Vaisala WID733 Road Weather Navigator 2.0
Vaisala Road Weather Navigator 2.0 WID733
Archive mode of the Vaisala Road Weather Navigator.
The Vaisala Road Weather Navigator
2.0 WID733 is a hosted web service for viewing past, present and future road weather data. The application displays data collected by the Vaisala Global Data Center and handles data collection from the road weather networks around the world. The application consists of a set of dynamic web pages that can be viewed with a simple Internet connection. The Vaisala Road Weather Navigator also features GIS maps, which means new sites can be added quickly, and data location on the maps more accurately.
Customizable Views
The Vaisala Road Weather Navigator
2.0 has been designed with user convenience in mind. You can easily customize the application to suit your needs. This will allow you to view only the important and relevant information, which will help you
focus quickly and easily on the job at hand.
Browse Observations and Forecasts with Ease
The application has many features that make browsing the data very easy. For instance, with the powerful Time Slider feature you can quickly see on the map page all the observations and any forecasts that are available for 24 hours on either side of the actual time. This gives an unparalleled overview of past, present and future conditions at a glance. It also takes less time to train staff on how to use the program, which results in a quicker return on investment.
All the Relevant Data in the Same Application
One of the key features in the Vaisala Road Weather Navigator 2.0 is the ability to compare and contrast road weather information with other
relevant data. Where available this could include weather radar, satellite and trafc counting data, all in the same application. With all this data in the same place you can easily see how the weather affects trafc ow, and plan your actions accordingly. In addition, some features can be conveniently animated for easy representation of moving weather events and developing situations that need monitoring.
System requirements
Internet connection
Web browser – supported
browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer v. 7 or later and Mozilla Firefox v. 3 or later
Cookies must be enabled
Adobe Flash Player v. 10 or later
To view PDF reports, Adobe
Reader v. 9 or later
To view data exports, Microsoft
Excel v. 2003 or later
Easy-to-use interface with customizable views
No need to install software on clients – works with
latest versions of Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers
Easy to implement and maintain
See real-time data on a map, table or graph
Easy access to service from anywhere with an
Internet connection
GIS maps optimized for displaying road weather
Single station graph below.
Historical data available
Compare and contrast road weather observations
with other road information all in the same application
Configurable e-mail and SMS alerts
Supports animation of radar, satellite and other map
based information where available
Generate reports quickly and in a printer friendly
Station data export for easy data analysis oine
For more information, visit or contact us at
Ref. B211059EN-A ©Vaisala 2010
This material is subject to copyright protection, with all copyrights retained by Vaisala and its individual partners. All rights reserved. Any logos and/or product names are trademarks of Vaisala or its individual partners. The reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of information contained in this brochure in any form without the prior written consent of Vaisala is strictly prohibited. All specifications — technical included — are subject to change without notice.