 %, 50 - 60 Hz +5 %
Cabinet 2650 W Antenna/Pedestal: 1050 W (max), 200 W (typical)
Size (w x h x d) 305 x 817 x 702 mm Weight 165 kg Uptime Not less than 30 min
Radome Typical 6.7 m,
foam core sandwich,
random panel Automatic calibration Forward and reverse transmitted power monitoring
For more information, visit or contact us at
Ref. B210698EN-C ©Vaisala 2010
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject to change without notice.